Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 261 Entitled

Villain Ch 261. Entitled 

Greg's heart skipped a beat when he heard his own name coming from Yora's lips. It was as if time stood still for a moment, and he couldn't believe what he was hearing. His mind raced, trying to process the words that had just been spoken. Yora, the girl he had secretly admired for so long, was asking for his help to forget about Allen.

He turned to Yora, his eyes wide with surprise and a hint of hope. "Huh?" he let out a stupid voice, struggling to find the right words to respond. His heart pounded in his chest, and his palms grew sweaty. This was the moment he had been waiting for, the opportunity to show Yora that he could be there for her, that he could be the one to mend her broken heart.

Yora, on the other hand, looked equally bewildered. She immediately raised her head and looked around in confusion, trying to find the origin of the voice. But she found no one to talk to them. All of them were busy with their own activities and none of them paid attention to Greg and Yora.

"Erm, you want me to help you forget about Allen?" Greg repeated, his voice laced with a mix of surprise and excitement. He wanted to make sure he understood her correctly. Deep down, he was pretty sure that Yora harbored feelings for him too, but he couldn't be certain. Maybe she was too shy to admit it openly, and this slip of the tongue was her way of testing the waters.

"That's not me who said it, Greg," Yora responded spontaneously, her voice tinged with confusion. She couldn't understand where the voice had come from or why it had mentioned his name. It was a perplexing situation, and her mind raced to find an explanation.

Greg, seeing Yora's attitude, immediately guessed it was probably her spontaneous answer and maybe she was embarrassed at what she just said.

He frowned, his brows furrowing in concern. He could sense her unease, and he wanted to reassure her that he was there for her, no matter what. "Regardless of whoever said it, I want to confirm it to you," he said, his tone serious and sincere. His eyes met hers, holding a steady gaze. "Do you want me to help you forget Allen?"

Yora's gaze softened as she looked into his eyes. There was a vulnerability in her expression as if she was torn between her feelings for Allen and the possibility of something new. She took a moment to collect her thoughts, her mind whirling with conflicting emotions.

"You know he doesn't deserve you," Greg continued, his voice gentle yet firm. He wanted to remind her of her own worth, to emphasize that she deserved someone who would appreciate and cherish her fully.

Those words made Yora speechless. Her eyes fixed on him, a storm of emotions raging within her. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and memories, all centered around Allen.

Yes, she knew her own value, and that was precisely why she wanted Allen to come back to her. She had believed that he was the only one for her, the one who completed her in every way. Despite all the pain and heartache, Yora couldn't shake the feeling that they were meant to be together.

He may not deserve her, but she deserves him! She deserves Allen!

She vividly remembered the moments they had shared—the laughter, the tears, and the countless memories they had created together. Allen had told her that she was the one who brought him happiness and comfort, something he had never experienced before. He had opened his heart to her, revealing a vulnerable side that he rarely showed to others.

In the past, Yora had felt invincible, thinking that she could win Allen's heart over and over again without much effort. She had taken his love for granted, assuming that he would always come back to her no matter what happened. But her naivety had clouded her judgment. She didn't fully understand the depths of Allen's feelings or the complexity of his emotions.

Her previous relationship with David had left scars on her heart, making her crave the kind of love and security that only Allen seemed to provide. So, after her breakup with David, she had waited and searched for Allen, believing that he would eventually find his way back to her. But fate had other plans.

When Allen got hurt, something within him changed. He withdrew into himself, seeking solace and healing in his own way. And at that moment, he made the painful decision to leave Yora behind. He didn't see any way back to her, and the pain of their relationship became too much for him to bear.

"I---" Yora started to reply, but before she could utter a word, Mac came to them, interrupting their conversation.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting," Mac said with a wide grin on his face as he took a seat. He seemed excited and eager to share something. "The NPC also sells berries and sugar, so I bought some. I can make candied fruit (Tanghulu) with them. It will temporarily boost our Luck stat," he explained, his enthusiasm evident in his voice.

Mac's sudden arrival disrupted the already awkward atmosphere between Greg and Yora. Greg couldn't help but shoot a disapproving look at Mac, clearly conveying his annoyance. The expression on his face seemed to scream, "Really? You had to come right now?" However, Mac appeared to be oblivious to the tension in the air, his confusion evident on his face.

Yora, attempting to diffuse the situation, quickly interjected, "That sounds interesting, Mac. I'm glad you found something new to try."

Mac's face lit up with excitement at Yora's response. "Yeah, I thought it would be a fun experiment. I've been trying out different cooking skills lately, and this seemed like a good opportunity to test my abilities," he replied, his enthusiasm infectious.

Still feeling frustrated, Greg tried to shift his focus back to the conversation at hand. "So, Yora, where were we?" he asked, his tone slightly strained.

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