Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 277 - Everybody Is Very Interested In You

Chapter 277: Everybody Is Very Interested In You

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The meaning behind the Vice President’s speech was clear; he still had not given up on persuading Baiyi to apply for a higher-level Power Level Examination.

Baiyi gave it some thought.

“You’re curious about my potential?” he finally asked Vice President Grant with a hushed voice.

“It isn’t just me,” admitted the Vice President, as he nodded honestly. “Everyone else seems to be interested, too. This doesn’t just include the Sorcerer’s Association, mind you; every other organization out there, including the Doors of Conundrum you were in for a while, the nobles and dignitaries... everyone; they are all very curious about you, Honorable One. Perhaps you might not have noticed, but to everyone — be it aristocrats or the peasants — has your name on their lips, and they utter it feverishly; you really are the center of every conversation!”

“Tsk...” Baiyi frowned, and his lips tightened. He did not doubt the authenticity of the Vice President’s statement, at all. The reputation he had gained from the Church’s massive endorsements naturally came with unwanted attention. No doubt this would stir the curiosity of the masses, despite how inconspicuous his actions are, or how low-profiled he always tried to be.

Baiyi gave the Vice President’s words a turn in his head, pondering deeply within his thoughts for a moment, before he gave his reply.

“Alright then. In order to satisfy everyone’s curiosity, I’ll apply for the Immortal-Level Examination.”

The Vice President’s eyes momentarily flashed with excitement. “Oh? Were you planning to skip the Legendary Level entirely and going on to the next? Personally, I don’t think it’s a problem, but you do know there are rules to observe...”

“Do relax; I am familiar with the rules. Can you be my referee?” asked Baiyi.

“That would be a true honor,” replied the Vice President.

According to the rules set by the Sorcerer’s Association, a sorcerer could not skip tiers in the Power Level Examinations just like that; however, everything had its exceptions. In order to attract the compelling ability users who were uninterested in ranks and power acknowledgments, the Sorcerer’s Association decided to nullify certain rules for powerful beings like Baiyi; they were even willing to simplify certain procedures while they were at it.

With that being said, the Examination itself would not be simplified to a difficulty level similar to that in the master’s level Power Examination; after all, this was a higher-ranked certification. Baiyi had to make a lot of preparations for it, though, producing proper dissertations of a certain quality and quantity, discovering or upgrading modern magic... etc. The tests involved were steps that could not be omitted at all. Furthermore, the Examination required a referee — a renowned sorcerer who had passed a similar level.

After completing everything, the Association would then have a vague idea of Baiyi’s level in handling and understanding magic. Baiyi was, technically, almost half an Association member himself, so he could actually apply for some benefits and special perks, like money, money, and... money; or, he could enjoy some form of special privilege or resources, like applying for advanced patents, sharing a common messaging channel, massive savings from bulk buying rare ingredients, etc — perks that were not too shabby, at all. However, naturally, the duty and responsibility that came along with the certification would be just as heavy, and there would be a fair share of hassle involved.

Nevertheless, Baiyi was still willing to accept the burden that came with such perks, seeing as he would certainly enjoy the exclusive access to additional resources, alongside a heightened status. However, to think that he would need to answer to the bureaucratic measures of the Association... ‘sigh.’ He would rather leave all these behind because he preferred not to be constrained by anyone, at all.

However, Baiyi’s primary reason to engage in yet another Power Level Examination was not just because of the perks; rather, it was a decision reached with his goals for the future in mind. His Academy’s future, in fact. To be the principal of an academy without proper certification would certainly not be a respectable sight at all. His heroic persona — as firmly endorsed by the Church — would eventually fade with time, but a Power Level certificate would not. It could even bring him a better, more respectable reputation at the same time, which was a necessity in the process to build an academy.

Furthermore, whatever topics which were to be taught in the newly-established academy would have to be reported to the Association accordingly, and lessons could only officially be conducted after obtaining a note of quality approval. Forging a good relationship with the Sorcerer’s Association now would be beneficial for his future.

After setting a date with the Vice President, agreeing to churn out a few drafts for his academic dissertation by then, and prompting the Vice President to arrange for an examination session, Baiyi prepared to head back home, with Undine by his side. She was as chirpy as a little sparrow on the journey back, full of praises and upbeat confidence as she cheered: “I knew you would do it! I knew this would be resolved when you decided to appear! You are the best!”

This shallow, unsubstantial flattery extended all the way from the Sorcerer’s Association to the carriage, supported wholeheartedly by the Earl, who was beside her.

Baiyi flailed his hand around impatiently, interrupting the useless banter between the two.

“Those people out there... enjoy talking about me?”

the Earl quickly nodded his head. “A presence as powerful and mysterious as you are... is a topic everybody is interested in; even among us, the aristocrats and nobles, your name always comes up!”

“Yes, yes!” Undine acknowledged excitedly. “Even those noble maidens are very interested in you! Some even came to me just to hear the latest news about you — but after hearing how you only prefer young girls, they retreated knowingly in defeat...”

‘You useless bunch. Do you even know how to have quality conversations?’ Baiyi flicked his fingers against her head, trying to knock some sense into her brain. “And you’d believe nonsense like this?”

Undine pouted and stuck her tongue out in dissatisfaction.

“Why don’t you have a good look at your students... they are more adorable and alluring than other girls...” she mulled in silence.

