A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 628 Aquisara Continent

Chapter 628 Aquisara Continent

When Archer spotted the battleship sailing off into the distance, he got curious and wanted to see the people who owned it. He sent a message to the girls before jumping off the ledge while summoning his wings to fly toward the vessel.

The weather wasn't too bad as he flew in the direction the battleship sailed in. Archer knew they would be hostile, but that didn't bother him as his curiosity took over.

Soon, he caught up with it, but that's when he saw a different one heading south and realized a pirate ship had escaped. It didn't bother him as he wouldn't attack it and wanted to find out where they came from.

Archer flew towards the battleship with a mischievous grin. Despite the danger the cannons could do to him, his excitement grew with each passing moment.

The thrill of the chase and the adrenaline rush were what he craved. Just as Archer neared the ship, its cannons fired at him; bursts of powerful mana were heading straight at him, but all he did was grin while dodging them.

As he got closer, they fired another weapon, which sent more mana blasts flying at him but was much smaller. Archer summoned more scales that quickly blocked the attack while speeding up and was nearly above the battleship.

As Archer spotted the figures on the deck, he noticed their pirate-like appearance and was shocked at the quality of their equipment. Without much worry, he shrugged and instantly cast Blink, teleporting himself onto the ship's deck.

There, he greeted the stunned sailors with a smile, their gazes fixed on him as though he were an exotic sea creature suddenly emerged from the depths. He couldn't help but laugh as a man charged at him, sword drawn and swinging.

Archer laughed while catching the blade with a hand and snapped it in half, which shocked the pirate, whose eyes widened in fear. Without hesitation, he swiftly pierced the man's chest with his claws, extracting his still-beating heart.

After that, he tossed the heart into his Item Box before returning to the others standing still, grinning at them. ''Can you people get your captain? I've never spoken to one before.''

''We're privateers, not pirates, handsome! There's a distinct difference'' An exotic voice was heard behind him.

Archer turned around to find a fierce, beautiful woman standing before him. He examined the pirate as her wild white hair cascaded in waves around her shoulders, framing a face of striking beauty.

She had piercing green eyes that sparkled like emeralds, possessing a depth that hinted at untold tales. Despite the ruggedness of her surroundings, her features remained remarkably refined, with high cheekbones and soft, full lips that curved into a mischievous smile.

Her gaze had a wildness, a fierce independence that spoke of a life on the edge. She was dressed as a pirate captain and wore a coat that highlighted her large boobs, embellished with gold braid trim.

Archer eyed her clothes, noticing the white silk shirt that emphasized her slim waist and the tight-fitting trousers that showed off her curves, particularly her thick thighs.

He saw a necklace of gleaming pearls and a cutlass that radiated mana sheathed in a worn leather belt at her hip. The woman stood there with one hand on her hip and the other holding a pistol aimed at his head.

The pirate woman spoke again. ''Who are you, boy? And what are you doing on my ship?''

Archer shook his head and answered. ''I'm Archer Wyldheart. The most handsome dragon on Thrylos. I haven't met a pirate before, so I thought I'd change that when I spotted your ship.''

His answer confused the woman before she questioned. ''This isn't a zoo boy! Where did you come from? There isn't land nearby.''

'They must come from far away if they don't know about Pluoria.' Archer thought to himself.

''I was flying for hours and got lost in a storm. When descending, I saw you attacking those ships.'' He answered the pirate woman.

She nodded before lowering the weapon and introducing herself. ''I'm Katrina Levasseur. Second Princess of the Blackwater Kingdom and Captain of The Black Pearl.''

When Archer hears this, he is confused and questions, ''Where is the Blackwater Kingdom? I've never heard of it, and the ship has a nice name; I like it.''

After speaking, he internally moaned to himself. 'Another princess! What games are you playing, fate!'

Once finishing his rant, he thought he heard a giggle but wasn't sure. That's when Katrina replied, ''It's on the Aquisara Continent, about a four-day journey from here."

''Okay. Well, now you haven't got your weapon pointed at me. Do you want some tea? I have some good stuff on me?'' Archer inquired with a charming smile.


[Katrina Levasseur's POV]

Katrina watched this strange boy who appeared out of nowhere, being overly friendly. She was suspicious of his offer but nodded, which caused him to smile.

Some of her sailors were poised to attack, but she raised her hand, signaling them to stand down. ''Don't, Johnson. I don't sense any hostility from him.''

Turning her attention back to Archer, who created two chairs and a table with a wave of his hand, which shocked both her and the crew.

But he wasn't done as he pulled out a wooden box. Katrina watched him pull out many different things before starting to make tea. She knew he used fire magic to boil the water, but when smelling, the aroma coming from the pot caught her off guard.

Katrina approached him, studying him intently. His hair matched hers in color, a rarity she had never encountered.

Despite its short and scruffy appearance, he had a certain charm. Katrina couldn't help but notice that he stood slightly taller than her.

She felt a flutter in her heart as he smiled at her, causing it to skip a beat. While watching him, he spoke. ''So tell me about your home? I love hearing about other lands?''

Katrina watched him before sitting down and looking at the cup he was filling. He noticed her hesitation before taking the first sip.

Seeing him do that, she tried some, and as the hot liquid touched her tongue, it exploded with all kinds of lovely flavors. Katrina was shocked and asked. ''What is this?''

''Homegrown tea. My Llyniel grows it in her garden. It's meant to restore your stamina,'' He responded.

''It tastes nice. Better than the stuff back home, I'm telling you.'' Katrina commented, not nodded, as she started telling him about her homeland.

''It's called the Aquisara Continent. A collection of islands nestled closely together, almost as if they were meant to be a part of the same puzzle. The weather there is always hot, but the sea breeze offers relief."

She paused, her gaze drifting out to the endless expanse of the ocean surrounding them.

"Itisn't like your typical continent. Instead of vast stretches of land, you'll find clusters of islands, each with its own unique culture and customs. Fearsome pirate lords rule some. Noble houses govern others, their power derived from their mastery of naval warfare."

Archer nodded, captivated by the vivid picture she painted with her words. But she continued talking. "On Aquisara, the sea is life. From the bustling ports teeming with merchants and traders to the hidden coves where pirates plot their next job, the ocean shapes every aspect of our lives."

Katrina watched the fascination in the boy's eyes and realized he was generally curious about pirates and had no ill intentions. With a seductive smile, she asked. ''Tell me, handsome. Would you like to come back to the Blackwater Kingdom? I can personally give you a tour.''

She watched a frown appear before he declined her offer. ''I can't at the moment as I'm competing in a competition for a place in the Celestial Magic Tournament. But can we arrange it for another time?''

''You're also competing? I guess I'll see you on Verdantia.'' She commented with a grin.

That's when she saw the smile on his handsome face grow as he declared. ''I hope we get to fight each other. I can sense that you're a Sovereign Mage.''

Her eyes widened, and she wondered how he knew this and questioned. ''How do you know that?''

She watched as he chuckled. ''Secrets, my dear pirate. We've just met, and revealing everything at the first meeting would be strange. But as much as I enjoyed talking to you, I must return now.''

After their conversation, Katrina saw him disappear, leaving everything behind. She was confused by the encounter and wondered if it had ever happened to anyone else.

If she knew her family's history, she would slap herself because Archer was the current white dragon, and the Blackwaters were high-ranking admirals in the old navy of the previous one.

Once he was gone, she drank some more tea before taking the rest back to her quarters after ensuring the ship was sailing the right way.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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