6 Times a Day

Chapter 982 Going To End Badly.

Back at school, Susan was waiting out front in the driver's seat of the family's minivan, keeping an eye on the traffic.

Amy was sitting in the front passenger seat and Katherine was sitting in the back, looking out for Alan and expectantly waiting to hear how his meeting with Glory had gone.

His eyes lit up as she saw three of the women he loved most waiting for him in the car. He thought as he walked towards them, Ah. Family. Family love. Whatever happens, it'll all work out as long as our family sticks together.

He got into the back seat. Amy leaned back from her spot in the front passenger's seat to give him a quick kiss, but the other two were unable to do that in public.

As soon as he closed the door and Susan started to drive away, all three women started asking him at once how his meeting with Glory went.

Even though they talked over each other, he gathered the gist of their questions and replied, "It didn't go great, but not terrible either. I guess I should be pleased, considering how it could have gone. She called a halt to anything romantic or sexual for the time being, but I expected that. The good news is, she still wants to try to be friends. Well, kind of. At least she wasn't rejecting the idea completely. And she's going to try to help me get some things in my life back in order. Mom, as amazing as last night was, we can't go on like that for long. We still have to deal with real life. School! Friends! I can't just give up everything for sex. Glory is necessary for my sanity."

They would have liked to talk about that some more, but Alan was tired of talking. In fact, he was tired all around. He'd been riding on emotional adrenaline all during his talk with Glory, but now that it was over, his body was ready to crash. He said, "Sorry, but I'm wiped out and need to rest." He rolled his seat back and prepared to sleep.

But as he closed his eyes, Susan asked him, "Tiger, this may seem like a strange question, but are you sure it's okay that Brenda has sex with her son, Adrian?"

He opened his eyes, puzzled. "Mom, why are you asking me that? I thought we'd agreed on that already."

"Mommy, please."

"Sorry. Mommy, why?"

"I know, we did discuss it, but the more I think about it, the more I fear we're making the wrong choice. I mean, sure, I love the idea of sharing the incest joy with Brenda and her son. And I still firmly believe that good mommies should show their love for their sons with lots of daily cocksuckings, assuming their sons are of the right age, of course. But then I think about her loyalty and subservience to you, and isn't that more important? A master can't share any of his slaves. It just isn't done."

"Mom, how many times do I have to tell you, I don't have any slaves?" He grew more alert, realizing this needed serious consideration. Plus, he welcomed a discussion about Brenda since he figured that would get his mind off Glory for a while. "But I see what you mean. Sharing Brenda like that IS pretty much just asking for trouble. But that's partly why I'm in favor of the idea."

Katherine, sitting next to him, gave him a startled look. "Doink! What did you say?!"

He sighed heavily. "I know, I know, it's weird. But I feel like it's cosmic karma or something, like I've got to do this. Everything has gone so right for me lately that it's crazy. It's way off the scales. Real life doesn't work like that. What goes up must come down; the harder they come, the harder they fall; etcetera, etcetera."

Amy quipped from the front passenger seat, "You mean cum spelled C U M, right?"

Katherine giggled. "If that's true then he's gonna fall off the Empire State Building, 'cos Bro cums really hard, every time!"

Amy added, with her own sweet giggling, "And then he squirts all over our faces!"

"Mmmm! Yum!" Katherine and Amy high-fived each other, right across the center of the car.

He rolled his eyes. "You two. You're both so..."

Katherine smirked, "I believe the word you're looking for is 'uppity.'"

He grinned at that. "True. But you see? This is the thing. Even this joking around is making me so happy that my heart soars. I feel incredibly loved and well taken care of. And sexually? Good grief, I'm so taken care of that I feel this constant nagging guilt that I need to give more back in return."

Susan said from the front, "Hush! I hate it when you say that. That's so untrue! I would rather suck your cock than have you go down on me. Not that I don't mind the latter as occasional variety, but I guess it just shows how very much I love slurping on Alan Junior." She smiled at him through the rear view mirror.

