6 Times a Day

Chapter 1035 Revelation Of Sean!

Sorry for the delay everyone. Father is out of the hospital and back home. He is now better. And thanks for waiting and wishes.!!

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Some minutes passed, and then Alan and Kim came back into Kim's bedroom. They moved the bed the rest of the way away from the closet.

Alan said to the closet door, "Heather's gone now. You can come out."

Sean, Joy, and Janice opened the door together, and they all stumbled out into the bright light of the room. The three of them seemed dazed, especially Sean, and for a minute or two they just stretched and adjusted to the light while saying a few things like, "Wow," and "Crazy shit."

Then Sean stood before Alan and stared into his eyes. He said, "Man, I don't know. I don't know if I should punch you or hug you or praise you or kill you or what. My heart was pounding like a jackhammer nearly the whole time. I don't know if I'll EVER recover from that. What a mind-fuck! And other kinds of fucks!"

He stared at Alan some more, then impulsively gave him a hug. But both of them were naked, and as they realized this fact they jerked away from each other, ending the hug nearly before it began.

Alan sat down on the floor and leaned back against the bed, exhausted, while Sean flopped on the bed and the others plopped down and collapsed elsewhere in the room. Sean covered his crotch up with the corner of a bed sheet, but Alan had been naked far too often lately to bother with covering up.

Alan said wearily, "Sean, I know you must be confused right now. This is like shock therapy. You saw how much of a slut Heather truly is. But did you see the good side of her, too? I did. It comes out sometimes when her ass is full. I know that sounds crazy, but it's true."

"I did! I saw it," Sean enthused, happy to be talking about that positive point. "And I can't wait to make her feel that way and bring that out of her. But dude. Why did you trap me in there with Joy and Janice? That was seriously over the top."

Alan looked around to Joy and Janice. Both of them had broad smiles. It was clear they'd had a good time.

Then he focused his attention back on Sean. "My friend, are you telling me you didn't enjoy that? Don't even answer. I can see from your face and all the sweat and cum on everybody that you had a good time. That was all part of the plan. I just want everyone to be happy. Oh. And before I forget, I explained to Heather as she and I were walking out just now that Janice and Joy were in the closet and were getting off on just watching. She knew someone was in there, so I had to say something. Clever girl that she is, she'll look for and find Janice's car on the street, but she doesn't know what your bike looks like as she hardly knows you at all, so she'll have no idea a guy was in there too."

"Wait a minute," Sean said. "Is it true what Janice told me about some kind of list? You're at the top and Heather's at the bottom?"

Joy added, "Yeah. Is that true? Or is that just a sexy turn-on like Heather not covering her ass in school?"

Alan replied, "It's true, if you all want it to be. I've been giving this a lot of consideration, figuring out how to keep Heather on the path to some kind of correction. I think it'll work better as a team effort. She needs her pride broken, so the more you all sexually use and abuse her, the better. Plus, this way, as a sexual team, we don't have to worry about sexual diseases."

He didn't add that really a key reason for his new list idea was the football team attacks on him and the need to gain allies to fight back. That explanation would come later, once they got used to the list idea.

Janice asked, "But what about Joy's boyfriend, Dean? And what if I want to have a boyfriend? I have one more often than not. Or Kim? Or Simone?"

Alan explained, "Dean doesn't know yet, but Joy told me that they have an open relationship." He looked to Joy for confirmation and she nodded. "That's one lucky thing that would make this work. I'm sure Dean is going to be very pleased with the setup, given the male-female ratio in the S-Club and the quality of the females involved."

He winked, and the girls gave a bashful but pleased reaction. "Anyone else can play the field to find their own serious boyfriend, but if you get to the point in heavy petting where you could transmit a sexual disease, no matter how tiny the odds or the contraception used, stop there. Only take the next step if you think it's going to be a really serious relationship and if you think the person would be into an open relationship. Then the rest of us should vote on if that new guy or girl should join. And I have veto power, because I feel like it. Does everyone agree to that?"

Alan looked around the room, and watched the three girls and Sean nod.

Then Joy asked, "But what if I have plans to have sex with my boyfriend Dean, and you come along and want to fuck me right then?"

"Then Dean will have to wait. Dean may be your boyfriend, but as long as you're in the S-Club, I have top control of your body and will do with it what I like. If you have a problem with that, you can always leave. But that's not likely to happen very often. I'm very busy. Anyways, if you had a chance to fuck Dean or me, who would you pick?"

