A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 193: And it looks like some kind of otaku text

Chapter 193: And it looks like some kind of otaku text

At this time the mansion is simply incomparable eerie, quiet as if no one lives in the same, inside the fog is dense almost can not see around the distance of more than one meter.

The Wuji Gu residence is extremely scary, you can see heavy shadows walking by in a trance. The bodyguards who were guarding the place looked unnatural, with a few grimaces in their eyes.

The original charms Jia Cheng had put on the room were also cleaned up by the ghost-compelled waiters ...... It can be said that the room was simply a ghost cave, just waiting for Wuji Gu and others to come back and deliver their own heads.

--Of course, this is just a nice fantasy in the minds of these ghosts.

The actual situation is, when the footsteps sounded, but no one came in after a long time. A few ghosts can't even detect traces of people, they can't help but wonder.

Soon after, several ghosts heard a sound, as if the sound of children's laughter, and then a shake of the eyes, the surrounding environment suddenly changed, into a place like a fairy tale world, full of laughter around, but the most bizarre.

"What is this, what is this place?!"

Several ghosts wanted to use their abilities, but suddenly found that they could not use any of their powers. In this moment they seem to have instantly returned to their pre-birth days, turning into an ordinary mortal.

If in normal times may also be considered good. But in such a scary look at a haunted place ...... can imagine that the situation will not be as good as it can be.

Realizing this, several ghosts are simply chilled, they have been dead for so long, for the first time, the idea that this place is not haunted.


Wuji Gu closed the illustrated book in his hand, he did not expect to use this illustrated book brought out from the previous copy of the evil god is actually so useful, as long as the state of the ghosts inside clear they can be trapped in the illustrated book.

Of course there are a lot of requirements for strength and environment, but these ghosts were sold so badly by their teammates, that it wasn't that hard for Wuji Gu.

"Just try what this picture book will do to the ghosts trapped inside." Wuji Gu is well aware that this picture book is a prop that looks good for children, but actually has a dark plot and Felicia's obsession attached to it, which may also be a test for these advanced ghosts.

"These ghosts can't be scared to death anyway, right?" Wuji Gu is still at ease.

Sidun Ao next to him was looking at the copy in Wuji Gu's hand with a pained look. He knew very well the power of Felicia's illustrated book, and the ghosts in it would definitely be in trouble.

Looking at the unconscious bodyguards on the ground, Jia Cheng is really relieved, fortunately he has been following Master Gu, these bodyguards seem to be quite reliable, but if possessed by a ghost that is simply a disaster.

"Master Gu, Master Gu, what are you going to do with them?" The ghost who had sold his teammates could not help but ask Wuji Gu with trepidation.

"I'll see if I can find a chance to purify them all." Wuji Gu mused, after all, these few ghosts also look like they just don't get along, it's just too much trouble.

Sidun Ao, next to him, sneered, "I've always felt that ghost is not right, and it's still doing such tricks in secret, we can't let it go!"

"Of course I know it seems bad to intercede on their behalf." This ghost has naturally acquiesced Wuji Gu mouth of purification is simply to these ghosts to the whole soul, more hairy, "but a few ghosts inside still know quite a lot of intelligence, rather than purify away, it is better to inquire and inquire ......"

"You have a point." Wuji Gu nodded, "Then it's good to see how they transform in the picture book."

Wuji Gu is not prepared to take more chances on the kind of ghosts that mess up again and again, he is still very busy!

And in the dark, a figure was watching in amazement at what was happening in front of him. He had only come to ask a question, but accidentally took it all in.

" Wuji Gu , did you ......"


In the villa on the distant hill, the sickly young man who was a senior player was sitting in it.

Time and again, what he sensed happening in the village refreshed his impression of Wuji Gu.

No matter how many ghosts are arranged to deal with Wuji Gu, the effect is the same as a mud cow into the sea, obviously all kinds of restrictions have been set, these ghosts are by definition very threatening to Wuji Gu, even if other advanced players meet these ghosts should not be so indifferent.

However, Wuji Gu is so that no movement at all, but rather a number of ghosts are purified.

"It seems he still has some strength, at least he is a person who has passed the promotion copy?" The youth couldn't help but frown, but his experience as an advanced player made him not so quick to get anxious, "It seems that there is still not enough quality of these ghosts, in that case, let's wait until the last day."

The power of the Liege plus the effect of his props is enough to turn the village into a difficult advanced copy, or a copy for Wuji Gu alone.

After all, if he hurts too many ordinary people, the world rules will punish him.

Everyone else will be excluded, which means that they, the ordinary people, will not even realize that there is another spooky space in the village where certain things happen. Only some unlucky guys may be too heavy because of the relationship with the ghosts also be involved in the copy.

But because of the rules of the game, this village will naturally surface some clues that should not have appeared, hinting at the background on the Liege.

Of course, the youth also do not think there are clues Wuji Gu will be able to return to the whole body, which at best is to give him a little hope.

"Just let you rest a little bit these days."

The youth revealed a smile as if he had everything in his hands.


Time passed quickly, and soon it was the eighth day, and this was also the moment when the evil spirits were about to wake up.

To say that everything went well in the past few days is not true, Jia Cheng is well aware of how many ghosts they have encountered in the past few days, so that he is still fearful to play on the floor next to Wuji Gu bed.

