What to Do When Someone Steals Your Destiny? I'll Just Kill Her

Chapter 5: Private Eye

Chapter 5

Zhao Yi's words spoke for most of the students, but there were still some whose views were always different.

"Ren Ran, this is a violation of privacy and an illegal act." A good friend of Xu Li echoed.

Before Ren Ran could retort, Zhao Yi jumped out first.

"Oh my, I really don't know when proving one's innocence has become a crime. Don't you think it's a crime when your boss falsely accuses others? You guys are setting double standards here. Don't be a hypocrite. "


"What about me?" Zhao Yi put her hands on her hips, vigorous and powerful, "Show evidence if you have the guts to prove that what she said is not false? She ran away directly, most likely because she has no evidence. If there was evidence, it would have been taken out long ago. Then Ren Ran wouldn't be able to talk nonsense here. Classmates, am I right?"

"Right! Well said." A male classmate who liked to watch the fun and didn't care shouted loudly.

The others laughed even harder, and the one with a flushed face covered her face and ran out of the classroom without looking back.

Seeing this, several other students who were close with Xu Li did not dare to speak out, and lowered their heads to reduce their presence.

Ren Ran looked at Zhao Yi, "Thanks."

Zhao Yi shrugged at her indifferently.

In her previous life, of course there was no such thing as Xu Li framing her.

At that time, she was going to be punished together with Pei Ming, but she didn't expect to be framed by Pei Ming.

She wasn't the female lead in the novel who had her mouth glued shut with 502 glue and didn't defend herself.

She refuted and was about to take out her phone, but Xu Li told her that she had accidentally lost her phone.

That day when she returned to school, Xu Li said she wanted to borrow her phone to make a call. As a friend, how could she think too much about it, she naturally gave it to her. She didn't expect Xu Li to stab her in the back.

She must have done this at Pei Ming's instigation.

He wanted to preserve his own reputation and pour all the dirty water on her.

As Pei Ming's lackey, facing his request, how could she refuse?

So in her previous life, she was at a complete loss for words.

At that time, she realized that Xu Li had betrayed her for a man, or perhaps she had never regarded her as a friend at all, only regarding her as a bridge and tool to connect with Pei Ming.

Between a tool and a male god, which would a lackey choose? It was obvious.

In her previous life, Ren Ran's creed was to treat others sincerely. Only by giving true feelings could she get true feelings in return. So for her friends and family, she treated them all sincerely, with no defenses.

But the experience of the previous generation made her understand that true feelings may not necessarily be reciprocated, but may come with hidden malice instead.

She would not repeat the same mistakes in this life.

This life she didn't fall into the trap, wasn't taken away by the teacher, so Pei Ming naturally didn't need to ask Xu Li to 'steal' anything.

This made it convenient for her to prove her innocence, and let Xu Li take her previous position, so that she could also experience the contempt and scorn that was thrown at her in her previous life.

After making a scene this morning, Xu Li didn't dare to cause more trouble, but she could feel the resentful gaze staring at her from time to time.

After school, Ren Ran sent a text message to her mother to report that she would be back late. Then she took a taxi to Jiangbei District. When she got out of the taxi, she looked at the dated decor that exuded a sense of history according to the address.

She looked at the door number, then looked at the store name.

The address was correct, the only difference was that the store name was different.

She was looking for Detective Agency 007, but now the store name was Laundromat 007.

Ren Ran pushed open the door. There was a row of washing machines inside the computer, and a small door at the back. She pushed open the small door, and there were several office desks inside, with various documents scattered on the desktops, and the whiteboard was covered with various words. The messy office environment was daunting.

In her previous life, when she was down on her luck, this detective agency did something shocking that caused an uproar across the Internet.

If she didn't clearly remember this, just looking at the work environment here would be daunting.

The person on the sofa heard the movement, tore off the newspaper on his face, and looked at the coming person with sleepy eyes.

"Little girl, the laundry is outside, you can't come in here."

"Is this a detective agency?"

The man on the sofa straightened up and looked her up and down.

"I'm looking for someone."

Xu Zhaoyin scratched his messy hair, his voice rough, "Are you an adult?"

"I'm already eighteen years old and have the capacity for civil conduct."

Ren Ran handed her ID to the other party.

Xu Zhaoyin took a glance, "Who are you looking for?"

"The eighty-sixth generation disciple of Zheng Yi Dao."

"Do you have a photo?"

She shook her head.


She shook her head again.

"Distinguishing features?" Xu Zhaoyin frowned.

Ren Ran described the appearance of the young Taoist priest based on her memories of her previous life.

As Xu Zhaoyin listened, he drew along, "Does it look like this?"

"The eyebrows are too thick, make them a little lighter. The bridge of the nose is too blunt, make it a little sharper..."

According to her description, he modified it over and over again, and the figure on the drawing board became more and more like the Taoist priest she had seen in her previous life.

"Yes, this is what he looks like, but he would look younger."

Xu Zhaoyin nodded, "The information you provided is not too much, so it will be more difficult. The price will be higher."

"How much?"

"Fifty thousand."

"Deal." Ren Ran paid a deposit of ten thousand yuan. The remaining forty thousand yuan would be paid after the person was found.

"How soon can you find him?"

"It's hard to say for sure. At the fastest, within a week; at the slowest, three to five months, or even longer."

Searching for someone is unpredictable.

The disciples of Zheng Yi Dao's disciples seemed to have a narrower scope, but in fact many Taoists dared to call themselves that, and the information provided by the client may not be accurate.

Time waits for no one, she didn't have that much time to wait.

The matter of fate was too esoteric.

If fate was really changed by someone, and luck declined, obstacles would be encountered everywhere.

There is a common saying that timing, geographical advantage, and harmony among people are important. This is no joke.

The misfortune she experienced in her previous life made her deeply aware of the invisible terrifying power. No, to be more precise, the power of the rules of the heavenly way.

"If you can find the person within a week, I will give you an extra fifty thousand. Within half a month, twenty thousand."

Xu Zhaoyin's eyes lit up, "It's a deal."

He hadn't gotten a job in a long time and was starving.

Wow, wow, wow, finally got a job today, and a lucrative one at that.

Xu Zhaoyin excitedly took the job and happily escorted the money god to the door to see the money god off.

In the autumn afternoon, the scorching heat of summer had faded away, and the breeze brought a hint of coolness, making people feel sleepy.

Ren Ran sat in the stands of the school field, watching the teenagers wielding their youth below.

Zhao Yi hurried over, looked around, and went straight to the stands and sat down beside her, panting for breath.

She leaned in close and lowered her voice, "Ren Ran, be careful of Xu Li."

She turned her head to look at her.

Zhao Yi's eyes darted around, afraid of being overheard, "I just came from the grove, and saw Xu Li with Pei Ming. It looked like they were talking about something, I couldn't hear it very clearly, but I vaguely heard your name."

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