6 Times a Day

Chapter 880 Almost Kissing Christine

He would have bought beer, but both of them were too young to drink alcohol legally, so he bought two root beers instead.

Then they went back to his math tutoring. Christine worked through all of his issues with lightning speed. In fact, in less than half an hour he was all out of questions. She'd even explained some concepts he was having trouble with in his other two classes that had tests the next day.

By the time they were done, he'd somehow wound up with his arm around her.

At first, she'd been worried and alarmed by that. But he felt so nice and friendly that she didn't have the heart to object. In fact, after a while she cuddled up even closer to him. He could even feel the side of one of her great boobs pressing into him.

Plus, with his face practically next to hers, he was in an ideal position to look down her chest. He correctly figured that she didn't realize just how much she was showing, but he couldn't resist. The upper part of her dress was gaping open since that key button had taken flight. As a result, at times he could even catch glimpses of her nipples. True, they were only brief glimpses and he couldn't see much due to shadows, but just the fact that he was finally viewing her nipples directly in any way at all was so thrilling that his penis remained solidly erect all the time.

Although they were only drinking root beer, he felt a bit tipsy just the same. He was relaxed, happy, and even slightly giddy. It somehow seemed completely natural to be loosely hugging her like this, even though they'd never been that physically close before.

He said, "Wow. Christine, you amaze me. I mean, I consider myself one of the top students in our classes. I don't think I'm being boastful because the grades and test results show that. But you! You're in a whole different league! We both get the same grades, but that's a joke. There should be another grade three notches above 'A' just called 'Christine.'"

She laughed happily at the big compliment, but she was embarrassed too. "Yeah, right. What about you? You're a smart guy - for a brunette."

He groaned at the reminder of all his dumb-blonde jokes. "You know, now I understand why there are all these dumb blondes. With brunettes and other hair colors, intelligence is more or less evenly spread around. But with blondes, so much of the smarts went to you that there was none left for all the other blondes."

"Boy, you're really piling on the compliments, aren't you? What will it take to get you to shut up?"

That sounded harsh, but she was feeling very conflicted. On the one hand, she loved the compliments, but on the other hand she was so innately modest that she didn't know how to handle them. She really did want him to shut up.

He said, "Sorry. You can't get rid of me that easily. To be perfectly honest, I've never met anyone with such an impressive combination of beauty and brains. And I doubt I ever will again."

She blushed furiously at that. She meant to chide him, but what came out was, "It's a good thing I know we're just practice dating, or I'd think you were trying to seduce me."

He found himself staring into her eyes from mere inches away. Man! Man oh man oh man! What I wouldn't give to kiss her lips right now! But I can't. We ARE just practice dating, and I'm a horrible cad who doesn't deserve her. A fucking awesome girl like her needs to stay away from the likes of me. Damn! It's so depressing.

He said, "That's another thing. I say it's just downright unfair that you're this smart AND this beautiful. There oughta be a law. Like you have to spread the wealth around a little."

She chuckled at that, even as she squirmed around as if she were trying to escape the booth to get away from all the embarrassing words. Her arousal was rising and rising, and she didn't know how to handle that.

He asked, "Seriously, how do you do it? How do you understand something like calculus so easily, just like snapping your fingers? Not to mention your skill at sports and martial arts and who knows what else! You probably write symphonies in your sleep."

She held up a hand and said, "Hold on. I've gotta go to the ladies room. I'll answer that when I get back."

After he got up to let her out of the booth, she headed straight to the bathroom.

In truth, she didn't need to go to the bathroom so much as she had to get away from his compliment "attack." She loved it, but she also couldn't stop blushing and squirming in discomfort and arousal. She didn't know how to deal with the arousal in particular except to escape and try to calm down.

When she came walking back, Alan was grateful for the opportunity to admire her body from head to toe. Even though she was mostly covered, with the very notable exception of her cleavage, he couldn't help but whistle in appreciation as she walked towards him.

She immediately resumed blushing. She stood there for a moment, like a deer frozen in the headlights. But then she hurried the rest of the way to the booth and growled, "If you say one more nice thing, I'm gonna twist your head off!"

He laughed at that. "Okay. I'm pretty attached to my head. Christine, you're so lame. You're the lamest of the lame lame-o's."

She laughed some more. Even when she was feeling embarrassed like this, she still felt remarkably at ease with him at the same time.

"Okay, spill the beans. The secret to your success." But then, pretending fear, he lifted his hands and held them around his neck, as if protecting himself from decapitation. "Or, as I should say, the secret to your supreme lameness."

