A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 216: "Dont be afraid, Im just trying to help you ......"

Chapter 216: "Dont be afraid, Im just trying to help you ......"

In the nick of time, Wuji Gu finally pushed the young man with the strange power out of the way, and everything in this space disappeared.

But the previous mutation did not end, but barely maintain the current situation, as for the ceiling is as if it may crack at any time to general.

Wuji Gu took several steps back, and even he had to take a breath to relieve his confused emotions, and now he looked at the other party with determination, "Who are you?"

After being pushed away by Wuji Gu, the youth just continued to look over with that uncomfortable frenzied look, muttering, "I am a devotee to offer sacrifices to the Lord God, as long as this, I will be able to live forever in this world ...... "

There is no doubt that this youth, or this player, has basically not human, his body emerged from the strange marks all over most of his body, speech and movement are a little stiff, look gloomy to the extreme, can barely see that he still has his own will.

Wuji Gu thought of the people he had met in a copy of the evil gods in order to survive. But those people's loyalty didn't help much, and they all ended up dying in that copy.

But this player in front of him clearly already belongs to a higher category of the Evil God's henchmen. Instead of saying that he is a player, it would be better to say that he is half a puppet of the evil god!

"I was really careless. Since it's the boss's puppet, he must have more power in this copy, no wonder he can still run into me in reality with the dream world, probably this is the power of the evil god." Wuji Gu felt a vague pain in his forehead.

The evil god's sight was gone by now, and the mark on the back of his hand was no longer glowing. But Wuji Gu knew it wasn't over yet, rather it was a precursor to the danger that would soon come.

It is clear that what happens in this space has affected the entire copy.

According to the original progress, it would take at least five days to develop to that extent. But because of him, the situation has now changed dramatically, and I'm afraid that at most three days this casino space will not be able to support.

And he had to get through those tests before everything came to be, and one a night was clearly no longer enough.

But now, more than these questions, Wuji Gu looked at the opposite youth and suddenly an idea came to his mind. The mark of the evil god on the other person's body has obviously infringed on the whole person's physical and mental health, in such a case using the healing ability, could it simply remove the entire mark of the evil god?

Even if it can't be cleared, as long as it can be partially resolved, it means that the healing ability has a role to play in this regard, so he can find a way to gather points to upgrade the healing ability as well!

Realizing this, Wuji Gu became extremely excited that he had finally found the ability to fix the mark of the evil god on the back of his hand! It could even help other players.

The youth was still staring at Wuji Gu, but suddenly felt Wuji Gu looked at his eyes suddenly became incomparably hot, even the consciousness has been almost not like ordinary people, the youth have a kind of hairy feeling, but also subconsciously took a few steps back.

Wuji Gu snapped towards this side, "Don't be afraid, it's okay, I just want to help you. Of course the process may be a little hard ......"

"You, you ......"

The youth at this point is almost subconscious thinking, he felt a strong sense of danger from Wuji Gu, if this continues must happen something bad, it is abruptly turned into the crowd.

Wuji Gu chased after him, but after all, this was only a dream world and he couldn't interact with the others, so he lost track of the other side.

"I can't believe I ran so fast." Wuji Gu couldn't help but lose it, "But I'll wake up from my dream now, go to the casino, and ask Guangyu Di senpai and Sidun Ao to help me look for it, so I should be able to find it soon."


Not long ago, the atmosphere in the casino was very tense.

Several candidates have almost understood each other's identity, but they did not engage in head-to-head combat, but barely maintained the surface courtesy, after all, it is not yet time to formally tear the face.

Each of them is basically surrounded by players who don't look ordinary, and in general, they are not ordinary people who can mess with the existence.

Only the brown-haired man and the bald-headed bodyguard, who left yesterday with two bodyguards and never returned, shrank in the corner with fear and trepidation, not daring to confront the others. Everyone else basically did not take this person seriously.

These players have noticed that the two scary men who raised the ghosts and the player who gave Ersen Ni chips yesterday with great arrogance are nowhere to be seen. The answer seems to be in the air ......

That arrogant player 80% is turned into fodder for the ghost breeder's pet.

But the two players who witnessed Wuji Gu's prowess yesterday thought otherwise. They are a pair of slightly younger looking brothers with a similar appearance, who are known as Yi Fan and Er Fan.

This pair of brothers is also considered a neutral presence in the senior player, but they are not very strong, are relying on two people to support each other and act vigilantly to barely support to today.

After yesterday's spectacle, they can't wait to have a good relationship with Wuji Gu, but they just don't have the opportunity to meet him. As for the two men who kept the ghosts, in Yi Fan Er Fan's opinion, they are probably in bad luck.

