Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 251 Chaos In The Capital & Liberating Bai Liqin

Over the past two days, Stella had grown curious and a little concerned about Wang Jian's whereabouts. She couldn't seem to find him anywhere in the palace.

When she finally encountered Lady Xia, she couldn't contain her curiosity and asked about Wang Jian's absence.

With an air of calmness, Lady Xia reassured Stella, urging her to remain composed. She explained that Wang Jian's absence was for a significant reason, and he would return soon.

Accepting Lady Xia's explanation, Stella managed to regain her composure. She decided to make the most of the situation by engaging in deep meditation within the confines of her chambers.

While Wang Jian's faction stayed behind in the capital, all other factions were on their way to the battlefield where they planned to fight against those terrifying devils.

As the factions of the Crown Prince, Second Princess, and even the Third Prince set off towards the battlefield, the entire Empire mobilized its forces.

Every sect, religion, and organization recognized the magnitude of the demon threat and sent their most formidable experts to join the fight.

The scale of the demon army was astounding. A single Great Clan of Devils possessed a dominion and population comparable to that of an entire human empire.

With two Great Clans converging on the Empire, the number of demons amassed was nearly doubled.

It was clear that to counter such a formidable force, the combined efforts of all the Empire's experts were required.

The atmosphere was filled with a mix of determination and apprehension as warriors and cultivators prepared themselves for the impending battle.

At that moment, news of Wang Jian's faction remaining in the capital reached the ears of the capital's administration. Alarmed by this development, they wasted no time in relaying the information to the Emperor, knowing the urgency of the situation.

The Emperor's countenance turned grave as he processed the report, struggling to grasp why Wang Jian had yet to embark on his journey to the battlefield. He couldn't help but recall the enigmatic Emperor Realm expert who had aligned with Wang Jian's faction, a figure so formidable that even the Pope and the two Divine Messengers of the Church had been forced to retreat in fear.

In response to this puzzling situation, the Emperor swiftly dispatched a message to Wang Jian's palace, commanding him to proceed immediately to the battlefield.

The weight of the Emperor's orders hung heavily in the air, and Wang Jian sighed, knowing that he could no longer delay his departure.

Failure to comply would undoubtedly result in complications with the Emperor.

However, before leaving the capital, Wang Jian had one final mission to undertake.

Under the cover of darkness, he stealthily infiltrated the Azure Rocks Silent Dungeon, now devoid of its vigilant Emperor Realm overseer.

With the absence of the Emperor Realm expert guarding the Azure Rocks Silent Dungeon, he seized the opportunity to infiltrate it. The purpose of his daring incursion was not limited to freeing his mother alone; he intended to release all the prisoners held within its confines.

Wang Jian was well aware of the chaos and turmoil that would follow once these dangerous criminals were set loose upon the Empire.

This was precisely his intention—to divert the attention and resources of the Emperor's faction towards dealing with the ensuing internal strife.

With his profound insights in the Laws of Space, Wang Jian navigated effortlessly through the concealed entrances of various dungeons scattered near the capital and some other nearby cities.

Despite the formidable detection and defensive barriers surrounding them, his spatial manipulation abilities allowed him to infiltrate these dungeons undetected.

As the prisoners were unleashed from their shackles, a wave of destruction swept through the capital.

Furious at their prolonged captivity, these wicked and vengeful prisoners unleashed their wrath upon the Empire.

Fueled by years of imprisonment, many of these prisoners were associated with rebellion groups, allowing them to quickly regroup and launch devastating attacks on the Empire's precious landmarks.

The once-revered landmarks of the capital now stood in ruins, consumed by flames and the chaos sown by the released prisoners.I think you should take a look at

The Empire now faced the arduous task of capturing and subduing these formidable adversaries while simultaneously contending with the imminent demonic threat.

The Emperor's fury knew no bounds as he received the alarming news of the chaos unleashed by the freed prisoners. His faction was doing its best to apprehend these criminals while also trying to find the perpetrator who had freed them!

Determined to bring order back to the Empire, Emperor Wang mobilized the Royal Guards, an elite force renowned for their exceptional skills and formidable power.

These guards, typically stationed within the Imperial Palace to protect the Emperor and other high-ranking individuals, were now tasked with subduing the wicked criminals, no matter the cost.

