Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives

Chapter 211 The Healer's Jealousy [Part 4]

Villain Ch 211. The Healer's Jealousy [Part 4]

She couldn't tear her gaze away from the two models, her heartache intensifying with every passing moment.

"Allen..." His name escaped her lips in a hushed, melancholic tone, carrying a mix of sadness and bitterness. Sophia's eyes lingered on him, her mind flooded with memories of their encounter at the restaurant. The girl beside him, whose name she didn't know, was etched in her memory as the one who had picked him up.

Jealousy clawed at her from within, a searing fire that threatened to consume her. How could she not feel it? The sight of them together, their bodies entwined in a captivating dance of artistry and emotion, sent waves of longing and despair crashing through her. Their obliviousness to her presence, standing slightly apart from them, only deepened her anguish.

Sophia's mind raced, grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be in the girl's shoes, to have Allen's attention focused solely on her. Her jealousy was fueled by a mixture of longing and insecurity, aching for a connection that seemed just out of her reach.

Her heart sank even further as she witnessed the intense scene unfolding before her. Allen and Vivian faced each other, their bodies seemingly drawn together by an invisible force. Allen's hand rested possessively on the back of Vivian's head, his fingers entangled in her hair, exerting a subtle control over her movements.

Sophia's eyes were drawn to the proximity of their lips, the tantalizing closeness that threatened to bridge the gap between them. Allen's lips hovered dangerously close to Vivian's collarbone, almost grazing her skin in a way that suggested a desire to leave a mark, a hickey, as a symbol of their connection. His eyes, sharp and commanding, stared directly into the camera, exuding an undeniable aura of dominance. A sly smile played upon his lips, hinting at hidden secrets and forbidden desires.

At that moment, Allen's allure was undeniable. The half-unbuttoned shirt he wore only heightened the magnetic pull he exerted, revealing glimpses of his well-defined chest and hinting at the power and sensuality that lay beneath his outward appearance. The pose, with its subtle undertones of dominance and seduction, cast him in an almost vampiric light, a creature of the night who exuded both danger and allure.

Sophia's heart wrenched with conflicting emotions as she watched the chemistry between Allen and Vivian unfold before her eyes.

'No... Get your hands off that girl, Allen. Please…' Sophia's mind screamed in anguish as she watched the scene unfold before her. Her chest felt tight, suffocating her with a mix of jealousy, heartbreak, and resignation.

She desperately wanted to voice her emotions, to cry out and demand that Allen let go of Vivian. But she knew it would be futile. Their relationship had come to an end, and she had no right to claim him anymore. He was free to explore his connections with other women. The realization cut deep, fueling the pain that gripped her heart.

Sophia clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms. She fought back tears, unwilling to display her vulnerability in front of everyone present. It was a battle to maintain her composure, to suppress the storm raging within her. She reminded herself of Allen's words from yesterday, the harsh truth that pierced her soul. Their chapter had closed, and she had to accept it, no matter how much it hurt.

As the photographer gave further directions, Allen and Vivian adjusted their positions, seamlessly transitioning into another dark intimate pose. This time, a prop came into play—a fake gun aimed directly at the camera. The atmosphere grew darker, filled with a sense of danger and mystery.

Sophia could only watch in a mix of awe and pain. Ironically, these poses were her own suggestions, the references she had meticulously chosen and sent via email. It felt like a twisted knife in her heart.

Suddenly, the excitement that had sparked within Sophia dissipated, leaving behind a deep sense of longing and pain. The scene unfolding before her became unbearable, and all she wanted now was to escape from that place as quickly as possible.

Desperate to find solace, Sophia's trembling voice reached out to Mr. Bell, who stood nearby. She leaned in closer, hoping he would understand her distress. "Excuse me," she whispered, her voice laced with a hint of vulnerability. "I... I think I need to use the restroom." Her words quivered, betraying the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. In that dimly lit studio, she could still conceal her pain, at least for a moment.

Mr. Bell leaned in closer to Sophia. "The restroom is just down the hall on your left," he whispered as quietly as possible.

Sophia nodded, her eyes still moist with unshed tears. "Thank you, Mr. Bell," she managed to say, her voice choking with emotion. She turned away, her steps shaky as she hurriedly left the room, desperate to escape the heart-wrenching scene that unfolded before her.

As she made her way down the corridor, Sophia's mind swirled with a tumultuous mix of anger, sadness, and longing. The images of Allen and Vivian, their intimate poses and the way they effortlessly embodied the desired emotions, played on a loop in her mind.

Finally, she reached the restroom, her refuge from the chaos outside. Pushing open the door, she entered the quiet space. Sophia found an empty stall and locked the door behind her.

She took a deep breath, attempting to compose herself as the tears continued to fall. She leaned against the stall wall, her heart heavy with a mix of conflicting emotions. The coolness of the tiled surface offered a fleeting comfort against the turmoil within her.

"He's not yours anymore," she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper. "You shouldn't be jealous," she whispered softly.

She knew she had to accept it, to move on from the shattered remains of their relationship. But the ache in her chest, the deep longing that still lingered, made it difficult to let go completely.

Guilt washed over her as she chastised herself for feeling jealous. She knew it was unreasonable, irrational even. After all, they were no longer together. Allen had made that abundantly clear, and Sophia had no right to stake a claim on him anymore. Yet, her heart rebelled against logic, holding on to the fragments of what once was.

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