With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 377 Minor World (2)

After a moment of silence, one of the young masters couldn't take it anymore.

They came over to where Bi Qing's group was and stood there in front of her before saying, "Miss Bi, I think that it would be beneficial for us to work together in this place. If you're willing, we can follow you and help you with what you need to do."

The young master carefully watched Bi Qing's reaction after he said this, waiting to see how she would respond.

But all that he received from Bi Qing's group was the cold shoulder.

Not a single one of them even looked in his direction, as if they hadn't heard him just now.

Seeing this, there was a trace of anger that appeared in the young master's eyes. However, he forced that anger down and revealed a calm look before saying, "Miss Bi, we both know that it would be in our best interests to work together here. We have no idea what we will encounter here, so it's better to work together to deal with it…"

Then after a pause, his tone turned a bit sinister as he said, "Or else, we will end up as corpses just like the others."

It was very clear what he was implying and it could even be considered a threat to Bi Qing.

However, he and the other four groups were all surprised to find that Bi Qing didn't pay any attention to this.

All she did was give a yawn before going back to lying there with closed eyes, like she didn't hear a thing.

Once again, there was a look of anger that flashed in the eyes of this young master. It was even stronger than last time and looked like he was about to lose control of himself.

But then remembering what happened to Mo Tie and the Iron Demon Sect group, he controlled himself.

Everything that Bi Qing had done to them was when she was alone…and now she had a group of guards that were also with her.

They didn't know how strong these cloaked guards were, but they were certain that these guards wouldn't be weak or they wouldn't have come with her.

The young master took a deep breath before reaching his hand out and saying, "Miss Bi, if you agree to my suggestion, all you have to do is shake my hand. I urge you to think rationally and consider what is best for you and your companions."

Although this sounded like a threat, it actually wasn't a threat this time.

He already knew that he couldn't win if he were to fight Bi Qing, so instead, he was trying to appeal to the people around her.

After all, they were her guards and her safety was their number one priority.

He believed that they would understand that it would be safest for them to work together. He was confident that he would be able to convince Bi Qing's guards of this.

Once they realized this, they would speak up and help him convince Bi Qing to work with their groups.

But to his shock, he found that not a single one of the cloaked figures said a thing to help him. All of them ignored him just like Bi Qing ignored him, not giving him even the slightest sign that they had heard him.

Once again, the young master was filled with rage at being disdained like this.

The only difference was that this time…he finally couldn't take his rage anymore.

Even a Buddha only forgives three times.

Before he could release this rage and vent it on Bi Qing's group, Bi Qing suddenly opened her eyes to look at this young master.

Or rather, she opened her eyes and looked at the young master's outstretched hand.

As she looked at his hand, she revealed a strange look on her face.

The young master couldn't help looking down at his own hand when he saw this, but he wasn't able to find a single thing off with it. Even when he used his spiritual sense, he wasn't able to find a single thing.

But the way that Bi Qing looked at his hand made him feel very strange.

The look in Bi Qing's face was a mix of interest and…pity.

But why would she show pity?

The young master and the members of the other four groups were all confused when they saw this.

Still the young master knew that they didn't have time to waste, so he threw these thoughts aside.

Instead, he chose to take the way that Bi Qing looked at him as a sign of interest in his offer.

The young master cleared his throat with a cough before saying, "Miss Bi, can I take this as a sign that you are willing to cooperate with us?"

Bi Qing didn't say a thing when she heard this and continued looking at his hand with the same strange look.

This created an awkward silence in the air that made this young master very uncomfortable.

Seeing that Bi Qing wasn't showing any signs of reacting, the young master finally couldn't take it anymore and was about to say something else.

But before he could say a thing, Bi Qing suddenly said, "You might want to deal with what's coming first before you say that. If you survive, I'll consider it."

As soon as her voice fell, all of them fell into a daze as they tried to figure out what she meant by this. Then they quickly raised their guards as they prepared for whatever was about to come.

Bi Qing was telling them that something was coming and it would be hard to survive, so they wouldn't ignore this warning.

She had shown abilities that were far beyond their comprehension, so they had no choice but to heed this warning.

Then as if on cue, there was the sound of rustling that came from the brushes around them.

As soon as they heard this, everyone immediately released their spiritual senses to search the surrounding area.

The moment that they found what they were looking for, they all revealed ugly expressions.

That was because they had found that they were completely surrounded by spirit beasts.

With one look at each other, all of them suddenly gave nods before coming together at the center of this area. They didn't care that they were from different groups, different sects, they just took a circle formation with each group watching a different direction so they could cover each other's backs.

In this moment of life and death, they knew that nothing else mattered than working together to survive.

At the same time, most of them turned to Bi Qing for help.

Her group were the strongest ones here and they were stuck in the same situation as them. If they didn't fight, they would be surrounded and killed by these spirit beasts just like them.

But to their surprise, they found that Bi Qing's group were still sitting there like they had no intentions of getting involved.

They had opened their eyes and they were watching the whole thing happen, but the way that they watched was like they were just here to watch a show. It didn't seem like they were in a life threatening situation where they were completely surrounded by these spirit beasts.

All the members of these five groups knitted their brows when they saw this, but there was also a bit of hope in their eyes.

If Bi Qing's group was this calm, they should have a way out of this situation…

So the young master who spoke before didn't hesitate at all to say, "Miss Bi, if we cooperate here, we should be able to take care of these spirit beasts. I hope that you will…"

Before he could finish, Bi Qing cut him off by glaring at all.

When she glared at him, the rest of them all felt a chill run down their spins and they couldn't help their breaths from stopping.

She then said, "I thought I told you already, if you survive, we can talk. Until then, do your best."

Then she didn't even look at them as she turned back to look at the spirit beasts around them.

The young master's face twisted when he heard this, but before he could argue with her, all the spirit beasts around them suddenly started moving.

All of them charged at this large group in the center of this area and prepared attacks of different elements to shoot at them.

These spirit beasts were in the Foundation and Qi Condensing Realms, so they were more than enough to pressure these groups. After all, the strongest among them were the Qi Condensing Realm elders.

They immediately released barriers to block these attacks before engaging the spirit beasts.

However, they encountered the same thing as before.

All of these spirit beasts seemed to have inexhaustible spiritual energy.

It was as if they could draw on an endless well of spiritual energy to continue firing their abilities, so these groups had no choice but to guard themselves.

While they were fighting, they also noticed that…not a single one of these spirit beasts were attacking Bi Qing's group. The spirit beasts even ran right past Bi Qing as if they didn't even see them.

When they saw this, their expressions couldn't help becoming twisted as they realized that there would be no help from them.

Being pushed this far, they had no choice but to take drastic measures.

One of the elders suddenly ran out from the group and broke free of the spirit beast lines around them. He ran right past them and ran in the direction of Bi Qing's group.

However, he didn't attack Bi Qing's group, but rather ran right behind them so that Bi Qing's group was between him and the spirit beast chasing him.

He was planning on dragging Bi Qing's group into this whether they were willing to get involved or not!

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