6 Times a Day

Chapter 878 Did You Forget About Christine?

After sex with Amy, Alan was able to return to his homework with no significant worries on his mind. His increasingly insatiable sexual appetite was temporarily sated, which allowed him to focus on his work better than before.

However, he was having a lot of trouble understanding his math homework. He simply didn't understand some of the concepts, and he couldn't figure it out no matter what he did. I know: I'll call Christine! She's friggin' brilliant with everything, and she's a good explainer. Plus, it's not yet nine o'clock, so it's okay to call.

He picked up the phone and dialed Christine's number. She answered, "Hello?"

"Hey, Christine. It's Alan. So... a blonde woman is sitting in a meadow in a boat trying to row, but she's not getting anywhere. A blonde lady cop sees her and stops along the side of the road. She yells at the womanl in the boat: 'You're the reason us blondes have to deal with all the dumb blonde jokes. If I could swim, I'd come over and kick your ass!'"

Christine couldn't resist laughing at that, but she caught herself quickly and tried to sound indignant. "UGH! You called me just to tell me that?"

"Not just for that. But I just came across that one and I thought you'd appreciate how it's kind of a meta dumb blonde joke, about all dumb blonde jokes. Anyway, what's up?"

"Ugh. The usual. Homework, and stupid guys calling me up to tell me dumb jokes. How 'bout you?"

He chuckled at that. "The same, minus the 'stupid guys calling' part. In fact, I've got homework coming out of my ears. I've got THREE tests tomorrow. Actually, that's why I'm calling you, 'cos I could really use your help. You know the calculus test we have coming up tomorrow?"


"Do you get that stuff?"

"I do. I see it as logic problems, and I'm good with logic."

"I knew you'd get it! But I'm totally lost at sea. I know you're busy, and it's getting late, but could you please try to explain some of these concepts to me? I'd be soooo grateful. I'd do anything in return!"

Christine thought, Anything, huh? Why does that make me so excited?

She teased, "I'm not sure. This is what is commonly known as 'blonde math.' I doubt a mere brunette could understand it."

"Cute. I know I deserve that, from all my blonde jokes. But if I could take a few minutes of your time..."

"Sorry, that's not gonna cut it; it'll take longer than that. Besides, we would need to both be looking at the same piece of paper. I can't begin to explain over the phone; I have to write the equations down and show you what I've written, and why. Can we meet in person?"

"Okay. I suppose I can do that." He thought about his constantly horny and frequently naked mother, the sex smells wafting through the house, and other issues. "But, uh, where? My house isn't good."

"I suppose we can do it at my house. Or at a restaurant or cafe or something. Hey! I just had an idea. You said we can't go on one of our practice dates this weekend 'cos of your hiking trip. But what if we turn this into a kind of practice date?"

"Are you serious?" His heart started racing, just as the possibility of seeing her again so soon. He looked at a clock. "It's already after eight-thirty."

"I know. I don't mean a full-on practice date, especially since we've both eaten dinner. But I'm thinking we could make it fun. You know, dress up kinda nice and sexy, and go to a place where we could get a big fat ice cream sundae! Then, after we've made enough progress with the calculus, we can celebrate with a sinful dessert."

He pondered that, even as his penis started to engorge. Dang! That sounds tempting. It's true I need every minute to study tonight, but I'll bet she can explain what I don't understand in a fraction of the time it would take for me to figure it out on my own, and I can use that saved time to have some fun. Actually, the truth is, I probably won't figure it out without her help no matter how long I try, so it's not like I have a choice.

He said, "Okay, sounds good. Except I've gotta warn you that I'm short on time, with those three tests tomorrow and everything."

"That's cool. I haven't seen you much lately, and you've got this trip coming up. So I'll take half a practice date over none at all. But remember, you'll still owe me one! What did you say? 'I'd do anything in return.'"

"Uh-oh! Did I really say that?"

He thought, Man, I just hope I don't get all horny with her. Even thinking about that 'anything' promise is kinda making me horny. What if she "forces" me to do all kinds of sexual things to her? Yeah, right. I wish! But if there ever was a time I could actually not get all aroused and stay focused on homework, now is it. My dick has died and gone to heaven.

"You did. I smell another trip to the beach in our near future."

He jokingly pretended to be horrified. "Oh no! Not that! Anything but that!"

That got a good laugh, but in fact he really was trying to avoid going to the beach with her again. He was determined to keep their relationship platonic, and their beach trip had given him almost more temptation than he could handle. He was actually afraid to see her in a bikini, which she'd hinted she'd wear if they went again, for fear that his resolve would crumble completely.

They made plans to meet immediately at the Nut House. It was a local pub known for its unlimited supply of free peanuts. It served alcohol, but also dinner and dessert, including some excellent ice cream sundaes. It also had booths where people could sit for hours without being pressured to leave, so it was ideal for their purpose.