The rest of the players are of average strength, the only most alarming is the crowd that looks very vicious pugilist, it is rumored that the other party has extremely special abilities, but also pitted a lot of players to death.

Just when all the people were thinking individually in their minds, suddenly a slight sound of breaking glass came. Ordinary people certainly do not care, but these senior players are sharp to the extreme immediately look to the ceiling of the most dense Yin Qi.

But let alone any cracks, this ceiling is not even a stain, clean to the point of eccentricity.

"What's going on here ......"

The next moment, it was as if the sound of glass cracks spreading rang out, also accompanied by a burst of strong Yin Qi gushing into the casino. In this instant, many people around the vague traces of ghosts to emerge.

However, ordinary NPCs do not see the ghosts, just suddenly feel the body chill, many people have a hard look to leave the hall ready to go to rest.

All players tensed up, protecting the side of their employers, waiting for the bizarre situation that would happen next.

But, then nothing happened, everything was calm to the core.

"Does that mean it's just scaring the hell out of us?"

"But according to the information I found out, this ceiling should be the biggest seal of this casino, the moment it cracks open is the most dangerous time for this copy, when all the ghosts inside will rampage out ......"

"I originally thought this was going to happen in a few days, did it come early?"

These players are experienced and quickly thought of this one and realized the situation was not good.

They look at the others with more sinister eyes, and one by one they begin to take the chips in this casino by any means necessary, what cheating methods have been carelessly used upwards, even though this will lead to an increase in the ghosts around them, but this can't be helped.

More than these threats, if you can't get more chips and pass the test, that's what will kill you.

As for the employers of these players no one dares to stop them, rather they are still happy with the situation, anyway it is best to increase their chances of becoming candidates.

The perceptive people have detected the change in the atmosphere in the hall, do not want to offend these people who look very scary immediately to avoid the way.

And those gamblers who don't know how to read the air had quite a few violently pushed away, and even if they were discontented, they didn't dare to put up any resistance to the incredibly strong players, all of whom left the scene in exasperation.

After all, these senior players, even if the strength of other players is poor, in front of ordinary people that are amazing physical strength of the existence of ...... of course they are not how to see Wuji Gu that more bug physical strength.

Ersen Ni young master is of course very dissatisfied with the violent behavior of these people, he had divided a good piece of land, but by the competitor's men so rudely dislike up, if so tolerate his anger how to mix in the future?

He immediately signaled his bodyguards to go up and do it, but these seemingly very strong and reliable bodyguards were as easily pushed away as paper mache by the other players.

"How? Is this kind of strength that ordinary people can have?" Ersen Ni at this time cold sweat vaguely fell on his forehead, he was after all the one who knew the truth about the casino, and an idea immediately surfaced, "Does it mean that they are all not human? Damn, when did these guys get such terrible helpers."

If this continues, won't he just have to sit and wait for death?

Ersen Ni young master felt that he had never been so stifled in decades of life, angry, turned around to go back, but steeply saw several rival men stop in front of him.

"What do you want to do?" Ersen Ni young master's face was ugly to the extreme, "If you dare to make a move against me, even if you have a hundred lives, it won't be enough to pay for it!"

At this time his bodyguards have fallen to the ground crawling can not get up, as for the female assistant that can not be counted on, her physical strength than Ersen Ni young master is worse, at this time can only stand behind shivering.

"Oh, Young Master Ersen Ni, do you think that your threats are useful in this place?" That opponent sneered, "And I certainly don't mean to kill you, I just want to break your arms and legs, so that it's enough for you to stay honestly in the room afterwards and wait for me to become the heir."

"You!" Ersen Ni heart incomparable anger, but no room for resistance, he realized for the first time that everything he had in this place actually so powerless. Even the next moment, the fist of the strong man in front of him was about to swing to his face.

In the nick of time, a hand reached out from the side and blocked the blow.

People around the room froze.

The disguised Wuji Gu easily defused the punch, a gentle push, the strong man in front of him was like a huge shock, people fell out several meters. This is still Wuji Gu let the water end, otherwise these people are expected to die directly on the spot.

Wuji Gu blocked in front of Ersen Ni, glad he came in time ...... although even if Ersen Ni was beaten half to death he also has the ability to heal is it.

And he also did not expect that he just slept for a while, the casino actually changed so much, it was almost as if the scene of an accident, all the NPCs looked as if they were trembling, only a few people who looked like players kept taking out chips from the various machines, completely ignoring any rules in the casino.

Wuji Gu a moment did not realize that things would turn out this way are caused by themselves, and then look at the few people in front of you, looks very kind face with a smile open, "You still want to do it?"

Ersen Ni looked at Wuji Gu in front of him in a daze, yesterday he was the first time he was given a gift like that, and today, the wretched man is the first time he was saved like that.

This person in the end ......

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