6 Times a Day

Chapter 863 Ready To Fuck Heather

The fact that Janice had wanted to talk to him had given him the idea of making Heather wait, and in that it worked perfectly. He opened the door, and to his genuine surprise, he saw Heather still propped up in the position he'd commanded her to assume, with her head resting on a couch but her ass thrust up high. He realized that the bindings keeping her there were purely symbolic. She could have torn through her panties and stood up in seconds if she'd so desired.

But the problem with the Janice discussion was that his earlier anger was almost completely gone, and instead he felt very contemplative as he pondered the meaning of love. He didn't want to feel that way. In fact, he couldn't afford to. He needed to continue intimidating Heather, or she'd eat him for lunch. But he just didn't have it in him at that moment.

He walked over to her, and said in a calm and level voice, "Very good. I'm proud of you."

In truth, Heather had been about to give up. But she saw the waiting as some kind of test of her willpower, and she had great willpower. She was so pissed at him that she didn't trust herself to say anything.

Noticing her pussy was dripping, he stuck two fingers in it. As he found and tickled her G-spot, he said, "You're wet. That's good."

Indeed, she was very wet. While he'd been gone, she'd passed the time by fantasizing about what he would do to her when he returned. Ironically, given her current situation, she'd fantasized that when he came back into the room, her "Blondie" minions appeared from behind curtains, apprehended him, and then proceeded to bind, blindfold, and gag him before they set her free. In her fantasy, the shoe was suddenly on the other foot, and she'd mercilessly verbally abused him while essentially using him as a human dildo in her ass.

It gave her great satisfaction to daydream along these lines, but what she thought she wanted was in fact completely different from what she really wanted deep inside.

The way he rubbed her G-spot made her so aroused and delighted that her anger at him was fading fast. She actually had to remind herself, Gotta stay mad! Get even! Nobody insults Heather Morgan, nobody! I don't care how fucking fat and hot his long, thick cock gets. Hell, I don't even care that he promised he'd fuck my ass. Nobody gets away with... Well, to be honest, I do care if he's gonna fuck my ass. Maybe I'll just play along until he rocks my world, and THEN I'll get revenge!

God dammit! Why does this nerdy fuckhead have to know exactly where and how to touch me? I'm getting this uncontrollable urge to spin around and suck his fat cock, and I absolutely HATE doing that!

He finger-banged her pussy a little longer, then removed his hand from touching her. "You'll get your fuck now, assuming we work everything else out. Sorry to keep you waiting so long, but something came up. I ran into someone in the hallway, and well... Sorry. Feel free to talk and move about now."

He thought, This is exactly how I shouldn't act with Heather. I have to keep her off balance. Forget apologies! He resolved to take a different tone.

She immediately sat on the couch and pulled her arms apart, ripping the panties binding her hands completely in two. Then she ripped the underwear off of her face and spat, wiping Glory's drying pussy juices off her face.

She grumbled, "Took you long enough," but she was otherwise sullen and silent, and even her grumble was surprisingly quiet and subdued.

He was shocked by and unprepared for her reaction. He'd figured she would bitch up a storm about how long he'd made her wait, and he'd been working up a response to that. Her relatively contrite mood only made him more sorry about what he had done to her earlier.

He thought, What was I thinking? That thing with the soiled panties was just plain cruel. And I can't even imagine how much madder she'd be if she knew they were Glory's. I hate the "Bad Alan!" Where is this going to stop? Am I going to be the kind of guy who hits women too? I feel like he was in total control, but now "Good Alan" is back in control. Hmmm... Well, maybe there's a silver lining. Maybe I can take advantage of this Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde aspect of my personality, if I can play this right.

He stood before her and said, "Heather, what I did may have seemed cruel, but I did it to make a point. I have a good side and a bad side. I let my bad side rage earlier because I was so mad at you. But then I purposely went to cool off so I could come back and show you my normal good side. I hardly ever act like I did before. I hate being like that. But you're the one who drove me to it. You totally pissed me off, repeatedly. What do you want from me? Do you want me to be that way with you? Is that what you're trying to do?"

"No!" For the first time since he'd arrived, she felt like she could talk freely. "I like it when you're abusive during sex, but that's good abusive. What you did to me just now was bad abusive. The waiting was horrible. My legs fucking ache. I can't believe you made me do that!" In fact, she wasn't as upset as she sounded, since she'd been turned on in a big way by his treatment, even by the waiting. But she didn't consciously realize what her body liked best.

