World Domination System

Chapter 176 The Grand Debate 8

[Construct Analysis Module-1: Allows the host to analyze and derive schematics of constructs both magical and mechanical.]

The round metal bands that had been around the necks of the children had been mechanical constructs that were designed in such a way that the trigger would be activated if they were detached without using the key.

It was an almost foolproof system, as one couldn’t even figure out the location where the key had to be inserted due to the sheer complexity of the design.

Daneel had been quite surprised to see something like this in Angaria. So far, he had always thought that due to the prevalence of magic, research was mostly focused on making objects which used magic in one way or another to achieve miscellaneous things.

This collar was completely made using mechanical skill except for the alert system. According to the system, it used an ingenious mechanism similar to the one used in handcuffs back on earth.

When he had touched one of the collars on the day he first infiltrated the prison, he had been alerted by the system that this tool was available.

Having no other choice, 2000 of the measly 3000 EXP he had earned since buying the Kingdom Management tools had been depleted to buy the tool.

At that moment, he had also tried analyzing the bomb, but was disappointed when the system said that the complexity surpassed what it could handle.

Thus, the rest of the plan fell into place.

In the morning, Daneel, Kellor and Olfax had gone to the warehouse again as today was the day they had decided on to transfer the goods for which the godown had been hired in the first place.

These goods were actually the parchments made by the assembly line in Lanthanor, which would soon be distributed among the Eldinorians.

During this storage of goods, Daneel had sneaked into the prison and released Lizzie, who was the boldest of all those present. She had been the one to open up and speak about the prison when Eldra had previously come with the hope to save them.

The system had already devised the key and the mechanism to open the collar, and Daneel had forged it the night before.

Using it, he had freed the little Elf and explained everything to her before making her faint and placing her in one of the bags which transported the parchments.

After doing so, his original body used the camouflage tool to transform into Lizzie whose clothes he had previously prepared. Putting the collar on himself, Daneel had conjured his clone which walked out of the warehouse along with Kellor and Olfax while holding the presumably empty bag which actually had Lizzie inside.

Thus, when the soldiers had entered to check on the Queen’s orders, they had seen nothing amiss. With Daneel perfectly impersonating Lizzie, they had reported to the Queen that everything was all right.

Right after they left, Daneel had hastily deactivated the collars on the children before teleporting them out one by one.

In this way, the plan had been perfectly executed even though a few hiccups had almost caused everything to go awry.

Smiling to himself contentedly, Daneel continued absorbing the energy while keeping an eye on everything happening above ground.


The moment that the explosion had shaken the entire clearing, Eldara knew that something was horribly wrong.

In her calculations, she had excluded one possibility: that the trinket could be activated right now to prove irrevocably that it was, in fact, the trigger.

Now, with the people of Eldinor recovering from the shock, she knew that circumstances were dire.

She had just denied everything, only to be smacked in the face in the next second.

Looking at her daughter who was presently smiling wide with joy seeing the reunions taking place in the crowd, Eldara frowned as she was definitely not someone capable of such deep scheming.

There was surely someone else directing everything from behind, and Eldara had already fallen prey to their machinations.

Shaking her head, she tried to think about what to do next.

Yet, looking into the eyes of all those turning towards her, she could not help but have her mind go blank.

Disgust. Betrayal. Scorn. Anger.

So far, Eldara had spent her life being adored by the people whom she loved to rule. Power was her entire life, and because she was an elf, the presence of that power was decided by the people.

Even now, she could make up claims to try and absolve herself from everything. Yet, from experience, she knew that her impression in the eyes of the people of Eldinor had already fallen below that bottom line from where there was no coming back.

Faces which had once shone with adoration were now twisted with fury and rage.

Drowning in the sea of hopelessness and hate, Eldara felt herself... crack.

Her entire life flashing through her eyes, she started to maniacally laugh to herself while gazing listlessly into the air.

She simply couldn’t take it. No matter how clever or mature or experienced she was, the feeling of having the most important thing in her life stripped away was too painful to bear. In fact, if she hadn’t done similar things to other contestants and seen similar reactions from the people, she might have tried to convince herself that there was still some way to get out of this mess.

Alas, all was already. At this moment, her emotions twisted into hate.

Hate towards those responsible. And a desire to make them pay.

"FOOLS! SHE IS CLEARLY WORKING WITH SOMEONE ELSE! There is no way that the child I brought up is capable of doing these things! What did you give, idiot daughter of mine? Did you give away your life? Did you swear to put Eldinor at an enemy nation’s feet? WHAT DID YOU GIVE?!"

With the last scream, Eldara lunged towards her daughter with an expression of wanting to tear her to pieces.

The sudden outburst stunned those watching. Never in their wildest dreams had they imagined that the respected Elf who had governed Eldinor for decades would devolve into such an uncouth state. Her screams had a raw angst in them which even made a few weak spectators cower with fear.

Eldra, who had just been smiling triumphantly due to the apparent success of the plan, felt a visceral fear awake inside her hearing the scream of her mother. After all, this was the woman who had terrorized her entire life.

Only, this fear was accompanied by the horror that the oath she made might have been found out. High treason was a crime which stood toe-to-toe with slavery, and she knew that if any information about her dealings with Lanthanor came out, the same hate which the people had for her mother would be directed at her too.

Thus, the terror that appeared on her face was quite clearly that of one who had been caught in the act.

Underground, Daneel had just stood up with urgency seeing what was happening on the stage.

Although the mental breakdown of the former Queen was within his expectations, he had never imagined that the arrows that Eldara shot in the dark would hit the bullseye.

Still, they were just wild ramblings which could have been dismissed immediately if not for Eldra’s reaction.

Thankfully, she had managed to change her expression in a split second. Still, Daneel noticed that the announcer and Katerina had both managed to catch a glimpse of that guilt.

Sighing, the King of Lanthanor sat back down. There was nothing that could be done.

In a split second, the aged elf disappeared and reappeared in front of the former Queen before using the edge of his hand to chop at her neck.

At the moment before it connected, it seemed to be glowing with a faint light that signified that he had cast some sort of spell to dampen the blow.

Without a sound, Eldara collapsed onto the ground, unconscious at the exact second that the elf’s hand touched her body.

Meanwhile, Daneel had risen up again seeing the aged Elf’s actions.

Asking the system, he realized that he indeed hadn’t been mistaken.

The Elf was actually a Warrior level Mage!

Both from the speed with which he cast his spells and the ease with which he managed to incapacitate an Exalted Human level Elf, this was quite evident.

As the situation finally got under control, Daneel relaxed and took a deep breath.

It was time to move on to the next phase of the plan.

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