6 Times a Day

Chapter 984 Adrian Continued [2/5]

Brenda said to her loyal maid, "Anika, I'm worried Aidy has a fever. Could you get a thermometer?"

Adrian closed his eyes as soon as he heard his mother speak. He was afraid that if he kept them open, he'd be unable to look anywhere but at her chest for very long, and then she'd follow his gaze down and fix her dress.

As a result, he failed to see Anika walk closer and wink at Brenda conspiratorially.

Anika smiled and said, "Ya, no problem. Vhat kind do you vant, the regular or the rectal kind?"

A light bulb went off in Brenda's head. Rectal thermometer? I hadn't even thought about that! Oh, the possibilities! ... Nah, I'd better not. As much as I'd love to see his cute little baby butt, he looks like he's about to die of excitement and nervousness. Oh! Maybe I should be the one to pretend sickness and have him stick something hard and long up MY ass! ... No. Calm down. Slowly, Suzanne said, slowly!

She made up her mind to just use the regular thermometer. But she was so consumed by her desire to be fucked by her son that when she opened her mouth the words that came out were, "The rectal." She was as surprised as anyone else by that. She tried to justify it after the fact by lying, "The other one broke last week. Don't you remember, Anika?" She added the truthful statement, "And this way we'll get a better reading."

Anika replied "Ya" in her heavy accent, then nodded significantly down at Adrian's crotch.

Brenda followed where Anika's eyes directed, noticing to her great surprise that her son's hard-on was peeking out from the bottom of his shorts. In fact, as she stared she slowly watched his engorged organ come out of his shorts almost completely.

He seemed clueless about it, no doubt because he was so overwhelmed and flustered.

Brenda took the chance to mentally size up her son's penis. Hmmm. Not as long as Alan's eight-incher, and maybe not quite as thick, but that's to be expected. It wouldn't be right for me to enjoy a penis larger than Alan's - his should always be my greatest joy. Still, Aidy's is quite nice, and it may still grow some. Six or seven inches maybe? I'm a lucky mom. I can't wait to take that baby for a ride! ... Oh: the word baby! He literally IS my baby, and we ARE going to go for a ride! Every night, he's going to ride his momma like a cowboy riding a horse! I'm going to be his bitch. My son's bitch! His slave! It's so exciting! I'm going to be EVERYBODY'S slave! My body is going to be used and abused by all my superiors! That's how it's meant to be. My role is to spread my legs and SERVE!

"Um, Momma?"

Brenda came out of her daydreamy thoughts as she heard Adrian's voice. She looked down (at five foot six, Adrian was normally an inch taller than his mother, but his shoes were off and she was wearing five-inch heels). She saw to her surprise that she'd gotten so excited she was squeezing him in a bear hug, and in fact squeezing him almost painfully tight. The hug molded her tits into his chest again, though she still didn't touch his erection since his tight shorts directed it down along the side of his right thigh.

She pulled back a bit and said, "Oh, sorry. I'm just so worried. I hope you haven't come down with something again - you were sick just two weeks ago."

Adrian forced himself to keep his eyes open and look into hers since she was talking to him. But doing that AND talking was too much for him to handle, and the best he could do was reply, "Um, uh... ah... yeah."

Just then, Anika came back with a thermometer. She'd had a very tough life (especially growing up in Austria during World War II), and her body seemed even older than her age. Mother and son watched as she slowly waddled her way to them. Finally, she handed the thermometer to Brenda, and then stood back a little bit to see what would happen next.

Though Anika's own sex life had ceased years ago and her body wasn't up for more, she could still vicariously enjoy the mental pleasures of seeing Brenda and Adrian interact (and in fact the chance for voyeuristic fun was a big reason why she was so accepting of Brenda's incestuous desires). She knew she was going to get a good show.

All of a sudden, it struck Adrian that he'd have to show his butt to his mother... or something. Actually, he didn't know how it worked, as he couldn't remember the last time he'd had his temperature taken with a rectal thermometer. He gulped, and said, "Momma, I'm kind of nervous. How is this going to work?"

Brenda hadn't really thought it through either. She thought, and then said, "You're all dirty from school. Why don't you take a bath, and I'll come up and give it to you when you're all cleaned up. It'll be just like the old days."

Adrian knew that her "old days" referred to when he was four or five and Brenda supervised his baths. That both excited and disturbed him. He thought, I've never so much as kissed a girl, and now Momma is gonna see me naked? Jesus Fucking Christ! No way! But he ran off eagerly to start his bath.

As soon as he was gone, Anika said, "Pootikins, Pootikins. Vhat are you doing? I tink you're too verked up. Eef you go in dat bath vis him, vell... you know vat vill happen. I tink I'd better be dere too as a referee."

Brenda sighed. "You're right. But how am I supposed to contain myself?! He's so cute! Did you see how cute he was just then? I just want to eat him up and hug him to death!"

