6 Times a Day

Chapter 957 Alan X Susan X Amy ['ReaperCrew' Sponsored]

'ReaperCrew' Special - [1/10] Chapters.


Amy ran through the house as fast as she could. She just had to show Alan how happy she was that he'd found and liked the drawing she'd put in his backpack.

She came running into Susan's bedroom at a full tear not that many seconds later. As she threw open the door, she cried, "Alan! Brother!" and jumped on the bed.

Had Susan not been all over the middle of Alan, bouncing up and down on his extremely pleased penis, Amy would have leapt directly onto him. But as it was, Amy leapt onto an empty portion of the bed next to him and then ricocheted onto him, planting a big kiss on his lips before her body motion from the running had even subsided.

The bed shook from her great leap, and Susan found herself wobbling precariously on top of her son. She stuck her arms out and braced for a short fall. But, although she fell, she was careful not to put undue pressure on Alan's penis, which she managed to keep in her as she went down.

She ended up lying on top of him. Within seconds, she resumed fucking, with her hips and vaginal muscles doing almost all the work.

Amy's body though, now rested over a good portion of Alan's left side. She realized her face was close to his and planted her lips right on his, even as he was still trying to figure out what was happening.

Susan couldn't get her face near her son's because of the way Amy and Alan were frantically necking.

Amy just wanted to kiss and kiss her brother forever, but she also wanted to talk. So she eventually managed to pull her lips away from him long enough to say, "Beau, I'm so happy! Did you like my picture?"

But Alan didn't have a chance to verbally respond because she planted her lips back on his and French kissed him a lot more.

She seemed completely unfazed that he happened to be fucking his mother at the time. In fact, she wanted his penis too, and was not about to let anything stop her from getting it. Even though Susan was now lying on the other side of him, still fucking away, Amy reached down, grabbed what portion of his erection that she could, and started stroking it. She tried her best to augment Susan's fucking with hand strokes whenever his shaft came out of her.

Susan didn't mind the intrusion much, as she knew that Amy was just being Amy. She slowed her hip motions a bit and didn't go in as deep as before, so Amy wouldn't have to let go of his cum-soaked hard-on each time she pushed herself down onto her son. She figured her son's cock was big and long enough for both a hand and a pussy.

After a while, Amy stopped kissing long enough to not only ask, "So tell me about the picture," but also to give him a chance to respond.

He gasped as he struggled just to breathe, "Why... do people... always think... I can talk... under these... kinds of conditions? ... Ugh! ... Nrrgh!" He'd never been jacked off while fucking a vagina, and hadn't even realized such a thing was possible.

Susan actually loved the situation, now that she'd had a chance to adjust. She started gyrating her hips in circles so she could keep her son's dick in a constant state of bliss while giving Amy enough of the shaft to play with.

Amy, though, wasn't fazed by his difficulty in speaking, either. While her hand continued to jack off the slick hard-on as best she could, she exclaimed, "Come on, Mom! Let's squeeze the answer out of him, just like we're gonna squeeze another big load out of his hot cock! It's so hot, I can hardly hold it! Come on, Aunt Susan, Fuck! Fuck! Fuck him good!"

Since Amy had only recently joined in the fun, she didn't have much problem talking, but Susan was like Alan and pretty much past the point of talking. The best she could do was croak out, "I'm trying!"

"Well, fuck him harder!" Amy cheered. "You know how tough his thingy is to please! I don't know if even a hand and cunt will do it... Are you doing the cunty squeezy thing?"

"Yes!" Susan gasped. All of Alan's concentration was on his PC muscle and trying to stave off a climax, so most of the thrusting was up to his mother.

After more fucking, Amy cried out, "I know! The tits! Mom, we have four tits here just going to waste! You do the stretchy catty thing I saw you doing earlier, and I'll put my tits in his face!"

Susan was nearly insensate with fuck joy, but she concentrated some mental energy on swishing her huge globes up and down her son's chest, just like a stretching cat rubbing against a post.

Amy meanwhile rubbed her big tits all over Alan's face. She was very proud that her twin orbs were nearly as big as Susan's mighty pair, and loved rubbing them all over Alan so he could better sense just how nice they were. She tried feeding a nipple into his mouth, but he was having too much trouble breathing to suck.

He cried out, "You two... Too much!" and began shooting off another load inside his nearly exhausted mother.

Amy could see, from the way his faced scrunched up even more than before, what was about to happen, so she rather forcibly pushed Susan's vulva away from him.

But Susan wasn't that bothered by that, because Amy yelled, "I want to see him shoot all over you!"

Amy had let go of his erection because she needed both hands to really get into her boob rubbing, but she quickly grabbed it again and directed it so he could shoot ropes at Susan's stomach.

Susan pulled away from Alan a bit more so Amy could "paint" her better, and hit all of her favorite spots. Or spot, as the case was, because she wanted his cum on her wobbly double-deckers more than anywhere else. "My tits! Aim for my tits!"