He looked up and down her naked body, simply because he couldn't help but react to her beauty and raw sexuality.

She'd all but forgotten that she wasn't wearing clothes, but seeing him look at her like that made her feel naked all over again. She stood up to get nearly to his level, but she still felt exposed and vulnerable. She was tempted to cover her privates, and she did cross her arms under her boobs, but her willpower was strong. Knowing that she was buck naked and he was fully dressed made her feel more powerless, and thus somehow more horny. Again, she didn't understand it, but her body didn't need understanding to respond.

He asked, "So why did you wait? Why did you give me the key? Why didn't you just spit in my face?"

She was contemplative. "Hmmm. I thought about that a lot while I waited. Believe you me, I was close to bolting, but I didn't. I don't know why. I guess you have a certain hold over me. Of course I wanted you to... you know... fuck me in the ass, and I still do - don't get me wrong. But there's a lot more to it than that. I want to be friends with you, but I keep fucking things up. Alan, I..."

She was going to say, "love you" but then pulled back at the last moment. She didn't want to tell anyone that, no matter what, and especially not him. It would be a sign of weakness, and she already felt far too weak around him. In fact, it shocked her that she'd even been on the verge of saying something like that.

So, after a long pause, she finished rather lamely, "...like you. A lot. Even though you're a nerd and everything, but maybe that's part of it. You're... different. I know that I have an antagonistic relationship with most people, but I have good friends too. Look at Simone, for instance. We have our ups and downs, but we're solid friends."

His eyes narrowed. "How often do you stab her in the back with malicious lies?"

Heather had no answer to that and could only hang her head in shame and guilt. Shame for the truth of what he said, and guilt for having been caught doing it. She actually felt guilty, now, about what she'd done, and didn't like the feeling. However, she wouldn't have felt bad had she not been caught.

"Heather, what you did was completely beyond the pale. I don't care if you tangle with me. I've gotten myself involved with you, and it's up to me to deal with what comes from that. But why Glory Rhymer? And why Amy? What have they ever done to you? They hardly even know you. And yet you spread these vicious lies about them all over school. That's not exactly what I call endearing."

Heather was surprisingly silent and abashed. She didn't want to have to say the obvious, she just wanted the unpleasantness to be over with as soon as possible. She found herself unable to look him in the eye, and stared at his tented crotch instead. It helped that his hips were at eye level and just a couple of feet in front of her.

He answered for her. "I know why you picked them. Because I'm physically involved with Amy and you think I'm doing something with Ms. Rhymer, and you want to break those bonds. Well, forget it. I love Amy and that's not gonna change, and there isn't anything sexual going on with Ms. Rhymer in the first place. I think you want to be my girlfriend, so you see them as competition. That's how you do things: eliminate the competition on your way to the top. But you can't do that to get someone to genuinely love you, or even to like you. If you somehow manage it, it will ring hollow because deep down you'll know it's all a sham."

Heather wouldn't have minded a sham terribly much if it got her a boyfriend who provided continual, fantastic, soul-searing sex anytime she wanted it, but she was smart enough not to say that.

Instead, she stated honestly and calmly, "I know the smart thing would be to be nice, but I don't know how to be nice. Plus, let's face it, my best might not be good enough. I've given this a lot of thought. Let's get the 500-pound gorilla out in the open here and call a spade a spade. There's your relationship with your sister. I can't compete with that. She's beautiful, kind, and to top it all off, a great fuck. I know that last aspect firsthand. And she's your sister, and the two of you are thick as thieves."

He immediately reacted to her accusation of incest. "What are you talking about?!"

She waved his objection off, knowing that she didn't have hard evidence to back up her words. "Whatever. But even forgetting her, Amy's pretty much the same, and you've known her forever too."

He interrupted, "Wait a minute! You can't accuse me of committing incest with my sister and then just brush it off with a 'whatever!'" He did his best to act insulted and indignant.

"Okay, sorry. Okay? Anyway, even if we forget about Katherine, there's still Amy. She may be an airhead, but I have to admit she's a really beautiful and curvy airhead. Plus, there's Glory Rhymer. She's got all kinds of good qualities, and everyone knows you've had a crush on her for years. That's some tough competition! Meanwhile, I know I have my less than good points. Exceptional beauty can't win it for me every single time. So I thought cheating would be my only chance to win."

