6 Times a Day

Chapter 944 Bestest Sisters Ever ['Janek Lehmann'Sponsored]

'Janek Lehmann' Special - [6/10] Chapters.


At around eight o'clock in the evening, the long-awaited Boy Scout van finally dropped Alan off in front of the house.

Alan's anticipation and frustration had been building all weekend, but his tensions rose to unbearable levels on the ride back home from Los Angeles. He had a non-stop erection that seemed to get harder and harder as time went on, and he had to keep his hands over his lap to keep the other scouts from noticing.

Naturally, the van had gotten stuck in a big traffic jam. And when the scoutmasters began dropping other scouts off at their houses before him, Alan just about thought he would go mad. He had contemplated feigning sickness or hopping out and calling a cab, but in the end he'd managed to endure the wait.

Now it was all over. The long wait to fuck his mother that had really started months earlier was finally at an end. He stood in his own driveway with his backpack in hand, awed by the enormity of the occasion.

The only reason he didn't run straight in was because his heart was already pounding so hard and fast that he seriously worried that he was on the brink of a medical disaster. He counted to ten to calm himself, and then began to slowly walk towards the house on unsteady legs.

This is it... Man! I really can't see Mom backing out now; she's so enthusiastic. Thank God for that. But I'll bet she's as nervous as me. Like about performance. What if I don't do a good job? What if our bodies aren't a good fit in that way? Fuck, man. I'm about to fuck my mom! How could I not have performance issues?! I'll probably cum before I even get to the door!

He hadn't gotten far up the walkway when Amy and Katherine opened the front door. They were the epitome of youthful enthusiasm as they giggled, squealed and waved. They, plus Susan, Suzanne and Brenda, had all been waiting anxiously by the front window all evening, looking for any sight of the van. As soon as it appeared, Susan had let out a scream of excitement and took off to her bedroom to prepare herself. Suzanne went along as an assistant, to make sure that everything was perfect. Amy and Katherine were at the front door because they were so ecstatic to see Alan, but also to serve as a distraction so Susan would have time to get ready.

A massive smile spread across Alan's face as soon as he saw Amy and Katherine open the door and stand underneath the bright porch light. They would have run out to him except for the fact that they wore scandalously skimpy outfits, so he ran to them instead. As he neared the door, he threw his pack past them into the house and then leapt into their arms.

A tremendous three-way hug ensued. Each of them seemed to be trying to squeeze the other two to death.

Alan was dirty and sweaty from hours of hiking, but the girls didn't mind at all. As the hug went on, he looked from face to face and exclaimed, "It's so good to see you! But what's with all the crying? I've only been gone two frigging days!"

"Hey!" Katherine replied as tears of joy poured down her cheeks, "You're crying too, buster!"

"Am I?" He felt his cheeks and realized he was. He smiled and hugged while Amy and Katherine repeatedly yelled, "Brother!" He said their names over and over. He thought it a bit absurd just how emotional they were given that he was only gone two nights, but the feelings were very real. He had missed his family so much that he could hardly stand it.

The hugging soon turned to kissing and tit-fondling. But none of them were satisfied to have to feel through clothes, so Amy paused and tore her T-shirt over her head, while Katherine unbuttoned her blouse. Then everyone went after everyone else even more aggressively.

Katherine practically tore Alan's shorts zipper off. She wasn't happy until she had his erection firmly in hand. "Miss me, Alan Junior?" she asked, and then burst into giggles.

At that point, Amy realized it probably wasn't a very good thing to be standing outside under a porch light wearing nothing above her waist, not to mention that there was no mistaking the rapid jerking motions her bare breasted sister had started making with her hand over his crotch. She felt obliged to play the responsible one (since Katherine wasn't) and pulled the whole hug-tangle back into the house.

Getting inside allowed him to relax. Furthermore, finding himself surrounded and practically smothered by ample female flesh made him feel even better. The tension drained away as he nuzzled, cuddled, and fondled his way all over his two sisters. Even the smell of their perfume was greatly relaxing to him. "Home! I'm home! You two are the bestest sisters ever!"

Amy giggled. "He's starting to talk like me!"

Alan's whole body went limp. He was basically being held up because Amy and Katherine were pressing into him on both sides tightly while both of them had one hand each stroking up and down his erection. Talk about being treated like a king! I swear, I'm never gonna leave home again. Not even for five minutes. This is how I want to die!

