A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 701 Dragon Orbs

Chapter 701 Dragon Orbs

They both were ready to climax as Archer released his warm seed into Kassandra, filling her womb to the brim. At the same time, her whole body started to tremble with pleasure as her love juices flowed out while she squirted all over him.

Archer smiled and wasn't affected by it because he loved it, but when looking at her, he noticed her beautiful black eyes rolling into the back of her head with a happy smile and bliss-filled expression.

This made him smile as he pulled out, causing his seed to rush out of her like a waterfall as he stood up. He scooped the Kraken Princess and walked toward the bath without wasting time.

Kassandra started making happy noises as her hand reached his cheek, and she mumbled, ''Thank you, Arch. That felt so good.''

She fell silent as he stepped into the hot water and began washing her all over. Kassandra wore a silly smile as she giggled while he scrubbed her body clean, eliciting a smile from him before he leaned in to kiss her forehead.

Twenty minutes later, Archer was done cleaning himself and Kassandra. When stepping out of the hot water, he instantly teleported to his bedroom, only to see the moonlight shining through the window.

Archer gently placed her in bed with a smile before tucking her in and ensuring her comfort. Once doing that, he thought, 'She's adorable when she sleeps. You wouldn't think she was a Kraken.'

While she was sleeping, Archer stepped outside for fresh air and looked over the domain as the breeze hit his face. It was quieter than usual as everyone had left for Draconia before thinking to himself, 'I do love this view. There's was nothing like this back on Earth.'

Archer stood on the balcony, his breath misting the frigid air as he surveyed the landscape stretched out before him. Frostwinter's last snow, a delicate blanket of white that shimmered under the moonlight, cloaked the domain in its ethereal beauty.

The trees stood silent guardians, their branches adorned with frost-kissed leaves that glistened like diamonds. In the distance, several majestic mountains rose majestically from the white landscape.

Their peaks were covered with pristine snow, casting long shadows across the domain. Despite the chill in the air, peace settled over the land, a sense of peace that seemed to embrace everything it touched.

The expanse of forest surrounding the treehouse extended endlessly into the distance. Meanwhile, the once bustling wall dividing the areas where his Monster Army prowled from the inhabited section of the domain now stood eerily silent.

That's when he heard a roar in the distance, which caused him to smile as he knew his monsters were doing well. Archer wanted to check on them, so he closed his eyes and scanned the whole domain, only to be shocked.

Millions of creatures inhabited his realm, sustaining themselves by feeding on the beasts he and the dragonkin had introduced. With that in mind, he teleported to the ground below while removing the massive wall that split the domain in half.

Archer imagined a wall surrounding the treehouse that protected Llyniel's garden and the training field. After doing that, he spent a lot of mana to double the domain's size so that his Monster Army could grow without a problem.

His breath was heavy as he used most of his mana, but soon, he felt the world pouring more into him. With a smile, he walked past the new wall and summoned thousands of Stone Men while opening Gates to all the jungles, forests, and the Nether Realm.

When twenty portals appeared, Archer started giving them orders, ''Capture any beasts you find and bring them here. The Monster Army will put them in line while having a source of food.''

As he finished speaking, the army of Stone Men surged forward, their rock bodies gleaming in the dim light. Archer watched with satisfaction as they disappeared, grinning at the thought of having three different types of armies to use against his enemies excited him.

With a deep breath, he closed his eyes and concentrated, feeling the familiar pull of magic as he teleported back to the treehouse. When he appeared in the living room, he sensed the quiet stillness that enveloped the place.

Moving silently through the corridors, Archer checked in on each girl, finding them peacefully asleep in their rooms. A small smile tugged at his lips as he watched over them, and he felt a swell of affection for each of his women.

Finally, he reached his bedroom, where Kassandra lay curled on the bed, her black hair spilling everywhere. Archer let out a tired yawn while approaching the bed quietly, slipping under the covers.

She shifted closer to him, her arm draped across his chest as she nestled against his side. The warmth of her body against his was comforting, and Archer sighed contentedly, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her closer.

They lay together in the quiet room, finding solace in each other's presence as they drifted off to sleep. When Archer woke up the following day, he opened his eyes to see Kassandra staring down at him, which made him jump, causing her to laugh at his reaction.

She moved away as he sat up and spoke with a chuckle, ''Don't do that, Kass! That scared me.''