He was surprised how calm and reasonable he and Heather were acting. He'd originally come into the room expecting a knock out, drag down fight, but the wait with Janice had somehow caused that to blow over. His anger was coming back a bit when he reminded himself what she'd done with her rumor-mongering, but at least the air between them wasn't thick with hostility like it had been before.

He said, also calmly, "I'm glad you're being honest. I'll be honest, too. You're right. The odds of you being my girlfriend are extremely small, especially if you expect some kind of exclusive relationship, in which case the odds are exactly zero. The fact is, you're dead wrong with your guess about my sister, but you're right that Amy is just the tip of the iceberg. I have intimate relationships with about a dozen women."

Heather's heart rose to her throat just from hearing the dozen number. She hated that.

"Most of them are intense and loving. You've got the intense, I'll give you that, but where's the loving? Ever since I really learned how to fuck, women are coming to me like bees to honey. For instance, there was this AMAZING woman I didn't even know a couple months ago who recently declared herself to be my complete and utter sex slave!"

She muttered, "God, and to think that just a few weeks ago, I thought you were just some loser nerd."

She continued to herself, Somehow, I believe him, maybe even about having a sex slave. After all, he's totally rocked my world pretty much every time we've had sex, so why wouldn't he do the same for other women? Still, a sex slave is a bit much, even for him. I admire his chutzpah for making up such lies though. He sure knows how to get what he wants.

He purposely ignored her muttering, and concluded, "You think I'm going to turn all that down just for you, and only you? No chance in hell!"

She had no reply to that. She was also acutely aware that she was buck naked and he was fully clothed, and that fact gave him the upper hand in their talk. But she was so horny that she didn't care. Despite the serious conversation, and the fact that she was standing now, she still was staring at the obvious bulge in his pants a lot more than at his face.

He continued, "However, I think you know that. You know how much I sleep around, but you sleep around nearly as much as I do, if not more, so you're the last one who should complain or make demands as to who else I'm involved with. So, if you accept that I have all that, and you want to publicly be my girlfriend here in school, I might consider that. Maybe. But not unless you did quite A LOT to make it happen."

She didn't take that seriously, because she knew her goal wouldn't be that easy to reach. She stated frankly, "You'd never break up with Amy for me." Inwardly she still devilishly thought, Unless I do something to ruin Amy for you.

He replied, "You're right. Amy's too amazing, and I love her too deeply, which is something you haven't got going for you. But I'd be willing to be boyfriends to both her AND you, but only if you could prove yourself worthy. There are zillions of high school boys who have gone out with more than one girl at a time. Big deal."

He was being sincere, technically, but figured the odds of Heather actually proving herself worthy enough to share official-girlfriend status with Amy were one in a million, at best.

Heather's heart soared upon hearing this great news. She was so thrilled that she longed to drop to her knees and suck his cock as a way of saying thanks. Plus, his bulge looked too tempting to resist in any case. Still, she forced herself to keep talking in an attempt to improve her position. "And I assume, if I was your girlfriend, you'd still be fucking all those other women of yours?"

"Of course." He was surprised at his boldness in stating that so matter-of-factly, but it was true.

She griped, "Do you realize how humiliating that would be for me? To only be a co-girlfriend, and then to have everyone know that you're fucking Simone and Amy and so many more? I'm the queen of the school! Nothing's worth the grief I'd get for that!"

"Your choice," he said coolly, with feigned disinterest. "To be honest, for you to even be co-girlfriend would be a long shot. A very long shot."

She looked at the situation with rose-colored glasses and could see the sharing boyfriends plan as possible. That gave her hope to cooperate with him and work something out. Yet she knew it wouldn't be easy. "What would I have to do?"

"Heather, how can I even begin to count the ways? You need a serious attitude adjustment. You truly are a bitch, with a capital 'B.' That's not just something I say just at the height of sex. I well and truly mean it. There's a picture of you in the dictionary next to that word. I'm not going to be your boyfriend until you change, big time. Sure, we might fuck from time to time, and if that's all you want, then keep doing what you're doing. But otherwise..."

