World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 43: Joint Defense

Chapter 43: Joint Defense

"Is there really a Heavenly Demon in the gang?"

"It must be fake. The characteristics of the Heavenly Demon are so obvious, how could it hide for two days without being discovered?"

"I also think the old gang leader is lying. He was tortured by Feng Qi so badly. If there really is a Heavenly Demon lurking, he wouldn't reveal it until he ruins Feng Qi's plan in the future! If he reveals it now, it must be fake..."

"Be careful what you say. Don't let the new gang leader hear it."

"I didn't say anything bad about the gang leader. What's there to be afraid of? I think the old gang leader feels that he's not capable anymore, so he made up a story to negotiate with the new gang leader, asking the new gang leader to save him, or like the other announcement said, to see a few children before he dies."


A group of gang members from the Peacekeeping Gang were pointing and discussing under the announcement, exchanging their opinions.

In the crowd.

A young man in his twenties appeared calm on the surface, but his heart was in turmoil. Is it true or not? He has been so low-key, how could he be discovered?

Are they trying to deceive me?

No, I have to leave!

No, I can't leave. If I leave, it will expose me. If Feng Qi dares to do this, he must have planted spies within the gang. If there is any abnormality, I will definitely be killed...

Why is it so difficult to live a peaceful life?

"Shao Zhou, what's wrong with you?" Someone bumped into his shoulder and asked with a smile, "You haven't said a word for a long time. Could it be that you've been possessed by the Heavenly Demon?"

"If I were possessed by the Heavenly Demon, I would have joined the gang leader long ago and enjoyed a good life. Why would I still be with you bunch of scoundrels?" Shao Zhou said, "I'm thinking about who might be suspicious around me. If I report it, maybe I can gain some credit with the gang leader."

"Damn, you're quite smart! Come on, come on, let's think carefully. Who has been acting differently these past two days? Let's report it to the gang leader together. I heard that the Heavenly Demon mostly possesses the old, weak, sick, and disabled. The gang leader is generous, and there will definitely be a reward..." The person's eyes lit up and said excitedly.

"I was just joking. Are you really going to report it? If the Heavenly Demon finds out, it will stab you." Shao Zhou smiled.

"I was joking too. We're all brothers. How can we do such dirty things like reporting behind each other's backs..." The person smirked and brushed it off, obviously not taking Shao Zhou's words to heart.

Shao Zhou knew it well and didn't try to persuade him anymore. There were already too many informants. He would find a chance to investigate the old gang leader's situation and see if he was deceiving him. It would be clear at a glance.


Du Ge and Feng Zhong were eating and chatting while occasionally glancing at the room where Qiu Yuanlang and his son were recuperating, to see if there were any suspicious people going to investigate.

"Brother Qi, where are you from?" Feng Zhong asked.

"What do you mean by 'where are you from'?" Du Ge asked back.

"You have a calm attitude towards food, and you are skilled in disguising keywords. I don't believe you came from an elite academy." Feng Zhong said, "There are a total of three thousand people in this simulation field, gathered from six civilian schools and two elite schools. Maybe we are from the same school! Even if we are not from the same school, we can find out by asking around. This time, both of us made it into the top ten. Tell me your name, and after we leave, I will find you. Then we can enter the Alien Star Battlefield together, a strong alliance..."

"I'm from a civilian school. You don't need to find me. After leaving the exam room, I won't recognize anyone." Du Ge said.

"Brother Qi, you are too cautious." Feng Zhong laughed, "As long as you have the highest score in the simulation field and become famous, it will be difficult not to be recognized. Let's make a deal. I will find you then."

"I'm only temporarily in the first place. I may not be able to maintain it until the end..." Du Ge stopped speaking suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Feng Zhong asked.

"The dish tastes bitter." Du Ge spat out the food in his mouth, stood up and said, "Forget it, I won't eat anymore. Let's go to the Hall of Justice."

"Aren't you staying with Qiu Yuanlang?" Feng Zhong asked.

"There are two Incense Masters watching over him. Your uncertain tongue has too much uncertainty. Who knows when that guy will come?" Du Ge said, "We can't stop doing our main tasks just because of a few possible Heavenly Demons."

Just now, he felt a significant decline in his attributes. In just a moment, it had dropped by at least one-fifth.

He immediately realized the danger of exposing the keywords.

Someone was targeting him.

