With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 441 Strange Rumour (15)

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Standing in a palm tree in the distance was a young man who was watching over everything that happened to the cloaked figure.

Once the cloaked figure died under the claws of the spirit beasts, he jumped off the tree and walked over to the scene.

When the spirit beasts saw him come over, they didn't do anything to him.

They even looked a bit afraid of this young man…

But the young man ignored them and walked up to the corpse of the cloaked figure on the ground.

He didn't reach out, but with a wave of his hand, the cloak came off the cloaked figure to reveal the appearance of a young man. Even if he was in pieces, one could see that he was a young man who was around eighteen years old.

The young man bent over and looked carefully at this corpse on the ground before saying, "Che, there's nothing here. I can't identify him with just this…"

After a sigh, the young man said, "It seems that we have no choice but to take care of her as well…"

Then he turned in a certain direction.

After that, all of the spirit beasts suddenly disappeared before the young man himself also disappeared on the spot.

The Triple Axis and the Treasure Hunters had run off in different directions, but after a while they had regrouped once again.

It was the Treasure Hunters that had regrouped with the Triple Axis group…or rather it was the Treasure Hunters who had led 'Mu Bao Bao' to the Triple Axis group.

'Mu Bao Bao' had stopped chasing the Triple Axis group and had gone for the Treasure Hunters group all of a sudden.

When the Treasure Hunters saw this, they knew that it was impossible for them to escape. They knew that their only way out of this was to find someone else to take 'Mu Bao Bao's' attention so that they could run.

That was why they had brought her to the Triple Axis group.

She had chased after them in the beginning, so they figured that if they brought her to them, she would chase after the Triple Axis group.

But what they didn't expect was…a wall of leaves blocking them from escaping.

There was a wall of leaves that appeared all around them that stopped them from going anywhere.

When this happened, the Triple Axis group looked at the Treasure Hunters group with a glare.

The Treasure Hunters group couldn't help revealing an awkward look, but they didn't back down under the glare. They knew what the situation was and they weren't about to back down from their decision, even if that decision was to throw the Triple Axis group under the bus.

Since they made a decision, they would stand by it to the end.

The Triple Axis group also knew that there was nothing to gain from continuing to glare at them, so they turned their attention to 'Mu Bao Bao' floating there above them.

After a moment of silence, the middle aged man from the Triple Axis said, "Use all of your skills now if you want to live!"

The leader of the Treasure Hunters had a grim look on his face as he nodded in response.

He might have tried to throw the Triple Axis group under the bus before, but now that they had no choice but to work together, he definitely wouldn't hold back. After all, it was their lives that were at stake as well.

So he gave a nod to the rest of the group and they all raised their hands to use their abilities.

The Treasure Hunters group's speciality was related to their senses.

They had the ability to heighten their senses to find traces of things that normal people wouldn't be able to find.

But that wasn't the only thing that they could do.

They also had the ability to weaken the senses of opponents.

How was that done?

It was done through the release of hormones in the air.

They used hormones to strengthen themselves and when needed, they used similar hormones to weaken the enemy which they were doing now.

With their full power released, all of 'Mu Bao Bao's' senses should only be working at 20% capacity. It was strong enough to weaken her by an entire 80% if it worked…but they knew that there was a difference in the level of cultivation.

So they only expected it to work at half the efficacy of normal.

At the very least, they were expecting it to lower her senses to at least half of what they were normally.

But 'Mu Bao Bao' didn't show any signs of being affected by this.

In fact, it was almost as if she didn't feel it at all.

But they were certain that their abilities had activated, so they nodded at the Triple Axis group.

Seeing this, the Triple Axis group didn't hesitate to bring their swords together.

When these swords came together, there was a bright glow that came from them. This glow wrapped around all three of the swords and then created a large sword out of light from them.

This was an attack that combined all of the spiritual energy from all three of them, creating a powerful sword strike that far surpassed the power of any of them individually.

This was a final attack that could only be done because of how well these three synchronized with each other.

If it was anyone else, they definitely wouldn't be able to do something like this.

But this sword was definitely powerful.

It even reached the peak of the Qi Gathering Realm with how much spiritual energy they were using.

The problem was…

'Mu Bao Bao' just floated there without a care, almost as if she didn't see this attack from them at all.

The three of them didn't care about this and once they finished gathering their spiritual energy into the blade, they suddenly slashed out together. With this slash, the sword of light flew out at 'Mu Bao Bao'.

'Mu Bao Bao' still didn't act when she saw this.

With the way that she just stayed there without even looking at it, it was as if she felt no fear from this sword of light. But then again, why would she feel fear from something that she could easily destroy?

With a flick of her sword, there were two leaves that came out of the wall behind her.

These two leaves took a formation with one in front of and one behind.

They were both aimed right at the sword of light that was flying at her.

The one in front made contact with the sword of light first and then…the sword of light shattered to pieces. There was no resistance at all from the sword of light when it made contact with the leaf.

After the leaf shattered the sword of light to pieces, it too scattered away into bits of light.

However, there was still the second leaf behind the first leaf that didn't stop.

Seeing this, all of the members of the Triple Axis and Treasure Hunters released their spiritual energy to form a barrier.

They didn't try to run since it was useless, so they decided to take it head on.

It was too bad that this decision was the worst decision that they could make.

The moment that the leaf made contact with their spiritual energy barrier, it shattered into bits of light.

Seeing this, all of them revealed looks of relief, but that only lasted for a few seconds.

After all, there was a green light that suddenly appeared around their spiritual energy barrier.

They didn't dare let the barrier down after seeing this and they put even more spiritual energy into it.

However…this was no use at all.

This green energy turned into sharp needles that seemed like pine needles.

Once they had finished gathering, all of these sharp needles suddenly pointed at them in the center. Then all of sudden, all of these sharp needles came down at once and pierced through the spiritual energy barrier.

It wasn't even able to stop the needles for a single second before all of them stabbed into the bodies of the Triple Axis and Treasure Hunters groups.

All of them had been turned into cacti in a single instant and blood splashed all over the ground.

By the end of it, the only ones that were still alive were the middle aged man and the leader of the Treasure Hunters.

They weren't alive because they had avoided the attacks, but rather they were alive because they had forced themselves to stay awake.

The rest had all died from the shock of the pain and slipped away into unconsciousness.

But even if they were alive, it wasn't as if there was anything that they could do.

They were barely able to keep their consciousness, let alone move, so there really wasn't anything that they could do.

Seeing that these two were still alive, 'Mu Bao Bao' didn't finish them off.

Instead, she floated down and landed in front of them.

She looked at the two of them and asked, "Who sent you?"

Both of them were surprised by this question, but it wasn't as if they were able to say a thing.

So even if she asked them this, they weren't able to respond.

'Mu Bao Bao' narrowed her eyes when she saw this and she was planning on doing something, but before she could…

There were two spirit beasts that suddenly attacked her.

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