6 Times a Day

Chapter 870 Continued

Sure enough, the two voluptuous MILFs climaxed many times as they masturbated, talked, and perused the photos. But Brenda kept her story relatively short in consideration of Susan's frustration and extreme anticipation.

Susan then talked at great length about all the exciting events with Xania earlier that morning, which resulted in even more kissing, fondling, and orgasms.

After about an hour of such fun, Brenda was ready to go home. She knew that Susan needed a sexual respite before Alan returned from school, since there would almost certainly be many more orgasms to come.

However, before Brenda left, and while the two were still sitting naked in front of the computer, Susan asked her, "Before you go, could I ask you a favor?"

"Certainly. Anything."

Susan looked at her shyly. "Can you should me how to do the Google? There's something I want to look up."

Brenda chuckled. "'Do the Google?' You make it sound like a dance. But sure, I can help you. Do you really not know how to use the Internet to conduct a simple search?"

"No. I know this may seem hard for you to believe, with both of us sitting here naked and smelling of the cum freely drooling out of us, but not that long ago, I was extremely prudish. It's rather upsetting for me to think about, actually. I used to think of the Internet as, well, almost a tool of the Devil, kind of a necessary evil. The media reports all sorts of disturbing things, like how half or more of it is filled with pornography. Besides, whenever I needed to look up something, my kids or Suzanne would do it for me."

Brenda said, "You're REALLY missing out then. You can find everything under the sun on the Internet, good and bad. Just avoid the parts you don't like. It's an incredibly powerful tool that you won't be able to live without, once you get the hang of it. Let me show you the basics, and then I'll help you with your search, okay?"

Susan nodded.

Brenda took about ten minutes to teach Susan the basics, including pointing her to popular informational websites, such as CNN, Weather.com, and Wikipedia. Susan wasn't completely clueless, since she'd looked over the shoulder while Alan, Katherine, or Suzanne had been searching for information on her behalf, but she didn't know how to do any of it herself.

Once Brenda felt Susan understood the gist, she let Susan take control of the keyboard. She said, "Okay, I think it's time for you to do your search. I'll help you to make sure you'll be able to do it on your own next time. What would you like to look up?"

Susan bowed her head shyly. "It's... kind of embarrassing. Maybe... maybe I know enough to look it up on my own? I can just Google to the Wikipedia, right?"

"Not exactly." Brenda was secretly frustrated by Susan's last question, because it indicated she wasn't catching on quickly. "No offense, but for someone like you who's not used to using computers at all, it can be tricky. It's better if I guide you the first time or two. Besides, what could you possibly look up that would embarrass me at this point? Think of all we've done together, today alone. Why I even told you how delighted I was that your son let me call him 'Master.' How could it be more embarrassing than that?"

Susan mustered her courage, and said, "That's the thing. That's exactly what I want to do a search for. You see, for a long time now, it's been a fantasy of mine to be my son's sex slave. I want to call him 'Master' too! As you know."

"Sure. We've talked a lot about how you want to be his 'big-titted sex slave mommy.'"

Susan winced. She kept her head down to avoid eye contact. "True. But it was supposed to be just talk, just a fantasy. I tried not to get carried away with those ideas because I knew he wouldn't approve. My desire to serve him, to totally devote myself to pleasuring his cock, has been growing day by day. But still, I've fought the whole sex slave aspect and tried not to think about it too much. I've tried harder never to talk about it, except with you sometimes."

She suddenly lifted her head and stared pleadingly into Brenda's eyes. "But... but what you told me today changes everything! Hearing that he actually called you 'slave,' and let you call him 'master,' and furthermore that he'll let you call him that more in the future... that's HUGE! You have no idea what that means to me! If that's true for you, then it's not impossible to hope that he'll allow the same for me!"

Brenda smiled widely. "No, of course not. Just look at you. You are an official 'babe.' A bombshell. A MILF. A certified centerfold-worthy sex bomb!" She reached out with two hands and lifted Susan's round melons from below. "Your tits are absolutely enormous, and you've got a face and a body that are just as impressive. Any son with a libido at all is going to LOVE to make a sex slave out of you!"

