A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 240: Past Rituals

Chapter 240: Past Rituals

Through the foggy, overgrown courtyard, Wuji Gu arrives at the gates of the once magnificent, but now dilapidated villa].

What happened in this villa, he has long been very clear. When the owner of the villa in order to keep their own wealth, but also to sacrifice their own son to the family's evil spirits in a cruel way, with a very cruel method of abuse to death. And in order to prevent each other after death into a grievance spirit revenge, but also hard to gouge out the son's eyes.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the villa owner's son's resentment was too strong, and he was able to devour the evil spirits and turn himself into an even more horrific being, killing all those who had harmed him brutally.

In the past, Wuji Gu didn't know much about it, but now he can probably surmise that the villa owner originally worshipped a medium or high level ghost. The ghost that was born after that was probably a high level ghost, and now it has become the top ghost boss in these copies.

All the eyes that can still see, in this copy will become the eyes of this evil boss.

Even if you witnessed the appearance of the boss, something very bad would happen. Although Wuji Gu did not know, but his subconscious had a premonition that it must be something to regret to the extreme.

This is another reason why Wuji Gu does not want others to come over, after all, others just can not help but look around the environment with a little curiosity, will cause terrible consequences ...... others may not always listen to him.

"And I don't know how this one will really work out."

This place seems to be really isolated from all external forces, even before attaching his consciousness to him, supposedly to help him fight the boss of the blood are no longer a little movement.

Wuji Gu took a deep breath and took out the black cloth prepared long ago from his arms and blindfolded himself before lifting his feet and stepping into the abandoned villa.

Then he remembered something and cautioned those watching live that they better stop looking at their side, he didn't know if others could hear it anyway, and said so first.

After all, Wuji Gu is very familiar with the inside, even if he can't see the road.

Before coming, Wuji Gu the only thing these people have not gone into is the sacrificial rituals that took place in the basement, above that is all have been explored.

Wuji Gu thinks that if he is going to find a breakthrough, he should just have to go into the basement, and the fact that the system hasn't even reminded him what exactly he should be doing in this building so far makes it feel very bad.

"Let's hope things will go well."

Wuji Gu stepped inside the hall with one foot and made a sound on the clutter on the floor. The villa was so quiet and frightening that his slight footsteps were ear-splitting. As he advanced, the old building seemed to be slowly waking up, and all kinds of sounds that made people think started to ring out.

Occasionally there seems to be the sound of people talking and crying slightly, and when you listen carefully it sounds like your own illusion. There is no doubt that the ghosts in this place are amazingly numerous.

Wuji Gu was completely indifferent, bent on following his memory of the scene in the villa towards the side of the hall - the entrance to the basement.

A smooth walk to the door, not a single ghost actually ran out to make a move. Wuji Gu don't know if it's because they don't have the heart to attack themselves, or because the aura of the Ghost King level boss that remains on him scares these ghosts, or if it's the intention of the Liege Boss in this building ...... but no matter what, there's only one thing he has to do.

Wuji Gu pushed the door, it was really locked, by definition, he should now turn back to find the key ...... find what key!

Wuji Gu punched through the door panel and reached through the hole that was punched to unlock the door.

"It seems that although the power is suppressed a lot, but breaking a door is still more than enough." Wuji Gu heart is still relieved, violent crack this has always been something he is good at, if it takes time to find if who knows what will happen again.

Once the door is opened is a burst of cold air in the face.

The system's voice finally sounded at this time, [Unlock the curse of this abandoned villa].

"A curse?" This abandoned villa actually has some kind of curse.

Taking a deep breath, Wuji Gu pulled his clothes tight, probably groped and surveyed the surroundings, noting that there were a number of miscellaneous items thrown on the ground, like people left behind when escaping.

Probably those who sacrificed the Liege boss left behind when they fled for their lives, but there was no trace of dust on these items, and they were not dated at all.

He walked forward along a side wall, but it didn't take long for his hands to touch the warm and sticky liquid.

Wuji Gu calmly put his hand back, came to the front and sniffed, "It's blood."

This can simply make people's heart immediately a sudden. Why in the end there is blood on the wall that seems to have just been spilled, is there someone who just escaped from inside with injuries, or did someone just enter through the door not long ago?

Soon we reached the stairs down, Wuji Gu's hand was still on the wall. He did not care whether he would feel a handful of blood again, this kind of trivial matter is simply irrelevant. At the same time he was still trying to feel in his mind to build the terrain of the place to facilitate the escape that might be needed later.

Wuji Gu soon found out that his decision was right, he stepped on some kind of liquid, almost slipped and fell down the stairs, but fortunately his hand held on the wall to stabilize his body. As for what the liquid was, Wuji Gu also squatted down - body to smell, indeed it was blood.

"All this blood is as if it was shed not long ago... There are still living people in this place now? And what will it really be like down there."

It is reasonable to say that Wuji Gu's subconscious is already vaguely screaming for him to leave this dangerous place quickly, but he now feels surprisingly at peace.

