6 Times a Day

Chapter 856 Is It Going To Begin?

Weekend Madness [ 3 / 4 ]


Alan kept hugging Glory, and said, "I've got another idea. I really want to do a role-play, but that one you had with the apron is so overdone. I have a really strange suggestion. Why don't you pretend to be Heather?"

"What? That's odd. Why don't you be Heather and then I'll kick your ass!" Glory's eyes flashed dangerously.

He laughed. "No thanks. You already beat my back pretty good. Let's try it the other way around. For starters, take that apron off."

She replied, hesitantly, "All right. You always seem to know what to do, so I'll trust you." She stepped back from him, dropped the apron, and then stood there.

He stood in front of her with his stiff dick poking out, and tingles of sexual arousal flowing through him. He whistled in appreciation. "Glory, you're gorgeous!"

She looked down at her feet bashfully. "Thanks." She felt very self-conscious, because she had an idea about just how stunning at least some of Alan's other lovers were, and she worried that she didn't measure up. For instance, she worried that if it came to a popular beauty contest between herself and Heather, Heather would win. She was too embarrassed to tell that to him right now though.

She remained standing, unsure of what to do next. Finally she said, "Now I'm Heather. Now what?"

"Well, if you're Heather, what would you say?"

Glory thought about this for a few moments. Glory had a high, dainty, and refined voice, whereas Heather's was coarse and casual, with a tinge of Valley Girl-speak to it. Both had been raised in upper middle class homes, but Glory had been raised very properly, whereas Heather had been left to run wild. Glory was good at voices and knew Heather's from teaching her, so she launched into an excellent mock-Heather accent.

"Hi, my name is Heather, and I'm a complete BITCH!" She smiled, and then laughed.

He smiled too, and asked, "Didn't that feel good?"

"You shut up, you! I'm Heather, and nobody talks back to me! I'm a fucking bitch and I OWN this school. I'm a stuck up cunt and I don't talk to just anyone, so get out of my face!" Glory turned her head and tossed her hair back flippantly, dismissing him from her presence with a final disdainful glance in his direction.

She decided she was really enjoying this already. It was cathartic.

He started to say, "Heather-"

However, Glory interrupted him. "Did you hear me? I said that I'm Heather fucking Morgan! Do I need to say any more? Don't you realize that you're talking to the most beautiful girl in the whole school?"

He laughed. "I thought she said that just to me. Does she tell everyone that?"

Glory smiled, and said in her normal voice, "I don't know if she says it in those particular words, but she implies it with every sentence."

Then she switched back to her Heather voice. "Because after all, I'm Heather. Don't you love me? Everybody loves me. If you don't love me, I'll crush you like a bug. And if you do, I'll use you like a tool, you worthless peon. I'll bet you want to fuck me, but you can't. Even though I'm such a slut, I'm not going to sleep with YOU." She looked at him disdainfully and then turned away again with contempt.

"Wow! That's scary good!" He asked, "Feeling better, Glory?"

Back in her normal voice, she replied, "Much! This is so much fun. I know I shouldn't mock one of my own students, but it feels too good to stop."

She had a new idea. "Watch me walk. This is how she walks." She strode across the room, swishing and swaying her hips as dramatically as she could. "She walks everywhere like she's a model walking down a catwalk. It's like she's saying, 'Look at my ass. Don't you want my ass?'"

eH nodded to himself, because it was true. She really walked like that.

He also thought, Remind me never to mess with Glory. She gets totally psycho when she's angry. I feel sorry for Heather. Actually, Heather can give as good as she gets, so no one needs to feel sorry for her. No, I feel sorry for the school building, 'cos it's gonna be rubble by the time these two are done with each other!

Glory seemed content to swish and sway all around the room, Heather-style. In so doing, she made another pleasant discovery. Walking quickly, and swinging her hips dramatically the way Heather did, she became acutely aware of the two vibrators inside of her, and how they shifted and ground against each other with each new stride. It was as if she was being deliciously fucked as she walked around. The quicker and more exaggerated she walked, the better the feeling, especially from the anal vibrator.