Amy didn't need to be told of Susan's tit love, and happily directed most of Alan's cum there. But she also hit Susan's face with a few ropes, and even tried to spell out "HI" on Susan's chest. Unfortunately the ropes came out too unpredictably for her short word to be readable as such, but she had a lot of fun trying.

As soon as the last rope was expended, Amy turned a bit bashful. "Um, Mom, I hope you don't mind me butting in like that..."

Susan was genuine when she said, "Mind?! Amy, give me five! That was great!"

"YEAH!" Amy shouted as the two of them high-fived each other over Alan.

Susan asked, "Tiger, did you like that?"

"Good God," was all he had to say. He could scarcely believe how pleasurable that had been.

Amy and Susan giggled at his stunned and weary, yet obviously approving, response. They looked deeply into each other's eyes and that quickly turned into passionate French kissing.

He watched his cum being smeared between the four tremendous tits and muttered, "Jesus!" He thought, Why is it that I see stuff on a daily basis better than any scenes I've ever seen in porn flicks? Man, those suck, or maybe I'm just watching the wrong ones. Damn!

Eventually, the lesbian kiss ended and Amy dropped her face to Susan's chest, where most of the cum still was. She began licking up some of the cum gobs that had survived the tit mashing.

Susan said, "Thanks Amy, but I've got my own cleaning job to do! This is a very important good mommy responsibility." She scooted down and began excitedly cleaning up her son's messy groin with her tongue.

Amy said chirpily, "M'kay. Cool." She turned to Alan, whose eyes were still practically popping out of his head from the intense experience. She said in her usual carefree way, "Hey, Brother! How ya doin'? Did it work? Did we squeeze the answer out of you?"

A thoroughly blown away Alan finally looked into her smiling eyes. "Answer? What answer?"

"About the picture, silly! Oopsie! Looks like we squeezed something out of you, but it wasn't an answer. It looks like oceans and oceans of tasty cum instead. My bad!" She laughed heartily at her own comment.

She slid down his sweaty body until she was in reach to scoop a big cum gob off of Susan's forehead. "Mmmm. Yum! Just as yum yum as ever! And so much! You must still be backed up from the trip." Her face grew sad. "I heard about your blue balls on the video as you kinda told that story to Mom. It broke my heart. Did it get any better on Sunday?"

"No! It only got ten times worse! And the worst part of it was I couldn't find any chance to go off and masturbate. I tossed and turned in my sleeping bag that night until I finally sneaked out after midnight and masturbated in the middle of a field of tall grass. It was so embarrassing. I felt like a heroin junkie or something."

Amy and Susan both stopped what they were doing and stared at him with stunned expressions. Susan in particular seemed shocked, and completely forgot about licking his crotch clean.

"What?" He was thoroughly confused.

Susan said slowly, as if trying to understand the death of a close relative, "Did you... spill your seed... on the ground?" She strongly emphasized the last three words in an almost ominous tone.

"Well, of course I did. Where else was it going to go?"

Susan gasped with dismay. "Oh no!" The thought of all that cum gone to waste seriously disturbed her. "Tiger, I don't mind if you shoot your sperm into or onto another woman, because that's where it belongs. You have a special gift that's meant to bring joy to females everywhere, at least the ones that are sufficiently busty and beautiful. But to just spill your seed onto the ground! Oh dear. You know what the Bible says about that!"

"Mom, you have to understand. I was completely dying! What else could I do? And then, like I said, it got way worse on Sunday. I don't know if you saw when I first came in tonight, but I swear my balls were actually much bigger than normal."

Amy said firmly, "Beau, I have to agree with Susan. It's so WRONG for you to suffer like that! I say you shouldn't be allowed to go on any more trips with nothing but guys. You need at least one beautiful fuckable woman with you at all times. And since there are so many horny holes begging to be filled, it's a double tragedy if you have to masturbate."

Susan said, "Hear, hear. Frankly I'm appalled at the whole Boy Scouts organization, having only all-male trips like that. That's what the Girl Scouts should be for, to provide relief to horny teen penises. At the very least, the mothers should go along to jack off their sons. Geez. What is this world coming to?" She shook her head in disbelief.

Alan nearly laughed out loud at his mother's increasingly skewed view of the world. He also noted that even Amy seemed to be buying into Susan's "sins of Onan" thinking. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Amy suddenly changed gears to her favorite topic. "But tell me about the picture! I'm so glad it helped. But wait! Before that, take a look at your mother. You can't see her from where you are like I can. It's a beautiful sight."

Susan withdrew her mouth from cleaning his spent penis and sat up so the others could admire her new pearl necklace. She blushed with glee. As she sat there, a gob of her son's spent semen dripped obscenely from a nipple onto her thigh.

Quick as a cat, Amy automatically reached out to scoop up the freshly fallen cum gob from Susan's thigh with her fingers and sucked it into her mouth. "Mmmm! Tasty!"

Amy enthused as she smacked her lips happily. "That is what I call one huge load, and that's even after the first rope or two that went into Susan's cunt and she rubbed a bunch onto my chest. Can I call dibs on cleaning that up?"

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