A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 214: How can it happen to be this person!

Chapter 214: How can it happen to be this person!

A few minutes later.

The female ghost fell into silence as she looked at the portrait that had been restored as before, and even more updated than before.

To know the original want to successfully repair this portrait, at least need to look in the haunted casino for a night, but also need to avoid all kinds of ghosts ...... in short, experience a variety of difficult and demanding conditions to be able to get the props.

And she really did not want to see this person who could hopefully destroy the casino accidentally die, which is why she decided to take such a risk and just let Wuji Gu pass his side of the test.

But what's wrong with this guy! There is actually such a technology, directly to the portrait to complete the line! You don't even have to do anything on your own.

In fact, Wuji Gu himself does not have such technology, but he has advanced props. That is at least in the world of the painting to get things, than outside the degree of these ordinary portraits are a bit more advanced, to use completely more than enough.

"It's perfectly fine." The female ghost in the end is someone who has seen the storm, quickly calm down.

"It's so nice to be of help." Wuji Gu gave her a genuine smile.

Looking at Wuji Gu, who seemed to be helping himself from the heart, the female ghost could not help but feel some long-lost warmth in her heart, feeling that this person in front of her is really different from other people who come to this place, if it is him, maybe she can ......

"Now I'll tell you about the other four ghosts."

The female ghost did not mind revealing the information about her companions to Wuji Gu. Just a little bit of work, Wuji Gu has the four ghosts of the body hobbies and weaknesses of all the clear, and even clear how to pass from each other's test.

It's almost as if you're playing a game and suddenly get a cheat for the whole game.

Although it is risky even if you know the strategy, but that is nothing for Wuji Gu, if everything goes well, Wuji Gu pass the game is already a nail-biter.

"Right." The female ghost seems to remember something, and said: "There are two humans, should be from the same place as you, they are also trapped in this space, and in a while should also be able to enter here."



At this time two men are walking in the middle of a long corridor, the heart is still with a few vigilance.

And the ghosts they keep inside them are scouting around, so they can react in time if they encounter any danger.

After a period of exploration, the two found some clues from around, plus they knew some information before, also probably deduced the current situation.

"It seems that we are caught in some ghost-controlled space, and we can only get out if we meet certain conditions."

As for where the ghost was, they were soon clear, after all, they could clearly detect where there was a more frightening aura from the ghosts they kept.

Just then, there was movement from the front, and still the breath of the living, the two exchanged a look, and the kind of undisguised malice surfaced in their expressions.

They would never miss the chance to kill the other opponents in such a copy, and would not even care who the living person really is.

The two immediately ambushed the surrounding hidden places and controlled the ghosts to hide as well, waiting until the time to attack that player directly.


At this time Wuji Gu was still walking in the corridor. Considering the character of the three people he met during the day, the female ghost was there to ask him if he wanted the two to be completely lost in this space.

But Wuji Gu, after all, is a good person with a positive outlook, thinking that this kind of thing is still too much, maybe he can still go and discuss with the two.

For various reasons, he used the disguise prop to change his appearance into his daytime appearance. This prop originally has a number of uses, but after upgrading with points can be used at will, Wuji Gu purified a lot of ghosts in the past few days, of course, there is no shortage of points.

Just as he rounded the corner, two ghosts appeared out of nowhere and lunged at Wuji Gu. The two also appeared from their hiding place at that moment, holding various props in their hands and looking at Wuji Gu with a sneer.

The moment they both saw Wuji Gu's face, the smiles on their faces froze.

How could it be this person?

"No, it's okay, we were exploited during the day because we didn't deal with him seriously, now that we both use our full strength, what can this man do?" The man with glasses could not help but speak out.

"That's right." His companion also quickly found his confidence, and the two were about to continue, when they saw a scene that made their eyes water.

Wuji Gu face two ghosts of the surprise attack also a calm look, even the ghosts have not yet attacked, it has been paused in mid-air can not move.

