6 Times a Day

Chapter 960 Ice Chills ['ReaperCrew' Sponsored]

'ReaperCrew' Special - [4/10] Chapters.


He picked up an ice cube in each hand and began rubbing them all over. He tried to always do the unexpected, and touch her anywhere and everywhere. It seemed that he could do no wrong; it was as if her whole body was one giant erogenous zone. More than once, she arched her back at an almost painful angle and screamed in delight.

But the process of her arousal took time, because she was careful now to warn him about her need to cum. So whenever she got too close, he'd have to stop and wait. He periodically changed ice cubes when the ones in his hands melted away to nothingness.

Meanwhile, his cock was throbbing so hard that it was practically bouncing around on its own. It also seemed unusually hot. He got up and sat in between his mother's stretched out legs. He pressed his erection against her wet inner thighs, causing her yet more delirious delight.

Then, while pressing his hot pole up against one thigh, he pressed an icy cube against the same spot on the other thigh. Then he had the ice cube and his penis switch sides.

This was almost too much for her. Her whole body trembled, but she just managed to stave off another great orgasm. She mumbled, "Hot and cold, cold and hot, too much! Too much!"

While he silently waited for her to recover from that, he held an ice cube in one hand and his penis in the other, and thought, What the heck? He drew the ice along the length of his cock and was shocked at the unpleasant yet very arousing sensation that caused. His boner was so hot that he half-seriously expected to see steam rising from the clash of temperatures.

This ice is too much! To think that I've masturbated for years, and never tried this out. Though I guess it is a lot more arousing when you're sitting inches from your own mother's steaming and hungry pussy. He snickered to himself.

While Susan was still recovering, he repeatedly lathered his dick with ice until it was quite cold. Then, sensing she was ready, without warning he held her mouth open with one hand and put an ice cube inside it with the other. That seemed to turn her on a lot, so he rubbed another one all over her lips then put it in.

She shuddered. "Ice chills! Ice chills! My whole insides! Freezing!"

That gave him an idea. He pried open her pussy lips and pressed an ice cube inside it. He had no idea if that was going too far, but he figured that if some women could fit a Coke bottle inside, one ice cube wouldn't do any harm.

Her hips writhed and her rack heaved and wobbled even more than before. "NOOOOOO! Cold! Cold, cold, COLD! Oooh!"

But he was feeling very naughty. He pressed his cold penis up against her nether lips and shoved it in deep. He briefly felt the rapidly melting ice cube on the inside as his penis shoved it deeper within her body, sliding it right past the entrance of her cervix and then into her fornix deep within her vagina. At the same time, he took another ice cube and pressed it down on her clit.

The resulting scream as her climax hit was something to hear and behold.

He had only started stroking his penis in her, but her seemingly never-ending climax gripped his penis so hard and kept rhythmically squeezing it that he lost control before he could think to use his PC muscle trick. But he didn't mind that much, as his penis badly needed the release and a lot of friction would have just made it feel even worse, as raw as it was.

After some time passed, he took her blindfold off. He rather tenderly ran an ice cube around her lips.

She loved it, but whimpered, "No more, please, no more. Uh! Rest. Mommy needs rest!"

So he merely ran the cube around her ear and neck a little, causing her to shudder yet again, but then left her alone.

She looked up at him after a minute or two of rest, and said, "Son? Just one question. Let's not joke about death by fucking. Is it possible to kill someone through really, really excellent fucking? Because even though I'm only thirty-seven, I'm seriously frightened about a heart attack. You had me SO HIGH! My heart is still pounding like a drum. Each fuck is practically better than the last, though nothing beats that whole body orgasm. Wow. I had no idea. No idea! How can two people make each other feel so good? Why doesn't everybody fuck and suck all day long?"

"Mom, you have to realize I'm giving this my complete all, and throwing in every trick in the book. Later, we'll have more ordinary fucks. This is super intense. I don't think I could take much more of this, either. It's like running an emotional and physical marathon, and then running another one, and another. Although, I have to admit these last couple of fucks have been much easier on me than on you. I think the next one should be nice, slow, and romantic. Don't you think?"

"Mmmm. Yummy. That sounds like paradise. But can it wait a while? My pussy's doing better since you haven't been pounding it like a frenzied madman for a good while, but my whole body is weary. I'm like a wet noodle. I can barely move my arms."

"No problem. Even though I didn't get much sleep last night on the trail, I don't think I'm going to get much tonight, either. Tonight you and I are going to sleep in the same bed for the first time." He gave her a very loving kiss on the lips.

He looked at her face and was surprised to see tears falling yet again.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"No. You said something so right. Ron is gone from my life, and now you're going to share my bed and take his place. I don't care about the Freud crap; I know what's right. It makes me so happy, even though I know you'll be sleeping with and fucking your sisters probably half the nights or more. It's almost like we're husband and wife. My own son!"

For some reason, that particularly aroused Alan. His dick twitched, struggling between extreme mental arousal and the biological necessity to occasionally recover.

He thought, This may be a peak evening, and doing things for the first time is always extra special, but I will never, ever get bored with this. I thought that after seeing so many women naked so many times a day, it would start to get a little boring after a while. But no! I even get hard seeing Kim or Joy bending over to pick something up. If anything, I just get more aroused than ever before! And no wonder, with the sexy stuff everyone is always telling me! Wow!

