6 Times a Day

Chapter 1027 Amy And Christine 4.5K Words

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4.5K words


When the final school bell rang, Alan knew that his school day wasn't quite over. He headed to the bicycle rack for a prearranged meeting with Sean.

But before he could get there, Simone hurried up to his side and got his attention. As the two of them kept walking, she muttered to him quietly so that none of the other students walking nearby could hear. "Alan, your bitch-taming assistant is reporting for duty. Got a moment?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"The, uh, 'spot check' went well. Heather passed with flying colors."

Both of them giggled at that.

Simone went on, "She managed to make it to the end of fifth period before I unloaded her. All in all she was pretty much a model patient, especially by Heather standards. She did mumble something about trying to get revenge on Glory, though. I'll try to stay on top of that."

"Good. Good work. And really good work all around. I'm very proud of you."

"Thanks." She beamed with pleasure. She was getting to like him more and more. If nothing else, he was polite and appreciative. She also liked the way he discretely checked out her body: he wasn't too obvious or forward, but he let her know that he liked what he saw. She proudly arched her back and thrust her chest forward to encourage him. She knew some people they walked past might see and wonder at her behavior, but she didn't care. Certainly it was just a little thing compared to all the things Heather had done that day.

But she wouldn't have been pleased if she'd been able to read his mind at that moment. He thought, Dang, Simone looks fine. I dare say she's even more muscular than Heather, and just as curvy and sexy. I wonder if those tits are mine yet. What would she say if I told her right now to go with me to a quiet place so I could play with her tits? I wonder if she's going to try to find another boyfriend.

That would bum me out. She shouldn't have one, period. I don't mind if Janice, Joy or Kim have boyfriends; they don't mean that much to me. But I don't want to share Simone. I wonder if I fuck her some more, if she'll come around to saving herself just for me. And I do plan on fucking her some more, a lot more! Not only is she a great fuck, but she and Heather make a great duo. Before this school year is over, I expect to have more threesomes with them than I can count!

Then he remembered his resolve to get Heather out of his life. Okay, maybe not that long, and maybe not that much. But still, I'd like to keep fucking Simone a lot. With any luck, maybe between Heather and me, we could keep her sexually satisfied enough that she won't need to be looking too hard for a new guy.

But he kept all these thoughts well hidden, and merely said to her, "Anything else?" They were getting near the bicycle racks and he wanted to keep the conversation short. He made this obvious with his voice and mannerisms.

"Nothing that can't wait."

"Okay. There is one thing to mention now, though. Here's your assignment for tonight. Since we don't really have a 'yuletide log dildo' we need to get some bigger toys than what we've got. You know how Heather's never satisfied."

Simone smirked. "Yes, I do know that... but how did you know that she humbly asked for something 'a little bigger tomorrow' when I unloaded her for the day?"

He chuckled mysteriously. "A Bitch Tamer must know his bitch, inside and out, if he's to tame her."

"Sounds like a hard road to enlightenment..." she teased.

"Oh it is. Very, very hard. It's bound to leave a weary trail of hard dicks, hard nipples, hard clits, and all kinds of hard things." He grinned. "To be honest, I was just wanting bigger ones on hand to use as punishments should she screw up. Do you have time to go and buy a wide selection of anal sex toys after school?"

"Sure, my whole afternoon is free. But who's going to pay?"

He was stymied by this question for a few moments, but then the answer became clear. "Heather will, naturally. After all, they're for her. But don't let her see what you buy, okay? We'll give her the bill later, so she'll be pleasantly surprised with something new tomorrow. Oh, and buy yourself a new strap-on that can 'compete' with her new Bitch Trainers. It's one thing to simply be stuffed all day at school, but it's quite another thing to come home and get reamed out all afternoon by your best friend until she gets tired of fucking the ass of my bitch because her hard-on just won't go down. We can add that to our list of rewards and punishments if you like."

He suspected from the sound of Simone's hissing indrawn breath that this idea appealed to her very much.

