World Domination System

Chapter 299 Advertising 1

On a balcony in the Palace of Lanthanor that overlooked the field in which a group of soldiers were fighting for possession of an egg-shaped ball.

"The red team has the ball and they are running towards the goal, but the team member just got tackled hard by a blue team member. The ball is rolling on the ground... and three people just jumped on it, but none of them got it. Now, more and more are jumping on it to try and catch it. The blue team -"

If someone walked in at this point and saw that the King of Lanthanor had actually turned into a commentator for this match, they would have been shocked.

Indeed, Daneel was currently spectating the game of handball that was going on in the field in front of him while entertaining Eloise with its proceedings in his mind.

Over the past three days, he had talked extensively with this sweet girl whom he had actually never known much until this point.

After the conversation with his parents, he had managed to dispel the doubt in his mind and made his decision regarding what to do in the matter of love. Yet, he had hidden it deep in his heart and had decided to tell Eloise after she came out of her coma.

The two had talked about various things, starting with their experiences when they were kids and the things that had shaped them to be who they were.

Of course, Daneel hadn’t said anything about his real past from Earth and had instead spoken about his time here in Lanthanor where he was a little kid who had been frequently bullied due to being the son of a disgraced soldier.

Eloise had listened to his entire past with rapt attention, asking questions as she liked. Yet, she still stuttered whenever she had to call him by his name.

Daneel actually found this quite endearing, and he loved interrupting her whenever she defaulted to calling him ’King’.

After talking about himself, he had listened to Eloise’s past and understood how she was so skilled at handling everything that had been thrown at her by him since he had become King.

Eloise had been trained in the matters of business administration and organization development from a young age, just like all the other princes and princesses of the noble Lanthanore line.

The classes had actually been quite spread out, focusing on all the aspects required for a ruler. Yet, Eloise had used to frequently run after the teacher who was in charge of business administration in order to learn more because she had always been fascinated about the topic.

After talking about happy memories like these, Eloise had told him about the time when she had personally witnessed one of her brothers kill an innocent man because he had tried to drag his daughter away.

He had been a lusty man who was responsible for many rapes in the Kingdom, and he had been put to death by Daneel long ago.

Yet, the memory of this event had made her voice break and Daneel had felt her pain even though he couldn’t see her expression.

In that case at least, Eloise had personally given her savings to the family of that man for a long time until they had been settled.

Along with this, there were many instances where Eloise always tried her best to pull her brothers and sisters back from the cruel paths that they had taken.

She had also lamented that they might still have been alive if she had succeeded.

Coming to the present, Eloise had said that her mother who had been freed by Daneel on her request had actually suggested that she would do well to marry such a talented king who was being talked about all over the continent.

Daneel had only coughed at this, and both of them had hastily moved on to other topics.

In this way, Daneel and Eloise had gotten quite close and Eloise was also getting more and more comfortable with speaking her mind with the King whom she had always regarded with the utmost respect and admiration till now.

As for Daneel, he only felt that his decision had actually been right and he once again thanked his parents inside for giving him the right advice instead of trying to push him to make a decision that he might regret later.

Over this time, Daneel had also been concentrating on his training. He was approaching the next level quite fast, and the closer he got to the Warrior level, the more Daneel looked forward to finding out just what kind of power someone in that realm would have.

Also, Daneel had taken out the Warrior level combat trinket that had been gifted to him by the Kingdom of Arafell when he had become king.

No matter how much he studied it, his level of enchanting wasn’t enough to analyze it or even hope to replicate it even by using the system.

The highest level of trinket that he could make right now was at the level of an Exalted Human, and this was also the case with the Kingdom of the Elves. The specialty of Eldinor was that they had more people to make these trinkets, and they were also very creative when it came to what kind of trinkets to make.

As for the spies he had sent to Arafell, there was no news yet of any new information being discovered.

After finishing the commentary of the match, Eloise once again felt sleepy and went back into her state of hibernation.

After she had done so, Daneel immediately called for a Royal Court to be held because he had decided that it was time to move forward his plans for the future development of Lanthanor.

An hour later.

"Genius, my King. It was just a genius idea to establish these games that will definitely see the public image of Lanthanor changing in the hearts of the people of the Black Raven Kingdom. Soon, Lanthanor and the Black Raven Kingdom will unite to become the first Empire in centuries that will take Angaria by storm. I congratulate you on this matter beforehand, and I must say that I’m also proud -"

"Enough praise. How goes the construction of the stadium?"

With a hurried nod, the minister who had hoped to get into the good graces of the King by highlighting the merits of his plan stopped his actions and immediately said, "We have contracted the best builders in both kingdoms and given the advance. The stadium will be ready in three days."

"Good. Everyone, I called this Royal Court because I have an announcement to make."

As all the people in the room heard the King say these words, they sat up straight as they wondered just what the announcement could be.

They had personally been witnessing everything, and they had actually been most impressed by the performance of the Bank of Angaria and the scheme that had worked out very well.

The interest payments had been coming in steadily, and all the ministers and officials had personally seen just how diligently each citizen had worked after obtaining the loan from the king.

"You have already seen the format of the competition that will take place in the Black Raven Kingdom. Our next goal: advertising. The network has already been notified, but we need to do more. The target of these games is not just the Black Raven Kingdom; I want the entirety of the continent to know about this event and to want to attend it. The Kingdoms themselves must feel that they are nothing if they do not represent themselves in these games to show the skills of their soldiers or citizens. The budget is 500,000 Gold Lans. Using this money, I want you all to draft and execute plans that will make sure that the news about this event will reach every corner of the continent. I don’t want excuses, I only want results. The ones with the best performance will be awarded and promoted. For now, unless you have any questions, you all are dismissed."

Driving this point into the minds and hearts of all the ministers and officials present, Daneel looked around to see if anyone had any queries.

It was Elanev’s father who raised the question that was definitely on the minds of many present.

"What is the name of this event, my King?", he asked, making a smile appear on Daneel’s face as he said the name which was revered on his home planet as one of the most important events that was witnessed by the entire world.

"The Olympics."

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