100 Days to Seduce the Devil

Chapter 139 They Kissed For The Second Time

Day Fourteen…


"BAM-BAM!!!" Abigail yelled in annoyance.

How could he leave like that after telling her that absurd way of breaking the soul-binding spell he cast on them?

If Bam-Bam was not a cute charming creature, she would have sliced him into tiny pieces using her favorite dagger.

That crafty magical creature had a unique way of testing her patience. If not for this creature, she wouldn't be in this predicament. How dare he bind their souls just to protect Nathan from Phantomflake's hands?!

And what did he say? There was a simple way to break the spell and that was… she had to kiss him on the lips for one minute!

"Is he kidding me?!"

Ever since that magical creature appeared in front of her, Abigail had been receiving ridiculous missions from him.

She was supposed to die but that crafty and playful soul keeper chose to give her another chance to live. He kept her alive for the benefits of Nathan.

Then he transferred her soul to another body… a body that was being chased by another bad guy. Someone was trying to kill Abigail. And in order to stay alive and protect this borrowed body, Phantomflake had to investigate and capture the culprit who wanted Abigail Scarlett dead.

And now, she found out that this annoying magical creature bound her soul to the devil's soul so that she wouldn't try to kill him because she would also die if she did so. The only way to break that spell was to kiss the devil?!

'Damn! Why should I give my first kiss to my mortal enemy?!' Abigail was fuming with rage as she thought that she was being played at by destiny. This was crazy!

Abigail turned to Nathan who was sound asleep on his sickbed. He hadn't regained consciousness yet because of the anesthesia.

Then her emerald eyes subconsciously fell on Nathan's lips. She frowned deeply as she imagined herself kissing the gorgeous man who was in his deep sleep.

"Damn! Will it be alright? If I kiss him now, Nathan will never know. Besides, he is still unconscious… a perfect time to steal a kiss from him." Abigail mumbled to herself, still undecided.

But she had to do it if she wanted to break the spell. She didn't want to suffer whenever Nathan would bleed! She would never want to share his pain. He was her enemy she had to kill someday!

Though it was against her will, Abigail just found herself tracing her steps towards Nathan. She stood closer to Nathan's head and gazed at him for a long moment.

Her heart was racing rapidly inside the wall of her chest. She was like a theft in the night, ready to steal something precious from this gorgeous man. A Kiss!

Abigail had no idea that this was not the first she would do this. She already kissed him before but she couldn't remember. So she was thinking that this would be her first ever kiss!

Abigail clenched her teeth. 'Damn! I will give up my first kiss to a sleeping person?!' Abigail kept on complaining inside her mind.

"I guess, I have no choice!" Abigail mumbled before she leaned down.

Abigail took a deep breath and slowly brought her face closer to his.

Badum! Badum! Badum!

Her beating heart became so loud in her ears. She didn't know if this was a sign of nervousness or excitement.

'I have to make it in one try. One minute kiss! I can do this,' Abigail cheered herself one last time before doing the deed.

Now, the fierce assassin had become a kiss stealer!

At that moment, Abigail's lips found their way instinctively to his. The moment her soft lips touched Nathan's lips, an electric current rushed on her nerves, spreading fast throughout her senses.

'Damn you, Bam-Bam!' Abigail was cursing Bam-Bam in her mind as she closed her eyes. She just let her lips press against the surface of Nathan's lips. She was not moving. She started counting. This contact should last for one minute!

But it seemed that Abigail's lips worked like magic as if the prince charming was there to fulfill his mission to break the curse to awaken the sleeping beauty.

This time it was a reverse story. Abigail was the prince charming while Nathan was the sleeping beauty. The person who was sound asleep was suddenly awakened.

Nathan was awakened at the feel of soft and familiar lips, pressed against his. He slowly opened his eyes only to be greeted by Abigail's face. She didn't notice that Nathan was already awake as her eyes were closed.

She was having a hard time calming her heart if she would see Nathan's face so she chose to shut her eyes as she kissed him. In fact, she couldn't call this a kiss. She just pressed her lips on his lips and did nothing!

On the other hand, Nathan blinked his eyes several times trying to figure out if he was dreaming or not. He cleared his vision and all he could see was Abigail. It only meant her lips were the ones who were touching his lips right now.

Nathan had forgotten that he almost died last night. His attention was all focused on Abigail and their connected lips.

'This is no fun at all. This woman still has a long way to go. The way she kissed me last time is way better than this!' Nathan thought to himself.

After a while, a naughty idea popped up in Nathan's mind. 'I still need to teach her how to properly kiss someone.'

With that thought in mind, Nathan's arms moved, grabbing the back of her head. Before Abigail could react, she just felt Nathan's mouth capturing her lips in a savage conquest, fiercely kissing her.

'Huh? Wait?! What's happening?! Is he awake?!'

Abigail opened her eyes but Nathan's mouth made her close her eyes again as his lips pinched her lower lip in between his teeth, causing her to part her lips. His mouth roughly ground into hers and she opened her lips helplessly beneath his probing tongue.

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