Only the leader of the Royal Guard remained at the Emperor's side, his unwavering duty to protect the vulnerable Emperor in this time of crisis.

The Royal Guards, armed with their unmatched prowess, set out on their mission, prepared to bring the chaotic situation under control. Their mandate was clear: capture the prisoners, dead or alive.

The streets of the capital became a battleground as the Royal Guards clashed with the ferocious criminals.

With their superior combat skills and unwavering determination, the guards fought valiantly, their every move calculated to neutralize the threats.

After liberating his mother, Bai Liqin, from the Azure Rocks Silent Dungeon and bringing her back to his palace, Wang Jian wasted no time in outlining her role.

"Mother, I need you to remain in the capital and provide assistance to Su Xian's and Fen Shuying's teams whenever they require it. Additionally, I want you to locate the base of my Third Brother, Wang Chen's faction, and identify all the affiliated organizations," Wang Jian spoke with a sense of gravity.

Bai Liqin's voice turned soft as she addressed her concerns, "My son, your actions have plunged the capital into chaos. It will greatly weaken the Empire, and this vulnerability may become a serious issue when you eventually ascend the throne. Moreover, this internal conflict could potentially tip the scales in favor of the devils, posing a grave danger to our Empire."

Wang Jian met her gaze with unwavering resolve and a cold gleam in his eyes. "I have never placed importance on the throne or the Empire. The Emperor made an enemy out of me the moment he imprisoned you in the Azure Rocks Silent Dungeon. As for the devils, rest assured, I have devised a plan to safeguard our faction from their clutches."

"Very well. But please, take care of yourself on the battlefield. I have a foreboding feeling about it," Bai Liqin expressed her concerns, her voice filled with genuine worry.

Wang Jian arched an eyebrow, contemplating her words. 'Could this uneasy feeling be attributed to her mother's instincts? I should not underestimate it,' he thought to himself.

With a warm smile, Wang Jian held out a small, unassuming grey box, presenting it to Bai Liqin. "Mother, please take hold of this," he said, offering her the Telephone Artifact.

Bai Liqin raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of curiosity and confusion as she inspected the rough-textured, rectangular device made from seemingly common materials. "What is this?" she inquired.

"This is an artifact developed by our faction, Mother. It is known as the Telephone. With this remarkable device, we can communicate regardless of the vast distances between us," Wang Jian explained, his confidence radiating from his smile. He took great pride in his creation.

Bai Liqin was taken aback by his words. "What?! An artifact that allows communication over long distances?! That's unbelievable! And our faction developed it?" she exclaimed, her astonishment evident.

Wang Jian nodded, his smile growing wider. "Indeed. While there are a few refinements and additional features to be added, it already functions as I described. Just remember the codes I will provide you with. By adjusting the dials to match the corresponding numbers, you can communicate with specific individuals who possess this Telephone Artifact. However, we must keep this a closely guarded secret. It would be detrimental if others were to discover that we possess such a valuable artifact."

Bai Liqin held the Telephone device in her hands, her expression solemn as she declared, "You can rest assured that no one will discover the existence of this remarkable artifact!"

A smile played on Wang Jian's lips as he listened to her words, responding with a hint of amusement, "There's no need to be so serious, Mother. Even if others were to learn about it or somehow acquire it, they wouldn't be able to replicate its creation."

Curiosity flickered in Bai Liqin's eyes as she inquired about his departure, "So, when do you plan to leave?"

"Tomorrow. All the affiliated groups of our faction have finally gathered in the nearby town. Even the Lotus Blossom Sect has joined us," Wang Jian explained, his smile growing wider.

Bai Liqin furrowed her brows slightly, a tinge of concern lacing her words, "The Lotus Blossom Sect? Weren't they aligned with your Second Sister Ying's faction? I hope you haven't been swayed by their charm and fallen into their trap. They might be using you."

Maintaining his composure, Wang Jian reassured her with a calm smile, "Don't worry, Mother. That's not the case at all. The Lotus Blossom Sect has officially severed ties with my Second Sister Ying's faction and publicly pledged their allegiance to ours."

Bai Liqin hesitated for a moment before finally responding, "...Alright, if you say so."

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