She replied, "Hooo yeah! As much as she loves to take it in the ass now, she'd never let ME do her like that. I guess she didn't want me to have any leverage over her. I'm telling you, I absolutely love this assistant job. You'll be pleased with what I get her tomorrow." She grinned wickedly.

Looking at that grin, he cautioned, "Just remember that while discomfort for her is okay and maybe even necessary for her training, outright pain is not. I know you've got some big resentments built up, but don't be getting all sadistic on us, okay?"

"No worries. Listen. she's my best friend and sex partner. I know she's the biggest royal pain in the ass that you're ever likely to meet, but I do love her for some completely unfathomable reason. I'm not into inflicting physical pain on her." She smiled wickedly again. "Mental, yes, but physical, no."

"Sounds good... I guess." He pretended doubt and gave her a considering look, but then said, "Seriously, I trust you. I instinctively feel you have her best interests at heart."

"I do. By the way and on a completely unrelated note, where do you think I could buy one of those ten-foot long, massively thick bull-whips? ... Kidding! Just kidding. I'll see you later." She laughed and walked off.

A few minutes after school let out, Christine looked up to see Amy running towards her with a worried look on her face. Christine quickly closed her locker so she'd be ready for Amy.

Amy stood there in front of Christine panting. "Phew! Thank God I caught you!"

Christine asked, "What's going on?"

Amy looked all around suspiciously. "Can we talk somewhere in private?"

"Um, sure. I'm not sure where's good though."

"Let's just go outside, like we're leaving school anyway. It's too people-y around here."

So the two of them walked out of the hallway until they reached a patch of grass where they could speak without being overheard.

Amy immediately asked with great concern, "Did you hear about what happened to Alan today?!"

Christine asked, "You mean... what happened to him in the stairwell?"

"Of course that's what I mean!"

"Sure. How could I not? He's all scratched up. He told me all about it between classes. And that's not to mention the recent chair-painting incident. It's quite concerning."

Amy waved her hands in the air with great agitation. "Well, don't just stand there all calm-y and stuff! We need to DO something!"

Christine chuckled slightly at Amy's language. "Yeah, but what can we do? You act like you want to rush off with me right now and beat up some people."

Amy said, "That's exactly what I want us to do!" But she seemed to calm down and turn sad. "Unfortunately, I'm the most un-fight-y kinda person there is. I couldn't even punch my old teddy bear, Mr. Bangles. But we can't just stand here! What if the same guys who attacked him today attack him again?!"

Christine replied, "Don't get too upset, but that's probably what's gonna happen. Alan's made a lot of enemies."

"But why?! He's the nicest, super-est guy ever!"

Christine grinned a bit at that. "True, he's pretty cool." Then her expression turned grim. "Unfortunately, you opened a Pandora's box with your boasting about his sexual prowess. Worse, your attitude on sharing didn't exactly win him any friends."

Amy growled in frustration. "Why do people have to be such... bummers?! Why can't they just live and let live?! So Alan's all studly and sexy. You could suck his thingy with me for an hour and he'd be ready to go again ten minutes later. That's just who he is. Why do some guys get so upset that they wanna hurt him?! I don't understand!"

Christine blushed a little at the mention of sharing Alan's "thingy" in a prolonged blowjob with Amy. Good grief! Doesn't she have a clue about what she says out loud? Now I've got that disturbing image in my mind. No wonder so many people are jealous of him, if she talks like that all the time.

She said, "I know, it sucks. But that's human nature. However, that's in the past. You're not still boasting about his sexual prowess, are you?"

Amy motioned as if she were zipping her lips shut. She shook her head firmly in the negative. "I can talk freely with you, but I'm being super careful with other people."

Christine nodded with relief. "Good. He needs to lay low for a while."

Amy interrupted, "It's hard though! I mean, he's just so impressive! And his thingy! Not only is it HUGE, although not so huge that it hurts... just the right size, actually. But the things he can do with it! And do you know how much fun it is to suck on it? Or squeeze it with your boobies?"

Christine sighed and rolled her eyes. Yet hearing things like that was making an impact on her ideas about having sex with Alan. "You're not going to say that to someone else, right?"