Anika wryly noted, "Ya, you nearly did hug him to death. Vatch out. Okay?"

"Okay." Brenda picked up the bottle of wine to pour herself another glass, but Anika stopped her with a disapproving wag of her finger.

Brenda reluctantly put the wine glass back down on the table and noticed there were two small drops of something on one of her shoes. As she bent down to wipe the drops away, she realized the drops were the wrong color to be wine. She scooped the drops up to her nose and instantly recognized the odor: pre-cum. She was astounded to discover that Adrian's penis had accidentally dripped pre-cum on her shoes while they were locked in their hug. Brenda slipped her finger into her mouth and swooned at her first faint taste of her son's juices.

Anika watched the whole thing and just laughed to herself.

Anika and Brenda waited a while for Adrian to finish his bath and call for them. The wait was very helpful for Brenda. It gave her a chance to calm down a bit and relax. She explained to Anika how she'd waited anxiously for the fateful phone call from Susan and her feelings after she got the good word. Her anxieties poured out of her as she explained all this and Anika reassured her that everything would be all right.

Anika rightly pointed out that Adrian so clearly lusted after his mother that she didn't have to worry that her seduction would fail.

But the wait was more nerve-wracking for Adrian. He was so excited about everything that had happened, especially Brenda's drooping dress, that he desperately wanted to jack off. Getting naked in the warm bath water just made him that much more excited.

He held out for a few minutes and soaped himself up, but when it came to soaping up his groin he soon abandoned all pretenses at cleaning and began "soaping" his erection exclusively. The only problem was he was rapidly approaching orgasm and he didn't know what to do with the mess that would result. If he shot off into the bath water, he feared his mother would notice.

He'd just made up his mind to stand up and shoot into the toilet when he heard his mother's voice outside the bathroom door. "Aidy? You've been in there a while. Can I come in already? Anika is here with me."

Oh shit! Holy crappola! What am I going to do? He was distressed, because he was too mortified to jack off into the toilet with his mother and maid standing just on the other side of the door. Yet he still had a raging hard-on, and was even more mortified by the thought of Brenda looking at it in that state (and possibly realizing what made him that excited). He decided to tuck his penis below his legs and keep his legs tightly shut, but even the act of stuffing his penis into a new position nearly set off his trigger.

"Aidy?" Brenda was knocking on the door now.

"Um, yeah. You can come in."

Brenda and Anika walked in together. At first, the sight of Brenda's smile calmed and reassured her son. She sat on the toilet seat next to the vast bathtub and squeezed his hand, and that reassured him still more. He could feel the urge to climax slowly pass while Brenda explained that Anika was going to supervise her use of the rectal thermometer so she could learn how to do it on her own. She was so spoiled from being raised in luxury and constantly waited on by maids that sometimes she needed to be told how to do even the simplest of things, like toasting bread.

But then Brenda said, "I'm glad you're not shy about your nakedness." Adrian had been so absorbed by his struggle not to cum that he could barely think straight. The beating of his heart pounded in his ears. But thanks to this reminder, he was suddenly painfully aware of his nudity and shame hit him like a lightning bolt.

However, before he could fully react, Brenda continued, "Don't worry, if it makes you feel any better, I'll be mostly naked too. Let me get in there behind you so I can put it in properly." Then, with one fell swoop, she pulled the dress down and shimmied out of it. She was left sitting in nothing but her panties. (She wanted to go completely naked, but Anika had insisted she wear at least that much.)

He was so blown away by this new visual bomb that his face turned quite pale.

Brenda sat down in the tub right in front of him, then reached forward and put a hand on his forehead and another on his cheek. "Pooh Bear! You look like you've seen a ghost! Dear me. Anika, where's that thermometer? We should get his temperature right away!"

Adrian stared longingly at his mother's rack, now dangling just a foot or two from his face. His erection lurched in the water and he had to struggle to not ejaculate right then and there. He'd dreamed of seeing his mother topless for years, but this reality was better than any of his dreams. Not only were her boobs so temptingly close, but they were swinging and heaving in the most delightful ways (he didn't realize just how excited she was, too). Furthermore, her hands on his face felt less like she was checking for fever and more like she was tenderly caressing him. The loving touches made him completely moony with desire.

It all seemed like a blur, but the next thing Adrian knew, his mother's hands were all over him, turning him around. As he turned his eyes were dislodged from their usual task of staring at his mother's breasts, and he got a brief look at her panties. The ones Anika made Brenda wear were rather thick and dark "granny" panties, but the mere sight of his mother in nothing but panties was exciting all the same. The water had made them wet and he guessed that he could see the dark shape of her bush, but in reality it was her bare swollen pussy lips that were visible beneath the heavy cloth.

He cursed the fact that he couldn't get a longer and better look because he soon found himself completely turned around and facing the tile wall in front of him. He was acutely aware of the fact that his ass was sticking up out of the water and Brenda was in the tub right behind him, inspecting his bare behind.

