A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 564 Arcane Tournament

Chapter 564 Arcane Tournament

He watched as the trees outside were swaying backward and forward. After doing that for a little while, he turned to the snake girl, who was watching him with a smile.

The snake girl spoke in her charming Southern accent. ''Frostwinter is over in a couple of months. The Arcane tournament starts in two weeks, and The College Of Magic is hosting the Qualification rounds, which will go on for a week before the tournament moves to the Sabat Kingdom in the north, where the Knockout stage will be held.''

Halime stopped speaking briefly as she approached the kettle to make some tea. After doing that, she motioned for him to sit down. Archer raised an eyebrow and asked in a curious voice, ''How do you know all this?''

She laughed when hearing his question before explaining. ''We learned about it from our Homeroom Professor before you summoned us to the domain.''

She separated from him before talking. ''You're one of the college's favorites, but most of the continent's younger generation think their parent's tales about you are lies, so they want to fight you and beat you to prove themselves.''

Archer started laughing when hearing this but didn't bother answering it as he would prove it to them by defeating them without much hassle. He waited until she poured him a cup of sweet-smelling tea.

Once Halime filled it and pushed the cup toward him. Archer took a sip and loved it before looking into her yellow snake eyes. Halime smiled before continuing her explanation. ''The Quarterfinals are hosted by the Zenia Empire in the south.''

He was confused and asked. ''How will we travel to all these places? It seems pretty far for thousands of people to travel across the continent.''

The snake girl started giggling as she remembered what the Professor said. ''Mana ships are rumored to be used for transportation. After the Quarterfinals, we'll head to the Lionheart Kingdom in the west for the semi-finals. Lastly, the finals will be held in Starfall City. The winners will represent the Pluoria Continent in the Celestial Magic Tournament.''

He nodded when she spoke as he sipped on the delicious tea she made for him. After she told him everything before the two sat silently, Archer finished his tea. He lifted the snake girl to her feet and kissed her.

Archer led her to her bedroom, where he stripped off, causing Halime to blush when she saw his toned abs and chest. Her brown cheeks went a shade darker. He saw her reaction and grinned before approaching the snake girl.

She stepped back as she stammered out. ''I'm not ready, Arch! I need more time.''

When he heard Halime speak, he wondered what she was going on about, then realized she thought he was going to try to have sex with her, which made him laugh.

Archer stepped forward quickly and hugged her. Halime didn't know what was happening until Archer reassured her. ''Don't worry, my snake princess. I'm not here for sex but to spend some time with you.''

After he spoke, a big smile appeared as she wiggled out of his arms before leading him over to the bed. The two got in and cuddled as Halime put her head on his chest and started running his fingers up and down her chest.

Soon, Archer started running his fingers through her silky black hair until she closed her eyes while completely relaxing.

The duo lay in bed while the window shook the window panels. Halime soon fell asleep, leaving him awake. Needing to tend to a certain Dragon-kin woman, he planned to stay in the room for a little while.

Archer stayed there until the snake girl fell into a deep sleep before getting up and leaving the room. Stepping outside, he headed towards Sia's room, just a short distance away. Upon reaching the door, he entered, discovering it was vacant.

Looking around the room, he noticed she was still decorating. Archer soon realized she hadn't spent much time in the domain and decided to change that.

He only had to wait until the bedroom door opened, and Sia stepped in wrapped in a towel with her jet-black hair tied into a bun.

When Sia saw Archer lying on her bed, she grinned before inquiring with a seductive voice. ''What brings my handsome nephew to my room on such a windy night?''

Archer's gaze shifted towards the woman, seeing the towel clinging to her curvy body, an image that ignited his desire. It struggled to contain her large boobs, the fabric barely able to restrain their size.

Sia sat on his lap, leaning in to kiss passionately, which he quickly returned while his hands traced down her body until he reached her jiggly ass and grabbed it, causing the woman to let out a moan.


[The Pope & Natalia Volkovitch's POV]

[Main Church in the city of Svarograd in the southern part of the Novgorod Empire]

As Archer tended to his women, the Pope tried to find his errant wife, who had always fought with him over his wars with the dragons. He never understood her position on the matter as they are beasts who deserved to be killed, but clearly, she didn't share that sentiment.

The woman believed the church should no longer get involved with the dragons, arguing that the past should remain undisturbed.

However, the Pope vehemently disagreed, leading to frequent and heated arguments. It was so bad that their daughter and granddaughter, Lysandra and Sofia, eventually chose to distance themselves, choosing not to involve themselves in the ongoing conflict.

Soon, he entered his private garden connected to the large mansion he had built with church funds for his family. He saw his wife sitting at the table with her older sister as he walked through it.

He looked at his wife and remembered how marrying into her family had given him great sway over the Novgorod empire and allowed him to get away with most stuff.

Natalia was the emperor's aunt, and her older sister Catherine, the emperor's mother, held a high position in the Novgorod imperial court.

She was also a powerful mage in her own right and didn't listen to anyone, even her son. The Pope disliked this because his wife shared the same traits and fought him on everything.

He also knew he couldn't do anything to either woman, or the whole empire would wipe him out along with the Church Of Light.

As the old man approached, he spoke to her. "Wife, will you join me for dinner? There's much to discuss."

When the two women heard his question, they turned to him with fed-up looks. His wife was Natalia Volkovitch, the youngest daughter of the previous Novgorod Emperor.

She had fluffy grey hair and captivating green eyes, exuding an ageless charm that defied the passage of time.

Despite her age, she looked like she was in her late twenties or early thirties. Natalia was a very curvy woman and possessed impressive, age-defying boobs that didn't sag an inch.

She always wondered why she was forced to marry the Pope by her late father, who insisted it would be good for the family, but it didn't matter anymore as she was trapped.

One good thing happened during the marriage: he gave her three children she loved dearly. But she shook her head and looked at the Pope.

She noticed that his burgundy hair was unkempt due to all the stress he'd been under, but everyone knew it was all his own doing for attacking the white dragon.

Natalia knew the boy was innocent and didn't want any trouble until her stupid husband targeted him first.

Thanks to that, their churches were kicked off Pluoria and banned from stepping there. She didn't care for the church herself but the people that it helped.

She sighed to herself before answering her husband. ''No, Jeremiah. You continue your foolish crusade against a boy younger than our Sofia! Why not leave him be? Have you not heard about all the attacks happening all over the world? Something is coming, and all you see is the white dragon. Get your priorities straight before it's too late.''

When Jeremiah heard his wife answer, he became angry and stepped forward to teach her a lesson about marriage, but as he got closer, a wave of mana slammed against him as her older sister stood up.

He looked at the woman, who was now grinning at him. Natalia looked a lot like her, but Catherine was different. Her blood-red eyes glowed as her silky grey hair started floating around her.

She was like Natalia and was extremely curvy, and shared the same large boobs as her sister. But the only difference was that Catherine was far more talented at magic than her little sister and chose to protect their family from all threats.

The red eyed woman spoke with a voice full of hate. ''Beware, little Jeremiah. I don't care about your silly church. If you dare threaten my baby sister or even think of harming her, I will chain you to a post and drag you around as I destroy everything and everyone you know.''

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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