"Good. If you and he act like a normal couple and nobody says anything weird, I'm sure the whole thing will blow over eventually."

But Amy wasn't mollified. "Maybe, but maybe not. What if they attack him again tomorrow?! What then? And besides, things can't return to normal. It's not just a matter of what I say. What about his other lovers?"

Christine's curiosity shot through the roof. "Such as?!"

Amy opened her mouth, as if she were about to start naming names. But instead, after a pause, she said, "I think it's pretty well known that he's involved with some other beauties around here. Heather, for instance. And she's not exactly subtle about her feelings towards him."

Christine groused between gritted teeth, "Heather!" She clenched her fists and raised them, as if she were tempted to punch Heather in the face right then and there.

Amy sighed. "I know. She's not my favorite person either. But it is what it is. Your 'lay low' plan isn't gonna work, if only 'cos of her. Besides, what if someone from school sees you and him out on one of your dates?"

Christine gasped. She was so shocked that she immediately blushed, even covering her mouth with her hands. But after a long moment she realized that was a stupid thing to do, especially since she hadn't been talking in the first place. Finally, she asked, "You know about that?!"

Amy shrugged. "Of course I do. He's my official boyfriend. You two started that before we became official, but he wouldn't keep doing that without my permission."

Christine hastened to clarify, "You know those are just practice dates, right?!"

"Sure. And that's cool. But I also know that last Thursday night you did a lot of practice kissing with him."

Christine's blush deepened, turning her face cherry red. She literally wanted to crawl into a hole and escape. "Oh my God! I'm soooo sorry! That was a total accident! And it was just a one-time thing!"

Amy seemed not to mind at all. In fact she giggled good-naturedly. "'A total accident,' huh? Did you two trip and fall forward at the same time, and then your lips got stuck together?" She giggled even more.

Christine was still mortified. "No, but it was... Oh, I'm so, so, soooo sorry! But it was a freak thing, and we haven't kissed since! We promised it wasn't gonna happen ever again, and I'm determined to stick to that!"

Amy just smiled. "Hey, chill. Don't worry. I know you've got the hots for him."

"I do not!"

Amy rolled her eyes with amusement. "Please. I know I'm not all genius-y like you, but don't insult my intelligence, m'kay? I'm not upset. After all, you know my policy about sharing him. If he's cool with it, then so am I."

Christine stood there stunned. She knew that already, but she still couldn't believe it because it ran so counter to her way of thinking. She started to say, "How do you-"

Amy brushed that off with a wave of her hand. "Let's not talk about that now. There are all kinds of evil meanies out to get him. I'm thinking I can put your lusty desire for him to good use."

Christine protested, "I do not have a 'lusty desire' for him..." But her voice trailed off, because she realized how ridiculous she sounded. "Okay. So I'm kind of attracted to him. But I am NOT going to act on it! Ever! We're just friends, and I like it that way! The practice dating is just that: practicing!"

Amy said dryly, "Yeah, never act on it, not counting the hot-and-heavy make-out session at the Nut House."

If there was any chance that Christine's deep blush could have faded, that comment took care of it. Christine stammered, "Well, uh, I just... It was just an accident, like I said. It really was! And it was NOT 'hot and heavy!' Anyway, how do you know... Oh God! He tells you EVERYTHING, doesn't he?!"

Amy replied, "No, not everything. Most definitely NOT everything. For instance, sure, I know when one of his dates with you is happening, but all the detail-y stuff that happens on those dates, that's just between you two. I don't even ask, 'cos it's not my business. But the French kissing, that was important enough for him to break confidentiality to tell me just that one thing. After all, I AM his official girlfriend."

Christine could understand why Alan had told Amy that. She repeated herself. "I am SOOOO sorry! We were only studying together, and then-"

Amy cut her off with another wave of her hand. "Don't stress. Really. It's okay with me. I don't want to know the details anyway. But like I said, let's put your interest in him to good use. You care about him a lot. You two have been good friends for a long time, and now that you're all horny for his big cock-"

It was Christine's turn to interrupt. "Hold on! I'll admit that I have certain romantic feelings about him, but that does NOT make me all horny for his big... well, you-know-what!"

