Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 141

Chapter 141: Looks like His Taste is Quite Commendable

The next day, Attie’s new life as a servant officially began. She would continue to show Baiyi her amazing skills in housekeeping and prove to him that as a woman who was acknowledged by the War God, not only was she smart and brave.

Before the sun rose, Attie was already up. After briefly freshening up, she went to the yard and weeded the grass. When the sun began to rise, the lawn which had not been taken care of for a long time had been fully weeded by her wonderful hands. Looking at the results of her hardwork, a pleased smile appeared on her face, reminding her of the life that she had before she became a king. Satisfied, she wiped off the sweat that was dripping from her forehead and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Tisdale and Mia, who was still sleeping as she hugged her hammerhead shark plushie.

Hearing noises coming out from the kitchen, Baiyi entered to look for the source of the noise. The instance he pushed open the door, he was taken aback by the sight that greeted him.

The mansion’s kitchen was situated at the east facing the direction where the sun rose, the vibrant sunshine that entered from the window filled the entire kitchen with its brightness and brilliance, making the neatly tidied kitchen surface appeared to be shining with lustre. Attie was standing in front of the stove barefooted with plates of fried eggs, ham and bread on the countertop. At the same time, there was a pan that was boiling milk on the stove.

Noticing Baiyi, Attie looked back and flashed a natural smile at him. Along with the seductive sheen of her bronze skin that was reflecting the sunlight, she looked particularly beautiful with that smile.

Has this girl always been this beautiful? Baiyi could not help but quietly admired her beauty.

B-But, other than the cat ears on your head and the white apron around you, why aren’t you wearing anything else on your body?

From Baiyi’s position, he could clearly see Attie’s back that was fully exposed other than the apron strings around her waist... Especially the lower part of her body that was supposed to be private as well. More crucially, from that angle, he could see the graceful body line with a hint of sexiness that was different from Mia’s and Tisdale’s. Attie’s body which had undergone physical training was much more enchanting than the both of them. Along with the sexy bronze skin and the beads of sweat that was glittering alluringly under the sunlight, it made her look particularly provocative.

Such a beauty that was different from the Southerner girls coupled with the warm and lovely smile— as well as the cute naughty cat ears on her head— blended very well with her appeal, eliciting a female charm from Attie’s body that attracted Baiyi’s gaze for a short while.

Baiyi had to admit that he almost had an urge to hug her tight and lick her from top to bottom when he saw her. . Ahhhh, bronze skin... She does indeed looks delicious. Now that I think about it, that War God indeed have a good taste for selecting such a beautiful person as his heir. Although her chest is a little too flat and she can be a little dumb sometimes, at least she’s cute and she’s skilled in doing house chores, right? This is a rare trait that makes her different from the other Steppe women!

Perhaps Baiyi’s greatest reward was not the War God’s Sword but the beautiful girl in front of him instead?

“Why aren’t you wearing any clothes?” Baiyi stared at Attie for a second before quickly moving his gaze away.

Attie did not miss the look of brief surprise that flashed across Baiyi’s face. Somehow, she felt a little happy that Baiyi had slightly changed his mind about her. I just have to continue putting up my good girl facade and I can definitely earn his trust sooner or later! Then, there will come a day that I will finally manage to get my hands on the War God’s Sword!

Apparently, Attie whose mind was filled with her War God’s Sword had never heard of Stockholm Syndrome, nor did she knew that it would eventually become habitual for her if she continued to act cute towards Baiyi. The moment she decided to yield to Baiyi, her future had been doomed to be spent next to Baiyi.

Of course, Attie was still not aware of it. With a pout, she muttered, “The weather is too hot here! I’m not used to wearing so many clothes in this weather...”

So, it much have meant that she was dressed in such a way since morning when she was weeding the lawn outside of the mansion. Could you imagine what a beautiful picture she made, bending and squatting or maybe even kneeling down on her knees, on that lawn with that attire of hers...

“This is not the grassland! Go put on your clothes now!” Baiyi quickly ordered her, eliciting a few sighs from the Void.

“But Mia and Tisdale are both girls, so it doesn’t matter, right? And as for you, M-Master. I’m already your servant, so it should be o-okay, shouldn’t it?” Attie murmured.

“If you’re really afraid of the heat, why are you even wearing that cat ears?” Baiyi queried as he reached out a hand and slapped a Cooling Formation on the kitchen’s wall. In an instance, the temperature in the kitchen dropped down immediately.

“B-Because Mia said I look cute in this...” Attie answered. Well, it was indeed true.

Hello, weren’t you a king before this? Please do tell me what kind of king likes cute stuffs? Baiyi rolled his eyes inwardly.

The remark was immediately refuted in the Void.