Alan decided not to tell anyone that he was going to study with Christine. In particular, he could imagine his mother getting all excited and aroused imagining that he was going to "tame" his incredibly beautiful blonde friend. It was just easier to say that he was going to a quiet cafe to study without all the sexual distractions at home, so that's what he told Susan.

He was a bit concerned that Christine seemed to want to turn this into the practice date they wouldn't be able to have over the weekend. Normally he would have loved the idea, but he was feeling the pressure of time with his tests coming up. Plus, he was feeling both mentally and physically exhausted from everything that had happened over the course of his extremely busy, sex-filled day.

Yet, despite that exhaustion, he remained erect and aroused for quite a few minutes after the phone call ended. He wondered how much "worse" his arousal would get seeing Christine in person.

He wondered what she meant by her request to "dress up kinda nice and sexy." In the end, he wore slacks and a very nice dress shirt, but he wore a sweater over the shirt and even over the collar until he was out of the house, just in case Susan decided to see him off and wondered about his attire. As it was, he left the house without being seen, but the night had gotten a bit cold so he decided to keep wearing the sweater.

— — —

As Christine sat in a booth waiting for him, she thought, What am I DOING here? I keep telling myself that I'm just a friend helping a friend out, but that's not the whole story, is it? I mean, look at me!

She looked down at herself, and in particular at the dress she'd chosen to wear. Like the outfit she'd worn on her previous practice date with him, she'd borrowed it from her aunt Kirsten.

I feel like some kind of, of... streetwalker! I NEVER dress like this! I'm showing off so much cleavage that he'll practically be able to see down to my belly button! This is even more outrageous than what I wore at our last practice date. And this isn't even a practice date! I'm kinda making it one in my mind, but we're supposed to be here just to talk about homework.

This is nuts! What am I hoping to accomplish? Okay, I want him to want me. But to what end? What if he does want me? He's already dating Amy and probably Kim, and most likely others. Hell, I know there are others. Getting him to agree to date me exclusively is unlikely, to say the least. This is NOT a good idea! I just have to play it cool and really treat it like nothing other than helping him with homework.

But I really liked our practice dates, not to mention our trip to the beach! I... I want to kiss him! No, I want him to kiss me! On the lips! But that's just got to remain an idle wish, 'cos I'm not going to let my hormones rule me.

A mere ten minutes after the phone call, Alan walked into the Nut House carrying his backpack with his math textbook and notebook. The pub was fairly empty since it was a weeknight. He quickly spotted Christine sitting in a booth near the back, where he joined her. He already had an erection from the anticipation, but he was determined to hide it.

WHOA! Be still my beating heart! There were high walls between the booths, so it was only when he was practically right next to Christine that he saw what she was wearing. God, she's so fucking sexy! Look at all that cleavage she's showing. How the hell am I supposed to think about math or anything else now?!

She smiled when she looked up and saw him. "Hey!" She stood up and gave him a friendly hug. "How's it going?"

"It just got a hell of a lot better, now that you're hugging me while wearing that!" He belatedly realized, "Oh shit! Did I just say that out loud?!" Then he belatedly realized again, "And I just said THAT out loud too, didn't I? Damn!"

She laughed heartily while continuing to hold him in an embrace. "You're funny. But don't sweat it; a girl likes to be admired and appreciated. Speaking of which, where's my hello kiss?"

He thought, We have a hello kiss tradition? That's news to me. The only times we've kissed before were brief goodbye kisses at the end of our practice dates. Not that I'm complaining, though!

Since he was taller, he bent down some and kissed her nose. But he decided that was too casual so he kissed her again on her cheek.

She closed her eyes, smiled, and let out a surprisingly erotic, "Mmmm!" Only then did she break the hug.

She told herself, Behave! Where did that request for a kiss come from?! We're just doing some math, for chrissakes! Still, it felt really, really nice!

He quickly sat down across the booth from her, in order to hide his stiff erection. He thought, Christine is a miracle worker. I thought there was no way in hell I could get hard again today, but BAM! Just THINKING about her got me stiff as a board. Plus everything else. Jesus H. Christ, that top! Just look at her!

He took his own advice and gave her a long look.

She sensed his eyes on her. Embarrassed, she quickly returned to her seat.

However, she moved a little too fast. Her dress was already showing a great deal of cleavage and it was exceptionally tight. As she bent forward to get to her seat, the button that was holding the fabric stretched across her great globes couldn't take the tension anymore; it popped free.

Mortified, she covered her chest with her hands and arms, completely concealing her cleavage. "Oh, great," she muttered unhappily. "I knew I shouldn't have worn this!"

The problem was that the dress was fitted for her young Aunt Kirsten, not her. And while Kirsten was similarly curvaceous and beautiful, Christine's breasts were about one size larger. As it turned out, that was just a bit too much.

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