Amy giggled. "No, what?"

Christine looked away in embarrassment. "You know."

"His cock?" Amy giggled some more. "Geez, Louise, it's just a word. Besides, it is all big and awesome-o-riffic!"

Christine wailed unhappily, "Aaaaaaaamy!"

Amy kept on giggling at Christine's prudishness. But she calmed herself enough to say, "My point is, you like him a lot. AND, you're, like, super ninja woman! You're supposed to be really good at Karate and stuff, right?"

Christine corrected her, "Not Karate, although I do have some martial arts training. But where did you get the idea that I'm really good?"

"Is it some kind of secret?"

"No. But then again, I don't go around advertising it. In fact, I strive to be modest and not talk about it at all."

Amy rolled her eyes. "First off, Alan must have mentioned how good you were a time or two. He really admires you, you know. But even if he didn't say anything - geez, you're Christine! When did you ever NOT excel at whatever you do? For instance, I heard about how you were the hero of the softball team last year, and the word is you don't even bother practicing."

Christine was pleased by Amy's praise, but was too polite to admit it so she again looked away in embarrassment. "I wouldn't say 'hero.' It's true that I'm on the varsity team..."

Amy pushed her shoulder playfully. "Come on! I don't even follow sports, but I've heard all about your heroics. Like the way you hit that home run that won the playoff game. It was all over school! And that's not even counting how well you do in other sports, plus being all smart-y and stuff. You rock!" She raised a fist in triumph, like she was cheering a great encore at a rock-and-roll concert.

Christine had a hard time dealing with compliments. Still looking anywhere but at Amy, and still with a cherry-red face, she said, "I don't know about all that."

"Well, I do! So if you do all that Karate stuff, then of course you're gonna be awesome at it!"

Christine finally looked back, hoping the barrage of praise was over. "Thanks. By the way, it's Aikido, not Karate. But yes, I have to admit that I've trained for years, so I do know what I'm doing."

"Cool beans! Soooo... since Alan's in danger, and you're all scary good at that stuff, then doesn't it make sense for you to... you know... protect him?!"

Christine's blush was finally fading. "Of course. If I'm nearby when he's in danger, then I'm gonna do all I can to help."

"Well yeah, duh! Even I'd do that much, although I wouldn't have a clue about what to do. But can't you do more? Like, what if you were to kinda become his bodyguard during school hours? That would help a lot!"

Christine pondered that. "I don't know. I mean, I don't think he'd want that. You know how guys are. They have their pride. Being protected by a girl is gonna go over like a lead balloon. And what would other people think? That'll just cause even more difficult rumors for him."

Amy wasn't easily discouraged. "Be sneaky, so other people don't notice. And of course ask him first. I'll bet he'll be open to the idea. After all, he knows that he's a lover, not a fighter. And what a lover he is! Mmmm!" She licked her lips sensuously, and then winked playfully.

Christine was able to grin at that, since she wasn't dying of embarrassment anymore - she knew that was just Amy being Amy. However, her grin faded as she spoke. "Maybe I will. But the thing is... the idea occurred to me already, and... I just don't know. I mean... I guess it's pretty hard for me to deny that I have... certain feelings for him. I don't want those feelings to grow! I really don't! That kiss the other day was a total disaster, from my point of view."

Amy cocked an eyebrow. "What?! You didn't like his kissing? He's a great kisser!"

"No, I don't mean that. I do like his kissing... a lot. In fact too much! It was a disaster because it was the exact opposite of what should be happening to help me turn off these inappropriate feelings. And if I become some kind of de-facto bodyguard, that means I'll be around him a lot more, and the more I'm around him the more I'm gonna like him! Before long... well, I don't know what'll happen, but it's not good!"

Amy appeared to ponder that for long moments. "Hmmm... I see." She looked at Christine intently, which made Christine more than a little uncomfortable. Finally, she said, "You know what? I think the main thing here is keeping Alan safe. If that means you spend a lot more time with him, then that's how it needs to be."

