Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 270 Crown Prince's And Second Princess's Factions Take Action

As expected, the Crown Prince's faction and the Second Princess's faction wasted no time in reacting to the news of Wang Jian's alleged devil heritage.

Swiftly dispatching their subordinates and powerful experts, they set out to apprehend Wang Jian and his loyal followers.

In the capital, the Crown Prince personally sent an envoy to Emperor Wang, wasting no time in informing his father of the situation.

He urged the Emperor to utilize his personnel and influence to take immediate action against Wang Jian's faction, confiscating their properties and capturing every member involved.

The Crown Prince cared little about the veracity of the news; for him, it was a golden opportunity to weaken Wang Jian's position and seize control of the situation.

He had eyewitnesses from Wang Jian's faction who had defected to his side, providing convincing testimony that fueled his conviction and verified the allegations against Wang Jian.

As the experts from the Crown Prince's and Second Princess's factions arrived at the designated spot, they were met with an unexpected and deadly ambush. The devil forces, well-coordinated and prepared, had been lying in wait, and the unsuspecting experts fell right into their trap.

Under Wang Jian's cunning strategy, his faction had left the battlefield just hours before the arrival of the opposing forces. With no one left to replenish the drained resources that powered the barrier, it eventually faltered, leaving the way open for the devils to breach inside.

However, this was all part of Wang Jian's master plan. They had deliberately left behind the devil forces they had previously captured and imprisoned. These devil forces saw an opportunity to turn the tables on their pursuers.

Armed with knowledge of the situation, the devil forces laid an elaborate trap for the incoming experts of the Crown Prince's and Second Princess's factions.

Hidden in the shadows, they struck swiftly and efficiently, leaving no chance for their enemies to escape.

The battlefield turned into chaos as the ambush unfolded, and the experts from the opposing factions found themselves overwhelmed by the well-coordinated devil forces.

Despite their skills and reputation, they were caught off guard, and their superior numbers meant little against the strategic and tactical prowess of the devils.

Wang Jian's plan had worked flawlessly. By luring his enemies into the devil forces' trap, he had effectively eliminated a significant threat and weakened the Crown Prince's and Second Princess's factions.

Meanwhile, Wang Jian's faction, now safely away from the chaos, continued their journey to find a suitable location to regroup and strategize their next move.

With the revelation of Wang Jian's devil heritage, the members of his faction came to a grim realization.

It would be impossible for them to remain within the Empire any longer.

The Emperor's faction and other Royal Factions would undoubtedly unleash their full influence and power to capture or punish all those associated with Wang Jian.

Cruel punishments awaited his faction for daring to stand by a half-devil like him.

The general populace might even turn against Emperor Wang for not knowing the truth about his seventh son's heritage, and the blame could extend to Wang Jian's mother, Bai Liqin, as well.

Fortunately, Wang Jian had already taken precautions to keep Bai Liqin safe in a concealed location, shielded from the prying eyes of their enemies.

It was a relief that she wouldn't face the wrath of the masses.

To counter the escalating situation and buy time for their escape, Wang Jian proposed a daring plan to his faction. He suggested using the devil forces as a distraction to divert the attention of the Empire's royal factions. By forcing them to focus on neutralizing the devil threat, Wang Jian's faction would have a window of opportunity to plot and execute their move to claim the throne.

His faction was initially taken aback by this audacious plan, shocked that their leader was willing to use such a risky tactic to seize power.

However, as they pondered the idea, many of them recognized that in the tumultuous world of royal politics, it was not uncommon for a prince to vie for the throne against his own father. Such struggles for power were often accompanied by massive battles between factions, and in this case, Wang Jian knew they held a great advantage.

It was revealed through the Empress and the Second Queen that Emperor Wang was gravely injured, a critical detail that could work in their favor. With the Emperor weakened, their chances of success in taking the throne were higher than ever.

