Weapon seller in the world of magic

Chapter 165 Chang Bo, The Welpire

Genesis Store, Imperial City;

"Okay, these are the conditions. Work hours are from morning 9 to evening 9. There will be a lunch break from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. When there are no customers, you can relax.

As for the working days, you only need to come to the store from Monday to Friday.

Saturday and Sunday are rest days but if you wish to work during that time, then, you will be paid 50 silver coins per hour. The same goes for overtime during weekdays.

The overall wage will be 120 gold coins per month and will be paid on a weekend basis every Friday evening.

Apart from that, you will have two paid leaves every month. They will be accumulated over the following month if you won't take them. If you don't come on normal days, then, 6 gold coins will be deducted from your wages.

And you should never forget to come on time. If you are late, then, you can expect the deduction of the wages. For example, if you came at 9:10 or 9:15, then, the hourly wage from 9 o'clock to 10 o'clock, 60 silver coins will be deducted.

If your performance is satisfactory, at the end of the month, either I might raise your salary or give you a bonus. Of course, if it isn't, then, you can expect a decrease in salary or even get fired. So, you must brace yourself for everything before starting to work here.

Keeping aside the work, as an insurance, I need your blood, not much, just about 10 ml. That way, I could track you in case you stole expensive weapons from the store and run away. I cannot take any chances, you know.

Also, while you are working, every week, you might suddenly become unlucky. It's just a side effect. You will get used to it eventually but don't worry, I will warn you beforehand. Then, you should make sure to stay within your house or here.

If you are ready to accept all these terms, you can start working right away. My younger brother over here will train you."

Mark pointed to Allen behind as he explained everything to a teenager who came for the job.

"120 gold coins per month?" The 15-year-old teenager named Chang Bo gasped in shock.

Chang Bo is the hybrid human, suspected to be a vampire/werewolf with more than 5600 years of life span, whom Mark met at the Swordsman guild, a while ago.

At early in the morning, Mark opened the store and waited for the customers. Roughly about an hour passed by, he received a notification from the system regarding the Lottery Wheel availability.

With 7 points of luck, Mark indeed had a fair chance of winning something from the new seven items but he wanted a 100% success rate. He decided to wait for customers with the highest luck. If someone with 7 or 8 points comes in, he can absorb 3 points from them.

Even after that, they wouldn't become as unlucky as Mo Jiang as back then. Little does he expect Chang Bo would coincidentally come to the store and hesitantly ask if Mark's offer is still valid.

,m Mark was on the clouds to see the teenager. The moment he decided to recruit Chang Bo, he had decided about the salary and other conditions.

And now, being fully prepared, he calmly laid out the conditions. Chang Bo was stunned on the spot upon hearing the offer. He looked at this weapon seller in disbelief. "Pardon me, Lord Lu. Did you say that I will be paid 30 gold coins every week and I only need to work only five days?"

6 gold coins per day. Adding on top of that, there's extra pay for overtime. This salary is something that even the Royal Palace will not give to the personal maids and servants of the Emperor.

In comparison, this salary is ten times that of the personal maids of Song Yue who only receive such an amount because of her generosity.

Chang Bo felt like he did the right thing to act in instinct when he was about to pass through this commercial district. With such money, he could move into a better house, wear good clothes, and don't have to sleep on an empty stomach every day.

He didn't know why Mark had asked for the blood but facing poverty, Chang Bo agreed to it, right away.

He kowtowed on the spot, "thank you, Lord Lu."

Mark waved his hands with a smile, "it's not much. Allen will take you upstairs. Fresh up and pick up something from the wardrobe to change into better clothes that suit the stature of my store.

Oh, before that, blood please…" He took out an injection with a sharp needle from his inventory. For some strange reason, the needle was glossy black in color. That means it isn't stainless steel. Thankfully, Mark hadn't seen it, or else, he would have thrown a fit if he realize the system used an extremely rare Dark steel to forge a needle.

This injection was conveniently provided by the system as a Quest Item, making Mark wonder why the system has other miscellaneous things apart from the weapons and cultivation-related items.

Chang Bo had seen many weapons in his life, from swords to guns. But, he never saw such a tiny ungraded weapon but could still instill fear in him for some unknown reason.

Seeing a terrified expression on his face, Mark said, "don't worry. You are a 2-circle Spirit Warrior. It won't hurt you a bit."

Mark's words brought a sigh of relief to the teenager. But, then, as this new employer of him pierced his left arm, Chang Bo felt a jolt all over his body. He screamed a bit, "Argh…"

Mark was surprised by Chang Bo's reaction but he didn't stop and continued to pierce all the way into the arm before drawing out the blood.

By the time he was done, Chang Bo grabbed his arm and grit his teeth with his whole face turned red.

Meanwhile, a trace of surprise appeared on Mark's face. The blood was black in color, instead of red.

Either it means the boy has low oxygen levels or it might mean something else entirely. Judging by how frail and pale the boy looks on the outside, many would probably think he's sick. Dark Red or almost black blood color is something that's not rare in the Empire. So, no one would suspect him.

However, Mark, who already knew that the kid was only half-human, almost confirmed his race even without the system's help.

Nevertheless, he handed it to the system.

*Ding! You completed the Emergency Quest: Collect the blood sample of Chang Bo.

The quest was something he received when he met Chang Bo for the second time, although this one has no rewards.

*Ding! The blood sample has been analyzed. It is confirmed to be the blood of a welpire. The ether quality is peak. Due to the opposite forces, the bloodline is currently in a dormant state.

"A welpire? Does that mean he's a werewolf as well as a vampire? It looks like I stumbled upon a gold mine." Mark's eyes lit up in excitement upon reading the results.

As the spot where the needle was pierced was healed almost instantly, Chang Bo got up on his feet and slowly went upstairs in silence. It was a mystery of what was going on in his head.

Mark didn't care about it either now that he got what he wanted. Along with the blood sample, he already absorbed the 3 points.

"Open Lottery Wheel"

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