6 Times a Day

Chapter 875 Simone, You're The Best!

"So... have you ever thought about... Barbies?" Heather was sitting at her desk in her room, staring into space.

Simone was lying on Heather's bed, reading a book. She looked over at Heather quizzically and asked, "Barbies? As in Barbie dolls?"

"Exactly. I mean, if someone calls you a Barbie doll, that's a compliment, right?"

Simone diplomatically said, "It definitely depends on the situation. Could be an insult, could be a compliment. What was the context? Who said something to you about Barbie dolls and when and how?"

Heather was thinking of Alan's comment to her earlier: "You're my Barbie Doll, and I'm taking total control over what you wear and what you don't." She turned her head, embarrassed. "Um... That's not important."

"So how am I supposed to judge, then?"

Heather growled impatiently, "Just be a friend and tell me it's a compliment already."

Simone put her book down and rolled her eyes. "Let me guess. You've got Alan on your mind."

Heather scoffed, "Wrong."

"I know you do. You've been moping around all afternoon. I've never seen you so contemplative in my life. You don't even want to have sex today, which is really weird, if you ask me. Something's eating you, and whenever I ask you what you're thinking about, you say 'Nothing'. That's bullshit! I'm your best friend. I think it's time you tell me what's going on."

Heather wavered. She longed to tell Simone everything, but her pride was getting in the way. "Well... No. It's complicated."

Simone snorted derisively. "Nice try, but no dice. I can handle complicated. I don't have to go home for another hour or two; we've got plenty of time."

Heather let a sad sigh slip out. "Nah. It's nothing."

Simone got up and walked over to where her friend was sitting. Surprisingly, they were both fully clothed. This was surprising because Simone couldn't remember the last time she'd hung out in Heather's room without them getting naked and having sex.

Simone pulled a chair up next to Heather's and put a hand on her knee. She said in a tender, comforting voice, "Hey, if you tell me one more time that 'It's nothing,' I'm going to bash your teeth in."

Heather couldn't help but laugh at that, due to the contrast between Simone's words and the love that was apparent in her voice and facial expression.

Simone grinned, happy to see that her joke had helped to break the ice. "Seriously, you need to let it all out, and that's what I'm here for. Don't worry; I know what you're thinking."

That raised Heather's defenses. She crossed her arms and said in a pouty tone, "No you don't!"

"Yes I do. Let me guess. You had sex with Alan today. Specifically, he fucked your ass."

Heather's eyes widened. "How did you know that?"

"Because of the way you've been rubbing your ass occasionally while staring off into space with a dreamy look. Besides, nothing affects you like when he fucks your ass. He's..." Simone wanted to say that Heather was in love, but she decided at the last second that would just make Heather more defensive. "He's special, isn't he?"

Heather sighed longingly. She could agree with the comment that Alan was special without her pride taking a hit. "Yeah, he is."

Simone nodded. "But... there's a problem, isn't there? You've been mulling something over all afternoon. It's not just that he's having sex with a bunch of other hotties, because you've known that for a while now. So he must have told you something new..."

Heather confessed, "Yeah... He doesn't want me to have sex with anyone else."

Simone bristled, since she loved Heather in her own way, and loved having sex with her. "What?!"

Heather lazily brushed off Simone's concern. "Don't worry. He explicitly exempted you and the cheerleaders. Mainly, he doesn't want me to have sex with other guys. He says it's because he's concerned about STDs. And that might be a minor reason, but I think it's mainly because he's possessive. He's made it pretty clear he doesn't want any other guy to enjoy my hot body."

Simone relaxed after hearing that her intimacy with Heather wasn't threatened. "Really? And how does that make you feel?"

"Well... good... and bad... I like that it shows his feelings for me are growing. Obviously, some jealousy is coming to the fore. That could give me some power over him." She smiled wolfishly at that prospect. "But at the same time, I get pissed off that he has the gall to tell me who I can and can't be with. I mean, who the fuck does he think he is?"

Before Heather could get herself in a big huff, Simone pointed out, "But does it really matter? In the past couple of weeks you pretty much stopped having sex with other guys anyway."

Heather sighed sadly. "I know. And that's a problem, a big problem. Other guys just don't do it for me anymore. And as much as it galls me to say this, I have to admit that Alan knows exactly how to push my buttons. If I were to have sex now with someone like, say, Rock, it would be like a really bad joke. I wouldn't be able to stop laughing at his pathetic little penis and his pathetic little thrusts. And it's not just him. When I look back at all the lovers I've had, none measure up."