Despite the gravity of their plan, Wang Jian's faction saw the logic behind it and the potential rewards it offered. They knew that seizing the throne wouldn't be a walk in the park, but with Wang Jian's strategic mind and their united strength, they believed they had a real shot at success.I think you should take a look at

"We shall face the storm head-on, my comrades," Wang Jian spoke passionately, addressing his loyal followers. "This is our destiny, and we will forge it with our own hands. With the devil forces serving as a diversion, we will create the opportunity we need to challenge the might of the Empire. I promise that I shall ensure that my plan reduces the number of casualties of the Empire. Under my leadership, the Everlasting Mystica Empire's name is going to rise higher than ever. And along with it, your names shall be immortalized as they shall be etched into the annals of history!"

His faction nodded in agreement, embracing their roles in this daring plot. They understood the risks, but they were resolute in their loyalty to Wang Jian and his cause.

After sharing a few drinks with his loyal companions, Wang Jian sought out his beloved women, Chen Yiyan and Hong Meilin, for a heartfelt conversation. Knowing the gravity of the situation, he wanted to hear their thoughts and reassure them about the path they were about to embark on.

In a private setting, away from the presence of their maids or his secret mistresses, Wang Jian sat down with Chen Yiyan and Hong Meilin.

Both women expressed genuine concern and worry about the dangerous implications of his plan to seize the throne from his father.

Chen Yiyan, in particular, voiced her fears, unsure of how events might unfold and what dangers lay ahead for Wang Jian.

Wang Jian patiently listened to their thoughts, understanding their apprehension. He acknowledged the potential risks involved in his ambitious plan but assured them that they had no other viable choice.

The survival of their faction hinged on this bold move, and he was determined to protect them all.

He promised Chen Yiyan that he wouldn't recklessly put himself or anyone dear to him in harm's way. His priority was their safety, and he vowed to be cautious and strategic in every step they took.

Hong Meilin, curious about his devil powers, playfully prodded Wang Jian for answers.

He responded by drawing her close, embracing her tenderly, and teasingly whispering that it was a secret.

His charming smile and playful demeanor only fueled their curiosity.

Chen Yiyan and Hong Meilin teamed up in a playful attempt to get him to reveal his devil abilities.

They used mischievous tactics, like tickling and pinching him, and even offered tempting bribes.

In the midst of their playful banter, Wang Jian's mischievous smirk hinted at his willingness to play along.

As the atmosphere heated up, Wang Jian's arms wrapped around his alluring women, and the three of them succumbed to passion, indulging in a night of intimate pleasure.

The following day, Wang Jian's faction was on the move again, and they were delighted to reunite with Fen Shuying's and Kang Huian's groups. The joy of meeting after being separated on the battlefield was evident on everyone's faces.

Fen Shuying and Kang Huian had initially been headed towards the third part of the battlefield, where Wang Jian's faction was stationed before.

However, Wang Jian, using the 'Telephone' Artifact, had communicated with both of his women in advance. He informed them of his faction's new location, ensuring that their groups wouldn't get caught up in the chaotic situation at the third part of the battlefield.

The communication through the 'Telephone' Artifact had proven invaluable in coordinating their movements and ensuring everyone's safety amidst the turmoil of battle.

Once they had reunited, Wang Jian was eager to spend time with Fen Shuying and Kang Huian. He was genuinely impressed by the results achieved by both their groups. The resources they had looted during their exploits had filled Wang Jian's treasury to the brim, surpassing his expectations. In terms of sheer quantity, it could even rival the Emperor's treasury.

However, Wang Jian knew that the Emperor's treasury still held the advantage in terms of rare and high-quality treasures. Nevertheless, the substantial wealth they had amassed was a testament to their success in battle.

As they exchanged stories of their adventures and triumphs, Wang Jian couldn't help but feel proud of his women and their respective factions. Their camaraderie and cooperation had brought them this far, and he knew that together, they were a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Their discussions soon turned to future plans and strategies.

They needed to use every advantage they had to counter the forces of the Empire and secure their faction's survival and prosperity.

And at this moment, Wang Jian's faction still held his trump card, the Elysian Blossoms Organization led by none other than Fen Shuying's mother, Lady Xia. And this organization was showing its worth at this turbulent time!

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