500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 404 Personal Brew

Grenada's house was just as Teresa had described it. It was modestly sized and surrounded by a low wall, but the lights spilling out from inside made it look warm and inviting compared to the rest of the families, but there could be more under the surface. Most of these families seem to like to hide in the safety of the walls of their homes, but they also seem to think that they get to pick and choose the rules they want to follow.

That was something that was going to change in the near future when I got Hilda back, but now it was time to see if I could fit some of the last pieces to this puzzle together. This whole thing had taken much longer than I had anticipated, but I would be a fool to think it was going to be over after this meeting. If I had learned anything about this world from being in Torrain, it was that the word danger was not synonymous with violence. It was synonymous with power, something that nobody could afford to ignore.

I carefully knocked at Grenada's door, and after a few moments, I heard soft footsteps approaching the door, soon opening it up and revealing Grenada in her nightgown. She looked a bit startled to see me, and I was just as startled to see her come to the door.

"You are the one everyone is talking about? Come in since I assume you have come for a visit with some questions. I am not sure if I should be happy or concerned that I am the last one on your list," Grenada said in a warm tone that was much different than the others. Each of the others seemed hostile or wanted something, but Grenada Guildmaier gave me a much different vibe that made me relax.

"Yes, I have many questions. It seems like you might be able to help me," I said as we went into her sitting room and took a seat by the fire.

"Let's see, what can I tell you? Well, first off, if it is about Hilda, then I can't help you. I really don't know much about the girl personally, but she is known to drink with my girls occasionally, but then, most of the single women find their way to Marney's Bar. That is where my girls and I normally go after the day, so we are considered regulars there. Pat's is over on the other side of town, but Marney's is just down the street from both of my shops, so the girls prefer there over making a trip across the city. I have bought up most of the property around here, so the girls are all in this area for work," Grenada explained, and then picked up a bottle of clear liquid and poured us both a drink before handing me one of the clear glasses.

I took the drink from her as I thought about what she had said and brought it up to my nose. I sniffed but then drew the cup back as the scent burned the inside of my nose.

"Personal brew, but since you are what people are calling a god, I am sure that you should be able to handle it," Grenada said with a smirk, and I nodded before taking a sip.

The drink was strong and burned my throat on the way down, but it warmed me up quickly enough to put me at ease.

"What do you know about AquaShell?" I asked after the burn subsided, and Grenada gave me a slightly bitter smile.

"You are very knowledgeable," she said, and I nodded.

"The next question that I ask might sound offensive, but I don't mean it to be. Do you or your family have anything to do with the magical golems that are being summoned to attack Richmer farms," I asked, but the surprised look that Grenada gave me told me that it wasn't her.

"No, I swear it isn't us. My family has nothing to do with golems beyond the ones that work in our shops. They are small and couldn't do anything like that, so I don't think that we are responsible for any of the attacks," Grenada said before taking another sip of her drink, and I nodded slowly, but that didn't mean too much.

"But that doesn't mean that one of your family might not have done it. What does Aquashell mean for your business?" I asked, and for the first time since I came, Grenada frowned at me, but I put up my hand. "Before I came, I did not know that you used golems in your work, nor did I know that Hilda spent time at the same bar as the girls from your family. I don't think that you did this, but if the Aquashell is going to hurt you financially, then that means it will also affect the girls, right?"

There was a long pause before Grenada spoke up. "Yes, there is some strife with the girls because of the possible changeover, but I will not be losing money from this happening. If anything, it will be the exact opposite of that. I will be decreasing the number of metal products. It is going to start new business for me, and we have to opening another set of shops. I was already talking to Willow Wood about this, and we have a location if it works out. I have been listening around to try and find Hilda. Unlike the other women, I think that we do need to have someone like her that will start taking control of everything."

"You don't like the idea of you and the other Mothers running everything and just having a figurehead?" I asked curiously. "The rest of the mothers seem to like things as they are. What makes you different from the rest of them?"

I was curious to see what kind of answer this woman would have for me. She seemed to be better than most of the Mothers, but that said nothing for her family until I met them.

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