''You're very handsome, you know. I'm glad we met that day, Arch,'' Kassandra said as she leaned on his body.

Archer looked at the Kraken girl with a sweet smile before leaning over and stealing her succulent lips for a passionate kiss. The Kraken Princess returned it with one of her own before the two separated.

She leaned in to whisper, ''Does it bother you that I am a titan?''

He shook his head, ''No, Kass. I honestly couldn't care less as I'm a giant as it is.''

When she heard him, Kassandra's eyes sparkled with happiness. Unable to contain her joy, she suddenly lunged forward, capturing Archer's lips passionately. Surprised by her enthusiasm, he reciprocated eagerly, pulling her closer as she climbed onto his lap.

Their bodies pressed against each other, reigniting the heat as they to their desires once more. With tender caresses and whispered words of passion, they lost themselves again, the world outside the bedroom fading into insignificance.

Eventually, as their sex reached its peak once more, they reluctantly pulled away from each other, breathless and sated. Reluctantly, they got up to get dressed, but Archer cast Cleanse on them.

After feeling refreshed, Archer turned to Kassandra, slipped on a shirt, and pulled on his boots. He inquired, "Feeling clean? I'd rather not take another bath."

She smiled sweetly before answering, ''Yes, your spell works wonders, and I can't feel the sweat anymore.''

Archer smiled before standing up as she spoke, ''Ready to get some breakfast? I'm starving, and El should be cooking?''

As they walked into the hallway, Teuila cheerfully greeted them with a loving smile, "Morning, lovebirds," she glanced between them, lingering on Kassandra. "Someone was quite noisy last night. You woke poor Maeve up."

Teuila spoke before approaching Archer, giving him a warm kiss and hug. She carried the scent of the sea, which he liked but didn't shock him as she was an Aquarian. He passionately returned the gesture with one of his own.

They parted just as Maeve arrived; when she saw him, she smirked and teased, ''You're a wild beast, Arch! We all heard the screams.''

''Well, I got to tend to my girls, Maeve,'' he looked into her beautiful grey eyes before leaning forward to whisper into her ear. ''That includes you when I kidnap you from your wedding.''

Before she could respond, Archer kissed her cheeks and grabbed Teuila and Kassandra's hands as he walked toward the kitchen where Ella was cooking breakfast alongside Hemera, Aeris, and Halime.

As the four girls shifted their attention to him, their faces beamed in response. They approached before greeting him with kisses and hugs, which made him smile. Kassandra, Teuila, and Maeve then settled down and joined them all.

Ella's eyes sparkled as she placed a bowl filled with steaming porridge in front of him. "Today's the last day of the Qualification round," she explained, her voice tinged with anticipation. "I made your favorite—Amalberry porridge with Fae Honey."

''Thank you, El, but wasn't that before the incident? Haven't eaten it since,'' Archer answered as he picked up his spoon.

Archer's anticipation grew as he brought the spoonful of Amalberry porridge with Fae Honey to his lips. The aroma alone was enchanting, filling his senses with the promise of exquisite flavors.

As he took the first bite, the taste exploded on his tongue, a symphony of sweetness and richness that sent waves of pleasure through him. With each subsequent spoonful, Archer lost himself in the irresistible blend of flavors.

He savored every mouthful as if it were the most delicious thing he had ever tasted. The Amalberries burst with juiciness, their sweetness perfectly complemented by the delicate taste of the Fae Honey.

Beside him, the other girls began to eat, their expressions mirroring his own as they succumbed to the culinary delight before them. The room filled with contented sighs and appreciative murmurs as they indulged in the simple pleasure of a shared meal.

While Archer was eating, he pulled out four violet orbs before handing them to Maeve, Aurelia, Eveline, and Aeris, who looked confused, but he quickly explained, ''They are called Dragon Orbs that I created for the other girls. If you're ever in trouble, break it, and it will summon me wherever you are.''

When the four heard this, their eyes widened in shock before Aeris questioned with a confused expression, ''Why are you giving me one Arch? We are just friends.''

His eyes narrowed as he answered, ''That's why I gave you one. What's the problem?''

Everyone giggled, catching his attention, but Hemera commented, ''You'll find out very soon.''

Archer shrugged nonchalantly before returning to his breakfast while the girls conversed. However, he couldn't shake the feeling of Aeris's gaze lingering on him, his expression unreadable and mysterious.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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