Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 45.1

Chapter 45.1

Tian Qi walks out of Baohe store, bows her head because of her worries and nearly bumps into Ji Heng.

It's a good thing to stand in time. Looking up at the emperor, she quickly stepped back and stooped. "Long live your majesty. "

Ji Heng didn't respond. He didn't know how to react. He thought that Tian Qi had become the past. He drove her away and never saw her again. From then on, Tian Qi is just a slightly absurd episode in his past life. This episode will be swept into the corner of his memory, buried with the past that he does not want to look back, never mentioned, never remembered.

But He didn't expect that he will see her suddenly today, and his whole plan was smashed and turned into powder.

Although Ji Heng is calm on the surface, the emotions in his mind are like the surging tide, which is continuous, surging and beating the dike made by reason.

It turns out that those forgetting is not forgetting, but the accumulation of missing.

When it accumulates to a certain level, it will trigger immediately.

Ji Heng didn't speak. What can he say? He can't say anything, he shouldn't say anything. He's really afraid of opening his mouth and saying anything regretful.

What he should do now is to turn around and walk away from this inexplicable place and the inexplicable person.

However, instead of doing so, he took a step closer and looked at Tian Qi.

Seeing that the emperor ignored her, Tian Qi think that the emperor was tired of her, so she stood up and said, "This slaves will retreat. "Then she turned to walk away.

However, Ji Heng involuntarily reached her back lead, pulled her back and lifted her up.

Tian Qi feels that her feet are almost off the ground. She is being carried like a chicken.

Well, she made the emperor unhappy again. At first, Tian Qi thought that the emperor did this to her because Sun Congrui sued her, but then she thought that the first thing that the old guy had to do was to see his son well. It was impossible to complain to the emperor so soon. "Your Majesty, I haven't seen you for a few days, you are more and more handsome! I have been missing you these days, but I dare not see you. "

Ji Heng knew that Tian Qi could say this kind of words as easily as drinking boiled water, and he was just being used. After shaking his hands, he finally said, "if you want to see me, why you dont go?

"Your Majesty, didn't you say that you would not let me appear in front of you again. I was afraid that I would get in the way of the eyes of the Holy One. So I will retreat first. "

Ji Heng looked at Tian Qi's heartless smile, and suddenly he felt a little angry. What is this, and why? He struggles to suppress himself, but he is light and careless. He was missing his thoughts, but he was a fritter who dare not catch anything.

To be able to speak easily. Ji Heng knows that he wants to believe it, or he just deceiving himself. Tian Qi always said that she liked him, maybe she really liked him, but to what extent she liked it, it is unknown. In short, Ji Heng knew that when he drove Tian Qi away, Tian Qi was not disappointed and sad at all, but was very happy and wanted to simply leave the palace.

How much such a person like him?

He suddenly felt quite uninteresting. It seems that he is the only one who is working hard at the end of the bitter drama that should have been sung by two people together. The other one has forgotten the words and is sleeping on the stage.

Yeah, it's boring. Ji Heng finally found a reason to stay away from Tian Qi. He let go of Tian Qi and said without expression, "You are not allowed to appear in front of me again, otherwise," he paused, gritted his teeth and said, "Kill. "

Tian Qi kindly reminded him, "Your Majesty, you said you would not kill me.

"Get out of here!

Tian Qi walk away sloppily. She thinks that the Emperor must be serious with his word.

* * *

Although Tian Qi was forbidden to see the Emperor, and she was in Baohe shop, but her heart was in Qianqing palace. She has been keeping a close eye on Ji Heng's trend, not for anything else, just to find out whether Sun Congrui has filed a complain. She thought to herself, it's really not easy to run straight. It's so big that it's not easy to find someone.

After waiting for more than a day, she didn't wait for Sun Congrui to come, but I waited for the little Wangye made the first move.

Ji Zheng also went out for Tian Qi this time. He went to find Ji Heng himself to complain. He was the emperor's brother. He didn't need to write a memorial to complain. He went directly to his brother and told him that he had a good meal with his friends in the tavern, but didn't know why  Sun Fan suddenly break into his room, talk loudly and hit people. They had to fight back a few times for protection. In the chaos, he accidentally beat Sun Fan.

As soon as Ji Heng heard that Tian Qi was involved in it, he immediately put his ears up.

Ji Zheng is such a thoughtful person. He has long seen that his brother doesn't like him mixing with Tian Qi, regardless of the reason. So Ji Zheng explained, "Tian Qi just happened to meet us, ate and drinks together, but suddenly she was chased and beaten by Sun Fan for several times. So thats why we beat him. "

Ji Heng's heart sank. But if he really believed Ji Zheng's one-sided words, he would not be Ji Heng. So he investigated it: Ji Zheng fought with others outside, but he didn't seem to suffer any loss. Why should he complain to him? His younger brother is not that spineless person

Soon someone answered his questions.

Old Sun Congrui burst into tears and said that his son had been harmed by the palace attendants. He asked the emperor to give justice to his son for the sake of his old face.

In fact, Sun Congrui is an introverted and intolerant person, and he can't come to the emperor to reason with the general moral dispute. His son is healthy. But when he is go home. He can even stand up and carried by back, how could he not feel bad as a father. Fortunately, his brain was not hurt badly, but his bone was cracked. He should take good care of him for a few days. Sun Congrui asked his son what happened. He was beaten by a eunuch, Tian Qi, who was once very popular and now has been expelled from the palace. How could this be true? the eunuchs think they are great , they dare to hurt people under the foot of the emperor. Sun Congrui is also very fond of his son. He believed his son's one-sided words and thought it was Tian Qi's deliberate provocation. In this way, he ran to the emperor and cried bitterly.

He came at a good time. Ning Wang hasn't left yet.

After hearing Sun Congrui's cry, Ji Heng looks at Ji Zheng with a smile. He knew for a long time that things are not so simple. It's still for Tian Qi!

In fact, Ji Zheng is not the only one who wants make it for Tian Qi. Both Zheng Shaofeng and Tang Tianyuan want to come. But when Zheng Shoufu heard that his son was fighting with Sun Fan and still wanted to go to the Imperial Palace, he did not hesitate to lock up Zheng Shaofeng and prevent him from going out. After listening to his son's statement, Tang Ruoling stopped Tang Tianyuan and made him calm.

Tang Tianyuan didn't understand. Tang Ruoling explained, "Ning Wang will come to the fore for this matter. Let's wait and see how it changes. Sun fan is not dead. Your friend will not die so soon. Ning Wang is the enemy of the Sun family. At this time, we can only look from a far. "

It is known to all that Ning Wang had had a misunderstanding a few years ago. This is something everyone knows. But things have been going on for so long, is the emperor still afraid of Ning Wang? In recent years, most of the ministers in the court dont dare to make connection with Ning Wang, but if the emperor has put down his prejudice against Ning Wang, then Ning Wang will have a good power.

Tang Tianyuan knew what his father meant. Although he was reluctant, he could not do anything. He had to look at the situation first. Besides, he should also consider everything and not be ambitious. If Ning Wang can't save Tian Qi, It still the same even Tang Tianyuan come.

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