She smiled at that and explained, "I suppose I'm blessed with some natural ability, but a lot of it is hard work. It's not a matter of getting something that fast. It's taken years of serious effort to get to that point. It's partly a matter of knowing how to learn. You know what I mean? Everything is a skill that gets better with practice. For instance, taking tests is a skill. A person could know the material but suck at test taking, so they get a bad score. The more tests you take, the more relaxed you get about taking tests and the better you get at taking them. You even develop strategies for test taking, like rapidly deciding which questions to answer right away and which to go back to. In the same way, the more you push yourself to learn new things, the easier it gets. That's why I seem to understand things so easily."

"Damn." He sighed. "Even explaining that is impressive, 'cos you did it so well. This is kind of random, but have you figured out what you want to do with your life?"

She sat back and gave him a good look. "Whoa! That's a big question. What brought that on?"

"I dunno. I guess it's that you helping with this math stuff in your usual impressive way reminded me all over again of just how awesome you are, all around. I'm curious what you're going to do with all that awesomeness. I mean, you're not like other people."

She protested strongly, "I am like other people! I'm exactly like other people! I resent people treating me so differently. That's one reason I like you so much. You're just about the only one not overawed by my looks or my smarts. With smarts, you ARE my intellectual peer, even though you may not think so, and even if you have trouble with calculus. But with looks, since you're such an ugly runt, you're lucky I hang with you at all."

His eyes showed total surprise at that unexpectedly harsh insult.

Then her expression turned mirthful. "Ha! Gotcha! You should have seen your face. But seriously, you are a pretty handsome guy-"

He interrupted. "Nah. If you want to know the truth, I'll tell you the real reason why I can hang with you without the reverse Medusa effect I mentioned earlier kicking in. It's the fact that I've grown up with my mom, my sister, and the likes of Amy Pestridge and her mother next door. I'm used to stunning, ravishingly beautiful women. Honestly, that's the explanation. Other guys, they can't handle it; it's like staring into the sun. You have to look away from such perfection."

"Damn! Alan, you keep saying the nicest things. It's a good thing this is a practice date. If it were a real one, I'd totally be kissing you right now!"

Suddenly, Alan's heart was pounding hard. He brought his head closer to Christine's as she brought hers closer to his, as if powerful magnets were pulling them together. It seemed inevitable that they would kiss. But just as suddenly, he managed to break the magical spell and pull back.

He even broke their embrace and started to get up. "I'm hungry. What say we get that ice cream sundae now?"

"Okay. Great idea!" Her face was a contradiction, smiling but with eyes that were sad because they hadn't actually kissed, for at the same time she was both scared and relieved.

He nodded, got up, and walked away.

He was confused and shaken too. Crap! I can't. I just can't. I'm no good for her. This reminder tonight of her genius-level intelligence makes it all the more imperative that I steer clear. I mean, look at me! I have this bunch of gorgeous, busty women who practically live just to play with my dick. And most of them are my family, or almost my family. I couldn't give them up for anything, not even for Christine. Hell, Mom and Aunt Suzy sucked me off for ages before dinner, and that was just one crazy thing that happened to me today. Too much craziness!

It's not just the sex, but all the love! I can't give that up. Christine doesn't fit into that. She needs to be out there winning Nobel Prizes and saving the world and shit. For once, I have to stop thinking with just my dick!

While he was gone, Christine thought, What the hell just happened there?! It seemed like he was about to kiss me, and I was gonna let him! NO! No way! Getting cozy, all the compliments, the fun banter, his masculine aroma, his intense looks, this damn blouse and the lost button - it's like some kind of perfect storm. I can't let anything like that happen; that way lies disaster! He's dating Amy, for crying out loud! I can't forget that, no matter how much I want him to kiss me.

Oops, did I say that? I don't really want to be kissed. I just want... Hell, I don't even know what I want!

He returned a few minutes later with an extra-large banana split, as well as more root beer. He resumed sitting next to her, and soon found his arm back around her. But they didn't say much for a while, because they were competing to eat the ice cream fast before it melted.

When they had finished their desert, they slouched back in the booth seat and relaxed even more.

Christine's resolve not to encourage anything amorous was almost entirely forgotten. Because she'd never even kissed a boy before, this was just about the most exciting situation she'd ever been in, and her hormones were taking over. Without thinking, she put her arm around him too. The simple act of maintaining their embrace felt so good to her that she had an urge to jump up and run around - except that she didn't want to break the hug for anything. She wore a huge, blissed-out smile on her face.

