A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 401: subdivision

Chapter 401: subdivision

Chapter 401 Division

Wei Ruoben didn't intend to have too much involvement with Chu Lan, so he kept his mouth shut throughout the whole process. When Chu Lan asked her, he only answered briefly, and if he didn't say anything, she wouldn't say anything either.

Even so, Chu Lan was not angry, and quietly enjoyed the time with Wei Ruo.

"I think the days in the farm are the most comfortable I have been in Taizhou Mansion these days." Chu Lan savored the taste carefully.

Wei Ruo really wanted to complain about him. At that time, he was physically and face disfigured. What kind of comfort was he? I'm afraid my brain is broken!

Wei Ruo didn't answer the question, but focused on putting charcoal into the stove.

Chu Lan suddenly took off a jade pendant from her waist, put it on the table, and pushed it in front of Wei Ruo.

"You accept this thing."

"Young Master Zhu, I have already collected your medical expenses, so you don't need to be so polite."

"Just accept it. If you need it in the future, if you go to the capital, you can bring this jade pendant to me. Maybe I have a chance to help."

Before Wei Ruo could refuse again, Chu Lan said again: "If you don't accept, I won't leave today."

Wei Ruo choked in his throat when he refused.

After thinking for a long time, Wei Ruo chose between accepting the jade pendant and Chu Lan not leaving.

"Then respect is worse than obedience." Wei Ruojiang picked up the jade pendant and put it in his arms.

After drinking a cup of tea, Chu Lan got up.

"Mr. Xu, goodbye by fate." Chu Lan bowed her hands, and finally said goodbye to Wei Ruo solemnly.

"See you by fate." Wei Ruo replied.

Chu Lan turned and walked out of the farm.

Before getting on the horse, he took one last look at the place where he lived all winter.

Then he rode away, dressed in black, he finally turned into a black spot in Wei Ruo's sight, and finally disappeared.

Seeing off Chu Lan, Wei Ruo breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know why Chu Lan is so obsessed with her life-saving grace to him, she has already accepted his silver taels, and it is reasonable to say that she has settled the two.

Besides, she has such an attitude towards him, how can such a proud person like him stick to his hot face and cold ass?

I really can't see that he is such a kind person.

Not thinking about this question any more, Wei Ruo hurriedly went to Caili Farm and Shitou Village to inspect the growth of the crops and the situation of the brewery before returning to the General's Mansion.

After returning home, Wei Ruo was not idle either. She took out the maps of the two farms and nearby mountain villages, thinking about finding another open space.

The fabrics that Wei Ruo promised to the wives of several aristocratic families have been sought after by all the wives. Now more people ask Wei Ruo about the source of the fabrics and express a strong desire to buy them.

Wei Ruo told them that there were very few things and they had to wait if they wanted to buy them.

Because Wei Ruo has no way to mass-produce whether it is cloth or dyes, and Wei Ruo does not plan to mass-produce.

But Wei Ruo still needs to find a way to set up a cloth dyeing workshop, because Wei Ruo can't operate it with a large water tank in his small courtyard every time, which is really inconvenient and easy to be discovered.

The next day, Wei Ruo received another letter from the nanny, informing Wei Ruo of the progress of Fengting Villa in the provincial capital.

According to Wei Ruo's instructions, some victims were taken in and resettled, and some relatively flat places on the mountain were reclaimed to prepare for planting perennial ratooned rice seeds.

Because of the terrain, the initial planting will be relatively labor-intensive. We can plant as many species as we can in the next half month, and Wei Ruo, who is too late to plant, will not force it. We will make plans after the next year's recovery.

Other relatively sloped land is planted with tea trees.

These tea trees are wild tea trees that Wei Ruo asked people to dig in the provincial capital and various mountains in Taizhou Prefecture.

Its not that the local people dont know the existence of wild tea trees. They dont want to transplant them because there is no place to plant them. Land resources are very precious and everyone gives priority to planting crops to satisfy their hunger.

The priority of non-essentials such as tea is very low. Poor people drink water more, and most of them don't have the leisure to pick tea and make tea.

The wild tea trees in the provincial capital and Fushan Mountain in Taizhou are mainly green tea, and the variety is similar to Longjing.

After transplanting, Wei Ruo asked them to prune all their branches and leaves.

The first batch of tea leaves can be picked in the coming spring.

In addition to informing Wei Ruo of the progress of Fengting Villa, the nanny also told Wei Ruo in a letter that the sixth prince who was in charge of disaster relief had left Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and it was said that he was punished for failing to provide disaster relief.

Chu Lan has returned to Beijing, and the sixth prince has also returned. In addition, there is another sick child, the ninth prince. It seems that the capital is going to be lively.

Wei Ruo thought, if the capital is lively, let it be lively, and her place should be quiet.


The next day, Wei Ruo went out dressed as a woman, and went to open up wasteland with Mrs. Yuan, Nanny Qin and others.

Although Chu Lan has already returned to Beijing, Nanny Qin and others were left behind and continued to follow Wei Ruo to open up wasteland and rescue disasters.

Besides, there are many wives who will also accompany, including Yun's.

The land reclamation has begun to bear fruit, and the winter wheat has been planted. The wives all want to see what the fields look like now after they have contributed money, food and labor.

According to the promise of the government, the ownership of these lands belongs to them who have contributed money and labor, and the grain harvest of this season also belongs to them.

Furthermore, after today's inspection, the government office will start to divide the land, and the specific amount of land that each family can get will be announced.

The wives who saw Yun and Wei Ruo sent congratulations one after another.

Because the Wei family is in full swing recently.

Wei Mingting was promoted, Wei Yichen was elected, Wei Ruo was rewarded, Wei Qingwan was given a marriage.

There is no other moment in the limelight.

Wei Ruodu just responded with a smile.

The smile on Yun's face is brighter than that of Wei Ruo's. She is proud and happy from the bottom of her heart.

Ms. Xu did not like Wei Ruo daoxi like everyone else, on the contrary, she looked at Wei Ruo with a complicated expression.

When they arrived at the place, everyone saw large tracts of reclaimed fields, and the green wheat seedlings on them were full of vitality.

Everyone couldn't help showing joy on their faces.

"It's hard to imagine that a year ago, this place was full of rocky land with few weeds growing!"

"No, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't believe it. The ten thousand hectares of fertile land are newly cultivated in the past half a year!"

"I heard from the older generation that in the past, nothing could be grown in this area! Now the wheat seedlings are verdant, as if a Bodhisattva has cast a spell!"


The ladies praised again and again.

After the visit, Mrs. Yuan showed the distribution map of the fields to the ladies.

The drawing shows the location of the fields that have been reclaimed, and the size and ownership of each piece of land are clearly marked.

All the wives who saw the result showed satisfied smiles on their faces, because the marking on it was consistent with what Mrs. Yuan promised at the beginning, which is to distribute according to the proportion of each family's money, grain and people, which is fair and just.

Only Yun's expression on his face seemed a little stiff after seeing the drawings.

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