But at this time the sound of talking sounded steeply below, at first it was very light, then louder and louder, clear as if there were really several living people discussing something fiercely below. Wuji Gu stopped in his tracks and pricked up his ears to listen up.

"Is there really nothing wrong with this ritual? I feel like it feels dangerous."

"What is there to be afraid of, it's not the first time, decades ago we did not also experienced, it is also thanks to that ceremony to preserve the wealth of several of our families, is not it? Don't you remember that before that ceremony, the family almost went bankrupt?"

"Indeed, I certainly did not suspect the ritual!" Another person's voice was a bit anxious, "I just think this, this boy he is not quite right, right? How can anyone be so calm when they're about to be sacrificed! If I hadn't just knocked him out, I wouldn't dare to look him in the eye!"

"Don't think so much, this freak has been like this since he was a child." The person who spoke seemed to be the former owner of the villa, and his tone carried a bit of fear, "Although he is my son, I always feel that he is just too scary. This must be the one destined for us to sacrifice him to that lord."

"Good. I hope that lord will be satisfied."

A few people's conversation finally ended. Then came the sound of footsteps, and it seemed they were finally about to begin that sacrificial ritual.

"I'm going back in time?" Wuji Gu has understood the current situation from their words, "No, no, there is no element of time in this copy at all, it is impossible to let me go back to the past so casually. So it's just that the stern ghost boss in this house wanted me to see this image, so he deliberately put it out, probably trying to lure me into a trap ......"

And from these people, it seems that something is not quite right when this Liege boss is still alive.

Although very curious, Wuji Gu still did not remove the blindfolded black cloth, he had a feeling that he must not look at it.

Down below came the sound of dragging something heavy, and also the sound of picking up what metal should be a knife from a plate, and the next moment a man's panicked voice rang out, "What's going on, why is he moving! You guys quickly hold him down ah!"

"So strange, obviously still unconscious, how can this have so much strength, this is too abnormal ......"

"Look at his eyes, you guys, they're red!!!"

"Monster, go to hell-"

Amidst the panicked voices of the crowd, the sound of a knife slamming into flesh and blood rang out.

In this moment, Wuji Gu even with the black cloth over his eyes closed, the situation below appeared in front of him, as if directly in his brain.

"Is this so I have to watch it?"

The picture is a dark basement, the floor with blood painted magic array, has been some years, the blood are some black, but does not prevent the magic array to bring a sense of crisis.

And a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy was pinned to the ground by several middle-aged men, while a panicked man with a panicked face held a knife still stabbed in the other man's chest.

The teenager did not say a word, his open eyes were inhumanly bloodshot, one eye had been gouged out, looking extremely appalling, and from beginning to end he just looked at the others with indifferent eyes, as if he was looking at some other creature different from himself.

The villa owner with the knife, he saw the other party, although terrible, but did not mean to do, the heart of the fear finally eliminated a lot, hardened their heads on the knife out, and ruthlessly stabbed into the other party that only the other bloodshot eye, immediately blood splashed open.

Wuji Gu just looking at this image felt as if his eyes were hurting along with it. If he didn't know that this was just a memory, he would never have been able to just look at it here.

Then these people could not see the pair of red eyes finally relieved, backed up a few steps, mumbling something, a translucent shadow in the corner will suddenly emerge, transformed into a horrific evil ghost look.

Even this time also gave Wuji Gu a close-up of this evil spirit look, detailed to the decaying body and hideous face are clear. If Wuji Gu is not also considered experienced and knowledgeable, now can directly faint.

"This aura should be a senior ghost, could the curse be related to it?" Wuji Gu so thought, and seriously began to observe again, trying to find what clues, but this ghost is really rotten too thoroughly.

Seeing the ghosts about to devour the teenager, Wuji Gu took a deep breath and didn't know what he should do now. Should continue to so onlookers, or go down to stop.

"It's all on instinct! If it's all a possible trap anyway ......"

Wuji Gu directly uncovered the blindfolded black cloth. What just happened told him that his blindfolded eyes are of no use, and that the Liege boss here can even project directly into his head.

Wuji Gu hurriedly took a few steps forward and rushed directly into the venue where the ceremony was held.

The people here don't notice Wuji Gu's arrival, and as Wuji Gu thinks, it's just a memory; what these people did just happened once and is now being projected.

But the Liege is different, the other side of the puff of breath can make Wuji Gu clearly perceived.

"The problem must be with the Liege."

Wuji Gu rushed to the outside of that magic formation, looked at the appallingly severe ghost in front of him, and directly used the purification technique on it.

Even the senior ghosts were instantly at peace under Wuji Gu's purification technique, as if they were finally free from their long suffering, but he looked at Wuji Gu with a look that seemed to carry a sense of dj vu.

At this very moment, the memory of what it once was also came to Wuji Gu's mind.

This ghost was indeed also in this family in the past, and it used a forbidden curse in order to get wealth and power. But afterwards it did not want to fulfill the price, and as a result, it was reversed and died, and the whole family fell into the curse. The ghost became a being bound to this building, and the funny thing is that as long as the offspring is sacrificed to it, it has the magical power to maintain the wealth of the family.

