A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 680 Arriving At The Draconia Kingdom

Chapter 680 Arriving At The Draconia Kingdom

[In the not-so-distant future]

Tamsin was the queen of the small but strong independent Aradonia Kingdom in the Northeast of Avidia. The realm was being invaded by the mighty Sunspear Empire, which resided west of them and wanted their lands due to the valuable resources that could be found there.

She impatiently waited in the palace for news of the battle, surrounded by her terrified family. Her husband and eldest son had gone off to fight days ago when the scouts spotted the Sunspear army. Days later, the surviving royal guards returned, battered and bruised.

The group reported that the king and prince had fallen in the battle to hold off the enemy. The devastating news was followed by a plea for them to flee the kingdom. Tamsin was in shock and wanted to break down at the loss of her husband and son.

Tamsin knew she had to be strong for her daughters and get them out of the Aradonia Kingdom before the Sunspear soldiers could capture them. However, they were already too late to escape, as the enemy's vanguard was within miles of Suncrest, the kingdom's capital.

When she saw this, her heart dropped. However, something unexpected happened: a strange army appeared outside the city and stopped the Sunspear's advance. The surviving members of the royal family and their servants were gathered in the palace courtyard when a figure floated down and landed before them.

Tamsin was startled at the young man's sudden appearance. He possessed a striking handsomeness unlike any she had ever seen. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched him approach.

His short hair was the color of pure white snow, and she noticed his face was framed so exquisitely sculpted that it seemed to belong to a deity rather than a mortal man. The young man's eyes were a mesmerizing shade of violet and gleamed with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.

But it was his godly body that captivated her. Every line and curve seemed to be chiseled into perfection, his shirt clinging to toned muscles that rippled with every movement. Tamsin felt her cheeks flush, and her pulse quickened as she drank in sight before her.

'How can someone be so handsome?' She thought to herself as the young man came closer.

She shook her head when she heard her two daughters gossiping behind her, causing her to turn around and spot their red cheeks as they looked at him. The boy stopped before them and asked, in an exotic accent that immediately sent shivers down Tamsin's body, ''Do you want somewhere safe to live for you and your people?''

When Tamsin heard this, she raised an eyebrow and was about to reply, but the commander of the royal guard barked out before she could talk, ''Boy, who are you?' And where did you come from?"

She watched the young man open a portal, and two girls emerged. Her astonishment was noticeable; their striking beauty stirred insecurity within her. Tamsin, in her own right, was a beautiful woman. Her luscious lavender hair was pulled into a tight bun, with a few strands delicately framing her face.

Tamsin possessed a pretty face adorned with a button nose and high cheekbones. Her large lavender eyes reflected a depth of experience, and though she was slightly curvier due to childbirth, she was still regarded as the most beautiful woman in Aradonia.

However, seeing the two girls with the young man shattered that perception. The first one had light-blue hair that flowed in a sleek ponytail, shimmering like moonlight on a tranquil sea. Her ocean-blue eyes, sparkling with a hint of mischief, held Tamsin's gaze with a captivating allure.

As she watched the girl more closely, she couldn't shake the impression of strength and resilience that oozed from her muscular body. Despite her youth, the girl possessed the bearing of a seasoned warrior, as if she had faced countless battles and emerged victorious each time.

Yet, femininity softened her features amidst the air of toughness surrounding her. This delicate balance left Tamsin in awe, and she realized she could never hope to match the girl's natural charm and charisma.

Her gaze shifted to the second girl, her attention captured by the striking figure before her. The beautiful girl stood tall, her wild blonde hair cascading in untamed waves down her back, framing a face that exuded strength.

Sapphire blue eyes, sharp and intense, gazed back at Tamsin with an unwavering focus. Despite her lion demi-human features, there was an undeniable beauty in her ruggedness, a raw power that emanated from every inch of her being.

Just like the first girl, she possessed a muscular body, her toned arms and sturdy frame a testament to her strength and prowess. But it was not just her appearance that caught Tamsin's attention.

