A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 237: portrait

Chapter 237: portrait

In this case, Wuji Gu, of course, agreed.

After all, this is too easy! If just paying a little blood would complete the task, he believed that 100% of the players would not hesitate.

Of course there are risks, but how can you pass a normal test without paying a price? What's more, Wuji Gu doesn't want the two evil spirits in his body to wake up, but if he really is in danger, it's not certain who will be in trouble then.

The silver-haired blood clan led Wuji Gu aside, let him sit in the soft sofa, and spoke in an unexpectedly gentle tone: "There may be some pain, just bear it a little bit. If you suddenly see something, don't worry, it's probably some kind of hallucination from the blood being sucked."

Wuji Gu nodded, the other party has attached to come over and lightly bite his neck, a slight tingling sensation came. But more than that, when the blood flowed, the voice that suddenly appeared in Wuji Gu's mind was what made him feel shocked.

"Everything that is spoken outside will be heard by that being, so I can only communicate with you in this way."

Wuji Gu never thought it would be such a spy drama like unfolding. And from the tone of the other side sounds, the strength of the boss of this copy has simply far beyond the level of this blood, otherwise it would not be so scary for him.

"You don't have to talk, just listen to me." The silver-haired Bloods continued to speak, "This place was not formed by our will. And I am vaguely aware that this copy will affect too many things. So I want to work with you."

Wuji Gu looked over with a subtle look.

"I can feel that only you are special and that you are the only one we trust."

This voice at this time as if it had become two people speaking out.

"I will take the opportunity to leave power in you so that I can provide information when you enter other copies afterwards. And all you have to do is to summon us there at that crucial time at the end."

Apparently, the other party did not really consult Wuji Gu, but just decided on the cooperation. Wuji Gu also felt no problem, anyway, it sounds like the cooperation is quite good for him.

And at the last crucial time to summon others out to fight together with the monsters this kind of thing is what he would have liked to do.

The words fell, the silver-haired blood clan also left Wuji Gu's neck, the wound immediately healed, the loss of this blood to Wuji Gu is nothing.

He smiled and looked at Wuji Gu , "You can leave now. I am sure that you will not forget what I said."

As he spoke, the silver-haired blood's fingers also slid across Wuji Gu's neck, seeing that the wound he left behind had completely healed, a few moments of displeasure passed through his eyes.

After all, it is almost instinctive for him to want to leave a mark on his favorite person in general.

Wuji Gu nodded and pushed the other man's hand away without moving, "Of course I remember."

"Is there anything else you want to talk to me about?" The silver-haired Blood slowly approached.

Wuji Gu foresaw that the next situation might be beyond his tolerance, and immediately turned hurriedly out the door and ran out of the range of the promenade as fast as he could.

The door of this building was already open, and other exhausted players appeared. They probably suffered the same miserable experience of tangling with ghosts for half a day as in the previous copies.

At this point the hearts of the crowd is already very wary of this copy. After all, they have been all kinds of and monster ghosts tangled, but also can not do anything. Several times if Wuji Gu did not do something to change the situation, they may have to die inside.

But what exactly Wuji Gu did, they were completely unaware of, so the respect in their hearts grew deeper and deeper.

If these people knew that Wuji Gu was actually having a love affair with a LiG, I wonder how they would feel.



After that, he went through two or three more buildings, all copies of which Wuji Gu had been to before, and solved them with ease. After all, even if the ability of these ghosts has increased, Wuji Gu's own strength has increased and he is not so passive.

What's more, the other ghosts in this copy really seem to be forced to come, and the will to get the player killed is not very strong ...... these former copy bosses are also more willing to molest Wuji Gu a little.

With that, the crowd had arrived at the penultimate building, an ordinary-looking villa.

But in fact, Wuji Gu once almost lost his life here, the owner of the building is Yu Jin, the evil ghost of the world in the painting. He has the ability to turn a painting into a space, and the space will be so realistic that Wuji Gu and other players don't even realize that they are not in reality.

If he had succeeded, Wuji Gu would have died on the spot, and his soul would have been imprisoned in the portrait, and God knows how he would have been treated in the future.

At that time, Wuji Gu was also near death with the ghost mastering technique to run out, and later in other copies also hit the Yu Jin ...... In short, it is really a very difficult role to deal with, to Wuji Gu to say second only to the first time they entered the abandoned villa in the terrible ghost boss.