Betrayal was unlikely to be the problem, it must be the maintenance that was being targeted.

He had to figure out what had happened.

The limitations of betrayal were too high, and it was not easy to grow. The foundation of maintenance must not be lost. He had to find a way to cover up the maintenance, fill in the previous loopholes, and make everyone think that the maintenance was his disguise...


Before reaching the Hall of Justice, Du Ge saw Liu Cheng riding back on a horse.

The two stopped.

Liu Cheng dismounted and quickly came to Du Ge, saying in a hurry, "Gang Leader, something happened."

"What happened?" Du Ge asked.

"Yesterday, the money we gave to the victims was stolen. The person who stole the money was wearing the uniform of the Peacekeeping Gang. Not only did they steal the money, but they also beat up the victims and threatened them not to speak out. Now it's spreading in Luyang City that our claim of upholding justice is fake, and that the gang leader is just putting on a show..." Remembering Du Ge's strange behavior just now, Feng Zhong looked at him thoughtfully.


Could his keyword really be "maintenance"?

Seeing Du Ge's attention focused on Liu Cheng, Feng Zhong quietly opened his data panel and checked his ranking. He was still ninth, without any progress.He sighed quietly, it was indeed not a maintenance issue. Luckily, he was quick-witted enough to check the rankings first. If it were a maintenance issue, his reputation would have been so severely damaged that his rank would have plummeted to the bottom. It would be impossible for him to still hold the first place.

However, even if it wasn't a maintenance issue, it should be related to it. His attributes must have been affected.

It must be said that Feng Qi had disguised the real keywords too well.

Du Ge had eyes in the back of his head and clearly saw Feng Zhong's small movements, but he didn't take it seriously.

After all.

Everyone has a desire to pry into others' secrets. It's human nature.

With this incident, the maintenance issue was covered up, and Feng Zhong would never suspect this side again.

"Gang Leader, it must have been Han Zuo and his gang who did this." Liu Cheng continued, "We have to find a way to get rid of them. We can't let them ruin the reputation of the Peacekeeping Gang. I have an idea, let's tie the old Gang Leader outside Luyang City and force them to come out!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? We are the Peacekeeping Gang, not a criminal gang. Our purpose is to uphold morality, fairness, and justice. It's a shame that you, who were brought up by the old Gang Leader, would use a dying old man to threaten others. Even if we succeed, how would the world see us? Would they still trust our Peacekeeping Gang?" Du Ge glared at Liu Cheng and scolded, "We need to solve the problem uprightly, find the murderer, and re-establish the public's trust in us. That's the right way."

Yes, yes, you're right!

The old Gang Leader wasn't severely injured by you, and it wasn't you who threatened others with his fingers...

You're noble, you're great!

I'm the villain, okay!

If I give you any more advice, I'll be your son...

Liu Cheng's eye twitched as he complained in his heart: "Gang Leader, what should we do?"

"The enemy is in the dark, we are in the light. We are short of hands. It's not realistic to investigate the murderer with our current strength. We need to find some helpers." Du Ge turned to look at Feng Zhong, "Feng Zhong, write a few invitations. Invite the leaders of the Three Gates and Five Sects stationed here in Luyang City to discuss matters. Tell them we want to establish a Peacekeeping Joint Control and Defense Alliance, inviting them to uphold the morality of the martial world and maintain peace with us."

Liu Cheng was stunned, looking at Du Ge with a strange expression. This had nothing to do with finding the murderer, right?

What the hell?

You can't even protect yourself, and you still want others to uphold justice with you?

Besides, those are people from the Three Gates and Five Sects. Even the old Gang Leader didn't dare to do this. The Peacekeeping Gang, with less than five hundred members, why would they listen to you?

How big is your face?

At this moment, Liu Cheng suddenly regretted joining this damn Peacekeeping Gang. If he had known that Du Ge was such an eccentric guy, he shouldn't have come back to report. He should have turned around and left, wandering the world...

Feng Qi's actions were always unexpected, and Feng Zhong didn't know what he was going to do. He hesitated for a moment and asked, "Brother Qi, isn't it too early to provoke the Three Gates and Five Sects at this time?"

"It's not too early." Du Ge smiled, "Upholding the morality of the martial world is the responsibility and duty of every martial artist. By maintaining a beautiful living environment together, everyone can live a better life!"

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