Joy blushed as she lay back on one of the couches and recalled the intensity of her recent fucking. "You. Hands down."

Alan winked at Joy. "See? Non-issue."

Sean, rather bewildered by all of this, said, "Dude, Alan, when did you get so, well, cocky? You used to be Mr. Go-with-the-Flow. And now you're like, 'I have veto power, because I feel like it.' It's just strange."

"Sean, believe me, I'm not naturally like this. I'm not some kind of hedonist at all. I just keep getting drawn into more and more sexual stuff because, well, I don't really know why it happens, but these things keep happening to me. Things come my way, and it's too pleasurable to say no. But as long as all this is happening, there needs to be some kind of order. The only way it'll work is if I take charge, so I'm taking charge. Believe me, I'm NOT happy about this. It's a struggle, a constant struggle. With Heather, it's an all out war, and I have to win every single battle, or I'll end up HER bitch."

Recalling what he'd learned at lunch, he added, "I think the only way I've managed to stay on top until now is that I had no clue about just how powerful she is in the school. If I'd have known, I probably never would have dared to touch her in the first place. I just thought she was a hot bitch. Literally."

Kim commented, "Alan, you're the alpha male now. Not just kind of, but all the way. You've even handled the likes of Heather, which shows you can get any girl you want. And with a troop of apes, the alpha male gets all the females, doesn't he?"

"Yes," Alan admitted, "but I don't want to be fending off challengers for the rest of my life." The desk painting incident from earlier was naturally at the forefront of his mind as he said this. "I just want peace, stability, and happiness. I need the support of guys like Sean and Dean, and the support of all of you. I want to keep everyone so happy that they'll never want another arrangement. Sean, I'm really hoping that you'll be able to take Heather off my hands, because frankly, she's my biggest problem right now, although I do have others." The scratches on his knee and elbow were an easy reminder of another big problem for him.

Janice joked, "You want peace, stability, happiness, oh... and your own high school harem of primo pussy."

Everyone laughed. But then Alan said, "True, but also not true. I'm getting extremely primo pussy back in my neighborhood, what with Amy next door, some amazing older women nearby, a new sexy woman with tits out to here" - he held his hands far out in front of his chest - "who seems to want to be my slave, and all kinds of other stuff."

Alan continued, "Frankly, I'm looking more to change to a kind of emeritus status with this S-Club group. I need to focus more on my core group."

"Emeritus?" Joy asked, perplexed.

"That means like I'm kicked upstairs to a more symbolic post and I leave the day to day running of things to others." He looked at Sean significantly. "I'll just come by once in a while to see how things are going. Maybe poke around a bit." He winked to let everyone know he intended the double meaning of "poke around".

Janice joked, "Boy, Alan, you really have it tough. 'Sir.'" She said the latter in an excellent parody of Heather's voice.

Alan said a bit defensively, "I don't know why everyone enjoys having sex with me so much, but they do, so I'm going to enjoy it to the max while I can."

Janice snorted in disbelief. "Sheesh! That's a hard one to figure. Joy, can you possibly imagine why girls like to get fucked by this guy?"

Joy joked, "I think it's his haircut."

Kim laughed. "Yeah. Definitely his haircut." She made air quotes around the word haircut because his hair, while fairly short, was quite unruly.

Alan conceded, "So I like sex and I'm good at it. Is that so wrong? Maybe I'm being a bit greedy, but I want everyone to enjoy themselves and have fun, and no big psychodramas or heartbreaks. That's why I'm taking a firm hand, to prevent chaos. You all are free to walk away at any time. I don't want to force anyone to do anything. I'm just trying to make it too much fun for anyone to want to stop."

There was silence for a while.

Alan was contemplating his various sexual "burdens" and risks.

Sean was mostly thinking about Alan's comment that he needed Sean to take care of Heather. He was still in a wistful mood thinking about his shattered perception of Heather, and the possibility of sex with others seemed unreal and unimportant at the moment.

The girls, to varying degrees, were wondering why they couldn't be the alpha female, and what that would be like if they could.

Then Janice, who had the most feisty personality of the three girls, asked Alan, "Why is it Sean and Dean are a level above all the girls? I mean, for one thing, Dean and Joy are boyfriend-girlfriend."

"Good question. The way I figure, below my level, there are two guys and five girls. Six girls, if you count Amy, but I hope it goes without saying that she's only allowed to take part if I'm the only guy or there's no guy. Seven, if my sister wants to take part in all-girl activity."