The girl's gaze was fiercely loyal, radiating devotion from her core. She couldn't help but notice the subtle looks exchanged between the two girls and the handsome boy who stood before her.

That's when the lion girl unsheathed her sword and pointed toward the royal guard commander, who shut up when he saw the fierce look on her face. Tamsin was going to speak, but the lion girl interrupted her with a voice full of anger: ''Don't you dare talk to our husband like that! He's here to offer your kingdom help, and you disrespect him human?''

Tamsin quickly interjected, ''Commander, stand down. I sense no threat from them.''

The grey-haired man nodded before stepping back as she turned to the boy. "I am Queen Tamsin Aradonia, and these are my daughters, the first and second princesses, Briela and Marigold Aradonia."

When she finished introducing herself and her daughters, she caught the boy's gaze, finding in it a hunger that took her aback. It mirrored how her husband had looked at her when they first met years ago, stirring unexpected emotions within her.

However, when he turned to her daughters, they widened. She watched the control he exerted over himself as he shook his head and introduced himself and the two girls. "I am King Archer Wyldheart of the newly formed Draconia Kingdom, and these are two of my queens, Teuila and Nala Wyldheart."

Tamsin's eyes widened in shock as she said, '' You're a king? Why are you in Adaonia?''

She watched the boy's smile grow as he responded, ''To test out my army and navy against a powerful foe. Also, I want to offer you and your people a safe place to live in my kingdom.''

After speaking, Tamsin watched him talk to the two girls: "Nala, help the soldiers outside keep the Sunspear soldiers back, and Teuila, come with me as we check on the battleships after the small battle."

Tamsin quickly spoke, ''Small battle?''

"Yes. My admiral sank several Sunspear ships as we approached your port and I must say she was overly excited, " Archer said, noticing the look of attraction in his eyes as he looked at her. "Now, if that's all the questions, I'll have my soldiers escort you and whoever you bring along to Tidewater City, where my navy is stationed."

When she heard this, she retorted, thinking the boy was over his head, ''What's the catch? You're not doing this out of the kindness of your heart or to train your forces. What's the real reason?''

Archer knowingly smiled at her before asking her to talk privately, to which she agreed. When they were out of earshot, Tamsin waited for him to speak, which he did instantly, ''I want your skills at running my kingdom along with any skilled citizens to help, and I want every Ardonia citizen to swear an oath never to betray me or the Draconia.''

Tamsin looked at him with narrowed eyes, but Archer continued, ''Look, I know It's suspicious, but I'm honestly here because one of my spies said the Sunspear Empire was expanding, so I took the opportunity to fight them and save a dying kingdom.''

"We're still hanging on!" she stupidly retorted, but deep down, she knew the boy was right.

"No, you are not Tamsin. You lost your husband and son in the Battle Of Tears, and the Sunspear Empire washed over your land while occupying most of your cities. Thanks to me, only your capital and Tidewater City still stand."

Tamsin gave him a nod in acknowledgment at his request before she watched as he turned around and ordered an older man standing nearby, ''Take a Regiment of Dragon Legionnaires and a Cohort of Drakewing Outriders and escort the survivors to Tidewater City. Make sure the queen and princesses board Archer's Pride and depart as soon as the ships are full''

Tamsin observed as the man saluted Archer, then inquired, ''And what about you, Your Majesty?''

"I'll fly there once our soldiers have boarded," Archer replied, turning his attention to her. "Get ready to leave."

She nodded and made her way back to the palace without saying another word. Her mind buzzed with the weight of her decision. Tamsin knew she had to tell her family about King Archer's offer of sanctuary in his kingdom, but she also braced herself for their questions and concerns.

As she entered the grand hall where her daughters awaited, she could see the worry etched on their faces as they spoke to their aunts and cousins.

"Briela, Marigold," she began, her voice steady but tinged with emotion, "there's something I need to tell you."

The princesses turned to face their mother, their eyes filled with anticipation. Briela asked, her voice soft and concerned, "What is it, Mother?"

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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