Amy suggested, "Hey, I think sixty-nines could be a neato win-win."

He said, "Good point. However, we're getting kind of sidetracked here. My point is, I'm not really a big believer in any aspect of the supernatural, but I think there are natural rhythms to life, and if we ignore them, we suffer. Like, if things are going too well, we overreach, and then we have a setback or even a downfall. That's not supernatural, that's just basic human nature. Look at me. I'm totally overreaching now, just by thinking I can handle this insanely overlarge harem."

Katherine pounced on that. "A-ha! He calls it a harem. He admits it!" She and Amy shared another high-five.

He rolled his eyes again. "Why are you two happy about that? And no, I didn't admit anything, it's just that I'm tired and I can't think of a better word. But let's not get sidetracked again. My point is, I guess it's human nature to have problems. I think we're basically problem solvers, and if we don't have problems already, we tend to make up new ones. So, if I'm gonna have problems anyway, it's better I get to pick the problem now, and pick one that will benefit Adrian in a big way."

Katherine said, "Brother, that's really screwed up logic. I kind of agree with you about people needing problems. I mean, I consider myself a good Christian, but I don't think Heaven is just people wearing white robes and standing around on clouds all day, playing the harp and praising the Lord. That's such a cartoonish, immature view of things. If it were like that, everyone would be bored to tears after the first day. People do need challenges. But that doesn't mean you have to go literally shooting your own foot!"

Susan piped in. "Yes, Son. Note Angel said 'challenges.' That's not exactly the same as 'problems.' Setting a goal for yourself isn't really a problem, unless you look at it in a negative way. I'm sure that just maintaining your large harem and keeping all of your women feeling happy and well loved will be a constant challenge for you. I know you'll handle it wonderfully, but why don't you see how busy that keeps you first before you go making things even more difficult?"

Amy turned back to look at him and added, "Yeah!"

He replied, "That's all very wise. I agree with all of you. But somehow this just seems like the right thing to do. For one thing, I keep thinking about Adrian. I know I don't know him from Adam. Heck, I've never met him and I haven't even seen a picture of him, so I don't know what he looks like. But maybe it's because I don't know what he looks like that I tend to think of him as me, only the me before all this sexual roller coaster ride began. Back when I'd never even kissed a girl. I think about how my life was supposed to go if it weren't for some totally improbable events. I mean, that whole 'Six Times a Day' diagnosis. How unlikely is that?"

He continued, "Back then, of course I lusted after you all, and Aunt Suzy too. I tried to deny it, I tried not to masturbate thinking of any of you, but many times I just couldn't help myself. I never, ever would have acted on my feelings if it were just up to me and I hadn't been hit by some kind of lightning bolt of awesomeness. But what happened happened, and now my life is so great that it's futile to even try to describe its greatness."

Amy suggested with a grin, "How 'bout doublesuperultrawonderorgasmo-megafantastigigantogreatarrific?"

He smiled widely at that. "You're getting there, better than I could. How did 'orgasmo' get in there, by the way?"

But before she could reply, he said, "Wait a sec. I'm getting distracted again. My point is, Aunt Suzy has talked to me here and there about Adrian's tale of woe. It sounds like the kid has suffered, big time, and through no fault of his own. And he totally lusts after his sexy, busty mom! Boy, can I relate to that."

He looked back and forth between Amy in the front seat and Katherine cuddling next to him. "You guys, you have NO IDEA how much I've changed, mentally, since we've started all this sexual fun. I used to be uncertain, shy, and lacking in confidence. Just like Adrian is now. My God, that day I tried to ask Christine out, I really thought I would throw up, I felt so miserable and nervous. But now, I'm literally bursting with confidence!"

Amy played dumb while slyly grinning. "Kat, is 'confidence' another word for 'cum'? 'Cos I know he's definitely bursting with that!"