It is reasonable that the people in the family should no longer sacrifice to it, but the people in the family have actually continued this sacrifice for the sake of those riches.

Wuji Gu was still lamenting, but after seeing the memories that followed, he already felt something was wrong.

After that, the memory of this basement is actually a person, he is Wuji Gu himself. No, not him now, but him in his previous life.

Wuji Gu then saw that in his previous life he pacified the ghost, and I don't know what props were used to bring the other person back to human form, informing that the ghost will have a child reincarnated into this family, that child may be strange, but hopefully it will guard the child well and let him live out this life as an ordinary person. And the reward is to lift the curse of their family.

When leaving, Wuji Gu also heard, in his previous life, he muttered something under his breath 'Although it was intended to be resolved in one breath, but such a powerful force really can not be directly reincarnated ...... can only be forcibly separated. As long as there is a part as an ordinary person after a lifetime, he should never return to the way it once was.'

Wuji Gu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated: "! What does this mean?

He felt as if he had suddenly heard some unbelievable statement. What is the involvement of this final copy of the Liege boss with his past life?

Suddenly Wuji Gu felt as if something he had been ignoring all along had come to his mind.

The image of this memory is again a turn. Things are not as smooth as Wuji Gu thought in his previous life, the ghost was supposed to be pacified, but he did not know what power was influencing him to slowly become irritable again, and his sanity was completely gone.

And the family also began to family decline, the head of the family is also very unhappy with his son who looks very strange. Although the child looks normal to outsiders, but they are very clear that the child and the ghost seems to have some kind of relationship, has always been afraid to avoid it.

Finally the head of the family consulted the books passed down in the family, and finally decided to start the ceremony in order to bring back the family's glory and to get rid of the child who made him uncomfortable.

Instead of being devoured by the ghost of a teenager, the ritual Li Li is trapped in this basement.

Until now the arrival of Wuji Gu ...... has freed it from the curse.

"No, this thing is a little too easy." The cold sweat dripped off Wuji Gu's forehead, how could he have unlocked the curse of this entire family so casually. He even just used a purification technique! And from the beginning to the end there were no ghosts to stop him, it was all like a trap.

The ghost, who was about to dissipate into a point of light, looked at Wuji Gu and could not help but shake his head at him with a few moments of regret, "I am finally leaving, but the seal on this place is unsealed and he is able to leave here ...... outside will be in danger... ...but if it's you ...... can certainly ......"

It had completely dissipated before it had finished.

Wuji Gu realized that he was really being used! But this is also guided by the system to this point, does it mean that the system has agreed with the evil spirits?

"But look on the bright side, there should have been no other way to go ...... have been the final copy, the boss trapped in this villa does not seem to make much sense."

What's more, he also got a part of his own powerful memories of the past, Wuji Gu subconsciously felt that this copy of the stern ghost boss should be completely unaware of that event.

At that moment, the light of the entire basement completely disappeared, Wuji Gu looked around, only the remains of the ceremony after the pile of ash, the ground is full of all kinds of debris. Then the sound of the whole building collapsing sounded, Wuji Gu could not care less and hurriedly rushed up the stairs from the side.

Just at the moment he went upstairs, the basement behind him had completely collapsed. The situation in front was not much better, the abandoned villa had become a precarious and dangerous house. The good thing is that Wuji Gu is good enough, all the way down the building debris, over the fallen debris, hurried through the hall to the outside world.

In the instant he ran to the outside world, the entire villa collapsed completely, but bizarrely did not make a sound at all, as if it was all just a mirage.

The sky outside is not completely dark at this time, with a faint red light, reminding Wuji Gu of the dream he once had.

Wuji Gu clearly felt that his power that was suppressed in the villa are back, also can clearly feel that the two ghost king level stern ghosts that were previously sealed in his body are not far away, this is also good in a sense, right ...... hope that the lives of others are still safe.

The system beep sounded.

[The player succeeded in lifting the curse of the villa, but at the same time, he also released the most terrifying evil spirit in it. No one could have imagined that the curse of this villa had actually trapped the evil spirit in it as well, and now that it was free, what would happen? No one can know. Maybe running for your life is the best choice.]

Wuji Gu : "......" system are directly say such words really good?

But it is absolutely impossible for him to escape, if he all go, so far all the efforts and all the sacrifices are in vain.

Wuji Gu took a deep breath, and no longer blindfolded, now all this is unnecessary.

He looked straight at the ruins of the villa in front of him, in the midst of which countless ghosts were kneeling respectfully and fearfully, Wuji Gu could also faintly see several familiar figures, all of which he had seen in the past when he came to this copy.

And in the middle of them, there stood a very leisurely youth, just like the king of ghosts in general. With human standards, his appearance is handsome to the extreme, even in addition to the face is too pale, he does not look the slightest different from the living.

But obviously, that perfect face, the place of the eyes is empty, let people untimely feel a few pity, if those eyes are still there, this should be how perfect a person.

He seemed to notice Wuji Gu's gaze and turned his head to give Wuji Gu a soft smile, as if they were just acquaintances who hadn't seen each other for a long time--

...... No, I should say lovers.

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