Susan asked bashfully, "Really? You think?"

"I know! Trust me. He loves you so much that he tries hard to treat you respectfully. That's commendable, for sure, though frustrating for you too. But you're right: the way he's started treating me is a major development. Once he has one sex slave, he's not going to stop there. Why should he? Just keep pushing for your dream. It won't be long before you're naked and kneeling, bobbing on his cock... BUT! With a twist! You'll be doing it with an iron slave collar around your neck too!"

"NO!" Susan was amazed.



"Yes! I'm telling you, yes!" Brenda was still holding Susan's breasts, but she was subtly fondling them too.

Susan was still incredulous. "A collar? Really?!"

"Yes, already!"

Susan leaned closer and whispered conspiratorially, "You know, wearing a collar has been kind of a fantasy of mine, ever since you and I read some of those erotic stories where some of the women were collared."

Brenda smiled tolerantly. "It's a very common fantasy for submissive women like us. It sometimes happens in real life, with real masters. Who knows? If you're lucky, he might even attach a chain or a leash to it. That's why it's good to have a strong metal one."

Susan was dizzy with delight. She let her thoughts roam wild, and pictured herself kneeling naked in a green park somewhere, staring up at her son and his jutting erection. She was completely nude, except for iron collars around her neck, wrists, and ankles. She even had a pillory just above her elbows keeping her arms behind her back.

She thought, I used to try hard not to "cross the line" with fantasies like that, but what line? Screw the line! If Brenda doesn't have a line, why should I? Anything is possible. Mmmm! That would be so extra tasty, sucking on Tiger's big cock if I were fully chained and bound like that! Such delicious humiliation! And I wouldn't have to worry about anything bad happening, because he loves me so much. He'll always take care of me.

She finally said, "A chain? A leash? WOW! I love talking to you, because you dare to dream big."

Brenda chuckled at that as she let go of Susan's massive globes. "Why don't you dream big too? I can see how much he loves you. Right now, sure, he's uncomfortable with such terms, but these are very early days. If you make clear how much that means to you, how can he continually deny you? Especially since I'm sure it's what he really desires deep down too."

"Oh, Brenda!" Susan leaned forward in her seat and gave Brenda a firm hug. "You have no idea how much I've needed to hear that! Tell me you really mean it! Please!"

Brenda broke the hug, pulling back so they could resume eye contact. Somehow her hands ended up back on Susan's tits, while Susan's hands were on her tits. "Susan, I can out and out guarantee it, that's how confident I am. You're in this for the long haul, aren't you? You'll still be worshipping his cock with your mouth, your cunt, and the rest of your voluptuous body ten or twenty years from now, won't you?"

"If he'll still have me," Susan replied in a small, shy voice.

"Oh, he will, believe me. It's cute that you have no idea how truly sexy and beautiful you are, and age seems to have no effect on you. Anyway, if you're in it for the long haul, then it's not a matter of 'if,' it's a matter of 'when.' That's if it's what you really want to do."

"Oh, it is! Except..." She looked away in embarrassment, even while she subtly squeezed Brenda's huge knockers.

"What?" Brenda was doing a little squeezing back.

"Well, the 'except'... that's what my Internet search is about. I know you're not religious, but you know I am. I try not to discuss religion when we talk, because I don't want you to think I'm trying to convert you. That said, it's very important for me to live my life in accord with God's will and His commandments. So I'm curious to find out what the Bible has to say about sexual slavery. I know slavery is mentioned frequently, since that was part of the custom of the times. But I must admit that I'm not too familiar with those passages, since they're mostly from some of the more obscure Old Testament books."

Brenda asked, "So, you want to use the power of the Internet to look up relevant Biblical passages? We can do that easily."

"Can we? Oh goody! Please!" Susan clapped her hands like a little kid, causing her massive tits to wobble enticingly.

Over the next few minutes, and with Susan at the keyboard, Brenda guided Susan through the search. It was frustratingly slow because Susan typed with the "hunt and peck" style, so Brenda used the time to try to explain how there was a lot of inaccurate information on the Internet and how to use common sense to sort the good from the bad.