Christine asked plaintively, "But what if my feelings grow? What if something happens again like what happened last Thursday? Like I said, that really was just some kind of accident, which happened simply because we were sitting next to each other and having a great time."

Amy shrugged. "Then so be it. I trust my boyfriend. Frankly, if he wants to get it on with you, then..."


"Never mind."

Christine complained, "You can't just start to say something like that and then say 'never mind.'"

"I just did." Amy giggled.

Christine was startled to recall that she'd said the exact same thing to Alan during their beach outing together a week and a half earlier, when he'd complained after she'd also started to say something and then stopped in mid-sentence. That memory made her very wistful, because she'd had such a great time with him at the beach. She'd been dropping some heavy hints lately that they should go to the beach together again, but he'd claimed he was too busy. That frustrated her a great deal, especially because she strongly suspected that his "too busy" was with other women.

Amy relented, adding, "M'kay. What I meant to say is that I trust him. He has self-control. Besides, you do too. In fact, you're kinda famous for your willpower. So what's the problem? The thing with that French kissing the other day was that it sneaked up on you all sneaky-like. If you're aware and prepared, then it won't happen again, right?"

"Right, I guess." But Christine was far from convinced, as the glum look on her face showed. Awww, who am I kidding? That kissing wasn't exactly an accident! The way I dressed... I was a total slut! Okay, maybe not a TOTAL slut, but I was pretty shameless; I was all but asking for something like that to happen. And nobody would be happier than me to remove the 'practice' from our 'practice dating!' But at the same time, I'm truly determined to not give in to my desire and wind up kissing him again.

How can those contradictory things both be true?! But they are! I'm all messed up, I know that much. And being his bodyguard would only throw fuel on the fire. Yet Amy's right that the most important thing is keeping him safe. If I'm a true friend, how could I not volunteer to help?

She sighed heavily. But then she spoke with new resolve. "Amy, you're right. His safety comes first. Tomorrow I'll figure out some not-so-obvious way to bring up the idea of protecting him more. And don't you worry; I've made a vow to myself not to kiss him again, and I'm going to keep to that! I promise you-"

Amy cut her off. "Hey, don't promise me. That's between you and him. If you two wanna fool around some, that's cool with me, just so long as you don't get big ideas of wanting to be his Official Girlfriend or anything like that. THEN we would have a big problem!" She tried to give Christine a stern, forceful look, but without much success since it was so hard for her to make her face look like that.

Still, Christine got the idea.

Amy stuck out her hand. "Let's make a deal. You and I, we're both gonna do whatever we can to save Alan from the evil meanies, the guys who are trying to throw him down the stairs and stuff. Katherine, naturally, feels the same. Are you with us?"

"I am." Christine shook Amy's hand.

"M'kay!" Amy pulled Christine in and gave her a solid hug.

Christine wasn't comfortable with hugging, especially in a public place, so she kept her hands to herself. When they disengaged she smiled and said, "And Amy... I know I'm repeating myself, but I'm soooo very sorry about kissing your boyfriend."

Amy nodded. "It's cool. I'm not mad at you. Really! If I was, I would have said something before this."

After they parted, Christine simply couldn't get over how generous Amy was being about sharing Alan in a sexual way. I swear, Amy must be brain-damaged or something. She's not a true moron; it's just that she has no common sense! I mean, if Alan were MY boyfriend, I would hang onto him for dear life. No way in hell would I let him so much as kiss another girl. But here she is boasting to me about his 'big thingy,' like she can't help what she says. And she didn't even use the word 'thingy' this time! Crazy!

And what was she gonna say to me before she said 'never mind'? I could tell that her clarification was carefully edited. "Frankly, if he wants to get it on with you, then..." Then what?! He'll just do what he wants, and what she thinks about it doesn't matter? Or was it that what I think doesn't matter? Would he just aggressively have his way with me, overwhelming my resolve so much that I would let him and welcome it? Is that what she meant?

She shuddered. But she also felt a lusty tingle deep inside.

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