"Any thoughts?" Susan asked, rather curious.

He shook free of his train of thought and said, "A couple. One, you're so sexy and lovable that I'll never get tired of you. Don't ever worry about that. Two, there's only one thing marring my evening. I'm ready to eat a horse, and man cannot live on pussy juice and ice cubes alone. Why don't I go downstairs and fix myself a snack while you have a little rest?"

She gave him a loving look, even though she was a bit disappointed. She was fishing for a reaction with her "husband and wife" comment, but he didn't bite. Defeated on that point, she closed her eyes, and said, "Okay."

He stood up and picked up the bowl of now mostly melted ice cubes. He was struck by how wet Susan and the sheets were, from just a couple of cubes. It looked like someone had poured several glasses of water all over her.

He belatedly realized how sweaty he was and ran one of the few remaining cubes across his forehead. That felt good. He experimentally ran one across one of his nipples. That felt even better. Hmmm. It'll be interesting to turn the tables and be the blindfolded ice victim one of these days. Why not? He ran the cube all around his upper torso, more as a sort of cleansing standing shower than anything.

But as he started to walk out of the room, she opened her eyes and bolted up. "Wait! The outfit!"

He froze and turned back. "Outfit? What outfit?"

"Um, never you mind... Well, I guess I have to tell you. Truth be told, Suzanne's gift is an outfit. But you don't need to know what kind just yet. You can't go downstairs because you'll see it and ruin the surprise! Just cuddle with me for a little while until I have the strength to join you."

"Tell you what. I'm starving to death. Aunt Suzy said she left that in the living room, so I'll just close my eyes as I go down the stairs and go around the other hallway to the kitchen. I promise I won't peek. You trust me completely, don't you?"

Susan lay back down. "Of course. I trust you completely. Whatever you say. You're the man of the house, now."

"You keep saying that but I don't really know what it means. In any case, I'll be back in a little bit. Okay?"

"Okay. I don't want to go to sleep and miss much. I'll probably pretty myself up a little bit and join you down there in a while."


Alan dutifully kept his eyes closed once he got close to the "surprise," and felt his way along the walls to the kitchen. He knew he wasn't alone by the smell of cooking before he got there. When he opened his eyes, he saw his sister standing in front of the stove, wearing nothing but an apron, just like Susan frequently did lately.

"Hey, Bro. How's the motherfucking going? Are you motherfucking hungry?"

He grinned. "Yep. I am motherfucking hungry, as a matter of fact. It's pretty motherfucking late. Are you cooking something for me? How did you know?" Smoky barbecue aromas filled his nostrils.

"Well, Big Steel Rebar Brother, I could have known from watching the video monitor. But in fact that wasn't necessary because Suzanne told me on the way out. She was going to stay and cook if I wouldn't. But it's just you, me, and Mom now."

Brenda had left with Amy and Suzanne, though she couldn't tell him that.

"Wow. Thanks. You're cooking my favorite stuff, too. Looks like you're making a whole feast."

"It is your night. And Mom's, too, of course. We were very forgetful not giving you food earlier."

He sat at the kitchen counter. "That's okay. I wouldn't change a thing. It's been non-stop greatness."

"I noticed."

He thought he detected more than a little jealousy in her tone of voice, but he let it slide. "I love your cooking outfit, by the way."

"Thanks. Mom always gets to wear these. I get a little envious seeing her like this each morning."

Katherine had nearly finished cooking, so they soon sat down to eat. She laid out sautéed fish, potatoes, and green vegetables. She knew he needed some down time, so they just talked about inconsequential, pleasant things and she didn't touch his penis. (Although, she couldn't help teasing him with her sexy body at every turn.)

It was the first time Alan could contemplate what had happened this evening, away from Susan's intoxicating presence. As he made idle chatter with Katherine, inside he was repeatedly struck by the magnitude of what he'd done this evening. I've fucked my mother. I've really gone and done it. Fucked. My. Mother... Wild! That's just too wild! ... Hell, thanks to The Pact on Friday, I've now technically fucked my TWO mothers... Things will never be the same. For one thing, I'll always be different from everyone else now, a social deviant of sorts. And that's not to mention my sister fucking, and everything else I've done!

Even if my secrets stay secret, I'll always know that I'm different. Jesus! If people only knew... I can't even tell Sean, much less Peter or my other friends. Some of the other cheerleaders know about Katherine and me, but that's different. They just think we're playing around with a kind of "any port in a storm" attitude, when in fact, it's so much more.

It's so profound. Sex has allowed Sis and me to connect on a deep level, and now, after tonight, my feelings for my mother have gone to an even deeper level that's beyond description. I feel like crying for joy just thinking about the way Mom feels for me. Such total, unconditional love! And not just from her, but from FOUR women! I'm so blessed. I'm not ashamed about any of it!

Katherine noticed a euphoric yet distant stare on her brother's face. She took one of his hands in hers and asked tenderly, "What are you thinking about, Bro?"

He smiled at her blissfully. "I'm just thinking about how happy I am. And it's not just about sex with Mom. I'm so happy that you're my sister that I'm afraid I'm going to get all choked up and blubber like a baby."

She smiled, and tingles of pure happiness shot down her spine. "Wow! I'm going to have to cook you dinner more often!"

They both laughed, and he resumed eating.

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