80’s Group Pet Blessing Package

Chapter 87: There is a very strong unease

  Chapter 87 There is a very strong unease

   "It's noon." Zhou Yong's daughter-in-law, Du Chunjuan, was also dumbfounded, "Don't you think you didn't see him?"

   "Can I still ask you when I see it!"

   Zhou Yong roared violently and quickly asked, "Where did he find me?"

  Du Chunjuan said dumbly, "It's the train station."

   "Who did you go with?"

   "Just... just him..."

   Zhou Yong was completely angry when he heard this: "He's only three years old, you let him go to the train station alone to find me? You have a sick mind! Why don't you stop him when he wants to find me?"

   Du Chunjuan was scolded by him, and his anger also came up: "Then can I stop it? It's not your fault for spoiling him!"

  "You—" Zhou was so courageous that he wanted to hit someone, he clenched his fists, and said while holding back his anger, "Even if I can't stop you, at least stay with him! You can let him run out alone?"

   "Isn't that pretty close? How did I know you didn't see him."

   "You—" Zhou Yong was almost mad at her. Thinking of his missing son, he quickly said, "Go! Follow me out to find Huzi!"

   There was a very strong unease in him.

   It's been half a day. Their family home is not far from the train station. Where did Hu Zi go?

  It stands to reason that people at the railway station basically know Huzi, and they will definitely bring Huzi to him when they see Huzi.

   But up to now, he has never seen Huzi, and he has never heard of anyone talking about Huzi looking for him.

  Where did the tiger go?

   Zhou Yong took Du Chunjuan to ask and search all the way, but someone really saw Huzi heading towards the train station.

   When I asked at the train station, no one had seen Huzi.

   Zhou Yong searched the neighborhood, but still couldn't find his son.

   Seeing that it was getting dark, he squatted on the ground in despair, staring blankly at the end of the dark road, not knowing where to go.

  His son, he just disappeared?

  Suddenly, Du Chunjuan on the side said pitifully: "Da Yong, why don't we go back first, maybe Hu Zi has already gone home."

   Zhou Yong snapped back to his senses and stood up at once. As a result, I got up too quickly, my whole head was dizzy, and there was Venus flashing in front of my eyes.

   He stumbled and fell, and his knees were rubbed, and it was burning, but he couldn't care about it, and staggered to run home.

   In the end, when I got home, the house was dead silent, with no one at all.

   Zhou Yong collapsed to his knees: "What should I do? Huzi hasn't come back yet."

  Du Chunjuan stood bewildered, frowned and said nothing.

   How does she know what to do? She is starving to death now.

   Soon Zhou Yong regained his energy and pulled her out: "Go! Report the crime with me!"

  Du Chunjuan immediately grabbed the door frame: "I'm not going! Go by yourself, I'm going to starve to death!"

   Zhou courageously roared: "The tiger hasn't come back yet, you only know how to eat!"

  Du Chunjuan's expression changed, but she still refused to go: "Then can't you go alone? You have to let me starve to death."

   She felt guilty and was really hungry.

   Zhou Yong had no choice but to go to report the crime by himself.


On the train.

   Jiang Shixun and Tang Yulan are already asleep.

  Jiang Zhiying went into the space to work for a while, and then swallowed the mist to replenish her abilities, and then she left the space.

   It was very late at this time. She wanted to sleep, but suddenly recalled the story about Zhou Yong and Huzi in the book.

   Can't sleep.

   So after a moment of hesitation, she decided to go out for a walk.

   At this moment, everyone else was basically asleep, so she could just sneak out to have a wave.


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