100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 309 Miss Abi Is Scary!

Day Thirty-Six...


Abigail's eyes set ablaze as she watched Nathan hugging Helena. To contain her anger, she reflexively grabbed the glass of water and crushed it in her arm.

Abigail was physically strong. Combined with her rage, she managed to break the glass in her palm. The waiter gasped when he witnessed how Abigail broke the glass in her fist.

Her hand started to bleed. The broken shards wounded her palm. It did not take long before another loud crash was heard in the restaurant.



A plate dropped on the floor, creating a loud crashing sound. It caught Nathan's attention, making him turn in Abigail's direction. He finally let go of Helena and his gaze was now following Abigail who was walking away.

Abigail decided to leave the restaurant. If she stayed there, she didn't know what she would do to Nathan and Helena. She was so pissed that she wanted to break everything.

While she was on his way to leave, she bumped into the waiter who was supposed to serve Helena's order. The waiter dropped the plate on the floor when he bumped into Abigail.

"Just charge this bill to your VIP client. He is the cause of this," Abigail coldly said before leaving.

The waiter felt the chill when he met Abigail's frightening gaze. All he could do was bob his head in obedience. Abigail didn't look at Nathan anymore. She headed out of the restaurant.

Nathan had the urge to follow her but Helena grabbed his elbow, thus stopping him.

"Mr. Sparks, is there something wrong?" Helena asked him softly.

Nathan contemplated for a moment. He stared at her. Helena's eyes seemed to ask him to stay.

'This woman... Who is she? She reminds me of Monica. Why is it that they have the same food preferences? I lost control when I heard her last wordsâ€"the same words Monica uttered to me...'

With those thoughts in mind, Nathan chose to stay with her. However, he regretted asking Abigail's bodyguard to leave. Now, he didn't know where Abigail was going.

Meanwhile, upon leaving the restaurant, Abigail went for a walk to calm herself and gather her emotions. She traversed through the busy street of Towerville City without a clear destination in mind.

"I hate him! How could he do this to me?! He intentionally let me in to see him and his date. He was aware of my presence. Is this his way of telling me he wants another woman except me?!"

Abigail kicked the stone in front of her.


"Aww," Abigail grunted when her leg hit the wrong target. Instead of hitting the stone, her leg ended up hitting the lamp post.

Abigail decided to sit in the empty waiting shed. She slammed her eyes shut and exhaled deeply. She was still furious just thinking about Nathan.

After ten seconds, Abigail was able to calm herself down. But she didn't want to go home just yet. She pulled out her wallet and realized that she didn't bring enough money.

"Damn! I want to drink somewhere..." Abigail sighed deeply.

Abigail tossed a look at the road, watching the different vehicles passing by. Then she saw three men approaching her. The three men were scanning her from top to bottom. They had malicious smiles on their faces as they looked at her.

"Hello, Miss Beautiful, do you need company?" The tallest guy among the three spoke to her first.

"Oh, you're bleeding. Are you hurt? Do you want to come with us and ease your pain?" The thin guy noticed Abigail's bleeding hand.

The three men exchanged meaningful glances with one another. They thought the woman in front of them was not in her usual self. They wanted to take advantage of her. She even looked vulnerable in their eyes.

"Just Scram. Leave me alone if you don't want to die." Abigail uttered in her cold voice. She was not in the mood to entertain them.

"Oh c'mon. Don't play hard to get." The muscular man sat down next to her, wrapping his arm around Abigail's shoulders.

"You are courting death," Abigail mumbled with a sneer.

Without further ado, Abigail grabbed the man's hand, removing it from her shoulder. She stood up and twisted his arm making him cry in pain.


"Damn! Is she crazy!" The tall guy blurted out. They didn't expect her to fight back.

The two men planned on grabbing her to help the other guy. But even before they could touch her, a hard kick landed on the tall guy's stomach while the thin guy received an uppercut.



The two men fell to the ground immediately. One was writhing in pain as he held his stomach while the other one was knocked down after receiving the uppercut.

"Aaah! Let go of my hand!" The muscular guy shouted. Abigail twisted his arm further, not letting him go.

Abigail turned him around and pushed him onto the post. The man's forehead hit the steel post making him dizzy. That was the time Abigail released his arm and he fell to the ground.

"Sigh. I want to beat Nathan Sparks. I want to do this to him... but he is so gorgeous that I don't want to punch his face." Abigail murmured to herself.

Then she focused her attention back on the three men lying on the ground. "Don't pester a woman in the streets. If I see you hanging around here again, I will kill you next time." Abigail threatened them.

The two men tried their best to stand up and ran away as far as they could to save their asses. The unconscious man was left behind.

Abigail could only shake her head helplessly as she watched those scaredy cats running away from her.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

A car stopped in front of her while honking. Abigail turned around only to see Aiden's smiling face.

"Miss Abi! What are you doing here?" Aiden was passing by when he saw a familiar figure from a distance. He saw Abigail beating those three guys. He just waited for a moment before approaching her.

"Beating some bad guys," Abigail replied nonchalantly.

Aiden chuckled and opened the car door for her. "Hop in! I'll drive you home."

Abigail stepped into the car and settled down. "Not home. Let's go somewhere for a drink."

"Eh? Are you sure?" Aiden asked her expectantly.

Abigail turned to Aiden with a mischievous smile on her face. "Of course! But it's your treat!"

Aiden: "..."

"Don't say no if you don't want to have the same fate as those three guys a while ago. I'm still in a bad mood. I need a cold drink to cool me off." Abigail said as a threat.

Aiden could only smile while scratching his face.

"Right timing! I'm on my way to my favorite nightclub. Just order any drinks you want. It's on me!" Aiden said, coaxing Abigail. He wondered what made her in a bad mood. But one thing was for sure... her words were not an empty threat. He didn't want to be beaten up like those men.

"Good!" Abigail said, patting Aiden's head.

Aiden just smiled awkwardly. "Let's go!"

'Miss Abi is scary!'

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