Finally, Susan came to a webpage that neatly listed many Biblical quotes relating to slavery.

Susan was amazed and delighted. She was so far gone into her sexual mindset that she saw all the passages through the framework of her willing sexual slavery rather than the abject and cruel slavery common in Biblical times.

She exclaimed as she stared at the screen, "Brenda! This is incredible! Look! Just look at this one! Ephesians 6:5-6: 'Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but like slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart.' It's like it was written just for me and my Tiger!"

Brenda disliked what she privately thought of as "religious mumbo-jumbo," but she knew how important Christianity was to Susan's belief system, so she had been careful to never say anything critical about Susan's faith. In this case, she wanted to be especially supportive, because she hoped she and Susan could soon be sex slaves together. Thus, it was easy for her to turn on her enthusiasm. "Oooh! Nice! You're right. What about this one, from Psalms? 'As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid look to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God, till he shows us his mercy.' That seems even more relevant."

"You think?"

"Oh, definitely! If you're looking to the hand of your master, you're bowed down, if not kneeling. If you read between the lines, that's a sex slave sucking on her master's cock from the kneeling position. I'll bet he's totally humiliating her too. Probably, he's making her suck in front of some of his other sexy slaves, and he won't let her cum yet either. Not until he's ready to shoot a big, creamy load. Then he finally gives permission, and she cums explosively!"

Susan examined Brenda's face in confusion. "Are you serious or are you toying with me?! How can you read that much into so few words?"

Brenda raised a hand, as if giving an oath. "I'm serious, I swear! I may not be religious like you, but I can look at this in a scholarly way. It says the slave looks at the hand of her master until he shows her his mercy. Does that not sound exactly like a sexy humiliation blowjob, probably with orgasm denial, the exact kind that Alan excels in making us do? Remember, the Bible was written for everybody, including children and innocents. Some of the more graphic stuff had to be toned down, and you have to read between the lines."

Susan sat back and stared at Brenda, feeling even more astounded. "That's true. That's definitely true! Which means you're right! Wow! Can you analyze some more for me, please?"

"Sure thing. How about this one, from Titus? 'Teach slaves to be submissive to their masters, to be pleasing and give satisfaction in every way.' I don't think that needs much interpretation. How could the Bible more clearly state that you need to totally devote yourself to sexually serving your son, your master, and pleasure him with your entire body, with every sex act?!"

Susan was struck speechless. There was a long pause where the only sound was her heaving chest gasping for air. "Holy... Toledo! Brenda! I can't believe it! I'm feeling shivers down my spine! Goose bumps and tingles everywhere! Why didn't I know about this before?! This changes everything!"

Brenda nodded sagely. "Indeed it does."

She thought to herself, It's silly to live one's life according to rules written by superstitious shepherds from back in the Bronze Age. And I think it's terrible that there really are Biblical passages like these justifying slavery, the real, awful kind that even I would loathe. But on the other hand, if these old sayings give Susan happiness and peace of mind, then what's the problem? It's as harmless as reading your fortune from a horoscope or fortune cookie.

Actually, finding such fitting quotes IS kind of exciting. Maybe some of these quotes really do refer to sexual slavery. Maybe Susan's Big Tits Theory is right, and women like us have been genetically selected for eons to serve naturally superior men like Alan. In which case, these words WOULD be relevant to her and me today!

Then Brenda's natural skepticism kicked in, and she added, Well, that's one remote possibility, anyway.

Susan was so excited that she let Brenda read most of the list out loud.

Brenda did so, but she was careful to skip what she called the "boring bits." Some passages were boring, but others touched on more disturbing aspects of real slavery. Brenda made sure to only quote the passages that jibed with Susan's rosy, idealized view of her sex slavery fantasy.

As a result, Susan was too excited to contain herself, and soon wound up kissing and fondling Brenda. Eventually, they found themselves on the floor with Susan on top and acting unusually aggressive, due to her burst of inspiration and energy. Their make-out session only ended after both of them had nice orgasms.

