When the Doctor Uses A Hack

Chapter 119: As One Wave Settles, Another Rises! (Added for the Green Regiment Leader!)

Chapter 119: Chapter 119: As One Wave Settles, Another Rises! (Added for the Green Regiment Leader!)

Translator: 549690339

Fu Yufang nodded, “Right, Chen Cang, you really need to design something good for us sisters. It’s okay if it’s a little pricey, but it has to look fantastic! That old coot of mine, always donating to those streamers, with that kind of money, I could’ve turned myself gorgeous!”

Actually, Fu Yufang wasn’t ugly, and she had a great figure, often exercising and doing yoga, her curves were very apparent. In the heat of summer wearing a tight dress, she looked very charming.

It was just that she was getting older, and signs of the years had started to show on her face, plus there were some minor flaws in her facial details.

Zhang Zhixin told everyone to wait outside, while Chen Cang and Fu Yufang stayed in the office.

Chen Cang stared at Fu Yufang for quite a while, his “eyes of beauty” constantly searching for imperfections.

Rather than feeling shy under Chen Cang’s gaze, Fu Yufang felt bold and heated, her eyes fiercely shooting sparks.

Unfortunately, while the fallen flower pines for attention, the flowing water is heartless.

At this moment, Chen Cang’s eyes held no woman, only data and angles!

Time ticked by, second by second.

Fu Yufang wasn’t tired in the least!

On the contrary, she found it rather pleasing to the eye!

She realized that this young Chen was really nice to look at.

At first glance, good-looking, and the more she looked, the better he seemed; the eyes, the nose, the mouth, the ears… everything looked good wherever she looked.

Meanwhile, Chen Cang kept sighing over and over again.

The eyes need to be fixed… the mouth needs to be fixed… the nose also needs to be fixed… everywhere needed fixing…

Thinking this, Chen Cang simply asked, “Miss Fu, I have a few ideas, would you like to hear them?”

“One is minor adjustments, tweaking your facial details a bit so that you look mostly the same, but with a significant improvement. The other is a major overhaul, which requires changing quite a few things. It would be quite different from your original look, but a lot more attractive.”

Hearing this, Fu Yufang smiled seductively, “Chen Cang, what do you think your sister should do? How do you like it done?”

Chen Cang:…

“My suggestion is that you start with minor adjustments. After all, major changes would result in a big difference, and this will undoubtedly affect your life. Moreover, the side effects of minor adjustments are less, and we can adjust slowly. Major overhauls would require bone shaving and filling in some areas with implants, which is quite troublesome. Besides… minor adjustments already look very good. How about this, let me draw you a picture, and you can take a look.”

Fu Yufang’s eyes lit up!

A drawing, how exciting?

Jack was the one who drew Rose…

Fu Yufang immediately joked, “Where should we go for this drawing?”

Chen Cang took a deep breath. He suddenly felt he needed to keep his distance from Xiao Tianhua in the future. These women were too wild, and he feared he might not be able to resist them one day…

It took Chen Cang over half an hour to roughly outline the facial contours and carefully sketch out the details that needed adjustment and refinement.

Fu Yufang took the paper.

Impressed, she thought, truly professional!

Xiao Tianhua really didn’t lie to me; this money is well spent. If I could really look like this, there would definitely be no problem.

“It’s beautiful! Can 1 really look like this?”

Chen Cang nodded, “Certainly, and even better than the drawing. After all, your face shape has more dimension which isn’t easy to convey on paper!”

When Fu Yufang heard this, her heart skipped a beat, “Chen Cang, just say when we can do it and how much it will cost, all that’s negotiable!”

Before Chen Cang could speak, Fu Yufang handed over a bank card, “Here’s 100,000! It’s for the design fee, and I’ll give you more after the procedures are done. If it looks good, I’ll give you even more!”

Fu Yufang stood up and then suddenly asked, “By the way, Chen Cang, when are you available?”

Chen Cang took a firm stance, “I’m pretty busy normally.”

Fu Yufang sighed, “Oh, alright… It’s just that 1 want to get Long Bear, and then maybe get some work done together. Could you design for me too? I always feel like there’s some sagging, I’m getting old!”

Fu Yufang was only around thirty-five or thirty-six years old, at the prime of her beauty, and her flavor and charm were such that even when compared to Xu Rou, she came out far ahead!

Fu Yufang was about to stand up and take off her clothes as she spoke, which frightened Chen Cang into a shiver!

He quickly got up to stop her!

“Sister Fu, don’t rush, let’s talk about this later. First get your face done right, then we can design the bear shape based on your facial structure. The human body is all about harmony, and a design made now might not suit you!”

Upon hearing this, Fu Yufang immediately turned on the charm, “Okay, young Chen, then… I’ll come to you after I get my face done, you have to help your sister.”

Chen Cang felt very flustered.

The second patient was much better than Fu Yufang!

Chen Cang was much relieved!

It took him over an hour to design two or three drawings, and the other party chose one.

The next step was plastic surgery, and they needed to wait for the other party to be ready. Chen Cang and Zhang Zhixin went to find people.

Before leaving, Fu Yufang smiled at Chen Cang, “Young Chen, remember our agreement!”

Chen Cang responded with a helpless, bitter smile.

It was after they got in the car, Xiao Tianhua sent a message, “Did Fu Yufang flirt with you?”

Chen Cang looked at the message and didn’t know how to reply,”…”

After a while, Xiao Tianhua continued texting, “Young Chen, I think I should get a bear too, you help me design one when you have time!”

Chen Cang:”…”

Chen Cang felt like crying without tears.

What was this all about?

Just when one wave had not settled, another rose!

Before one wave had subsided, another wave came storming in… a tempest?

It seems that in the future, doing aesthetic medicine would require not only skills!

You also need to have a calm heart!

Chen Cang turned to look at the luxury car driving away, his eyes gleaming with delight.

“Young Chen, you need to do me a favor!”

Chen Cang was taken aback, “What favor?”

Zhang Zhixin said cheerfully, “You know what Teacher Zhang is good at!”

Chen Cang: “Flattering and shadowing wealthy women?”

Zhang Zhixin’s face changed, “I’m serious!”

Chen Cang: “So am l!”

Thinking of Zhang Zhixin’s enthusiasm for meeting Xiao Tianhua and Fu Yufang, Chen Cang earnestly nodded.

Zhang Zhixin was stunned, then continued to patiently coax Chen Cang, “That was personal charm 1 was exhibiting earlier. I’m talking about my professional expertise.”

“You know, Teacher Zhang specializes in bear enlargement. You say that doing the faces requires someone else, so we don’t make much money – oh! You have a design fee, I mean 1 don’t make much money. You have to help me out, can you bear to see me starve?”

“So… Young Chen, as the saying goes, wealthy women should not leak to outsiders’ fields, can you persuade those sisters? Maybe suggest a few nice bear designs to them?”

Chen Cang’s face immediately lit up with wide eyes, what a great idea!

He was worrying about how to solve this problem.

Thinking this, Chen Cang felt that Zhang Zhixin made a lot of sense. When the time came, let Zhang Zhixin do it, as he was skilled at it.

The surgery was tentatively scheduled for tomorrow morning. Zhang Zhixin pulled Chen Cang back to the office to discuss the details of tomorrow’s surgery..

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