With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 410 Minor World (35)

When Lin Fan heard this, the bitter smile that had been on his face became even wider.

He never actually thought that 'Bi Qing' would agree to this.

The entire time, he thought that this was just a joke and that the end result would be that they would be sent out of the Minor World by Senior Sister Bing. After all, no one would accept dual cultivation with someone that they just met for the chance to solve one of their problems.

A person's innocence was an important thing after all.

He couldn't help feeling that 'Bi Qing' was undervaluing herself a bit.

As he just stood there, he felt two more pinches coming from his side. But this time, the pinches felt different from before.

The pinches that the two of them gave before were pinches that were filled with jealousy and anger, but this time…it was as if they were telling him to go.

Lin Fan couldn't help being amazed by how fast women's hearts changed and being confused why they had suddenly changed, but he couldn't turn around and ask in this situation.

So he had no choice but to go forward with the same bitter smile on his face.

'Bi Qing' just gave him a nod with a smile before walking through the door and disappearing into that room.

Lin Fan took one last look back at the two girls who were standing there.

Although he couldn't see their expressions, he could tell based on what he knew about them that they were trying to send him off after 'Bi Qing'.

So with one last secret bitter laugh, he went through the door as well.

When he walked through, he found that he was in a room that was similar to the one that he had gone to with Senior Sister Bing before. This place was also completely white, but it wasn't as cold as that other room.

There wasn't any frost that had gathered in this surrounding area either.

It seemed like she had spare rooms that she used on rotation.

After all, a single room was only able to contain so much coldness, so it wasn't good for her to stay in the same room contaminated with yin energy for too long.

After he came into this room, he was surprised to find that 'Bi Qing' was already sitting on the bed. But what he was even more surprised by was the look on her face.

She no longer had the same look of absolute confidence that she had before and instead, there was a trace of nervousness and shyness that was on her face. This couldn't be blamed on her though since this was her first time…

Seeing that he came in, she patted to the bed beside her and said, "Come and sit. I want to talk about a few things before we start."

Lin Fan warily looked at him when he saw this, but seeing that she didn't have any ill intentions, he moved over to the bed. He went to the very edge of the bed and sat down, so that he was sitting as far away from her as possible.

'Bi Qing' didn't mind when she saw this and instead, she looked like she was hesitating about something.

Lin Fan looked at her face like this and he couldn't help feeling that…she was cute.

She was already a very pretty girl in the first place with her fine sculpted features, her long black hair, her deep black eyes, and her soft cherry pink lips. But when there was a blush that was on her face as well like right now, she became even cuter.

After a long period of hesitation, she finally said, "Can I see your face?"

Lin Fan couldn't help being caught off guard by this question since he never expected that this would be her question. At the same time though, he realized that he had made a mistake in his calculations.

To do this, it made sense that he would take off his cloak and reveal his true identity…but for some reason, this had completely slipped his mind.

It was as if he had expected to do this with his cloak on…

But that just wasn't possible…or was it?

No, he was a fool for even thinking that it would be possible.

The problem was that if he took off his cloak and revealed his true identity, there might be some problems. If she was who he thought she was and she recognized him, then there would be a lot of problems…

But it wasn't as if he couldn't just not take this cloak off.

So he was at an impasse…

Seeing that he wasn't moving at all, 'Bi Qing' tilted her head and looked at him. When she did this, Lin Fan's heart couldn't help skipping a beat because she looked even cuter than before.

So in the end, Lin Fan decided that he would take a risk.

He hoped that the seeds that he had laid in the past would sprout and help him now.

Slowly, he took the hood off of his head and revealed his true appearance.

When 'Bi Qing' saw this, even for her, her eyes couldn't help opening wide as a look of recognition filled them. After staring at Lin Fan for a bit, she couldn't help saying, "It's you…why is it you?"

Lin Fan revealed a bitter smile, but he didn't say anything.

But then he realized that something was wrong…

Why did she say it like that, like she had already met him before and she knew exactly who he was?

The one that Lin Fan had met before was Ye Tian Xie and not this girl, so why did she act this way?

Lin Fan couldn't help knitting his brows slightly when he heard this before he asked, "You're Ye Qing Huan, right?"

When she heard this, 'Bi Qing' couldn't help slightly knitting her brows. She looked at Lin Fan for a bit before giving a slight nod and saying. "That's right, I'm Ye Qing Huan…but how do you know my name?"

Lin Fan was caught off guard when he heard this, but then he said, "I met your big brother Ye Tian Xie before. He mentioned you when we talked."

When Ye Qing Huan heard this, she couldn't help revealing a slightly bitter smile.

After all…she was certain that this didn't happen. In fact, she remembered that it was Lin Fan who brought up the name "Ye Qing Huan" first.

But since he didn't want to admit it, she wouldn't say anything for now since she still needed him.

So Ye Qing Huan just gave a nod and said, "Oh, so it was my big brother that you talked to before. That explains it."

Lin Fan let out a secret sigh of relief when he heard this, but he didn't dare relax just yet. After all, there was still plenty more that was coming that he had to prepare himself for…

There was a moment of silence before Lin Fan realized his mistake.

He had received the notification of Ye Qing Huan's affection increasing back then, so he knew that she had been secretly watching his conversation with Ye Tian Xie. So she should have known that they hadn't talked about it and he was the one that brought up her name first.

So why…did she go along with the lie that he made?

Before he could figure anything out, Ye Qing Huan suddenly asked, "So were you with the Love Sect even back then?"

Lin Fan was surprised to hear this question.

Still, he shook his head and said, "I wasn't back then, but I became acquainted with the people of the Love Sect afterwards."

Ye Qing Huan gave a nod like she understood before she just stopped talking and lowered her head again.

As the two of them sat there, there was an awkward atmosphere that appeared.

Even if Ye Qing Huan had agreed to the dual cultivation plan, it was still her first time doing something like this.

In fact, she wouldn't have agreed to it in the first place if it wasn't for a feeling inside of her that was somehow attracted to that cloaked figure. Now that he had taken his cloak off, she understood why she had felt this way.

Since she had first met him back then, she had always been interested in him.

In a way that was different from normally being interested in him.

It was a kind of interest where even if he hid his appearance and his voice, he was still someone that attracted her.

As these thoughts passed through her mind…there was another notification that appeared in front of Lin Fan.

[Ye Qing Huan's mind is filled with thoughts of you. Affection has increased by 10.]

Lin Fan couldn't help looking at the notification that popped up with eyes that were slightly wider.

He was surprised to suddenly see this notification even though he didn't see a notification like this the entire time that he was in the Minor Realm.

Lin Fan couldn't help looking at Ye Qing Huan who also turned to look at him at that moment.

When their eyes met, they couldn't help looking at each other for a few seconds before suddenly turning away with embarrassed looks on their faces.

It was fine for Ye Qing Huan to act this way since it was her first time, but Lin Fan had plenty of experience with girls before…

It was just that when he was with Ye Qing Huan, he couldn't help feeling nervous.

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