A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 667 Congratulations

Chapter 667 Congratulations

Archer fixed his gaze on her before explaining, "Leira, Imagine if an enemy were to conquer Pluoria. But then there's my kingdom, Draconia, a large island nation naturally fortified, along with the walls I've built. During times of war, it would remain relatively safe and will no doubt be a haven for all your family.''

He looked around and noticed the anger subsided. Archer knew they would become furious at his following words but went ahead anyway as it's what he wanted, ''However, the previous rulers would retain their titles and lands, albeit as provinces within the newly formed Draconia Empire. They would enjoy all the same benefits except for one thing: they wouldn't have their armies due to my soldiers providing the security over the lands and would fight any battles that pop up.''

Leira, Halime, and Llyniel looked horrified, but the cat girl quickly protested, ''You want to be a tyrant! You want control over everyone and everything like the old demon lords.''

Archer looked hurt and shook his head before speaking, ''That was a what-if situation, Leira. I would never invade Avalon or any of your homelands. Your family is my family. Why would I do anything to hurt them or you?''

When they didn't respond, he continued talking. But regardless of what he said, she still looked upset, "Leira, I'll be honest. The only places my soldiers will be invading are the last three pirate strongholds on the islands surrounding Draconia. Once that is done, I will build up the kingdom while we take breaks from exploring the world together."

Leira's behavior suddenly changed. She leaped up and accused him, "You're only saying that to mask your true motives. I always suspected your ambition, but I never imagined you'd set your sights on Avalon."

After Leira stormed off, leaving everyone bewildered, including Archer, Ella approached and relayed, "Leira's been unusually sensitive lately. She's lashed out a couple of times over trivial matters. Perhaps she's not feeling well?"

Archer was worried about her, and now that he had thought about it, he had noticed since her fight in the Group Stages. He shook his head to stop thinking about random things and decided to go after her.

He searched for ten minutes until he found her sitting on the balcony of the treehouse. Archer watched her from the entrance, his heart clenched painfully at Leira's sitting alone on the balcony, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs. He had never seen her so distraught; the sight shattered something deep within him.

His footsteps echoed softly as he approached, careful not to startle her. Leira's cat ears perked up, and she turned her tear-streaked face towards him. Her green eyes were wide with surprise and anguish as she noticed his presence. Before he could utter a word, she bolted up from her seat, her voice quivering as she spoke.

"I-I'm sorry, Archer. I didn't mean to... I didn't mean to lash out like that. I know you... you mean no harm," she stammered as her words were choked with emotion.

Without a second thought, he closed the distance between them, his arms instinctively reaching out to embrace her trembling body. While holding her close, he felt her tears dampening his shoulder, her sobs growing louder with each passing moment.

"It's alright, Leira," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I understand, and I promise you I would never do anything to hurt you, your family, or any of you girls.''

Leira buried her face in his shoulder, her grip tightening around him as if afraid he might disappear if she let go. For a long while, they stood there together, lost in their shared sorrow and the comfort of each other's presence.

Eventually, as her tears began to subside, Leira pulled back slightly, her eyes red-rimmed but filled with gratitude and remorse. "I'm so sorry, Archer," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the soft rustle of the leaves. "I didn't mean to doubt you. I know you only want what's best for us."

Archer smiled, ''Exactly, my silly cat. I would do anything for you twelve, and you know this.''

He lovingly brushed some purple strands of hair from her face before asking in a worried tone, ''Why are you emotional, Leira? You know you can talk to me about anything.''

Leira pushed herself out of his arms and walked toward the railing to examine the domain. As she started talking, ''I was hoping to become a powerful mage who can fight by your side, but that just seems to be a dream now.''

Archer was confused and asked her to explain, which she did. She spun on him, looked into his eyes, and asked a random question, but he sensed something behind it: ''Would you support us in anything we do, husband?''

''Of course. You know this, Leira, now tell me what's wrong?'' He worryingly said.

Leira's gaze fell to the ground, her tone laced with regret as she began, "I apologize for shattering your aspirations and ambitions. Yet, it's not solely my doing, Archer. You were aware of the repercussions of making love to us without any conception spells.''

''What?'' He asked in a dumb voice.

The cat girl pushed him back, so her green eyes stared into his own before revealing something that would forever change his world, ''Archer, I'm carrying your kitten. It's been a few weeks since my moonblood has been late.''

As the news of Leira's pregnancy settled in, Archer felt overwhelming happiness. He never expected them to get pregnant but knew he had been careless while having sex, but it didn't bother him at all because he had the domain and the kingdom now.

Aware that they could still explore the world and use the domain as a haven to nurture their child with the help of the other girls, Archer was overwhelmed with happiness. Unable to restrain his joy, he hurried towards Leira, his heart pulsating excitedly.

"Leira!" he exclaimed while enveloping her in a tight hug. Surprised at Archer's sudden affection, she blinked but felt genuine happiness radiating from him. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"Archer, what...?" she began, her voice trailing off as Archer pulled back slightly, his eyes sparkling with love and adoration.

"I love you, Leira," he declared, his voice heartfelt and unwavering. "You haven't ruined anything. You've given us the greatest gift imaginable."

Leira's eyes widened in disbelief at Archer's heartfelt words, her heart swelling with love and gratitude. "But... what about my dreams of becoming a great mage?" she whispered, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

''Oh, you silly cat,'' he kissed her forehead sweetly before continuing. ''You can still do that, my love. You have the girls and your parents, and if anything else, there will be hundreds of older dragonkin ladies in our kingdom who would be happy to help look after our kitten.''

''You don't care about having one at such a young age?'' Leira asked as the two sat down on one of the benches.

Archer gazed out over the dimly lit domain, his thoughts wandering. "Honestly," he began, "not really. The baby's presence won't alter much, considering they'll primarily be within the domain, the palace, or in Draconia. I'll make it a point to spend time with them every night before attending to the rest of you girls."

Leira chuckled at his response before teasingly retorting, "And risk having hordes of children running amok in whatever palace they're in?"

As he was going to answer, the rest of the girls barrelled onto the balcony and rushed up to them with happy smiles.

"Leira! Congratulations!" they exclaimed in unison, their voices filled with genuine joy.

Leira blinked in confusion, her mind reeling from the unexpected outpouring of congratulations. "Wait, what?" she stammered, her eyes darting between her friends.

Halime stepped forward, her expression warm and supportive. "We heard the news about the baby," she explained, her voice filled with excitement. "We're all so happy for you!"

Leira's confusion deepened as she struggled to process the situation. "But... why aren't you angry with me?" she asked tentatively, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Ella stepped forward, her gaze meeting Leira's with unwavering sincerity. "Leira, any child of Archer's is ours as well," she replied. "We all love him deeply and would never begrudge him the joy of fatherhood."

Leira's eyes widened in astonishment as the weight of Ella's words sank in. A surge of gratitude and warmth flooded her heart, and she realized the depth of her bond with her companions.

As the other girls echoed Ella's sentiments, Leira felt a sense of belonging wash over her, knowing that she was surrounded by friends who would support her unconditionally, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

Archer stepped back and let them talk it out as Leira asked, ''You girl's will help me with the kitten? It will be hard.''

''The baby will have twelve mothers to care for and love them. With how naughty Archer is, there will be more women to come,'' Hemera commented while hugging the cat girl.

This time, Archer saw Hecate approach and spoke, ''I can't wait to have my angels, but not yet. The shop is growing daily, and we need to open another store soon.''

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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