Just when Baiyi was feeling helplessly ticked off by such futile banter, there were others who were very interested in the results of the hearing. The Southern Duke, for example, was one of them. He had a grave expression on his face when he was done listening to the news update by his personal secretary.

“That old dog Wright... he gave me a whole painting just for this meager amount of money? What is the meaning of this?”

He flipped through a report lying on the desk.

“Regarding Hope, what news do you have of him?” the Southern Duke asked when he finally shifted his gaze to his secretary once more.

“Apologies, my dearest Duke; there is only so much we could investigate...” answered the secretary graciously.

“A Soul Armature who has been reincarnated for less than a year, along with the daughter of a poor leader... it’s taken only a short time for that old man, Wright, to start helping them out without question — and you’re telling me that all he does is to babysit those cute girls of his?” the Duke snapped unhappily. The report in his hand was hurled over his head — and in one smooth motion, it landed on the secretary, leaving a heap of useless papers before her feet. “I’ve heard much more interesting news than this from mere eavesdropping and rumors alone! If our men are incapable of finding anything, can’t you find someone else to do the job, huh?”

“I am really sorry, Sir; I tried to ask Umbra to do it as a favor, but they rejected me outrightly, declaring that they would not carry out any favors regarding this particular individual...” the secretary apologized profusely.

“Even Umbra is siding with him? Umbra? Hoho, this is interesting indeed — something new that I haven’t heard of so far. Those men you paid for aren’t quite useless after all, ha!” The Count mumbled in a half-scoff. “What a mysterious fellow; how did he even manage to rile up the interest of that many..”

The Southern Duke drummed his fingers against the surface of the desk as he delivered his next command. “Devise methods to investigate more about this, but remember — don’t startle him in the process. Conduct the investigation with pure, innocent curiosity, alright? Understand what I mean?”

“Also — where are the ones responsible for all this havoc? Where are those idiots who set foot into the barbarian’s territory without my approval?” demanded the duke.

“They actually didn’t want to interfere or make a deal with the Northern side; they only wanted to get a piece of those new, intriguing transport gliders. I’ve already given them a fair warning, and they’ve already stopped. I have also erased the traces of our involvement with the Sorcerer’s Association; this shouldn’t be tied back to use eventually.”

“At least there’s a bit of brain left in you.” the Duke rubbed his hands together and continued. “The deal between the barbarians and these Northern fellows — something I managed to catch wind of — is not as simple as it appeared to be. Although everything seems like calm waters now, it is pretty much a sensitive topic in reality. There are many pairs of eyes out there, waiting for the right opportunity to strike, and even I do not dare to interfere.”

The secretary was stunned into silence for a brief moment. If there was anything — or anyone for that matter — that could make the Southern Duke utter a phrase like ‘I do not dare’... it could only mean the involvement of one being: the emperor from the Imperial City himself, Emperor Walthart. Naturally, this three-way business involving three different powers would catch the attention of the higher-ups, but the King himself had not yet expressed any form of objection, meaning whatever that was going on could carry on without issues. The situation was so sensitive. it was advisable not to lay any interfering hands on it — if it can be helped.

‘Dedicated, passionate Undine and her party... were they aware of the severity of this?’

“Remember: shut your mouth a little tighter,” the Southern Duke reminded her once more.

“Understood, Sir...” replied the secretary, without skipping a moment’s beat. After bidding the Duke goodbye, she quickly picked the documents and reports off the ground and left the study, closing the door gently behind her.

Meanwhile, the Southern Duke began to scrutinize the huge painting gifted to him by Duke Wright. The painting was already mounted on the top corner of a wall in his study, alongside other rarities and private collectibles.

“Wright, my old friend... what are you trying to tell me? Is this a malicious threat? Or is this purely a reminder with kind intent?” the Southern Duke muttered under his breath.

As the Southern Duke was pondering about Baiyi and his next course of action, the mansion was filled with Baiyi’s students, who were talking about the very same individual. It was the bunch of new kids: the kitsune, the owl, the sunflower and Nota, who were gathered together for lunch break. After a week’s worth of lessons, it was time to assess Baiyi’s capabilities in teaching, especially after comparing the lessons thought by Sorcerer-Sharkie with Apprentice-Sharkie’s lessons.

“Master really is a powerful, formidable being...” Nota was the first to comment on the topic of discussion. “He is not only very well-versed in various fields of knowledge, but his explanations are so top-notch; he is also very serious and responsible towards us,” she said as she flipped open her workbook. Baiyi had marked the questions she got wrong with a red glaring X and added a dense, meticulously-written explanation at its side.

The kitsune also opened his workbook to reflect on his corrected homework. He gave his tail a huge swish and started writing in magic calligraphy:

‘He is truly a magnificent tutor indeed. Although I’d say that some of his methodologies are modern and unconventional, he is one of the most powerful masters I’ve ever had. I find him a little too strict, however. I’m not as talented as you are, Nota... I find it hard to meet his expectations sometimes...’

The sunflower and the owl nodded in mutual agreement at the kitsune’s statement, their heads drooping lowly, feeling dejected.

“Don’t be disappointed, everybody! I believe that Master had already noticed this and is finding the best way possible to help us out!” Nota the Fairy exclaimed encouragingly, balling her palms into little fists, trying her very best to lift everyone’s moods

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