But these days, although there are so many ghosts, and still an endless stream of increasingly powerful ghosts appear, but there are no casualties, at most everyone is scared out of the psychological shadow of the night are afraid to go out.

Even in such a situation, no one was thinking of running away! Jia Cheng all realized that something was wrong, and at the same time he couldn't help but start to envy Jian Qiu who had run away from the crew before, thinking that they must be very safe out there.

Jia Cheng is most puzzled by Sidun Ao this white boy has been following Wuji Gu, but actually does not seem to have been frightened at all ...... this person in the end what is ah! The most important thing is that he is the only one that Master Gu is interested in!

This convinced Jia Cheng a bit. After all, he himself would never be able to do so.

Wuji Gu is rather swimming in purifying a lot of ghosts, feeling that all things have suddenly become easy ...... although it seems that everything has not changed too much for him, after all, it was not very hard originally.

The only thing that surprised Wuji Gu was the sudden 180 change in Liangmiao Cheng's attitude towards him. In fact, Wuji Gu originally thought that he was just a professional and distant senior.

But in the past few days, Liangmiao Cheng has suddenly changed into a different person, greeting Wuji Gu with all sorts of twists and turns, obviously not having anything to say, but still trying to find something to talk about, and it is obvious that the favorability towards Wuji Gu has increased.

The rest of the crew was shocked to the core, wondering what was wrong with him, after all, Liangmiao Cheng's discrimination against Wuji Gu was almost in plain sight, and only Wuji Gu himself didn't notice it.

Liangmiao Cheng is incomparable pain, after all, he found out that his savior is probably Wuji Gu, he actually had that kind of attitude before, is simply a wolf! Wuji Gu in the end will think of him, he did not dare to think about it.

"I can only make up for it with my attitude." Liangmiao Cheng took a deep breath, but he also felt that he didn't deserve Wuji Gu's forgiveness at all like this, and that he would just quietly help the other side in the dark.

After waking up on that day, Liangmiao Cheng suddenly realized that something was wrong around her.

Before, even if it was spooky, at least there were human voices around, as if the ghosts did not completely invade the world, but kept a subtle distance from the living.

But now, it's as if the village has fallen into a spooky space, like the kind of experience he had when he first hit a ghost.

"What the hell is going on ......" Liangmiao Cheng, who is actually more experienced, stood up and looked around carefully, calling out his assistant's name.

But there was no sound other than the echo of his voice.

At this time Liangmiao Cheng faintly heard movement from behind, alert jerked his head and saw a fog outside the window, nothing could be seen clearly, only vaguely seems to have black shadows floating in it.

"It seems that this village is already haunted." Liangmiao Cheng frowned, he knew that at such a time the only way to survive was to calm down, panicking would only put him in a more dangerous situation.

And he still had the talisman given by Wuji Gu. Liangmiao Cheng took out the talisman he had carefully kept and felt a great sense of security, and stuck it to his chest.

Liangmiao Cheng then carefully walked toward the next room, pushing open the door the moment a cloaked female ghost came barreling in.

When the opponent's hands were about to grab Liangmiao Cheng, before Liangmiao Cheng could react, the charm on his chest was hot and emitted a faint light.

The female ghost immediately seemed to be frightened by something, fled in fear, leaving in place only a piece of paper like a diary.

"What is this?" Liangmiao Cheng picked up the piece of paper on the ground and opened his eyes wide in shock at the content on it.

The piece of paper seems to be a diary of a person, writing about all the strange things that have happened in this village, and parts of the background of several harsh ghosts, indicating that they have to escape from here.

But the second half of the paper is only blood, you can imagine that just the female ghost is the owner of this diary, and she did not escape the village was killed, but also turned into such a ghost.

"It is actually like this, the original village ...... also do not know how Wuji Gu over there, I have to remind him to do so."

Liangmiao Cheng Although he knows Wuji Gu's strength is amazing and he doesn't need his help, he doesn't want to sit around and wait for everything to be over, and maybe just because of such a little clue it will affect Wuji Gu's life!

He hurriedly pushed open the door, and the outdoor fog he had countless dark figures walking around, just by the power of Liangmiao Cheng simply can not leave.

Liangmiao Cheng cold sweat on his face are down, but his sharp eyes to note the pattern of these ghosts movement.

"Wait, so that's the case ...... everything in this space seems to be regular, just like the real game, in that case, I will definitely be able to find Wuji Gu alive if I can find the way to unlock it."

Liangmiao Cheng's heart was so encouraged that he, a person with no experience in copy, actually made his way towards the place where Wuji Gu's residence was located.

If this sight was seen by other junior players, they would probably all start to be ashamed of their professionalism.

When Liangmiao Cheng finally arrived at Wuji Gu's location, he did not let his guard down, but took a deep breath and pushed open the door of the room in front of him, and then his eyes widened in dismay.

"How, how could ......"

At this moment, Wuji Gu was sitting unharmed on a chair, and in front of him there were actually several bound and powerful ghosts, and several ghosts were serving Wuji Gu with a pleasing face.

In any case, this is not what should appear in the psychic space of the picture, and like what the picture of the otaku text.

The sight was too much of a shock for Liangmiao Cheng.

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