500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 409 You Don't Have To Go Home, But You Can't Stay Here!

"I understand how you feel, but that doesn't give you the right to try and kidnap Hilda or even consider killing her! What did you think would happen? Were you willing to die for this jealousy? I only wanted to help fix this city, but all you care about is your stupid pride and having something that was never meant to be yours," I said with a tired expression with Brindle still in my arms as I waved my finger before pointing in front of me. "Now go to Northwall Jail, where Meeta awaits." The portal opened once again, this time sucking out Sabrina as she yelled expletives at me until she was gone too.

The room broke out into cheers for me, thanking their Cat God for his justice which made me smirk slightly before carrying Brindle out of the bar. The smirk was forced because Sabrina's words had stayed with me, but it wasn't something that I could help with.

The cool night air hit us both as I left the bar, but brindle asked to be put down.

"I'll take a walk home, but it feels strange to be carried at my size, as nice as it is. I don't know anyone that could ever carry me so casually," Brindle chuckled as she pointed in the direction for us to start walking, and I looked over at her with a small smirk.

"You seem to be a bit more sober now?" I asked, and Brindle snorted.

"The puke was a good start, but that little incident in there was enough to sober anyone!" Brindle chuckled as we walked in the clear night with the moon bathing down on us. "I expect that the others will be drinking a bit harder as they know that change will be coming now; it is just a matter of time. I don't like it, but change isn't something you can stop. If you try, you just end up getting run over like those two are about to get."

I just nodded, and we walked in silence for a bit until we reached Brindle's home; where we stopped at her door as she looked for her keys, but I pulled out the big ring that Grenada had given me. Brindle let out a sigh of relief and grinned up at me.

"You know, you really are a useful sort, aren't you?" Brindle grinned, and I smirked back.

"I have my moments," I replied as she pointed to the key for me to use.

"Just remember this place. A couple of the other girls live here with me, but my offer is always open," Brindle said as she went inside, and I closed the door behind her.

Not really my type, but I was sure it would be a fun time for some girl in the future. That or a crippling experience, according to Sonya.

I headed back to Marney's, but when I got back in the bar, everyone cheered and tried to talk to me at once, shoving drinks in my face from every direction. It was nice to be appreciated, and I grabbed a beer with everyone else, but I went over to stand with Sadie.

"So you seemed to have solved all the Cities problems in one night," Sadie said without looking at me as she gazed over the crowd.

"Hardly one night and the problems aren't solved yet until Hilda is in place, and all the mothers are united to help her. This was the major issue, yes, but that does not mean that I am done in this city. If I only fix a few things, it is only a matter of time before they go back to the way things were," I explained, and Sadie nodded.

"Good. I thought that you might just be here to fix Hilda in place, make the place look nice, and give everyone new clothes, then leave. While I might sound ungrateful, you are the Cat God and have the ability to do those things, but that is just a bandaid on the problem. I heard that you not only made ways to grow food but also set up restaurants in each town as well?" Sadie asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah. I wanted to make the places less reliant on handouts and make it so the people could feed themselves. Life seems hard up here, but the people still stay, so I am trying to make it better for all of you," I said, making Sadie smile.

"Someone that actually cares about these people, it is good to see. I will be sure to keep my eye on you for any future plans," Sadie said before turning away, and I just watched as she did.

I sipped my beer as the crowd cheered around me; it was nice to feel appreciated like this, but there was no time for partying just yet! The night had come and gone with nothing left behind but further clues; if I wanted the answer to who or what Hilda was up against next, then more snooping around must be done!

I still need to investigate Irene Balishire, and I wanted to see what I could do to make Willow Wood more amenable. First, I needed to get the girls home, and then it was time to have a talk with my two prisoners.

"Alright, ladies! It is getting late! Time to clear out! You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here!" One of the barmaids from behind the bar called out and all the women let out a long 'Awe' but still tipped back their drinks, or at least most of them did if they could.

"Looks like I have some help tonight with getting the girls home. You have my thanks. Grenada Guildmaier pays me to help them home, but some of them forget their keys, so I have to leave them on the front steps. I am sure she told you about some of the more embarrassing tales?" Sadie asked with a grin as most of the women cleared out, only leaving five passed-out ones.

"Yeah, she did," I said with a grin as the barmaids gathered up the girls and brought them out to the front steps.

I followed them, helping some of the more drunk girls to their feet as we took them home. Once we were done, I said goodbye to Sadie and the barmaids before heading back to Grenada's.

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