He lied, to deflect any suspicion of incest, "But she's so prudish and straight that I can't imagine that happening." He continued, "So it's simple supply and demand. If the sexual ratio gets more even, then we'll come to a new arrangement. Dean and Joy can do whatever they want together, but Dean has to share Joy in order to enjoy the other girls. Joy has told me he'll be more than willing to do that, won't he?"

Joy nodded, but before she could reply, Kim blurted out, "I think you've more than earned the top spot, Alan. You just gave me the fuck of my life, and then you turned around and nearly fucked Heather to death! No offense, Sean, I like you a lot, but Alan's on top. That's just a fact. That's simple supply and demand, too."

Janice agreed with a nod, and added, "Not to mention stuff like having Joy and I hide in the closet and surprise Sean. That was so much fun once we got past the boring waiting part, but who else would think up and actually implement something like that except Alan? But Alan, I just hope you're not too serious about this emeritus thing."

"Yeah!" Kim agreed. "Alan, you control our pussies now. But we're going to get restless and the whole thing will fall apart if you don't 'poke around' here quite a lot." She wanted to say much more about her feelings for Alan, which were growing daily, but she restrained herself because she didn't want to say too much in front of the others.

Alan looked a bit pained. "I'll try. I never wanted or expected to be alpha anything. I fear that I've gotten too greedy and involved with too many women, and this is all going to blow up in my face someday soon. I do need to lower my profile for a while. Listen. I'm opening up and laying it all out on the table here. Anyone here could screw it up and ruin it for everyone. I'm relying on your trust and your discretion, not to mention your own self-interest. Let's not blow a good thing. I need allies, and I need your support to keep our special sex club alive."

There were more nods. But everyone was too tired to talk much, or even move. They all just lay there for a while, stretched out and naked.

After a while everyone started to revive, except for Alan. With so many naked, attractive, and horny teens in one room, all with most of the afternoon left to kill, the prospect of more sex was a near certainty.

But Alan didn't want any part of it, as he was saving himself for his mother. He knew Susan would be waiting, ready to give him a very warm welcome home from school. So he said to the others, "I hate to be a killjoy, but I really need to take a nap and rest up a bit before I go home. My energy level is crashing. Kim, can I go sleep in another room?"

Kim nodded.

Alan stood up. "The afternoon is still young for the rest of you. Maybe the three of you would like to get to know Sean a little bit better. Or each other, for that matter." He winked at Sean.

Sean really wanted to talk at length with Alan in private; he felt like crying in despair, and also for joy at the same time. Mostly, he couldn't get the image of the radiant "good" Heather out of his mind, and he didn't know what to do about those feelings. But Alan looked wiped out, so he decided to save that talk for later.

Alan made his way to the only other bedroom in the house and lay down to rest. He closed his eyes and began to drift off after a few minutes, but then it occurred to him that he should set an alarm to make sure he didn't sleep too long. So he roused himself and went back to Kim's room to ask for an alarm clock.

But when he looked into Kim's room, he immediately began to reconsider his nap plan.

Sean was literally smothered in female flesh. The whole group had hit a second wind, and they were going at it with abandon. Sean was fucking Janice with a steady rhythm, while the lightweight Kim was draped over his back like a fur coat, her hands roaming all over him, and Joy was feeding one of her nipples into Sean's mouth.

Janice noticed Alan watching before anyone else did, since she happened to be facing the doorway. She said, panting, "Alan, we need help! Look at all these holes that need filling! Have you ever done a double penetration on a girl with another guy? I think I need to be your first customer. Look at my mouth. It needs a filling of sweet cock-meat. Forget that silly nap. Take me right here, right now! Or do me in the ass while Sean fills my pussy. Come on!"

Alan wavered.

Sean pulled away from sucking on Joy's nipples and said, "The girl does make a persuasive case. Come on, mi amigo. If you don't help out, these three are going to kill me with their loving!"

"Well..." Alan said hesitantly, his resolve weakening by the second. "I suppose one little blowjob never hurt anyone. God knows I'm a sucker for blowjobs. But I really don't have time to linger. I have some important things going on at home."

"Mmmm hmm," Janice replied with an amused voice. "We'll see about that. Now come on over here. I imagine a stud like you has had a double blowjob lots of times. But have you ever had three tongues on your prick at once?"

"Ooooooh," Alan said, smiling broadly now as he relished that possibility. "The girl does make a persuasive case indeed." He closed the door behind him and stepped forward towards the pile of tangled flesh.

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