When he'd planned to hide his penis below his thighs, he hadn't thought through the fact that he'd have to be in a position like this, but he was so giddy over everything he'd seen that it took a minute or two for the full implications of his change of position to hit home. All of a sudden he realized that his painfully erect penis was pressed down between his legs. The cockhead was bobbing on the surface of the water.

He very nearly bolted up, but instead he froze in place. He didn't know what to do. He was so aroused that he worried if he touched it at all, it would go off like a rocket and Anika and Brenda would both stare in horror as he cried out and shot his cum anywhere and everywhere. Yet he worried that he was so overstimulated he'd cum hard even if he didn't touch it, and then it would be even more obvious when it exploded. He closed his eyes and tried to think of baseball players and gory murder scenes.

Brenda knew she was supposed to put the thermometer in, but she couldn't resist checking out her son's package first. She looked over at Anika, who was now sitting on the toilet seat where she'd just been.

The maid pointed at Adrian's head and closed her eyes, letting Brenda know that Adrian had his eyes closed. Then, to Brenda's great surprise, Anika scooted close to the edge of the tub and bent down a bit so she could get a good look at Adrian's penis. She looked back up at Brenda and, with a goofy smile, gave a conspiratorial wink.

Brenda almost couldn't stop from breaking into hilarious laughter. She'd never expected that kind of brazen behavior from Anika, who, she assumed, hadn't had sex in decades, if at all (unfortunately, Anika had never been attractive at any age). However, she quickly recovered and returned the wink. Then she wasted no more time and bent down herself and peeked between her son's legs.

She smiled as she again sized up her son's penis. Mmmm, mmmm, good! Soon that thing is going to be plunging in and out of my pussy on a daily basis! I can't wait! Look how it's throbbing! She reached out to touch it, and actually put her hand between his legs to do so. But then, just inches from reaching it, a disapproving cough from Anika brought her hand to a halt.

She regained control of herself and carefully pulled her hand back without having ever touched his penis or his thighs. She realized that no one had spoken for a couple of minutes, so she said, "Aidy, Anika's been looking for the thermometer and now she's finally found it. Anika, can you get the Vaseline?"

"Your vish is my command, my Pootikins." The Vaseline was only a few feet away in a bathroom cabinet, so Anika handed it to Brenda just a few moments later.

"Um, Momma? Did you say Vaseline?"

"Yes, my Pooh Bear. It's a big thermometer so I'm going to have to lubricate you first. Is that okay? I just want to make sure it doesn't hurt."

"Boy, this rectal thermometer stuff is a pain in the ass!"

"Good one, son," she giggled, though in fact the double meaning in his comment was completely accidental. "Ready? Here it goes." With that, she plunged her finger into the Vaseline jar Anika held out for her, and then slowly worked her finger into her son's asshole. In actual fact, her finger was much bigger than the thermometer, but she couldn't resist the opportunity to play with his ass. She hoped to use this as precedent so she could get a "fever" very soon and have Adrian be the one to check her temperature.

Her finger pistoned in and out, in and out, over and over again. A good two or three minutes of complete silence went by, with no sounds but little squishy noises coming from Adrian's ass, and a little splashing of bath water, primarily caused by Adrian's diamond hard penis striking the surface of the water as his hips and ass bucked up and down.

Anika watched the whole thing most intently.

She eventually asked, "So, Aidy, how does that feel? Does it hurt? Do you think you're ready for the thermometer yet?"

"Um, it uh, it doesn't hurt. In fact, it uh..." He wanted to say that while it felt exceedingly strange at first, it felt fantastic now. But he was too shy to put that in words. Since he didn't want it to end, he said, "I think we're almost there. Things are, uh, relaxing."

"Oh, good. I'll just do this a few more minutes then." She held one of his ass cheeks as if she was getting into position to put the thermometer in, but really she just wanted to fondle him there. She racked her brain trying to figure out any vaguely plausible excuse that would allow her to fondle his penis, but she couldn't come up with any.

Eventually she could sense his whole body starting to seize up and tremble, and she knew he was on the verge of ejaculating just from the anal probing. She knew he would be mortified if he actually came in that situation, so she finally pulled her finger out. She asked in a tender voice, "Good job, Aidy. I'm sure that wasn't easy. Are you ready?"

"Um, okay. But be gentle, okay? This is so weird!"

She waited some moments to make sure he came down from the verge of orgasm and did nothing more than lightly squeeze the ass cheek she still held with one hand. "Okay, Pooh Bear. Don't worry. Open wide and say 'ahhh.'"

That little joke helped break the increasingly thick sexual tension. While Adrian's body was still shaking from laughter (and nervousness), she pushed the rectal thermometer in. It was such a thin thing that it slid in easily. In fact, it was so much smaller than her finger that he hardly noticed its penetration. But putting the thermometer in his asshole reminded her of her fantasies of being anally pillaged by Alan, and her libido kicked into a yet higher gear.

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