Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 99 - 85-killing fish (1)

Chapter 99: Chapter 85-killing fish (1)

Translator: 549690339

Number Seven’s face was pale because of the pain. His hands were still trembling, and his eyes were filled with fear.

The other cultivators did not look any better than her.

The young man, number six, the man in the suit, and the scholar had never fought with the fish face to face, but they knew it was not easy to deal with from its ferocious appearance. It could jump several meters high from the water and could injure a strong man with a sweep of its tail. It was easy to imagine how powerful the fish was.

On the other hand, song qingxiao was not at a disadvantage. Anyone with eyes could see that she still had some energy left.

She was strong and agile. She was not injured by the fish’s direct attack, but she was able to hurt it. Song qingxiao’s strength was a huge contrast to her delicate appearance. Young man number six frowned when he thought of how many times he had been her enemy.

The man sitting on the ground screamed in pain. A servant who knew him helped him up and took a few steps back.

A circle was formed around the fish, and only song qingxiao stood beside it with a dagger in her hand.

The hideous fish head was nailed to the deck, but its tail was whipping in the air, making a swishing sound.

The bone spikes on its body stood up one by one, looking in song qingxiao’s direction and trying to whip her.

Song qingxiao didn’t expect the fish to be so fierce. It was very strong and had terrifying bone spikes on its body. Once it swept its tail, it would definitely be injured.

In this critical moment, song qingxiao snorted and pushed the dagger, which was already stuck in the ground, down. When the blade of the dagger was three or four centimeters deep and the handle was close to the fish’s mouth, she quickly stood up and dodged the fish’s tail.

She retreated in time, but the strange fish’s aggressive attack missed. Its tail hit the deck heavily, making a muffled ’bang’ and shaking up the dust on the floor.

After the strange fish landed on the ground, its tail was still wagging on the ground with all its might, making ‘Peng Peng Peng’ sounds.

In the process of its struggle, the nailed wound on its mouth was torn open, and blood mixed with small scales dripped on the deck. The blood was a little strange, extremely thick, and when it dripped down, there was a trace of blood in between the blood, and the fishy smell was very deep, making people feel nauseated.

Song qingxiao thought that she had secured it in place, and no matter how it tried to fight back, it would be a futile struggle. However, something unexpected happened.

Song qingxiao’s dagger, which had been stabbed deep into the ground, seemed to be firmly fixed in place. Under the strange fish’s terrifying strength, the dagger began to loosen.

Before she could find an opportunity to retrieve the dagger, the strange fish opened its mouth and let out a strange hiss. At the same time, its tail was raised high and then fell down heavily.

With a loud ‘bang’, the shaking dagger finally could not bear the impact of the force and loosened.

The strange fish took this opportunity to raise its head and shake off the dagger in its mouth.


This matter once again broke the bottom line of everyone’s understanding. Everyone was already very scattered, but at this time, they only felt that they were not far enough.

The dagger flew to the side with blood mixed in it. Song Qing’s pupils shrank and he pursed his lips when he saw this.

This dagger was different from the weapons exchanged in the realm. It was related to the identity of her murderer, clues, and the mystery that number six had asked about it last time.

It was fine if the strange fish threw it out and it landed on the cabin, but if it fell into the sea, it would really be lost.

In her anxiousness, she formed a seal with her hands and quickly chanted the ‘Lin’ word, “”Draw the ground as a prison, trap!”

His spiritual power formed a domain and tried to intercept the dagger that was flying out.

Everyone on the boat was attracted by the strange fish and quickly dodged. No one noticed song qingxiao’s actions in the chaos. In order to prevent others from seeing through it, song qingxiao released her hand the moment she used the ‘Lin’ formula. Her psyche wrapped around the dagger as she wished, delaying the dagger’s speed by a second.

In the blink of an eye, the dagger’s direction of flight was halted, and the remaining force sent the dagger flying another one or two meters away. Finally, it landed on the floor with a ‘clang’. Before the other participants could react, she quickly stepped forward and picked up the dagger.

The dagger was stained with the blood of the strange fish. It was fishy and sticky. Song Qing heaved a sigh of relief after recovering from a small loss, but he did not dare to let go of the dagger.

The strange fish was still holding its head high, ready to attack the humans around it. Everyone was in a panic, and Mr. Zhou’s bodyguards stood in a line, protecting Mr. Zhou behind them.

“What are you guys waiting for?”

Song qingxiao frowned as she looked at the chaotic situation.

there are tools on the ship. Let’s kill it first!

It was just a fish that had been caught, but it was able to stir up the entire ship.

If she was not wrong, the ship should be approaching the island that Mr. Zhou had mentioned. There should be a lot of such fish near the island, and the one who caused the people to be in a panic was only one of them.

If they were still in this state after they arrived on the island, they would probably die on the island before long.

“It’s just a fish!”

When everyone first saw this strange fish, they were shocked. Coupled with the fact that this strange fish was really fierce, it caused these people to be confused. Now that song Qing had reminded them, everyone also reacted.

Although some of them were still afraid of the monstrous fish’s fearsome attack power, with song qingxiao taking the lead, some of them became more courageous.

There were tools on the ship. They were going to go out to sea and onto the island. Mr. Zhou prepared some equipment for the hired mercenaries to survive in the wild. Knives, weapons, etc. Were taken out. A big man held a machete. When the upper body of the strange fish attacked him, he raised the machete and slashed.

When he saw song qingxiao’s easy fight with the strange fish, the burly man was a little overconfident. Only after he personally fought did he know how strong the strange fish was.

Facing the blade, the strange fish didn’t even try to Dodge it. Perhaps it was because its intelligence was low, but it swung its head directly at the man. Just as the man thought that he would definitely cut off its head, he heard a clang. When the machete hit its head, it made a Sound of Metal hitting metal.

The fish’s head was not split open. Instead, the blade of the machete curled up when it came into contact with the fish. His arm was numb from the impact, and he could not hold onto the machete. The machete fell to the ground with a clang.

This sudden change was beyond the burly man’s expectations. In his disbelief, he actually forgot to Dodge and watched as the strange fish opened its mouth to bite him.

It’s finished! As this thought flashed through the burly man’s mind, cold sweat instantly broke out on his forehead.

He subconsciously closed his eyes, but the pain of being bitten by the strange fish that he expected did not come as expected. Immediately after, he felt a sticky liquid and a cold and smooth thing splashing down on his head. The cold and smooth thing happened to land on the collar of his clothes and got stuck.

A pungent smell almost made the man throw up his dinner. The strange fish cried out, and he opened his eyes. He saw the tough woman who had been fighting the fish earlier stepping on the fish’s long tail and stabbing the fish’s eye with a dagger. After a hard cut, half of the fish’s head was cut off. He was the closest, so the blood and half of the head landed on his head.On his face..

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