With the buxom, naked women lying side by side on the floor, Brenda gently ran a hand across Susan's face, and asked her, "So... that's what we call a productive Internet search!"

Susan laughed. "Well, if that's how it's going to be, I need to use the Internet a lot more often!"

They both laughed at that. Then Brenda asked more seriously, "Now that you know all that, what are you going to do? Maybe you should write down some of your favorite quotes and share them with your cutie Tiger?"

After carefully thinking that over, Susan said, "No. It's tempting, but I'd better not. He's in kind of rebellious phase right now when it comes to religion. I can barely drag him to church every now and then. It might actually backfire on me if I make my sex slave argument in religious terms. And I don't think Suzanne would be happy to hear those passages either, since she's not so keen on the sex slave idea in the first place. I suppose I'll just sleep on it for a while, mull it over. If nothing else, maybe it'll give me more confidence to tell Tiger that he should treat me more the way he's starting to treat you."

Brenda nodded. "Yeah, I can see that the others might not understand. The important thing is that you do. And this should give you more confidence that getting fucked by your son isn't a sin either."

Susan stared hard into Brenda's eyes. "How do you figure?"

"Remember that passage from Titus, how slaves are supposed to be submissive and 'be pleasing and give satisfaction in every way?' It says 'every way,' not 'every way but intercourse.' Which means that if you're a sex slave, motherfucking is totally allowed, if your son is your master! It's kind of a loophole. And I happen to know that the Epistle to Titus is one of the Apostle Paul's letters to an early church leader, so that's New Testament stuff. That makes it harder to dismiss."

Susan was impressed, since she knew that was true. "How did you know that? The webpage just said 'Titus' and then the passage."

Brenda was slightly chagrined. "Everyone assumes that because I'm so curvy, I'm all tits and ass and no brains. But I got a degree from U.C. Berkeley, which is one of the top ten universities in the country. I may not be religious, but I've definitely studied the Bible from time to time. I don't agree with everything in it, but the Ten Commandants and the Sermon on the Mount and other parables, stories, and such provide good moral guidelines to live by."

Susan beamed, and sat up. Then she pulled Brenda up and gave her another hug. "I'm glad to hear that! I don't want to push my beliefs on you, but I'm definitely very glad to hear that! Somehow, I feel even closer to you now, because that tells me we have so much more in common."

Brenda smiled with genuine happiness and friendship. "I feel the same. And soon, we'll be twice as close, once we're both Alan's official sex slaves!"

"Oh! Brenda! Dare I dream?! Should I let my forbidden fantasy run wild?"

"You should! Make your fantasy your reality. Just think: soon, the two of us will be kneeling in front of our master, side by side! But we won't be sucking him off together this time. Oh no!"

"No?" Susan frowned.

"No. Katherine and Amy will be doing that already, while Suzanne is across him up higher, rubbing her bare tits against his chest and kissing all over his face. Instead, you and I will be forced to get up and dance, and kiss, and generally get naughty with each other for his titillation and amusement! We could even be chained together!"

Susan asked, "Chained together? While we're dancing? Could that really work?"

"Sure! Just make it a long and flexible chain from collar to collar. Don't you think that would be highly symbolic?"

"Oh my goodness! So much! It's so wanton! And depraved, even! But I love it! Meanwhile, what will he be doing?"

Brenda excitedly explained, "He'll kick back in his easy chair with some of his other naked, sexy, and VERY busty sluts draped all over him like the naturally superior lord and master that he is, making us totally humiliate ourselves until it's our turn to choke and gag on his fat horse cock! It'll just go round and round, endless sucking and fucking, and sexy, humiliating servitude. That'll be just another 'boring' day at the Plummer house. And the best part of all is that we'll constantly have those iron collars around our necks, making it clear for all to see that we truly are his sex slaves!"

Susan gushed, "Oh, Brenda! You have the BEST fantasies! That's SO HOT!" She planted a supernova kiss on Brenda's eager lips.

Brenda left a short time later, feeling very satisfied and sexually satiated. She was also feeling particularly happy for Susan. Although she knew that she'd distorted Susan's understanding of slavery in the Bible, she figured it was for a very good cause.

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