Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 277 Pick Me Up Boy

Villain Ch 277. Pick Me Up Boy

The first event ended. The dust settled and the chaos subsided, Gorroc City stood once again in all its glory. 

The once-ravaged landscape began to heal, slowly regaining its former splendor. But amidst the tranquility, an intriguing announcement flashed before the eyes of every player, sending ripples of excitement through their virtual veins.

[Congratulations! All participants will get 2X EXP for 2 hours and a mysterious box!]

Mac and his team found themselves standing at the gates of the city. However, something felt off. The usually lively and animated group now stood in silence amidst a sea of other players, all abuzz with excitement over the mysterious boxes obtained from the recent event.

The air crackled with a palpable awkwardness as Mac, Yora, and the rest of the team exchanged glances, their eyes filled with a mix of guilt, anger, and annoyance. The weight of recent events hung heavily upon them, casting a shadow over their once unbreakable camaraderie. What had transpired had irrevocably changed the dynamics of their team, leaving them with unresolved feelings and lingering questions.

Yora, sensing the thick cloud of awkwardness that enveloped the group, made a brave decision to break the silence. She cleared her throat, her voice laced with gratitude and a hint of vulnerability.

"Hey, guys," Yora began, her eyes scanning  her teammates' faces. "I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for all your efforts during the battle. Each and every one of you fought with everything you had, and I appreciate it more than words can express," she admitted.

She realized the tension between Mac and Greg since at Eyon's tea shop, and this event made it worse.

Yet none of the boys answered her.

Yora turned her attention to Greg, mustering up a genuine smile, hoping to diffuse some of the lingering tension. "And Greg," she said, her voice warm and sincere, "I want to commend you for your bravery out there. You showed incredible courage in the emperor's face, and it's so cool. You should be proud of yourself," she praised him.

Yora's words were carefully chosen, a delicate dance between acknowledging Greg's efforts and easing the discomfort that had settled in the group.

Yora's attempt to ease the tension had an unexpected effect. Greg's face lit up with a mix of pride and smugness, as if he had finally proven himself worthy. His eyes sparkled with a newfound confidence as he turned to Yora, a triumphant smile curling his lips.

"You see," Greg said, his voice laced with a touch of arrogance. "I told you I'm not a coward. I've got what it takes." His gaze flickered towards Mac, a glint of mockery gleaming in his eyes. It was a veiled jab, a subtle dig at the rest of the team who had been plagued by doubt and fear.

Mac and the others were no fools. They saw through Greg's thinly veiled taunts, his attempt to assert his dominance over them. The atmosphere grew increasingly uncomfortable as the unspoken tensions simmered beneath the surface. The words hung in the air, echoing with a mix of resentment and frustration.I think you should take a look at

However, Yora swiftly intervened, recognizing the need to diffuse the mounting tension before it spiraled out of control. With a gentle yet firm tone, she addressed the group, her voice cutting through the thick silence.

"Hey, let's not forget," Yora interjected, her words carrying a warning note. "We were up against the emperor, the final boss. He's insanely strong, and defeat is something we all need to accept at times. Every one of us did our best out there, and that's what matters. We can't let this divide us. We need to focus on moving forward as a team," she tried to cheer them up.

Gil decided to step in and break the heavy silence that had settled among them. He flashed a bright smile, determined to lighten the mood and bring back some semblance of camaraderie.

"Yora is right!" Gil chimed in, his voice infused with enthusiasm. "Let's not dwell on the negatives. We've had our fair share of tough battles, but that doesn't mean we can't turn things around. Remember, together, we're unstoppable!" he claimed, clenched one of his hands in front of his chest.

Gil's attempt at lifting the group's spirits was met with mixed responses. While some of the teammates mustered a half-hearted smile, Mac seemed lost in his thoughts. He sighed deeply, his head hanging low in a display of remorse and regret.

"Sorry," Mac muttered, his voice tinged with genuine remorse. "I hesitated. I couldn't see a way to win, and it clouded my judgment." His words carried a heavy burden, reflecting the internal struggle he had been wrestling with. Mac's previous admission laid bare the conflict between his logical understanding of the situation and the moral dilemmas that tugged at his heartstrings.

She took Mac's hand gently. "It's fine, Mac," Yora reassured him, her voice soft yet resolute. Her grip tightened, conveying a sense of solidarity. She held his gaze, willing him to see the sincerity in her eyes. It was a small gesture, a fleeting connection, but it spoke volumes of the unspoken bond they shared. Yora didn't want Mac to bear the regret because of her. 

Mac, his face etched with a mixture of gratitude and resignation, simply nodded, mustering a dry smile. Though the weight of his doubts still lingered, Yora's support brought a glimmer of hope, a reminder that he was not alone in his struggles. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, as a united front.

As the dynamics within the group shifted, Greg couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy gnawing at his insides. Seeing Yora's unwavering attention on Mac only fueled his envy. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to abandon the team. Despite the envy festering within him, he recognized the value of their collective strength. Deep down, he knew that unity was their greatest weapon against the perils that awaited them. It was important since he realized… His gaming ability wasn't as good as the others.


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