"Good one!" Katherine high-fived Amy across the center of the car again. She added cheekily, "Yes. Yes it is."

Alan gave her a withering look. "No, it's not. But I'll admit there is a connection, because thanks to my sexual success, I feel like I can handle anything. Maybe that's what leads to the overreach thing I was talking about before. But in any case, this change I've gone through is a truly great thing. I want Adrian to feel that. I want him to make the same kind of transformation I made. Kind of like the 'pay it forward' idea. I just know that if he has sex with his mother, his life will never be the same. I'm not saying that's true for all boys, or even most of them. Heck, probably very few should do that. But how many boys have a mom like Brenda? The whole situation in their house, it's like it's ripe for an erotic incest adventure."

Susan spoke up. "Son, I agree with all that. And it warms my heart to see you caring about a total stranger like that. That just proves to me all over again that you're the loving, kind boy who's worthy of our love and attention. But, that said, you're setting things up for a collision."

"I know! Believe me, I know! But I feel like it HAS to happen. After all, if I was Adrian and I had a mother as hot as Brenda, what kind of tragedy would it be if I didn't fuck her? Hell, what am I talking about? I DO have a mother as hot as Brenda and then some, and thank goodness I AM fucking her!"

Susan giggled like a schoolgirl, pleased as punch with his compliment. "What a charmer!" Still driving, she briefly turned to look at him flopped out in the back seat, and said, "I wish I didn't have to drive so I could crawl back there and suck your cock all the way home!"

Katherine quipped, "And how would that be different from how you were feeling just before he complimented you?"

Susan giggled. "Good point. Still, it gets me so HOT! Amy, do you want to drive?"

"Um, no," Amy replied. "Just, um, focus on driving, m'kay? I think he's moving into a resty mode, and we should let him do that."

Alan pondered the Brenda situation a bit more, even as his eyelids felt heavy and he closed them. "I've given this a fair amount of thought, ever since this idea was suggested to me. Here's how I think things will play out. Brenda and Adrian will have sex before too long. They'll both love it because it's something they both crave. Brenda, for instance, has some weird issues with her own mom and spanking and such that gave her some kind of strange incest craving itch that needs to be scratched. Aunt Suzy explained it all to me. So that'll happen for sure. And then things'll change. Adrian will grow up fast, especially sexually. He can't just play the victim anymore and let life wash over him."

Katherine pointed out, "He's gonna find out about you before too long, you know. And then he'll be pissed and jealous and out to get you."

"I know, believe me. And if he were some kind of psycho brute, I would look at this in a different way. But he seems like a basically nice, gentle kind of guy, based on all I've heard. So I'm not too worried about him. Instead, I think he's gonna feel like he has to step up his game to win his mother. And no matter what happens from there, that's gonna change his life for the better."

Amy asked, "But what if he quickly decides that he can't beat you, and he just gives up altogether? Won't that makes things worse?"

"No!" Invigorated by this point, Alan opened his eyes again and sat up a bit. "Here's the thing: sex is awesome! That's what I didn't have a clue about, back when I was a virgin. I thought masturbation was close enough for horseshoes, but it's not. Maybe fucking for some people is just okay, if they really don't know what they're doing, or they've got physical problems, or they're mean and selfish, or whatever. But with a woman like Brenda, or any of you? It's so great that everything else pales in comparison! Once Adrian experiences that, he can't go back to just moping around. And if he does, we can always stage a secret intervention and find him someone else to have sex with who'll excite him. I know there's going to be a lot of heartache and suffering here, for him, for Brenda, and probably for me, but in the end it'll be worth it, if only because it'll completely turn his life around."

Katherine asked, "But what if the opposite happens and he goes all out to win Brenda, and he actually makes progress with that? Either he wins her over completely or he at least mucks things up to the point that Brenda can't decide between you and him. And in the worst case, things are stuck in limbo indefinitely, with everyone miserable about the situation."

