Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 255 Torture Show [Part 5]

Villain Ch 255. Torture Show [Part 5]

With one move, Grimora unleashed a devastating display of her dark powers. Three of her ethereal Shadow Grasps shot forth like deadly serpents, piercing Yora's chest with ruthless precision. The impact was immediate and merciless, reducing Yora's health points in an instant. A strangled cry escaped Yora's lips as her body convulsed in pain.

Greg's heart sank as he witnessed the horrifying sight. His eyes widened in disbelief and anger. He could feel the surge of raw emotions coursing through his veins, a mix of fear, desperation, and an overwhelming desire for revenge.

But before he could even take a step closer, Grimora, with a cruel smirk, callously tossed the dying Yora towards the awaiting ghouls behind the skeletal cage. It was a heartless act, a deliberate attempt to prolong Yora's suffering and taunt Greg with her powerlessness. The ghouls eagerly closed in, their decayed hands reaching out hungrily to claim their helpless prey.

As if mocking their futile attempts to save Yora, the ground beneath her erupted once again, sprouting more bony hands that seized her body in a vice-like grip. Yora was trapped, unable to escape from the clutches of the undead minions. Her once vibrant and courageous spirit seemed to flicker in the face of such overwhelming darkness.

Greg's shouts of frustration reverberated through the air as he swung his ax with lightning speed, determined to break the formidable skeleton cage. The clang of metal against bone echoed through the forest, each strike fueled by his unwavering determination to rescue Yora from Grimora and her undead minions.

However, no matter how fiercely Greg attacked, the cage remained unyielding, as if mocking his efforts. Its skeletal bars seemed to be fortified with otherworldly strength, defying his every blow. The frustration burned within him, fueling his rage and urging him to push beyond his limits.

Meanwhile, Grimora stood nearby, her sly smile growing wider with each passing moment. She reveled in the sight of Greg's struggle, delighting in his futile attempts to free Yora. To her, it was a VIP show, a grand spectacle of despair and desperation that she savored with sadistic pleasure.

Her dark portal shimmered ominously behind her.

As Yora's life force dwindled and her HP reached zero, Grimora's wicked laugh once again echoed over the battlefield, mingling with the cacophony of clashing weapons and desperate cries. Grimora, satisfied with her triumph, slowly backed away from the scene, her sinister grin lingering on her face.

The portal behind her shimmered with foreboding energy, ready to swallow her whole and transport her to the Curse Crypts. She knew she had achieved her objective, leaving Mac and the rest of the team.

Grimora vanished into the portal. The ghouls that were once relentless in their pursuit and the skeletal cages that held Yora in their clutches dissipated into thin air. It was as if they had never existed in the first place. The battlefield transformed from a scene of chaos to an empty clearing, devoid of any traces of the battle.

Mac and his team exchanged bewildered glances, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Their bodies were battered and covered in wounds, a testament to the brutal battle they had endured. Though the monsters had vanished, the pain they had inflicted remained.

Greg approached Yora's lifeless body with frustration etched on his face. He knelt down beside her, his hands trembling as he reached out to touch her pale cheek. "Why her? I don't understand," he muttered in disbelief, his voice filled with a mixture of anger and confusion.

Mac, who had followed closely behind Greg, placed a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder. "It's hard to say, Greg," he replied, his voice laced with a tinge of resignation. "But remember, Grimora mentioned that she wanted something from Yora. There must be a reason, even if we don't fully comprehend it yet."

Greg turned to Mac, his eyes searching for answers. "But what could Grimora possibly want from her?" he questioned, his voice filled with genuine bewilderment. "We've been through so many battles together, faced countless enemies, and yet Yora becomes the target of these villains."

Mac shrugged, his expression reflecting a mix of frustration and concern. "It may be related to the game. Sometimes, the mechanics and storyline unfold in ways we can't anticipate. There may be hidden quests, secret objectives, or unique abilities that certain characters possess. We can only speculate until we gather more information."

Player_Eater, who had been observing the conversation from a distance, nodded in agreement.

"For now, let's focus on getting out of here," Mac suggested, his voice filled with determination. "We need to find a place where we can discuss this. I hope we can reassess the situation and try to uncover the motives behind Grimora's actions."

The others nodded in agreement. The battle had taken its toll on all of them, physically and emotionally. It was clear that returning to a safe haven to regroup and strategize would be their best course of action.

Mac waved his hand, summoning his inventory screen to take a Home Crystal. As he was about to reach for it, a sudden voice pierced the air, causing a shiver to run down his spine. He turned his head towards the source, his eyes scanning the dense forest, searching for the mysterious speaker.

"Looks like I'm late for the fun," the male voice echoed. The voice seemed to come from all directions as if the very forest itself had taken on a sinister tone. It was a deep, male voice, laced with an air of confidence and a touch of amusement.

The team tensed, their hands instinctively reaching for their weapons. They knew better than to let their guard down, especially after the relentless battle they had just endured. The forest seemed to hold its breath as if awaiting the appearance of this unexpected intruder.

"You don't mind if I join, right?" the male voice said again.

They immediately recognized his voice. It was the devil emperor!

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