Wuji Gu's expression instantly became serious. The others also realized the tension in his heart and were shocked, even Wuji Gu was so scared of how scary the place would be.

"This boss is very troublesome." Wuji Gu opened his mouth, "He should already be at the Ghost King level ...... and has many abilities, not only can he create worlds and various monsters with his paintings, but he can even use such abilities to pull people into the portraits. I think you guys might be in danger, it's better to go back to the other buildings before and take a break, let me deal with this guy alone."

If the average player heard Wuji Gu's words must be excited, but which of the present is not a big name, how can be because of such a thing to back out, this future how to mix.

Not to mention that they were experienced and did not believe they would be easily accounted for by the ghosts. Therefore, none of them agreed with Wuji Gu and decided to enter the building with him.

"Since you all want to go in, I won't stop you." Wuji Gu again and the crowd detailed his experience in that copy, and said that if the situation is really dangerous, he may summon the ghost king level ghost inside himself, and then what will happen he does not know.

The others: "......" grass! After all, the most dangerous person in this copy is actually you, right?

The moment they stepped into this pitch-black villa, a light suddenly dawned in front of the crowd. What appeared in front of them was a long corridor with countless paintings hanging on both sides, spreading to the end of the road.

"What's all this?"

The crowd checked the paintings on both sides, and then their expressions were all a bit subtle.

Because these paintings are painted all Wuji Gu, various scenes and various costumes are available. And also painted very artistic, so that people look almost addicted to the painting.

If this were a painting exhibition they would have appreciated it. But this is a horror copy! Why are there so many paintings of Wuji Gu! It makes people's bones creepy.

And even regardless of all that, according to Wuji Gu's previous statement, this copy boss can use paintings to capture the souls of others, then Wuji Gu will not immediately have to die a violent death.

Wuji Gu himself was dumbfounded. Did he and Yu Jin have such a big grudge? For a while Wuji Gu felt both physical and psychological discomfort, making him feel very uncomfortable.

At that moment a person's voice sounded steeply, "Guests, welcome to my gallery, because it was so abrupt, I'm really sorry that I didn't have time to entertain you. But it's okay, when I finish this last painting, I will be able to meet you."

"The last painting?" Wuji Gu immediately felt bad, then he felt a tingling pain in his arm, immediately pulled open the sleeve, only to see that there was an extra wound on it at some point, and blood kept flowing out from it.

Not only his arm, but also his clothes on his body began to be soaked with blood and his face turned pale.

Qingman Rong, who also experienced the other world in the painting together with Wuji Gu, looked ugly at once, "Oh no, this evil ghost boss has made another move on Wuji Gu. If we can't stop it before the painting is finished ......"

The crowd is very clear what the ending will be, although Wuji Gu is unlikely to be directly killed by this boss, but if the two Ghost King-level Liege in Wuji Gu's body is out of control, they will almost all die here.

"Damn it, what the hell is the best way to get out?"

"Of course, I know some customers are in a hurry, it's okay." Yu Jin's very relaxed voice sounded once again, "You can also come to me if you want. Just find out which of the paintings on the wall is not mine, and you will find a way to see me."

Yu Jin's voice then disappeared, presumably leaving them with the pass instructions.

A group of people had to look around to see what was strange about the paintings, but even if they had a bit of knowledge provided by the system, they could not see the problem with the paintings at all, and could only feel that the person who did the painting seemed to really like Wuji Gu, like to the extent that people felt horrible.

"It's true that it's still scary to be looked at by a stern ghost." "All those stern ghosts before were so nice to talk to that I almost forgot how scary of an existence they are."

Wuji Gu used a healing spell on himself to barely suppress his body's injuries, while looking at the paintings around him and feeling the scent on them, but he couldn't tell any particular difference.

After all, there are too many paintings in this gallery! Is Yu Jin so idle as a boss? He only knows how to draw his paintings every day, what's wrong with having this time to do.

At this time, the voice of the Bloods rang out in Wuji Gu's head, "Don't think so much, follow your own inner voice. Just follow your instincts."

When Wuji Gu listened to his words, he was suddenly enlightened.

Yeah, isn't he always the one who acts on intuition like this? It's just that this time he was so nervous because of the time crunch that he completely forgot about it.

"You're right." Wuji Gu also did not have time to think about why exactly the blood boss knew himself so well, he closed his eyes and decided to randomly choose one of the paintings in this gallery according to his intuition.

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