"What?" Heather asked, trying to hide her desperation. She really wanted to know what he wanted from her. It wasn't just the incredible sex, because she was sure there was something more here. Insofar as Heather was capable of love, she loved Alan. She wanted him. She wanted to possess him and be with him all the time. It was vanity, pride, greed, lust, and much more making her this way, while somewhere inside her the chemicals marking love were spilling out of her hormones and had her targeting her desire at him. She wanted him more than anything she'd ever wanted before in her life. The fact that he was making it so difficult for her only fanned the flames of her desire for him even brighter.

He examined her critically before answering.

It made Heather feel strangely insecure to be inspected so dispassionately and clinically while she stood there buck naked. She fidgeted awkwardly under his gaze, and found herself moving her hands several times, uncertain where to put them. Since she was too shy to look him in his eyes, she stared even more intently at his crotch.

He reached out and cupped her pussy. He didn't do it for sexual reasons, but because he knew it would emphasize his power over her.

It might not have been a sexual move for him, but it was a very sexual move for her. Her pussy was creaming like mad, and it was all she could do not to hump herself against his fingers. But at the same time, it registered as a power move on some level for her because she quickly pinned her hands behind her back without even thinking about it.

He said, "I would have to remake you. Completely break you down and then start again when it comes to your bitchiness. You need to learn humility. You need to learn kindness. Those are the two main things."

He wiggled two fingers into her slit just a little bit. "I believe people can change, and I feel a strong desire to change you. You do attract me in a certain way, and not just sexually. Your personality is... intriguing. I've never met anyone even remotely like you. There's a lot about you that's pure Heather and shouldn't change, like your determination and willpower. But you can have those qualities and some frigging modesty too, for Christ's sake! Going on and on about how you're the most beautiful girl in school - it's ridiculous!"

There was a part of Heather that wanted to be a nice, normal person. She figured that she wouldn't ever actually become like that, but she knew it would be better if she could bend more in that direction. And if he wanted her to be that way, she was willing to try.

She straightened her shoulders, met his eyes, and said, "You're right. I'm a bitch. I'm spoiled. I know it. I want you to change me. I really do. Especially if you'll make me your girlfriend as a reward for success. I CAN change. If I want something, I fight hard to get it."

He scratched his chin and struck a thoughtful pose, pulling his hand well away from her pussy in the process. "Hmmm. That is true. You know, I hadn't considered our conversation going like this at all. I thought I'd have to storm this room like soldiers assaulting the beaches of Normandy. But here we are, having a nice, normal conversation like two normal people. I hardly know how to behave myself. I'll have to think about this, and think about how to change you. Is it even possible?"

Some ideas crossed his mind. For instance, his plan to use his friend Sean as a substitute for himself seemed to have a place in this. And keeping Glory stuffed with dildos all day seemed to be working. He imagined doing the same with Heather except somehow making it even more difficult and intense for her. The possibilities were seductively intriguing.

She waited with bated breath.

Finally, he said, "If I take this on, you have to be willing to obey absolutely everything and anything I say. You'll also have to be completely honest and straightforward with me, too. I'm not going to put up with your little manipulative games and brinkmanship. Do you think you can do all that? And do you think you can control your jealousy towards people like Amy and Ms. Rhymer?"

Heather honestly considered that. The idea that he had nearly a dozen women in his life was disturbing to her. Her jealousy flared up, and she couldn't imagine keeping it under control for long. Glory in particular annoyed her. For some reason she didn't mind Amy that much, even though she knew Amy probably was bigger competition in the long run, but with Glory it felt personal. Her hatred of Glory was moving beyond Alan and taking on a life of its own.

She thought, I can take anything he can dish out, but I can't deal with this jealousy thing. Straightforward? Forget it. I can be more straightforward than usual, but fuck me if I'll tell him everything! I'm Heather fucking Morgan, and I do what I want! But I'll try doing what he wants for a while and keep that other stuff hidden. Maybe this really is my best shot for a serious relationship with him.

She stood up even straighter, pinning her arms behind her back again. "Okay. I'll do it," she replied.

"Good. Good. Maybe there's hope for you yet. Meanwhile, we have some unfinished business to attend to." He ostentatiously unzipped his zipper and let his turgid erection flop out. "I want to talk to you about the essay you're arranging for me, and how to deal with the football players. And then there's the little matter of some anal sex that somebody promised." He winked.

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