This is even, the key is, the next moment, the two ghosts actually looked like they were under control, turned around and looked at their master grimly.

After all, these two ghosts are only intermediate ghosts, and Wuji Gu's ghost mastery can temporarily suppress even the ghosts in his own body, not to mention such ghosts.

Two people also immediately felt their body and the ghost of the connection seems to be cut off, the mind is a blank, feel the urge to vomit blood directly have.

"What the hell have you done?! How could this happen!"

"Are you, are you still human ......"

What kind of a person is this! They all already consider themselves very deranged, but they are only raising ghosts inside their bodies ...... but the other party is actually able to manipulate ghosts and is so skilled, what has happened to him in the end?! Could this be the legendary senior players who have been deranged to the extreme?

Especially Wuji Gu still looks like a very good person, but who knows what he is thinking in his heart, this disguise is too real, in the end, how deep the heart ah. They simply kicked the iron plate this time!

The two men's defenses completely collapsed, and they looked at Wuji Gu as if he was some kind of evil spirit. Even if a handsome and friendly person like Wuji Gu smiled at them, it looked to them like the announcement of death.

The two men, too frightened to grieve what had happened to them, turned and fled toward the side.

"Wait, I have something to say to you guys." Wuji Gu hasn't forgotten his desire to convince these two and hurriedly followed, "I won't make a move on you."

But these two men thought that they would not believe Wuji Gu's thoughts, and thought that Wuji Gu wanted to kill them all, so they ran for their lives even faster.


In the dim corridor, everything was black and white, without a trace of life.

The two men hid behind the huge vase in the corridor with trepidation, they were obviously scared to death, but they didn't dare to breathe loudly for fear of attracting the man's attention.

Of course they will not think that the man is blind, so long ago used the props to conceal their own breath, just to be able to escape this disaster.

Before tonight, they never thought they would be in such a mess, but that man was so horrible that they realized for the first time that there were such heartless men in the world.

Just then, footsteps sounded.

The two men's bodies were going stiff uncontrollably. They watched as a figure slowly walked this way, followed by two ghosts.

The ghosts that used to be familiar to them as if they were part of their own bodies were now something they avoided. In a way, they suddenly understood the fear of the people they had killed in the first place.

Just then, the two suddenly noticed that the shadows outside seemed to be missing something, and when they looked up, they saw two ghosts posted right above them.


Along with the screams, the two men wretchedly rolled and crawled out, they probably never thought they would be scared to this extent by the ghosts they raised.

"Ah, we finally found you." The Wuji Gu over there was relieved, looked at them and spoke, "Originally I was going to say it was hard to find. So I asked these two ghosts to look for you, and as expected, they are the ghosts that are closely connected to you, so they found you so quickly and saved a lot of work."

"Don't worry, I'm not trying to kill you either, I just want to talk to you and ask a few questions."

Wuji Gu did not feel the least bit frightened of himself with two ghosts chasing two men who were both scared to death on the ground.

The two men were already about to be scared to death by Wuji Gu. They backed up to the wall in a hurry, but suddenly found a door behind them.

It turns out that unknowingly they have come to the space where the ghosts are.

The two men's eyes lit up, if before they may not dare to approach, but now in front of Wuji Gu they can not care much! Even a direct collision with a ghost is better than being killed by Wuji Gu!

They instantly pushed open the door and sneered at Wuji Gu, quite a feeling of dying together.

The moment the door opened, the two rushed to the door, he saw a pair of portraits hanging in the middle, the female ghost that appeared on it gave great pressure, so that they all paused in place for a while, if it was this female ghost ......

"You're back again." The female ghost looked at Wuji Gu , as if the two were still familiar, even her tone was cordial.

"I didn't expect it so soon either." Wuji Gu said.

Two men: "......"

Two men: "?!?"

So what the hell is this Wuji Gu terrible person!!!

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