She went on, "Yet Alan doesn't have time for me. Since he's so damn good, he's in high demand. I can understand that, even though it pisses me off. But, no offense Simone, I need real cock! Making love to you and other girls is great. I love it. But I need variety. I'm bisexual, not lesbian. I can't make do with lesbian love plus a little bit of Alan every once in a blue moon. I confessed to him today that I just don't think that'll work for me for very long. And yet... what's my alternative? Other guys don't do it for me. So I'm stuck!"

Simone asked, "And that's what's bothering you so much?"

Heather looked away in embarrassment again. She thought about how Alan was bossing her around and even claiming the power to decide what clothes she wore. She both hated it and loved it at the same time. But that was something her wounded pride wouldn't let her discuss with Simone, at least not yet. So she said, "That, and some other things. But let's focus on that for now, okay?"

Simone said, "Okay, fine." Since this was a very, very rare instance of Heather opening up emotionally, Simone was trying hard not to revert to her usual joking self. She realized that at the moment she needed to be fully supportive. "It sounds to me like what we need to do is find some other guy. Or, better, a couple other guys. I'm sure there are plenty of other guys out there with the talent and the equipment to rock your world just as much as he does, if not better. The problem is, you've been limiting yourself to just the guys in our high school. What if you open up to, say, guys at some of the nearby colleges? You're of legal age, and you've got the looks to crash any party you want."

Heather held up a hand. She spoke with a pained expression. "Simone, I appreciate your effort to help, but you don't understand. I'm sure that, in theory, you're right. We could find some stud with a ten-inch cock who knows how to fuck all night long. Great. Whoop de do."

Simone was puzzled at the lack of enthusiasm in Heather's voice. "Huh? I thought that's what you're looking for. But you seem downright annoyed at the idea."

Heather raised her hands up in frustration. "I am! And that, in and of itself, is annoying! It's not just the 'size of the wave' or the 'motion in the ocean.' There's something going on with Alan that's so much more than energy or equipment or skill. There's... I don't know how to put it. When I'm with him... it's just..." She gestured with her hands some more, frustrated at her inability to express herself.

Simone grinned. "Let me guess. There's something special with Alan. It's hard to define, but when you're with him you feel different. Special. Happy. Excited. No other guy can make you feel that way. It's not just the sex. It's the things he says, the way he looks at you. His smile. When he's near you, your heart beats fast and when he's not around, you find yourself thinking about him."

Heather found herself nodding to Simone's words. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes! How do you KNOW all that?! It's like you can read my mind!"

It took a lot of willpower for Simone not to make some kind of wisecrack, or even say the obvious... that Heather was in love. Simone found it amusing that Heather was so unfamiliar with the experience of being in love that she still didn't recognize it for what it was. Simone did know that if she mentioned "love," Heather would get all defensive and clam up.

So instead she said, "That's because he's something special to you. It all fits. If another guy fucked you the exact same way Alan did, it just wouldn't be the same."

Luckily, "special" was vague enough for Heather not to recoil or get angry. She stared off into space dreamily. "Yeah, you're right. Every time I'm with him, he surprises me and confounds me. Take today. At one point, he had me look at myself in a full length mirror while he crammed his big dick into my butt and kept it lodged all the way up my ass. And it felt so fucking GOOD! I don't know why, but when he was in me like that, I could see myself in a way I've never seen myself before. All the pretense, all the bullshit, all the selfishness and bitchiness, it just fell away and I could see the real me. And I LIKED me! Can you imagine that? I could see this good person, this loving person. I got chills and goose bumps all over, and not simply from the fact that his thick dick was deep inside me. It's like I had an... an epiphany. And it was good!"

Simone thought, Wow! Just... wow! That's heavy. I had no idea something like that was going on. Nobody has ever been able to get that side of her to come out but me, and even then it's as rare as sighting a UFO. Sometimes I doubt that she even has that side to her. Damn! This is good. This is key. This is major! I thought it was just a case of her experiencing a real crush for the first time, thanks to the fact that he's been able to rock her world like no one before. But it looks like this could be much more important and serious!

You know what? I approve! I heartily approve! Maybe I should be jealous of him. And if he were a girl, I probably would be. But the fact that he can make her see her inner, pure self trumps everything else. I'm all for her spending a lot more time with him if he can have that kind of effect on her!

There had been a long pause while Simone was thinking about Heather's words. Finally, Simone smiled kindly and brushed some blonde bangs off Heather's forehead. "That's great. Like I said, he's a special guy. I'm really glad that he's able to make you feel that way."

Heather looked at her uncertainly. "Really? You're not just saying that? You're not jealous?"