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Suzanne walking down the stairs. She stopped at the foot of the stairs and simply cried out "Sweetie!"

Alan turned her way and smiled as he saw her, because she was such a predictably arousing sight. She naturally stopped to preen and pose - she never missed an opportunity to show off her sexy outfits and even sexier body. Not surprisingly, her outfit stretched the very definition of the word "clothing," consisting of just high-heeled shoes and a reddish body suit so thin and transparent that one could pick out every one of the very few blemishes on her skin.

She held her arms up around her head, knowing that Alan loved that pose, and held the position briefly. She looked significantly at where his crotch was. She couldn't see his dick directly, but she could see the way Amy and Katherine were pumping their arms rhythmically. "Looks like someone's getting a very special welcome." She smirked and grinned. Then she rushed the rest of the way to him and joined in the hug.

He loved hearing her scratchy voice, and he loved holding her even more. He frantically kissed from face to face in the group hug for about half a minute. There was only one thing that bothered him: he felt like asking who they were happier to see, Alan or Alan Junior, since all three females had at least one hand on his massively erect dick or swollen balls. He didn't want to complain about the great stroking sensations they gave him since he'd missed it so much all weekend, but he did force himself to mumble between kisses, "Don't make me cum!"

Even though he'd only been stroked a minute or two, he was already on edge from hours and hours of anticipation. His body craved release. But he didn't want to let his mother down by cumming already. This night was for her and her only.

Just thinking about her caused his heart to race again and his nervousness to return, although it wasn't as bad as before. He eventually managed to pull away from the others' lips (no easy task!) long enough to ask, "Where's Mom?"

As soon as Suzanne answered, "She's upstairs," he began to disengage from the group completely. Again, that was no easy task. Groans of disappointment followed all around.

Amy had just gotten on her knees, cleared Alan's cock of two fists pumping in tandem, and swallowed his twitching shaft far down into her mouth. She could already taste the pre-cum on her lips and the taste only made her want more. But she reluctantly gave it up and stood back up. She pouted sadly, her eyes wide and pleading.

He said with a twinge of regret, "Sorry, everyone, it's so great to see you all, but someone's waiting for me."

He'd almost freed himself, but Amy held on to his wrist with a strong grip. "Hey, wait a sec, Brother. Did you find the picture I left you in your bag? Did you? Did you?!"

"Yes I did, Amy. That kept me going all weekend. I love you so much for making that. But let's talk about it later. I've got to go!" He planted a quick kiss on her lips and once again started to head to the stairs.

Amy was ecstatic. The look of pure joy on her face made him want to kiss her, hug her, and fuck her forever. Then he looked at the loving faces on Katherine and Suzanne. It was clear they really missed him, and it was nearly impossible for him to leave them behind. In fact, he'd only made it about two steps closer to the stairs from where they stood.

"How was your hike?" Amy asked, lightly bouncing with glee. Her breasts, naturally, were bouncing too.

Alan looked from one gorgeous topless woman to another. Why?! Why the fuck was I out there getting bitten by mosquitoes and stepping on cow patties? Nature is nice, but damn! I disagree that I need some variety in my life. This is the best!

Suzanne stepped forward and happily noted while caressing his face with the tips of her fingers, "I see your bruises and black eye are gone!"

"Later! Later!"

Amy and Katherine stepped forward too, but then they paused and stepped back. They and Suzanne knew it would be cruel to keep Susan waiting.

The group "hug" had greatly calmed Alan's nerves and eased his tension, but now that it was over, the longer he waited, the more nervous he was getting. He bolted for the stairs as fast as he could, and then practically flew up them. He didn't think to stuff his hard-on back in his shorts, and it bounced wildly as he ran.

Suzanne, Amy, and Katherine remained connected to each other in a loose hug as they watched him go.

"Oh, poo," Suzanne pouted in imitation of Susan. She still ran her hands all over herself and her thin, silky body suit, but it wasn't nearly as good as if the hands were Alan's. "That was so brief. Now we probably won't see him till morning. Damn. But it's so good to see him again, don't you think, girls?"

"Yes!" Katherine agreed. "I was sooooo worried he'd get hurt or sick... We kind of overdid the greeting though, didn't we? We were practically about to gang-rape him there."

Suzanne conceded, "Yes. A tad. We overdid it a little." But she wasn't paying much attention. She just stared up the stairs at the spot where she'd seen him disappear down the upstairs hallway. She was feeling sad and lonely again.

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