World Domination System

Chapter 231 Foolish or Brave?

[Due to increased comprehension level, host’s training speed as a mage has improved by 50%.]

The King of Lanthanor could only stare into space for a few seconds after hearing this notification.

50%! This was just...unbelievable!

Calculating in his head, Daneel realized that he would be able to reach the Warrior level as a Mage in...less than a year!

Usually, if the level of the surprise was below a certain level, one would be able to comprehend and jump in the joy, assuming that it was positive.

In this case, it was well and beyond what Daneel had ever imagined.

Just the thought that he could reach this legendary level in such a short time....made him dumbstruck.

It was said that one had to go through the toughest of difficulties to gain something truly valuable.

By taking the decision to fight against the entity, it seemed that Daneel had gained so much more than he thought he would.

Besides, according to the level classification that Daneel knew about, legendary potential was the minimum if one wanted to get to the Champion Level before their life ended.

Of course, Crimson comprehension level only meant that one would be able to touch on the Champion Level if they spent most of their time training, while also being lucky enough to pass the final hurdle that blocked one from becoming a Champion.

As for those with Gold comprehension level, it was said that just by staying safe and training nominally, they would be able to reach the Champion level without too much effort.

This was also why every candidate with legendary comprehension level would send enemy Kingdoms into a frenzy.

If a Champion level powerhouse did emerge from any of the forces in Central Angaria, they might even be able to unite the entire area because of their overwhelming power.

Yet, not even one had appeared in centuries.

According to the memoirs of the previous Kings of Lanthanor, this was because of the final hurdle to reach the Champion level from the peak Warrior level, which Daneel still did not have a clear idea about.

Coming back to his condition, if legendary comprehension was required to become a Champion, then would his level correspond to....the rumored Hero level?

Daneel had heard not a whisper about ’Heros’ since coming to Angaria, except for the legends in the books that he had collected from the Town Library all those years ago.

Hence, he did not even know if there was someone at that level in the entire continent at the moment.

Even the matter of the absurd boost in training speed would be able to be explained by this fact.

After all, the way power scaled in Angaria was that each major level was exponentially more powerful than the one before.

This would mean that getting to a level above that of a Champion really would require exponentially higher training speed.

Finally, after a minute or so, the King of Lanthanor came back to his senses before avidly plunging his hands into the goo to continue training.

"Warrior level, here I come.", he thought, before starting to train alongside the clone with renewed vigor.


Meanwhile, in the underground room that was the headquarters of the Network of Angaria.

In a private chamber that had been constructed just for her, Eloise sat in front of a map of the continent with an expression of serious thought on her face.

After the success with the advertising scheme, offers had started to pour in all over the two Kingdoms in which the NOA was prevalent.

Yet, knowing the importance of not flooding the Network with too many ads and driving away people, Eloise had decided to take a moderate approach by introducing a few ads every day, and rotating them during the week.

In this process, they had found out that ads right now were most beneficial to only a certain number of people who were listening.

This was the core problem that if solved, would generate much more growth in business for those opting the advertise using the NOA. If they could accomplish, Eloise knew that the NOA would generate revenue in the range of hundreds of thousands of Gold Lans, opposed to the present where it was still around the tens of thousands.

Yet, although the problem had been identified, they were still a long way from figuring out a solution.

Deciding that she would have to speak to the King about it soon and haplessly blushing again at the thought, Eloise turned to the next major problem.


Right now, the NOA was only present in Lanthanor and Eldinor. Due to the tireless efforts of the assembly line, enough communication trinkets had been made to flood Lanthanor city with the Network.

Instead of the small community where NOA had been tested, the Network now had listeners all over the Capital, with a penetration of 70% in the population of around 500,000.

Of course, all of them had been given for free, meaning that right now, the NOA was only burning a hole in the Kingdom’s pocket.

As for Eldinor, the adoption had been slower due to the fact that many of the Elves were much more learned in their worldview than the citizens of Lanthanor, who led their lives without much knowledge about the continent.

Hence, the penetration in the capital of the Kingdom of the Elves was at around 50%.

Although Eloise had many features and schemes planned to increase the adoption rate in both of these Kingdoms, the primary aim right now was to expand to more Kingdoms.

Yet, why would Kingdoms freely allow them to distribute trinkets knowing that they would be able to influence the minds of their citizens?

When thinking of this matter, Eloise realized that it was all about need.

In Eldinor, the Network had chosen the right time when there was no Queen or King on the Throne.

She surmised that as the network had been one of the contributing factors which had allowed the present Queen to win the election, it was being allowed to proliferate through the Kingdom.

If this was the case, then it all came down to need.

Unless there was a need, no Kingdom might opt to give the permission they needed.

If so, she had to identify a need which the Network would address for each Kingdom.

Thinking like so, Eloise started poring over all the news that was going to be broadcast next on the Network.

When she was doing so, a single news item became stuck in her eyes.


"Your Majesty, Eloise is asking for an urgent meeting."

Interrupted after only having just begun training, Daneel initially felt frustrated for a bit because he had truly become hopefully addicted to the feeling he got when he reached nearer and nearer to a level where he wouldn’t have to fear anyone from Central Angaria.

Of course, this only lasted for a moment. Eloise was actually his most hardworking subordinate, and the fact that she had called for an urgent meeting definitely meant that it was something very important.

Deciding to only use the clone, he said, "All right. Ask her to come to my chambers."

Yet, right after he gave the order, Daneel remembered the last time he had called her to his chambers.

Hence, hastily contacting Kellor through the oathstone again, he said, "You come too."


After a few minutes, Daneel’s clone walked into the Chamber.

After receiving the bows from the two who had arrived, he sat in the central seat before gesturing at Eloise to speak about the matter for which she had called the meeting.

"My Lord, someone has recently made a stir in the Black Raven Kingdom by challenging the claims that ravens give substantial boosts in power to Mages and Fighters who are able to connect with them. He seems to be someone who is capable of fighting above his level, as he has already defeated a Black Raven Fighter with a single punch. As the people of the Kingdom are aware of this and because pride is valued above all by them, the King himself has decided to fight this challenger in public after restricting his power level."

As Eloise took a pause at this point, Daneel couldn’t help but feel awe at the person who had practically woven a story straight out of the legends about himself.

To challenge an entire Kingdom....was it bravery or foolishness?

Daneel couldn’t help but incline his thoughts towards the latter, unless this person had the ability to protect himself if he were being chased by an entire Kingdom.

Regardless, wondering what this news had to do with them, he waited for Eloise to continue.

"The purpose of the fight is to let the continent know that the Black Raven Kingdom does not back down, and also to showcase the power of the descendants of their deity. I propose that we give the offer to do a live blow-by-blow broadcast of the fight on the Network, if they allow the Network to spread in their Kingdom."

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