Alan replied, "That may happen. He's got the mother-son attraction thing going for him, and that's a very powerful thing indeed. But I welcome the challenge. Maybe it's something that not only Adrian needs, but Brenda needs too. She sorta fell into our group in a heartbeat. It was easy, maybe too easy. How does she really feel about me? How strong are her feelings? I think it's healthy if she gets tested, and at some point she has to make a decision. Either she decides that yes, this submissiveness thing is what she wants, or she decides that this is just a passing phase and she wants to be with her son in every way. If she chooses to stay with me, then we'll all know that she's for real, and she's here for the long term. She can truly become one of us. Or, if she chooses Adrian, then it's good to know that she wasn't for real sooner rather than later. Plus, maybe my harem, er, group, is too big, and if it's one smaller, that has its advantages, so I won't be too stretched out. So I kind of feel that whatever happens happens, and that'll be for the best."

"That's good, dear," Susan said. "I didn't realize you'd thought this through to that extent. That makes me feel better about the whole thing. I'm sure that if we trust in God, everything will work out, eventually."

Alan didn't like the God mention, but he decided not to stir up trouble by complaining about that.

Katherine asked Susan, "That said, who are you rooting for in this, Alan or Adrian?"

Susan said, "If you put it that way, I have to say my son, of course!"

Amy asked, "But aren't you pro-incest?"

"I am! Well, in the abstract, at least. I think busty, sexy mommies should fuck their sons, unless they've promised their bodies to special masters in the way Suzanne has. Having sex with Brad is a complete non-starter, for instance. The mere idea makes me ill, and even for Suzanne it could never happen. Harems can't work with more than one master, and of course we can't forget The Pact. The Pact! Why, I get all hot just thinking about it!"

Katherine asked, "Then doesn't Brenda fall under the same exception as Aunt Suzy?"

"Yes, but Tiger gave his permission for an exception to the exception. Besides, I do know how much Brenda wants to have sex with her own son. I tell you, I'm still very torn about this! What do you girls think?"

The three women continued to discuss the issue. Katherine and Amy admitted that they had mixed feelings on the matter too.

But Alan had trouble paying attention. He mumbled, "I can't believe we're talking about this kind of stuff as we drive through town." He fell asleep seconds later.

Susan waited a couple of minutes to make sure he was asleep, and then she called Brenda on her cell phone. "Brenda? Good news! He gives the thumbs up!"

Unknown to Alan, Susan and Suzanne had decided to wait a while for Alan to "sleep on the decision" before giving Brenda the final go-ahead to start seducing Adrian. This was the call Brenda had been waiting for.

Susan smiled while listening to screams of happiness. "He's thought about it a lot, and he really is okay with it. He says it's only right that a mother as hot as you should fuck her son. He also admits that the decision is his alone since he has total control over your body."

She suddenly pulled the phone from her ear as Brenda screeched with loud excitement. She smiled and waited for Brenda to calm down.

Amy muttered, "Um, Aunt Susan? Alan didn't exactly say that."

"Close enough," Susan muttered back to Amy.

Then she put the phone back to her ear and replied to Brenda's latest squeals of joy. "I know! It IS exciting! He's so wise. I wish we could talk about it for ages and 'get squishy' together, but I'm driving. I've got to go and call Suzanne to tell her... Oh, you're going to call her now? Tell her for me then, okay? ... See you later. And congratulations, you son-fucker, you!"

Amy rolled her eyes at Susan's exaggerations. But since Susan was obviously having such a great time, she didn't make any more complaints.

Katherine whispered to Amy, "Um, if Brother has 'total control' over Brenda's body, and Brenda's into that, then why should she be having sex with Adrian in the first place? It doesn't make sense to me."

Amy nodded, and whispered back, "I know. The whole thing seems pretty weird. I think Alan's right about one thing, though: this is just like going out of your way to ask for trouble! I kinda feel this is bound to end badly, no matter what."

Katherine sadly nodded in reply.

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