She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Mmmm. That hit the spot. Thanks!"

He replied, "No. Thank you. You've been a lifesaver tonight. I'm gonna be up late regardless because I have so many facts to memorize. But at least now I have the concepts down, so I shouldn't completely crash and burn tomorrow."

She smiled even wider, if that was possible. "That's what friends are for. They help each other. But remember, now I own your SOUL!" She said "SOUL" in an exaggerated, theatrical fashion while poking him in the chest. Then she chuckled mirthfully, as if she were an evil villain in a play.

But she was partially serious too, so she added, "Remember your words, 'I'd do anything in return.' Emphasis on 'anything!' I'm gonna hold you to that some day."

"Uh-oh," he said with mock horror. "I really stepped in it. What are you going to have me do?"

"Hmmm... Options, options, so many options... But you know what? I think I'll just go for the traditional, popular choice: permanent sex slave."

He chuckled, because he knew she was joking. But still, it was extremely arousing. Man! I swear, she's trying to kill me tonight with all these untended boners! If she only knew what she's saying. She thinks 'permanent sex slave' is a joke, but for me it's practically my life! I mean, the very notion of 'untended boners' is absurd; I've gotten to the point where I half expect someone to step up and stroke or blow me any time I get hard. And boy, am I hard right now!

He pretended disappointment. "Damn. You got me. Such is my fate. So when do I start?" He wiggled his eyebrows in an exaggerated, Groucho Marx fashion.

She laughed. She knew on some level that her body was getting "dangerously" horny, but she told herself that she could handle it. After all, she ruled her body, not the other way around.

He continued, "Hey, I have a better idea. What if you take the 'permanent sex slave' duties? I think that would work out better, don't you?"

"Yeah. You WOULD like that, wouldn't you?!" She laughed some more. "Alan, you're so much fun! This is nice. I've got a ton of homework for tomorrow too, but I'm so glad I came here to help you. I wish we could just stay like this forever."

She leaned into him even more and rested her head against his neck and the side of his head. Uh-oh! I probably shouldn't be doing this! But this is just a platonic thing, right? The great thing about Alan is that I can trust him to be the perfect, platonic gentleman. So I can let go a little. That's what a practice date is all about, right? I just wish my damn nipples would go down. They've been hard as rocks all evening, and this stupid top shows way too much.

He thought, Fuuuucck! Dang. If Christine is trying to seduce me, she's doing a damn good job of it. She's right: this does feel great. In a weird way, I'm enjoying this as much as a typically awesome blowjob from Mom. But that's the thing; normal guys don't have moms who give blowjobs! I have to stay strong and not cross the line into intimacy. This is nice, but any more would be wrong; it wouldn't be fair to her. I have to focus on her awesomeness, and how she needs a future without me in it.

With that in mind, he said, "By the way, you never did answer my earlier question - about what you want to do with your life. Have you given that any thought?"

With her head still resting against his she replied, "Sure. Everyone has. But nothing serious yet. I can't wait to get to college and just DIVE into every subject. You know what I mean?" She suddenly sat up straight so she could make eye contact, while remaining in a loose embrace. "I love knowledge. I love learning. I want to push the boundaries of what is known. So I'm probably headed to something using science and math. That's what I'm best at anyway. But I'm in no hurry to figure out what I want to specialize in. What about you?"

He thought, What about me? Would you believe it if I told you that I see my future as basically one glorious, endless orgasm? 'Cos that's what's happening in my life: sex, sex, and lots more sex! And I have to admit that I love it. Even when I'm run ragged and too wiped out to keep my eyes open, I'm still happy to get more. It feels so fucking great! And not just the sexual pleasure, but the love too. That's the killer. I'm enveloped in love and sexual bliss pretty much constantly. So where's the room for some kind of professional career? Do I even need one, or could I just be a full-time sex stud or something?

I probably could, but I don't want to go down that path. I don't want to be a lazy mooch. I too feel the drive to achieve. But how?

He finally spoke. "Sorry, I'm just thinking of what to say. I honestly don't know yet. But I'm like you in that I love knowledge and want to push the boundaries of what's known. But I pretty much hate science and math, even though I get A's in those subjects. What excites me most is history, anthropology, and archeology. I'm fascinated by the past. When I was a little kid I got into dinosaurs in a big way and I guess I never outgrew that. Except now human history interests me even more. So I hope I can find some kind of career related to that."

She replied, "I figured. Once you get started talking about something historical, I can't get you to shut up."


She giggled. "Sorry, I mean that in the kindest way. I love your passion."

"I love your passion too."

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