A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 403: Trapped halfway in snow

Chapter 403: Trapped halfway in snow

Chapter 403 Trapped halfway in the snow

Listen to Pine Garden.

Wei Ruo received three hundred taels of silver bills from Tongdetang.

Bai Huahua's money is in hand, Wei Ruo is in a very good mood.

Adding the newly obtained 1,500 mu of land, Wei Ruo's mood is not so good.

Now it is up to Wei Mingting to nod and agree to his marriage with Zhao Xun.

Wei Ruo knew that Wei Mingting had sent people to inquire about Zhao's situation in the past few days, and Zhao Xun's body had already been found.

Wei Ruo is not worried about this because Zhao Xun's health has indeed improved. It is a risk for him to take the autumn test while sick, but his ability to survive also proves that his health has indeed improved a lot.

Now Wei Ruotian has a lot of property, a lot of shops, a lot of money saved, and the marriage is settled.

Everything is moving in the direction Wei Ruo wants.

"Miss, now we have the money to open a new store and buy a new house."

"This time I will use the money to buy a shop in the provincial capital." Wei Ruo said.

"Miss, haven't you already asked the nanny to buy the shop?" Xiumei was puzzled.

"That's right, the shop I want to open has already been bought. The shop I plan to buy this time is not for opening a shop myself, but for renting out to earn rent." Wei Ruo said.

Wei Ruo recently received a reward, Zhuangzi had a bumper harvest, and made some money from several businesses, so he has more money in his hand.

Wei Ruo likes to use money to make money, so he considers becoming a renter.

Taking advantage of the current bad environment in the provincial capital, I bought a batch of shops at low prices. When the disaster is over, the value of the shops in the provincial capital will inevitably rise. At that time, it will be very cost-effective to sell or collect rent.

"It's good to collect the rent, and I get money every month!" Xiumei looked forward to it.

"In a few days, I have to find a way to go to the provincial capital and handle this matter myself. I will also deal with the matter of Fengting Villa by the way." Wei Ruo planned.

Wei Ruo has already planned it, so he will go to the provincial capital to stay for a while if he finds an excuse, so that he can do business and hide at leisure.

Speaking of which, the last time I went to the provincial capital was with my second brother. I dont know where he is now, what happened to the thing that bothered him.


The next day, Wei Ruo went out on the grounds of Mrs. Yuan and land reclamation.

Said to go to Yuan Mansion for a short stay, but actually went to the provincial capital.

It has been half a month since I left and came back.

Originally, Wei Ruo would be able to arrive at Taizhou Prefecture that night, but it snowed heavily this morning, and within half a day, there was thick snow on the road.

The inside and outside of the city are covered with snow, and the road into the city is covered with thick snow.

The wheels got stuck in the heavy snow and couldn't move on. Wei Ruo's carriage was forced to stop outside the city.

"Miss, what should I do, I can't leave." Xiumei tried to push the carriage out, but failed.

"Meimei, let's not hurry. The snow is still falling, and the snow is getting thicker and thicker. Even if the carriage is pushed out from here, the front will still be immobile." Wei Ruo analyzed.

"Then what should I do?" Xiumei worried.

"Don't worry, we have everything, even if we stay by the side of the road for a few days, there will be no problem." Wei Ruo said.

"Miss is right! I was so anxious that I forgot about it!" Xiumei suddenly realized.

"Let's clear the snow beside the carriage first, and then build a shed." Wei Ruo planned to set up camp on the spot and make plans after the heavy snowfall.


Wei Ruo and Xiumei changed their clothes first. It was enough for them to wear autumn clothes in the morning. Now they have to wrap themselves in thick winter clothes.

After changing their clothes, the two started to work, clearing the snow around their carriage.

The carriage that Wei Ruo is riding in is newly bought by Wei Ruo himself.

Because Wei Ruo always has to go out by himself, it is inevitably inconvenient to use the Wei family's carriage. As for Wei Ruo being rich, everyone in the Wei family knew about it, so it was reasonable for her to buy a carriage with her own money.

This carriage is more spacious than the two original ones of the Wei family, and there are thermal pads on all four walls of the carriage, keeping it warm and airtight, and extremely comfortable, enough for Wei Ruo and Xiumei to spend the night in it.

The two of them first swept out an open space around the carriage.

Xiumei stepped on the snow and went to a bamboo forest not far away to cut a bundle of bamboo.

Then Wei Ruo got a piece of cloth as if by magic, and built a simple shed with bamboo and cloth.

The shed is larger than the carriage, in addition to covering the carriage, it can also leave a small open space.

Then Wei Ruo took the brazier and charcoal and burned them in the open space next to the carriage. Although this was a bit wasteful, the heat generated by the brazier could prevent the snow from accumulating on the roof of the shed to a certain extent.

Otherwise, if the snow is too heavy, there will be a thick layer of snow in a short while, which will easily crush the shed.

Beside the brazier, Wei Ruo raised another stove, put it on, and started to boil water.

Because they couldn't leave for a while, they had to solve the problem of eating on the spot.

Although there is no shortage of dry food in the carriage, Wei Ruo likes to eat some warm food in such a cold weather.

While boiling the water, Wei Ruo brought some hay for the two horses.

While Wei Ruo and Xiumei were busy, a group of people appeared not far away.

Wei Yichen, Xu Fengyuan, Lu Yuhong and others originally rode back to the city from Anzhou Academy, but because the snow was too thick, they were forced to dismount.

After walking for a while, it became difficult to walk, and the snow was already below the knees. Whether it was a horse or a human, it was strenuous and dangerous to drive under such conditions.

But stopping in place at this time is also a very dangerous thing. No one knows how long the heavy snow will last. They only have money and no food on them. If they just wait here, they will freeze to death and starve risk of death.

Just when the few people didn't know what to do and were hungry and cold, they saw a shed not far away, and saw the fire and smoke coming out of the shed.

Several people showed surprise and doubt on their faces at the same time.

In this snowy day, why is there a shed next to the official road?

After a while, someone with sharp eyes recognized the busy figure.

"Brother Yichen, that seems to be your eldest sister?"

Hearing this, Wei Yichen and Xu Fengyuan looked over at the same time.

Then the eyes of the two of them changed, and they both confirmed that the figure was Wei Ruo.

At the same time, the busy Wei Ruo also noticed the group of people in the distance.

After careful observation, it was found that they were students from Anzhou Academy.

"Why are they here?" Wei Ruo was a little puzzled.

This group of scholars dont stay in the academy well, what are they doing here in the snow?

While thinking about it, I saw these people walking towards her direction.

There are six people in this group, namely Wei Yichen, Xu Fengyuan, Lu Yuhong, Yuan Wangyuan, the descendant of the Yuan family, Liu Yu, the second son of the Liu family, and a poor student named Gao Wentian.

After the six people approached, they could not help but become more surprised and curious when they saw the situation on Wei Ruo's side.

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