She would have liked to experiment more with strutting around, but he was impatient. He wanted to get down to some serious fucking, and the lunch break didn't last that long. He walked up to her, and said, "Okay, Heather. Now imagine I'm a nerd."

Glory reluctantly came to a halt. "Ugh! A nerd? Excuse me while I barf!" Her Heather voice was still a near perfect mockery. She also mimicked Heather's facial expressions well, making a convincing gagging expression when she said the word "nerd."

He moved closer, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Now, keep in mind that not only am I a nerd, but I'm a smart nerd who's slipped you a powerful aphrodisiac."

"Get your hands off me, you lowly nerdling! I'm Heather Morgan, queen of the universe! How dare you!" She tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but she wasn't too successful at it, accidentally on purpose.

He aggressively cupped a tit with one hand and her crotch with the other.

She trapped the hand touching her pussy by squeezing it with her thighs. "Just a minute, nerd! What do you think you're doing?"

"The name is Alan." He continued to grope her boob with his free hand.

"Yeah, whatever. Like I care. I'm the one and only Heather. If you don't let go I'm going to scream."

"Go ahead. There's no one here. You're helpless to stop me. Did you ever see 'The Revenge of the Nerds'? This is it!"

"No way. Oh! Oh God, that feels so good." Alan's trapped hand was still able to finger her slit a bit, and now she parted her thighs to make it easier for him. "Stop that RIGHT NOW or I'll, I'll... I'll get too horny!"

He laughed at that "threat." Then he said menacingly, "That's right, bitch! You're all mine now."

"No! Not a nerd!" Glory reached out and grasped his hard-on with both hands. "I suppose you're going to want me to jack off this big, nerdy penis. And I'll love it because I'm such a bitchy slut... Oh! Why did I say that?"

"Because I also gave you some truth serum. We nerds are great scientists."

"Dammit! Don't you know I'm the great Heather? Everyone has to look at ME! Me, me, me, me, me!" Glory frantically jacked him off as she said this. Then she suddenly fell to her knees. Her tongue flickered out and licked the tip of his cockhead whenever it came within range.

He dropped his role for a second to whisper, "Glory, you're so good at doing Heather that it's uncanny!"

"It's easy to do her." She thought for a second, and joked, "But you probably already know that, in more ways than one!"

That got a good laugh from both of them, even though it was bittersweet humor for Glory.

She continued, "Just combine bitch and slut. Actually, make that a blackmailing bitch who spreads lies and innuendo. Fuck ME!" The emphasis was on the egotistical "me."

"I think I will! Suck on it, Heather. You know you want to."

Glory leaned her head forward to suck even as her hands kept pumping, but then he changed his mind. He said, "Turn around. You're such a bitch that I think you need it up the ass."

Glory stood up and spoke in her normal voice, momentarily dropping her Heather imitation. "Wait a minute, young man. Time out. My role-play enthusiasm will only go so far. Even though I'd love to see Heather get it up the ass, you'll actually be fucking me, not her, and I don't do that anal stuff. Not even for you. I'm sorry. Stick a baseball bat up that hussy's ass, but please leave mine alone."

She meant it, too. Even the pleasant feelings the anal vibrator was causing her weren't enough to overcome her deep-seated resistance to the idea of anal sex.

He was surprised at the vehemence of her opposition to the idea, though in part she was just feeling extremely passionate about everything in her anti-Heather anger. He also was surprised the topic of anal sex had never come up with her before. He could have pointed out the irony of her words, given that she had an anal vibrator buzzing away in her at that very moment, but he let it slide. He figured she didn't need more aggravation, and clearly she imagined a large difference between a small plastic toy and a bigger hard cock.

"Okay, if that's what you want, Glory." He then switched personas and spoke to "Heather" again. "Now, bitch, spread your legs because I'm going to fuck you in your bank."

"My 'bank?'" She reached in and pulled the vaginal vibrator out, because she knew what was coming next, even if she didn't understand his cryptic reference.

"Yes. Hundreds pull up to your drive-thru every day. They cum and leave a deposit. Except from now on you're going to be the cunt on tap for all us nerds."

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