“Sir Hope! I’m on Attie’s side this time! There’s nobody in this world who doesn’t like to look good okay? Not to mention, Attie is just a young girl. No matter what her background is, wanting to look good is her right you know! Just take a look at your teacher, the Rohserlian Emperor! Did he ever show up in front of his people with unkempt appearancer? He was also always dressed up in a dazzling outfit, no?” The Scholar argued, “Sometimes, when I left the Mage Tower to run errands, I would also dress myself up well, although I still did not look particularly good...”

Erm... She did have a point. Even the Assassin used to have many beautiful dresses and trinkets in her drawer although she had never worn it out. In the end, it was Baiyi alone who got to admire her beauty during the memory exchange.

“Anyway, just put on some clothes first!” Baiyi insisted, “It’s not good being seen by outsiders in such a state.”

So, after placing the breakfast on the table, Attie went back to her room to put on some clothes. The servant dress did not look good without the stockings, so in the end, she was forced to put on the black silk stockings and the black leather shoes, covering herself up from top to bottom. Her sweat slowly dripped out again dressed in such a stiffling outfit.

Fortunately, Baiyi noticed that so he spent some time and magical materials to draw a homeothermal formation in the first floor living room, maintaining the house at a suitable temperature that would not be too cold for Attie nor too hot for Mia and Tisdale who usually wore flimsy clothing in the house.

At least this demon still has some conscience. But, somehow, it looks like these Southerners really know how to enjoy their lives. Looking at the formation on the living room, Attie’s impression towards Baiyi somewhat improved a little. In actual fact, she did not know that this homeothermal formation was actually a kind of luxury that could not be afforded by a normal Southerner family, even if they were an aristocrat.

After all, there were only a few sorcerers who knew how to draw the formation, so of course, the fee would not be cheap as well. It was not something as commonly used like the air-conditioner on Earth.

After a short while, Mia and Tisdale woke up and after washing up, they followed the food scent all the way to the dining room. The moment they saw the food, their eyes lit up at once. The food that Baiyi usually prepared for them were just some simple pastries, either donuts or plain white breads. It was nothing as sumptuous and luxurious as the food in front of their eyes.

“This is delicious!” Mia exclaimed, praising Attie’s skill while happily enjoying her breakfast. Attie who was standing next to the table could not help but let out a cheerful smile. It looked like she was enjoying the compliments that she was receiving.

Who knew? Maybe the main reason the War God had chosen her was because she was gifted in doing housechores.

“You’re so cute Attie!” Mia who was full and satisfied hugged Attie tightly and rubbed her face against hers.

Err... You said the same thing to goat cubs and rabbits too, okay?

Curiously, Tisdale asked, “Attie, you were a king before. How are you so good in doing housework?”

As a matter of fact, Tisdale should not be so nice towards Attie who had abused her Sister Undine for so long but since Undine felt ashamed about the fact that she was tightly tied up and strung up in the tent, she lied that Attie had treated her nicely during her imprisonment. For that reason, after the slight awkwardness of having an old enemy around subsided, Tisdale did not feel that vengeful towards her anymore.

Knowing that Tisdale’s nice treatment to her was sincere, Attie replied truthfully, “Well, before I became the king, I used to stay alone by myself in my clan. I was very weak and had no relatives at all. So, in order to survive, I had to rely on the help of the others from the clan. In return, I helped them with their housechores and as time went by, I slowly became skilled in doing all these odd jobs.”

Tsk... Oh, so she has a background story of a servant transforming into a King, eh? If there are more ups and downs in the middle, she could probably publish her story and become a novelist.. . Baiyi thought to himself.

The weather was very hot so the girls did not plan to leave the house at all. Tisdale received an account book from the workshop so she shut herself in her room, going through all the records. Attie was busy with all the cleaning and tidying of the mansion and Baiyi continued his work on the lawn building his glider.

Mia was the only one who had nothing to do. She went to help Attie with her house chores for a while before she went to sit beside Baiyi watching him build the glider. In the end, as she was too bored, she sullenly hugged her plushie and sat staring at the wall for some time. All of a sudden, an idea flashed through her mind.

“I’m going out for a while, Mr. Hope! I’ll be back very soon!” The little girl announced after she had changed her clothes and donned a sunhat.

“Okay, be careful. Remember to walk under the shade and don’t burn yourself. Oh do you still have money on...” Before Baiyi could finish his words, Mia had already ran out of the door.

What is this little girl doing? Baiyi wondered curiously. His first thought was- — Could it be that she has found herself a boyfriend?

After a while, he shook his head in denial. The probability of this happening is too low! Mia’s taste in guys should be quite high right?

Hmm, then why did she suddenly rush out in such a hot weather? As Baiyi was still deep in his thoughts, contemplating whether he should chase after her or not, Mia suddenly reappeared by the doorway. Accompanying her was a huge bag that was filled with multiple fruits and after she had greeted Baiyi, she quickly ran into the house to cool herself off.

Oh, she just went out to buy some fruits... Baiyi let out a sigh of relief before continuing his work.

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