Simone said honestly, "You and I, we're best friends with benefits. That's never gonna change, not if I can help it. If he wants to get in the way of that, he's got another thing coming. But if he doesn't see me as a threat - and I don't get any impression that he does - then I don't see him as a threat. A bisexual girl like you, you need at least one male lover AND at least one female lover. So it's all good. Right?"

"Right." Heather was very relieved to hear that. She didn't want Simone and Alan to fight, even though it would be rather flattering to her, in a way, if they did.

Once again, Simone wondered if she could mention her guess that Heather had fallen in love with Alan. But she again decided that wouldn't be wise. Heather loved to mock people who were in love, and even the very concept of love. So Simone figured that even if Heather realized that she herself was in love, she would deny it vehemently.

Instead, Simone purred, "It's all good." Then she leaned in and kissed Heather on the lips.

Heather had been missing her usual afternoon sex with Simone. She'd been feeling too uncertain and introspective to get in the mood. But once their kissing started, it was like a switch had been flipped: she went after Simone with a ravenous hunger.

Simone had also missed having sex with Heather. Sometimes she wondered why she was best friends with such a bitchy and often unpleasant girl, but she knew that on some level she was in love with her, and Heather loved her in return. That almost always made their sexual encounters passionate, and after having such an unusually emotionally naked discussion, Simone's passion for Heather was at a peak.

In fact, Simone got so carried away from just French-kissing Heather that she surprised even herself by picking Heather up and carrying her to the bed. Then she jumped on top of her and resumed necking while also working frantically to get them both naked.

Heather squealed with uncharacteristic child-like glee at being carried. She was just as keen to kiss back and get Simone's clothes off.

But there was something nagging at the back of her mind, some reason not to have sex with Simone today aside from her moodiness. It was only when they were both completely naked and Simone put her hands on Heather's butt that the reason became evident.

Simone froze. "Eww... What the hell?! What's this on your ass?!" Simone's hands had come across a cold, crusty substance caked here and there on Heather's bare ass cheeks.

Heather blushed, realizing she'd been busted. She closed her eyes, too embarrassed to explain.

Simone brought a hand with some of the crusty material on it to her nose and sniffed it. "This is... cum, isn't it? Alan's cum, I'll bet. Heather! What on Earth...?! I know he fucked your ass, and who cares if he came all over your tanned ass cheeks, but don't tell me you just plain forgot to clean up afterwards?! That's gross!"

Heather explained with her eyes still shut tight, "Ah... Not exactly. You see... he kind of told me to keep it like that until I went to bed."

Simone exploded, "What?! And you did it?! Have you gone mental?! Who are you and what happened to Heather?"

But then Simone realized, No, wait. She hasn't gone mental; she's in love. Which basically is the same thing. Being in love means you lose your fucking mind! Damn. Now I am feeling a little jealous. She'd never do something that weird for me. Oh, she might say she would, but she'd just lie and secretly clean herself up. The fact that she went through with it when there was no way Alan could possibly know if she did or not shows that she must really have a thing for him. Damn!

As a result of such thoughts, Simone immediately reversed her stated position. "No, wait, I take it back. I think it's nice if you made a promise to keep his cum and you actually stuck with it. Good for you. How has it felt?"

Heather was pleasantly surprised at Simone's change of attitude. She relaxed and opened her eyes. She even smiled as she admitted, "Wild! I've been thinking about it, like, every minute all day!"

Simone suggested, "And I'll bet it keeps you horny, thinking about how he fucked you and came all over your ass, and forced you to keep it there."

"Totally! Not out-of-control horny, but I've been on a low boil all day."

Simone got up. "Good. Keep boiling. Meanwhile, I'm going to go get a washcloth. Just because YOU can't clean up, that doesn't mean I can't either."

Heather chuckled at that. She wasn't going to oppose that idea because the novelty of it had worn off and this was a face-saving way to get her butt cleaned. She loved the idea of keeping Alan's cum on her, but it wasn't very practical in reality. (Ironically, Alan would have been flabbergasted to find out she'd actually followed through on his suggestion. It had just been something he'd thought up on the spur of the moment that fitted the mood and hadn't been meant seriously.)

It occurred to her that Alan had only said she could wear his cum on her ass until she went to bed, and what she and Simone were about to do certainly qualified as "going to bed" by anyone's standard. That made her feel better, though she wasn't entirely sure why.

Simone came back to bed a minute later with a wet washcloth in one hand and a strap-on dildo in the other. "Look what I've got!"

Heather stretched her nude body out on her bed and smiled. "Simone, you're the best! I don't deserve a friend like you."

Simone grinned. "No, you don't, but you're stuck with me, so you just gotta live with it." She crawled back on the bed, a feral look in her eyes.

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